Axay Thapa, Atin Roy and Subrata Chakraborty,, Adaptive Kriging Metamodel with Error Stability-Based Stopping Criterion for Reliability Analysis of Underground Tunnel., 13th Structural Engineering Convention 2023, VNIT, Nagpur, India, 07-09 Dec 2023., 2023
146. Puja Halder, Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, Energy-Based Seismic performance Assessment of Auto-claved Aerated Concrete Block-Infilled RC Building Structure, 13th Structural Engineering Convention 2023,, 2023
K. Nandy, D. Pandit and S. Chakraborty,, A study of stress profiles in cyclic bending of an elasto-plastic beam,, 67th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(ISTAM) (An Int. Conf. ), IIT Mandi, Dec 14-16, 2022, 2022
Partha Sengupta, Subrata Chakraborty, Model reduction technique for Bayesian model updating of structural parameters using simulated modal data, 1(5), 1403-1412, ASPS Conference Proceedings (edited), 2022
Roy, A., and Chakraborty, S., Sequential sampling for reliability analysis of structures by support vector regression based metamodel., International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics September 4-6, 2020, IIT Kharagpur, 2020
99. Sounak Kabasi and Subrata Chakraborty, Hybrid Response Surface Function Based Metamodeling of Response Approximation for Reliability Analysis, 10-13, 4th Int. Conf. on Reliability, Safety & Hazard, 2019
Atin Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Improved Adaptive Response Surface Method for Reliability Analysis of Structures, 10-13, 4th Int. Conf. on Reliability, Safety & Hazard, 2019
Sounak Kabasi, Subrata Chakraborty, An Efficient Moving Least Squares Based Response Surface Method for Reliability Analysis of Structures, 22-26, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2019
Atin Roy, Subrata Chakraborty, Support Vector Regression Based Metamodel for Reliability Analysis of Structure, 22-26, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2019
Mithu De, Subrata Chakraborty, Nonlinear Seismic Behaviour of Buildings on Hill Slopes, 11th Structural Engineering Convention, 2018
Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Effect of infills on seismic fragility of reinforced concrete framed building, 26-28, 2nd Int Conf on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, 2018
Rahul Ghosh, Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty, Effects of soil structure interaction with infill walls under seismic excitation, 26-28, 2nd Int Conf on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, 2018
Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Seismic fragility analysis of a multi-span simply supported bridge pier located in northeast India, CEC, 2016
Papiya Das (Mondal), Aparna (Dey) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Comparative study on n-z and sma-assisted bearings for structural control against underground blast induced ground motion, ISSS, 2016
Tawhidul Islam, Subrata Chakraborty, Chaitali Ray, An Efficient Response surface method based Finite Element Model Updating of Composite Structures, 31st Indian Engineering Congress, 2016
A. Debnath, S. Chakraborty, Identification of stiffness and damping parameters at element level for Structural Health Monitoring utilizing time domain dynamic response data, 31st Indian Engineering Congress, 2016
S. Mukherjee, S. Ghosh, S. Ghosh,S. Chakraborty, Analytical seismic fragility analysis of existing building frame in the Northeast India, Struct Eng Convention, 2016
S Chakraborty, S K Mishra, Improved Super-elastic Isolation System using a Ferrous based Shape Memory Alloy, Struct Eng Convention, 2016
Shyamal Ghosh, Ramkrishna Manna and Subrata Chakraborty, Metamodelling Based Monte Carlo Simulation for Efficient Seismic Reliability Analysis of Structures, National Conf. on Reliability & Safety Engineering, 2016
Thakur, S.N., Ray, C., and Chakraborty, A Finite Element Based Sensitivity Analysis of Deep and Moderately Thick Cross-Ply Laminated Shell Structure, 10th Structural Engineering Convention, 2016
Somdatta Goswami and Subrata Chakraborty, Adaptive response surface method based efficient monte carlo simulation, 2nd Int Conf on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management, 2016
Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, Robust Design Optimization of Structures under Stochastic Earthquake incorporating Parameter Uncertainty, 28-30, The 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications, 2016
Swarup Ghosh Shyamal Ghosh, Subrata Chakraborty, Generation of Seismic Hazard Curve and Synthetic Ground Motion for the North Eastern Region of India for Performance Based Seismic Risk Assessment, 28-30, The 6th Asia-Pacific Symp on Structural Reliability and Its Applications, 2016
Rama Debbarma; Subrata Chakraborty, stochastic earthquake vibration control of structures using tuned liquid column damper under random uncertain parameters: a reliability based approach, SEC, 2014
Swarup Ghosh, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Non-linear seismic response of structures under recorded, simulated and synthetic accelerograms for North Eastern region of India, 15th SEE, 2014
Prodip Kumar Sarkar, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, An Efficient responses surface method for seismic fragility analysis of existing building frame, 15th SEE, 2014
Subrata Chakraborty, Sesimic vulnerability assessments of existing building -developments and challenges, 29th National Convention of Civil Engineers, 2013
Somdatta Goswami, Shymal Ghosh, Subrata Chakraborty, Adaptive Response Surface Method Based Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation, Int conf on Struct Engg and Mech, 2013
Bijan Kumar Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Reliability based design of TMD system considering system parameter uncertainty in seismic vibration control, Int conf on Struct Engg and Mech, 2013
Rama Debbarma, S Chakraborty, Robust optimum design of liquid column dampers in seismic vibration control, Int conf on advance s in Civil, Struct, Env Engg, 2013
Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, A comparative study on efficient fuzzy structural response analysis, ISTAM, 2013
Subrata Chakraborty and Rama Debbarma, Optimum design of liquid column dampers under uncertainty, Int Conf on Structural Eng and Mech, 2013
Bijan Kumar Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Robust optimum design of tuned mass damper in seismic vibration control of structures under uncertain bounded system parameters, ISEUSAM, 2012
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Ghosh, Reliability Based Design Of Liquid Column Vibration Absorber Under Stochastic Earthquake Load Considering System Parameter Uncertainties, ISEUSAM, 2012
Papiya D. Mondal, Aparna (D.) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Performance of N-Z Base Isolation System For Structures Subject To underground Blast, ISEUSAM, 2012
S Chakraborty, S Bhattacharjya, An improved robust multi-objective optimization of structure characterized with random parameters, 6th Int ASRANet, 2012
Mishra S. K., Chakraborty S, Reliability based design optimization of base isolated structures under random earthquake considering parameter uncertainty, Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Safety and Reliability, 2012
S K Mishra, S Chakraborty, Optimal performance of buildings isolated by Shape-Memory-Alloy-Rubber-Bearing (SMARB) subjected to random earthquakes, ICCMS, 2012
G. Quaranta, S. Chakraborty, and G. C. Marano, Robust design of tuned liquid column dampers under stochastic ground motion considering fuzzy uncertainties, 3rd Int Conf on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011
Marano, GC and S Chakraborty, Evolutionary algorithms for robust design in vibration control with uncertain bounded parameters, 2nd Int. Conf. on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Struct & Environ Engn, 2011
Sudib K. Mishra, Subrata Chakraborty, Reliability of base isolated liquid storage tank under parametric uncertainty subjected to random earthquake, 14th Symp on Earthq Engng, 2010
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Ghosh, Tuned liquid column damper in seismic vibration control of structures under random system parameters, 14th Sympo on Earth Engg., 2010
P. D. (Mondal), A. (D). Ghosh and S. Chakraborty, Control of Underground Blast Induced Vibration of Structures using Fluid Viscous Damper, VETOMAC, 2010
Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty and Saibal Kumar Ghosh, Reliability based design of tuned mass damper under random uncertain parameters, Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials a nd Techniques in Civil Engineering, 2010
Palash Chandra Sam and Subrata Chakraborty, Barc Possibilistic Safety Assessment of Structures under Hybrid Uncertainty, Int Conf on Reliability, Safety and Hazard, 2010
Roy, B K; Debbarma, R; Chakraborty, S, Design of Tuned Mass Damper under Bounded Uncertain Parameters, 148-157, Sustainable Infrastructure - Environment Friendly, Safe and Resource Efficient, 2009
Soumya Bhattacharjya, Subrata Chakraborty, Achintya Halder, A. Reyes-Salazar, A Novel Robust Optimization Method under Limited Uncertainty Information, 10th Int Conf on Structural Safety and Reliability, 2009
Jafar Sadak Ali, Subrata Chakraborty and S.K. Sarkar, Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Structures under wind, Int. Conf on Civil Engng in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges, 2007
Snigdha Saha and S. Chakraborty, Use of stochastic sensitivity in reliability-based structural optimization, Int. Conf on Civil Engng in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges, 2007
S. Ghosh, S Bhattacharya and S. Chakraborty, Mechanics of Steel fibre reinforced composite in flexural shear, Int. Conf on Civil Engng in the New Millennium: Opportunities and Challenges, 2007
B C Chattopadhyay and S. Chakraborty, A rational and economic design procedure for hammer foundation incorporating damping of the supporting soi, 8th Int. conf. on Vibration Problem, 2007
S. Chakraborty and A. Chaudhuri, Structural reliability under generalized nonstationary ground motion, 13th SEE, ISET, 2006
S. Ghosh, S. Bhattacharjya and S. Chakraborty, Mechanics of Steel Fiber Reinforced Composite Under Compression, SEC, 2005
S. Bhattacharjya, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Robustness in Probabilistic Optimization of Structures, SEC, 2005
Subrata Chakraborty, Safety assessment of hybrid uncertain systems characterized by probabilistic and possibilistic parameters, Managing safety: challenges ahead" on theme safety & hazard control, 2005
Subrata Chakraborty and Achintya Haldar, Robust Optimization Under Uncertainty, Int. Conf. on Reliability, Safety and Hazard, 2005
A. Chaudhuri and S. Chakraborty, Integrated reliability evaluation of uncertain structure under nonstationary earthquake, ICOSSAR, 2005
Bhattacharya G., Chowdhury S.S., and Chakraborty, Identification of Dominant Parameters for the Reliability Analysis of Slopes, Proc. of the Indian Geotechnical Conference, 2004
S. Chakraborty and A. Chaudhuri, Stochastic dynamic analysis of structure under generalized fully nonstationary earthquake model, 13th World Conferences on Earthquake, Vancouver, 2004
Subrata Chakraborty, and Gargi Aditya, A new reliability evaluation algorithm for mixed random and uncertain but bounded variables, ICCMS, 2004
Bhattacharya G., Chowdhury S.S., Mukherjee S., and Chakraborty, Reliability Analysis of Earth Slopes - Effects of Deterministic and Probabilistic Models, Proc. of the Int. Conference on Risk Assessment in Site Characterization and Geotechnical Design, 2004
Sajal Roy, Subrata Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Damage detection of plate from modal data, ICTACEM, 2004
Bhattacharya, G., Ojha, S., Jana, D. and Chakraborty, A Direct Search Procedure for Determination of Critical Probabilistic Slip Surfaces for Earth Slopes, Proc. of the Symposium on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, 2003
S. Roy, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Damage Detection of Frame from Modal Data, Smart Materials, Intelligent Structures & System in Civil Engg, 2003
Latifa Sk and S. Chakraborty, Reliability of Random Short Fiber Composite, Structural engineering conf., SEC, 2003
S. Roy, S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Damage Detection of Beam using simulated Free Vibration Data, Structural engineering conf., SEC, 2003
Gargi Aditya and S. Chakraborty, Health Monitoring Of Structures From Simulated Static Data, Structural engineering conf., SEC, 2003
A. Chaudhuri, S. Chakraborty and S.K. Sarkar, Sensitivity evaluation in seismic reliability analysis of structure, Conf. ISET Roorkee, 2002
B. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Response Sensitivity analysis of Soil-Plie System under Random Earthquake, conf. ISET Roorkee, 2002
Gargi Aditya and S. Chakraborty, Nondestructive methods for structural health monitoring: an overview, All India Inter Sc., Tech& Engng College Academic Meet, 2002
G. Bhattachrya, D. Jana, S. Ojha, S. Chakarborty, Search Algorithm for minimum reliability index of earth slopes, 3rd Int. Conf. On Landslides, Slope Stability & the Safety of infrastructures, 2002
S. Chakarborty and S. K. Sarkar, Fully Stochastic Analysis of Structures Subjected to Earthquake, Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, 2002
A. Chaudhuri, S. Chakraborty and B. Bhattacharyya, Sensitivity Analysis Of Structures Subjected To Random Earthquake, Recent Developments in Structural Engg, Proc. Of Structural Engineering Convention, 2001
B. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Perturbation-based stochastic sensitivity of piles subjected to random ground excitation, Int. Conf. on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, 2001
S. Bhattacharya, Sk. Jahangir Hossain and S. Chakrabortry, Artificial Damping by Pile Foundation to control Structural Response due to earthquake, All India Sem. on Lessons for Arch. & Engng.from Recent Indian Earthquake, 2000
B. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis of Structures involving Parametric Uncertainty, Int. Conf. on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, 2000
S. Bhattacharya and S. Chakraborty, Recycled Concrete as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete: An Overview, Int. Seminar on A quest for materials of construction in the 21st century, 1998
S. Chakraborty and S. K. Sarkar, Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of a Curve Beam on Elastic Foundation, Int. Conf. on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, 1998
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, A study on stochastic finite element analysis, Proc. of the Sem. on DMCC, 1996
S. Chakraborty and S. S. Dey, Response of Uncertain System Under Harmonic Loading, Proc. of the Int Seminar on Civil Engineering practices in Twenty-first Century, 1995