

# Display All
1 Shubham Dutta, Subhra Paul and Chaitali Ray, Experimental and numerical study on free vibration analysis of composite laminated shell, ISAMPE National Conference on composites INCCOM-19, Pune, India, 30-31, January, 2025
2 Sijit Das, and Soumya Bhattacharjya,, Physical Programming-based Robust Design Optimization Approach for Offshore Structures under Bounded Uncertainty, International Conference on Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), 24-25th January 2025, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad., 2025
3 Biki Roy, Aviskek Das and Soumya Bhattacharjya, Cable-assisted Retrofitting of Concrete Chimneys Undergoing Support Settlement,, International Conference on Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), January 24-25, 2025, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India, 2025, 2025
4 Debarghya Bose and Soumya Bhattacharjya, Importance of Spiral Bursting Reinforcement Modelling for Post tensioned Anchorage Block of Large Diameter Circular Tank, International Conference on Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), January 24-25, 2025, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India, 2025, 2025
5 Swagato Majumder and Soumya Bhattacharjya, A Computationally Efficient Fragility Analysis Procedure of Tension Leg Platforms, International Conference on Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (SRISTI), January 24-25, 2025, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India, 2025, 2025
6 Saikat Chandra Bakshi, Ankita Pramanik, Gopal Chandra Roy, Eravelli Saicharan, On IoT based Underground Mine Environment Monitoring Systems, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, 2025
7 Mst Sebi Khatun, Pritha Das, Dynamical Behavior of an SIR Epidemic Model with Holling Type III Treatment Function and Media Control, volume 478, Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Biological Phenomena through Modelling: part of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics ((PROMS,volume 478)), 2025
8 Pritha Das, Mst Sebi Khatun & Kiriti Bhusan Mahato, Dynamics of a Stochastic Prey-Predator Model with Allee Effect and Fear Dependent Prey Refuge, 203–209, Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Biological Phenomena through Modelling :Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics ((PROMS,volume 478)), 2025
9 Shovon Raul;TamalPal, DDT-SegNet: Hybrid Video deepfake detection approach using diffusion and temporal convolution, International Symposium on Artificial intelligence and Internet of things(AIIoT), 2025
10 Shouvik Bandyopadhay;TamalPal, SemPix3D:Hybrid approach to generalized 3D aware image synthesis and generation using conditional GAN, International Symposium on Artificial intelligence and Internet of things(AIIoT), 2025
11 Rony Kar, Subhra Paul and Chaitali Ray, Free Vibration analysis of Hybrid Bio-composite laminates- Numerical simulation with experimental verification, 14th Structural Engineering Convention, NIT Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu, India, 12-14 December, 2024
12 Soumen Mitra, The Dynamics of Youth Activism in Contemporary India: Catalysts and Challenges, 13th EuroSEAS Conference at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2024
13 Animesh Kashyap, Subhra Paul and Chaitali Ray, Buckling Analysis of Hybrid Bio-composite plates based on Finite Element Analysis, 69th ISTAM Conference, CHRIST University, Bangalore, India, 19-21, December, 2024
14 Charana G S, K. Raj, R. Mathpal, L. Prince Raj, Detached eddy simulation of flow in a two- dimensional linear aerospike nozzle, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (2024), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2024
15 Sneha Roy and Swarup Kumar Ghosh, Colour-coated steels: mechanical properties, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance, International Conference on Processing of Minerals, Metals and Materials : Beyond Tomorrow (ICPMMM2024), 2024
16 Tanmoy Konar, Aparna Dey Ghosh, Seismic vibration control by deep tank with submerged plate pendulum and cylindrical pendulum, IDD11, 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), 2024
17 Bibhas Nayak and Aritra Ganguly, Model Development and Analysis of a Greenhouse Air-Conditioning System Coupled with a Desiccant-Coated Heat Exchanger and a Dew Point Indirect Evaporative Cooler, 235_IEC72043, 346, 39th Indian Engineering Congress, Kolkata organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), 2024
18 Aparna Dey Ghosh ,Ritesh Gulshan, Tanmoy Konar, Design and performance assessment of friction and viscous dampers for a reinforced concrete building, IDD11, 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), 2024
19 Moumita Pramanik, Konika Das Bhattacharya & Chandan Kumar Chanda , Raju Basak, Modelling and Impact Assessment of Renewable-based Bidirectional Power Flow on the Performance of Distribution Transformers, The Institution of Engineers (India) –Kolkata, 2024
20 Bikramdeb Chakraborty and Partha Bhattacharyya, Beyond Graphene 2D FET based Exhaled-Breath Sensor for Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis, 6th Regional Science and Technology Congress (Region -5), Kalyani University, West Bengal, India, 3rd-4th January , (Outstanding Paper Award), 2024
21 Moumita Pramanik, Sudipta Basu Psal, Arnab Das, H. Samanta, D. Bose,Konika Das Bhattacharya & Chandan Kumar Chanda and Raju Basak, Low-Cost Self-Cleaning System for Efficiency Enhancement of Onboard Smart Nanogrid in Green Transport, 39th Indian Engineering Congress , 20-22nd Dec 2024 organised by Institute of Engineers, India, 2024
22 Ghosh. S., Mukhopadhyay, P., Mitra, S., and Nayak, S., Impact of Disasters in shaping the Vernacular Architecture of Coastal Area, Proceedings, InCorBE 2024: International Conference on Rethinking the Built Environment, Mar 6-8, 2024, School of Fine Arts, Architecture and Fashion Technology, Mizoram University, India., 2024
23 Goswami, A., Nayak, S., and Mukhopadhyay, P., Challenges and Promises in Revival of Tramways: A Case of Kolkata, Proceedings, ENVIROMENT 2024: An International Conference on Environmental Challenges, Opportunities and Sustainable Solutions, Dec 9-11, 2024, Centre for the Environment, Indian Institute of Technolo, 2024
24 Shahid, M. K., Mukhopadhyay, P., Maparu, T. S., and Rajak, R. K., Integrated Riverfront Revitalization and Urban Redevelopment in Howrah Municipal Corporation Area: Issues and Challenges, Proceedings, ENVIROMENT 2024: An International Conference on Environmental Challenges, Opportunities and Sustainable Solutions, Dec 9-11, 2024, Centre for the Environment, Indian Institute of Technolo, 2024
25 Bishakha Biswas, Adarsh Singh, Debasis Mitra, Bappaditya Mandal, Robin Augustine, Brain Hemorrhage Detection Using Antenna System Integrated With Imaging Algorithm, 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2024
26 Chanda S., Das S., Banerjee G. and Sengupta M, Design, Fabrication, Performance Comparison and studies on Buck Converters for determining frequency limits of soft commutation failure, Proc. of ICCECE 2024, 1-7, International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering, ICCECE 2024, February 2024, 2024
27 Dey S., Joarder A., Sengupta M and Dalapati S., Comparative study between Two modes of control on a lab developed BLDC motor prototype, Proc. of ICCECE 2024, 1-7, International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering, ICCECE-2024,February 2024, Kolkata, India., 2024
28 Chakraborty D., Chanda S., Banerjee G.and Sengupta M., On-load parameter estimation of inductors in DC-DC Buck converters, Proc. of ICCECE 2024, International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering, ICCECE-2024,February 2024,, 2024
29 Rajkumar Ghosh , Atin Kumar Mitra, 2024, Unveiling the Hidden Dynamics: A Comprehensive Exploration of the Greater Himalayan Out-of-Sequence Thrust and Active Faults in the Sutlej River Section, India, 1, T9, 37th International Geological Congress (IGC 2024), 2024
30 Soumya Bhattacharjya, Maharnab Kundu, Kiran Pal, An Improved Sustainability Measurement Procedure for Concrete Buildings, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Concrete Construction: Present and Future, IWC 2024, ICI, Kolkata, 18-20 January, 2024, p 392-97., 2024
31 Reeju Bhattacharya, Ronojit Pal, Pritam Paral, Anindita Sengupta, Photometric Invariant Visual Walking Stick Detection in Human-Robot Coexisting Environments: A Stratified Random Sampling Based Approach, International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering(ICCECE), 2024
32 Souvik Sen, Pritam Paul, and Rik Chattopadhyay, Channel prediction and phase correction in a vertical FSO link using Recurrent Neural Network, paper JTu1A.1., in Advanced Photonics Congress 2024, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2024), 2024
33 Kalyan Kumar Moulick, Amit Shiuly, Soumya Bhattacharjya, Compressive Strength and Microstructure Study of Rice Husk Ash Induced Alkali Activated Composites with Blend of GGBS and Bauxite, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Concrete Construction: Present and Future, IWC 2024, ICI, Kolkata, 18-20 January, 2024, p 286-293, 2024
34 S. Sarma, S. Karmakar, R. Kumar, S. Biswas, P. Kumar, Hygroscopicity reduction of AN/KDN oxidizer samples using PMMA as a coating agent, Annual NCAE Symposium 2024, 2024
35 M. Kasyap, D.L. Kavya, P.M.Reddy,A.G. Reddy, and P. Kumar, Conceptual sizing of a hypergolic bi-propellant based low-altitude lightweight liquid rocket engine, SAROD’ 2024, VSSC, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram, 2024
36 Pratik Kumar Das and Anjitha Karangara, First principle investigations on the water budget in olivine phases: Implications towards the behavior of hydrous mantle, EGU General Assembly, 2024
37 Avik Banerjee, Prabagarane N., Santi P. Maity, V. Goutham, RIS aided Residual Energy: PS and TS mode harvesting in cooperative spectrum sensing, Asian Conference on Communication and Networks, IEEE Computer Society, 2024
38 Anjitha Karangara and Pratik Kumar Das, High pressure phase of Magnesiowustite: Implications to the mineralogy of super-Earths, EGU General Assembly, 2024
39 Anuvab Sen, Subhabrata Roy, Ariv Debnath, Gourav Jha and Rahul Ghosh, DE-ViT: State-of-the-art Vision Transformer Model for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease, 30th National Conference on Communications (NCC 2024), 2024
40 Subrata Pan, Santi P. Maity, Iacovos I. Ioannou, Vasos Vassiliou, Krishnendu Adhvaryu, A reinforcement learning based strategy for optimal placement of electric vehicle charging stations in smart city for urban planning, Asian Conference on Communication and Networks, IEEE Computer Society, Thailand, 2024
41 Supriyo Srimani, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Parametric Fault Diagnosis of Analog Circuits using Adaptive Boosting, 717-720, 2024 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2024
42 Sourodeep Kundu, Subham Kumar, Laxmidhar Biswal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Hafizur Rahaman, An Improved Circuit Transformation Technique for Nearest Neighbor Implementation of Quantum Circuits, 1-6, 2024 28th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2024
43 Ayan Pal, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Numerical studies on vetiver root reinforced soil slope subjected to rainfall in the North-Eastern terrain of India, In print, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 19-21 December, MIT Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 2024
44 Tithi Ghosh, Chandan Giri and Surajit Kumar Roy, Enhancing IoT Security with Lightweight Mutual Authentication, 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS-2024) (Accepted for Publication), 2024
45 Rajesh Mondal, Souvik Ghosh, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Seepage Analysis of Conventional Levee and Fly Ash Levee Subjected to Flooding using Different Filter Media, In print, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 19-21 December, MIT Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 2024
46 Amal Mondal, Subhojit Saha, Saptarshi Kundu, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Studies on the performance of geogrid reinforced marginal soil slopes subjected to surcharge loading, In print, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 19-21 December, MIT Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 2024
47 Amal Mondal, Subhojit Saha, Saptarshi Kundu, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Studies on the performance of geogrid reinforced marginal soil slopes subjected to surcharge loading, In print, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 19-21 December 2024, 2024
48 Aritra Ganguly, Mukesh Kumar, Analysis of Different Heating Rates onthe Thermal Degradation of ChlorellaProtothecoides Microalgal BiodieselUsing Thermogravimetric Analysis(TGA), 01, 725-733, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Fluid, Thermal and Energy, 2024
49 Ankush, Bidesh Sengupta, L. Prince Raj, Development of Aircraft Ice Accretion Solver Package Based on OpenFOAM, Annual AeSI CFD Symposium (AeSI CFD 2024), Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, 2024
50 Arnab Paul, Kanak Raj, Pratim Kumar, Joydeep Bhowmik, L. Prince Raj, Computational Study of Spreading Dynamics and Surface Interactions of Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN) Droplets on a Flat Surface, Annual AeSI CFD Symposium (AeSI CFD 2024), Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, 2024
51 Nillohit Mukherjee, Metal oxide semiconductors and functionalized carbon allotropes/compounds as good partners for clean energy generation and storage, Fourth International Conference on Material Science (ICMS2024), 2024
52 Nillohit Mukherjee, Semiconductors and carbon materials as good allies for energy generation and storage, A National Seminar on the Occasion of “National Science Day”, 2024
53 Rajkumar Ghosh, Gorai, S.P., 2024, Holistic Solutions for Overcoming Fluoride Contamination Challenges in West Bengal, India: A Socio-economic Study on Water Quality, Infrastructure, and Community Engagement, 18 (5), 1, International Conference on Surface Water and Ground Water Interactions, 2024
54 Rajkumar Ghosh, 2024, Discovering Earth's Challenge: Insights of Out-of-Sequence Thrusts in Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt, pp. 34, 16th Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies, 2024
55 V. Poddar and S. Das Bit, QoS aware energy efficient call admission control for 5G networks, IEEE INDICON, 2024
56 S. Mukherjee, J, Sengupta and S. Das Bit, An Efficient Multi-objective Task Scheduling in Fog-Cloud Environment, IEEE TENSYMP, 2024
57 Neelam Mishra, Kaushik Das, An Eshelby–Mori–Tanaka-Based Micromechanical Model for Piezoelectric Polymer Composites with Spatially and Randomly-Oriented Inclusions in Orthotropic Matrix, 13 - 26, 8th Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures, ACMFMS 2022, 2024
58 Rajkumar Ghosh, Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay, 2024, Optimal Applications of Solar Energy Systems: Comparative Analysis of Ground-Mounted and Rooftop Solar PV Installations in Drought-Prone and Residential Areas of the Indian Subcontinent, 18 (10), International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2024
59 Zhongguo Xu , Naresh Jha , Syed Mehadi , Santi P. Maity and Mrinal Mandal, Object Detection on Complex Architectural Floor Plans with Efficient Attention Mechanisms, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Security (ICISS 2024), 20-22 December, 2024
60 Sampa Rani Bhadra, Santi P. Maity, Jaya Sil, Enhancement of Alzheimer’s Disease Detection Technique by Fusing Features of Deep Learning and Handcrafted Methods on sMRI Images, International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS 2024),4-6 December, 2024
61 Vinit Sinha, Amal Barman, Neural Network Modelling, Testing, and Simulation Study of an Autonomous Vehicle Using the Udacity Simulator, 2024 4th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), 2024
62 Rakesh Mondal, Surajit Kunar Roy and Chandan Giri, Solar Power Prediction Using Deep Learning Technique, 5th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS-2024), 2024
63 Subhabrata Koley, Computational Modeling and Asymptotic Homogenization on Prepreg based Discontinuous Composites, 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM - 2024), 2024
64 Palak , Aditya Nilesh Dhamne , Joydeep Bhowmik and Nityananda Nandi, Role of Vortex Generators in the Aerodynamic Enhancement of Lift - An Experimental Investigation, 69th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 19-21 December., 2024
65 Aditya Nilesh Dhamne , Palak , Joydeep Bhowmik and Nityananda Nandi, Numerical Analysis on how Vortex Generators help in delaying the stall, 69th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 19-21 December., 2024
66 Saswata Majumdar, Bibhas Chandra Barman and Nityananda Nandi, STUDY ON MORPHOLOGICAL AND MEANDERING CHARACTERISTICS OF BHAGIRATHI-HOOGHLY RIVER SYSTEM, 69th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM),19-21 December, 2024
67 Amit Das, Bibhas Chandra Barman and Nityananda Nandi, A physical model study on bed-load flux prediction in a bifurcated channel, 69th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM),19-21 December , 2024., 2024
68 Shitanshu Patra, Avishake Biswas, Sujai Boddana and Debasish Das*, Statistical and neural network modelling of tensile strength during friction stir welding of aerospace grade Aluminium alloys, 5th International Conference On Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT) SVNIT Surat, Gujrat (28-30 Nov, 2024) [Hybrid Mode], 2024
69 Reetam Mondal and Jayati Dey, Compensation of any Stable Plants with a Fractional Order PI?D? Controller, pp. 13-18, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC 2024), Kolkata, India, 2024
70 Reetam Mondal and Jayati Dey, Different Cascaded Modified Forms of Fractional Order Compensation for Unstable Non-Minimum Phase Systems and Plants with Transport Delay, pp. 7-12, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC 2024), Kolkata, India, 2024
71 Reetam Mondal and Jayati Dey, On Non-Integer Order Internal Model Control of Non-Minimum Phase Systems and Plants with Transport Delay, pp. 37-42, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC 2024), Kolkata, India, 2024
72 Arnab Paul, Kanak Raj, Pratim Kumar, Joydeep Bhowmik, L. Prince Raj, Computational Study of Spreading Dynamics and Surface Interactions of Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN) Droplets on a Flat Surface, Annual AeSI CFD Symposium 2024, 2024
73 Shaw, Tarakeswar and Dasmahapatra, Pratim and Mandal, Bappaditya and Mitra, Debasis and Augustine, Robin, An Efficient Wireless Power Transfer System using Transmission and Reflection Characteristics of Metamaterial, 1--4, 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2024
74 Sneha Roy and Swarup Kumar Ghosh, Corrosion performance of a polyurethane coating on a galvanized steel substrate, 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMM 2024), December 18-19, 2024, JIS University, Kolkata, 2024
75 Shibam Mishra, Indrajit Dey and Swarup Kumar Ghosh, Structure-Property Correlation of a Novel Quenched and Partitioned (Q&P) Steel, 39th Indian Engineering Congress, Organised by IE(I), December 20-22, 2024, Kolkata, 2024
76 S Adhikari, S Datta, M Kule, On Detection of Phishing URLs using Plant Propagation Algorithm, (Accepted and Presented), International Conference on Network Security and Blockchain Technology, 2024
77 B Bhunia, D Dey, M Kule, H Rahaman, International Conference on Cryptography, Network Security and Blockchain technology, (Accepted and Presented), International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Embedded Design (ISED), 2024
78 Atrayee Mishra, Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Dipankar Ghosh, and Mousumi Basu, Generation of Asymmetric Triangular Pulse by A Dispersion and Nonlinearity Engineered Silicon Core Optical Fiber, 632-636, 37th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2024 23rd International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2024
79 Chandan Mandal , Aritra Ganguly, Evaluation and Multi-objective Optimization of a Two-stage Desiccant Cooling (TSDC) System Integrated with Biomass-based Regeneration Unit for Sub-tropical Greenhouse Cooling, Paper ID 635, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference in Mechanical Engineering (INCOM) Mechanical Engineering Department Jadavpur University, 2024
80 Chandan Mandal , Aritra Ganguly, Biomass Regenerated Two-Stage Desiccant Cooling (TSDC) System Used for Greenhouse Farming in Hot and Humid Regions: A Seasonal Performance Study, Paper ID 630, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference in Mechanical Engineering (INCOM) Mechanical Engineering Department Jadavpur University, 2024, 2024
81 Ayona Biswas, Aritra Ganguly, Potential of Solar-Biomass-Based Hybrid Microgrid System in Indian Context, Paper ID 601, 635-638, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference in Mechanical Engineering (INCOM) Mechanical Engineering Department Jadavpur University, 5-6 January, 2024
82 Bishal Dey, Sumit Kumar Pandey, Anindita Sengupta, TLBO optimized LQR based FOPID Controller, Int.Conf. on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control(STPEC), 2024
83 Suman Pramanik, Aritra Ganguly, Performance Analysis of Pressurized SOFC-Based Generation System From An Energy, Exergy, and Economic Viewpoint, Paper ID 615, 675-678, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference in Mechanical Engineering (INCOM) Mechanical Engineering Department Jadavpur University 5-6 January, 2024
84 P.K. Iyer, V.R. Abishraj, A. Ganguly, M.P. Maiya, Experimental investigations of desiccant-coated M-cycle coolers for net-zero air-conditioning, 8th National and 2nd International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning organized by Mechanical Engineering Department IIT Madras, 13-15th March, 2024
85 Somen Adhikary, Ritesh Das, Mousumi Basu, Broadband spectrum generation in Silicon nanocrystal-based dual-slot waveguide, 628, 37th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2024 23rd International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2024
86 S Basu, R Ghoshal, M Kule, Detection of Hardware Trojan in Nanocrossbar-Based Cryptographic Circuit, (Accepted and Presented), International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2024
87 R Das, S Basu, M Kule, A New Technique of Cellular-Automata-Based PUF Design in Nanoscale Crossbar Circuits, (Accepted and Presented), International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2024
88 P Halder, S Sikdar, M Kule, An Improved Cryptanalysis Of Knapsack Cryptosystem Using Dingo Optimizer, (Accepted and Presented), International Conference on Data Electronics and Computing, 2024
89 Varnit Jain, Vidyapati Kumar, Ankita Mistri, Mohit Jain, Amitava Choudhury and Manojit Ghosh, Random Walker based Automated Phase Discrimination and Morphological Insights in Ultra-High Carbon Steel, International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry: Way Towards a Sustainable Economy (ICDABI), 10.1109/ICDABI60145.2023.10629387, 2024
90 S Sikdar, M Kule, A Machine Learning and Nature Inspired Algorithm Based Hybrid Approach for Detection of IOT Attacks, (Accepted and Presented), International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control & Information Technology, 2024
91 S K Mitra, S Chakraborty, M Kule, An Enhanced Network Density based Centrality for Influential Node Detection in Complex Networks, (Accepted and Presented), IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2024
92 Rohan Saha, Bed Prakash Das, Kaushik Das Sharma, Anindita Sengupta, Multizone Thermal Modelling and Temperature Control of Indoor Environment, 15th International IEEE Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technology (ICCCNT), 2024, 2024
93 Supantha Das, Dilip Kumar Maity, Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri, Efficient Priority Assignment Scheme Based On Heuristic Methodology in Low-Rate DoS Affected IoT Network, Accepted for publication in IEEE proc. Computer Communication Control and Information Technology (C3IT), September, 2024
94 Prasenjit Das and Chandan Giri, A Message Digest based Secured APUF Model to Prevent Machine Learning Attacks, Accepted for publication in IEEE proc. Computer Communication Control and Information Technology (C3IT), September, 2024
95 G. Banerjee, A. Kar, D. Chakraborty, S. Chanda and M. Sengupta, Comparative studies of Wire-wound and Planar Transformers in a PSFB Converter for Welding, Proc. of PEDES 2024, PEDES 2024, 2024
96 S. Chanda, G. Banerjee, D. Chakraborty and M. Sengupta, Estimation of parasitic inductances of a two-phase Interleaved Buck Converter with coupled inductors through detailed experiments, Proc. of PEDES 2024, PEDES 2024, 2024
97 G. Banerjee, S. Meti, D. Chakraborty, D. Mandal, S. Chanda , N. Bhat, R. Sai, S.Shivashankar and M. Sengupta, Analysis and Experiments on a lab-fabricated Inductor of improved composite material core in a High Frequency Synchronous Buck Converter, Proc. of PEDES 2024, PEDES 2024, 2024
98 Dey S., Sengupta M. and Dalapati S, Design studies on a scaled prototype of an existing Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding (FSCW) IPM ACMachines, Proc. of IEEE INDICON 2024, IEEE INDICON 2024, 2024
99 Pal S., Rakshit D., Roy D. and Sengupta M, Deformation measurement of a 4-phase Double-sided Axial Flux Switched Reluctance motor with series and parallel terminal Connections, Proc. of IEEE INDICON 2024, IEEE INDICON 2024, 2024
100 Rahaman W., Rakshit D., Roy D. and Sengupta M, Vibration and Deformation studies of a 3-phase SRM, Proc. of IEEE INDICON 2024, IEEE INDICON 2024, 2024
101 Tamaghna Acharya , Abhilash S, Sutanu Ghosh, Tanmoy Chandra, Downlink Rate Coverage Probability Analysis for HAP Assisted Backhauling of Small Cells Using 3GPP 3D Channel Models, 2024 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2024
102 S Dutta, S Chakraborty, M Kule, A Novel Two-Phase Social Network-Based Consensus Mechanism: Opinion Dynamics for Large-Scale Group Decision-Making, (Accepted and Presented), IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2024
103 Maneet Chatterjee, Anuvab Sen, Subhabrata Roy, ExoSpikeNet: A Light Curve Analysis Based Spiking Neural Network for Exoplanet Detection, 2024 IEEE 13th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2024
104 Anuvab Sen, Sujith Sai, Chhandak Mallick, Subhabrata Roy, Udayon Sen, HBO-DEViT: Vision Transformer Based Attention-Guided Evolutionary Architecture for Ship-Iceberg Categorisation in Arctic Sar Images, IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2024
105 Sujith Sai, Anuvab Sen, Chhandak Mallick, Aakash Mallik, Udayon Sen, Mayukhi Paul, Ananya Sutradhar, Subhabrata Roy, QGAPHnet : Quantum Genetic Algorithm Based Hybrid QLSTM Model for Soil Moisture Estimation, IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2024
106 Saha, P., Nayak, S., Mitra, S., Exploring Para-Transit Choice Behaviour in Peri-Urban Areas of Kolkata, India, Technology and Service Innovation in Transportation, 39-46, 28th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 2024
107 Nilay Mallick, Pritam Saha & Sudip Kumar Roy, Transport Sustainability in Extreme Weather Conditions: An Indian Perspective, Irresistible India: A Global Engineering Powerhouse, 116, 39th Indian Engineering Congress, 2024
108 Asit Ghosh & Pritam Saha, Measuring Bitumen Consistency: A Journey through Penetration, Viscosity and Performance Grades, Irresistible India: A Global Engineering Powerhouse, 230-231, 39th Indian Engineering Congress, 2024
109 Ayan Kumar Naskar & Pritam Saha, Can Indigenous Driving Simulators Surpass the Limits of Automated Simulation Trials?, Irresistible India: A Global Engineering Powerhouse, 238, 39th Indian Engineering Congress, 2024
110 Pritam Saha, Sandip Chakraborty & Sudip Kumar Roy, Evaluating the Performance of Cell-Filled Concrete Pavement using Non-Destructive Testing Techniques, Irresistible India: A Global Engineering Powerhouse, 240, 39th Indian Engineering Congress, 2024
111 Maity, Arindam, Bhattacharyya, Bijoy, Mondal, S. C. and Doloi, B., Experimental Investigation into Jet Electrochemical Micromachining for Performance Improvement during Machining of Ti6Al4V, Proceedings in the 13th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro, and Nano Engineering, COPEN 13, at NIT Calicut during December 13-15, 2024, 2024
112 Gangwar Sukhdev, Ghadai, Ranjan Kumar, Mondal Subhas Chandra, and Gupta Mukul, A Comparative Study of MCDM Techniques for Optimizing CVD Process Parameters in SiCN Thin Film Coating Deposition., International Union of Materials Research Society International Conference In Asia (IUMRS-ICA 2024) at UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore December, 2024
113 Shreyas Kumar, Ishita Chaudhury, Bishesa Das, Harshavardhan Siddamala and Anirban Nag, Comprehensive study of the position and orientation workspaces of the 6-RSS parallel manipulator and its experimental validation, 3rd International and 15th National Conference of Industrial Problems on Machines and Mechanisms, 2024
114 S. Dey, A. Joarder, M. Sengupta, S. Dalapati, Comparative study between Two modes of control on a lab developed BLDC motor prototype, IEEE International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (IEEE-ICCECE), 2024
115 D. Dhara, R. Paul, S. Dalapati, An Improved Non-Inverting Integrator Resetting Circuit for One Cycle Control Strategy, 2024 International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (IEEE-ICDCOT), 2024
116 Rajkumar Ghosh, Ananya Mukhopadhyay, 2024., Hidden Chronicles of Snowball Earth: Unveiling the Neoproterozoic Mysteries in outer Lesser Himalayan diamictite of Blaini Formation, 48, National conference on Geosciences for Sustainable World (GSW-2024) March 06-07, 2024 Department of Geophysics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University (IIT BHU), 2024
117 Rajdeep Kundu, Neelbrata Roy, Madhumita Pal, Ashoke Sutradhar, Anindita Sengupta, Evolutionary Algorithm Based Controller Design for Multivariable Coupled Tank System, 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Technology, 2024
118 Subhadeep Pramanik; Budhadeb Biswas; Tanmoy Bir; Abhra Saha; Debabrata Mazumder; Chanchal Majumder, Recycling of Textile dyeing effluent through a Three-Cell Electrodialysis System, 93-96, 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC-2024), 2024
119 Tanmoy Bir, Budhodeb Biswas, Subhadip Pramanik, Abhra Saha, Chanchal Majumder; Debabrata Mazumder, Performance Evaluation of Electrodyialysis for Desalination of Synthetiic Brakish Water, 86-89, 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC-2024), 2024
120 Saraswat Dey, "Chanchal Majumder, A Study on Arsenic Removal Performence by Fe-Cu Mixed Adsorbent, 52-55, 4Th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC 2024), 2024
121 "Budhodeb Biswas, "Tanmoy Bir, "Subhadip Pramanik, " Abhra Saha, "Chanchal Majumder, "Debabrata Mazumder.", Performance Study of Electrodialysis Process for Desalination of Brackish Water from a Dock Area, 83-85, 4Th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC 2024), Civil Engg Dept, Dec.,17-19; 2024, 2024
122 "Soumya Kanta Ray, "Chanchal Majumder.", Modeling and Optimization of Arsenic Removal in Presence of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by Iron Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide (fRGO), 100-101, International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC, 2024), Civil Engineering Department, 17-19 Dec., 2024., 2024
123 'Abhra Saha, 'Subhadip Pramanik,' Tanmoy Bir,' Budhodeb Biswas, 'Debabrata Mazumder,' Chanchal Majumder.,', Quality Improvement of a Pipe Water Supply with high Hardness and Chloride by Electrodialysis Process, 102-104, International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC, 2024), IIEST, Shibpur, Civil Engineering Department, 11-19 Dec., 2024, 2024
124 P.K. Iyer, V.R. Abishraj, A. Ganguly, M.P. Maiya, Experimental investigations of desiccant-coated M-cycle coolers for net-zero air-conditioning, 8th National and 2nd International Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning organized by Mechanical Engineering Department IIT Madras, 13-15th March, 2024
125 Puja Halder, Soumya Bhattacharjya, Subrata Chakraborty, Energy-based seismic performance assessment of three-dimensional asymmetric steel frame considering torsional modes, 69th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) (An international conference), December 19-21, 2024, Department of Mathematics, Bengaluru, India, PA 0128 -1-13, 2024
126 Pundan K Singh; Abhishek Raj; Suman Guha; Pinaki Biswas; C Lakshmana Rao; Cemal Basaran; Rahul K Verma, Experiments & Modeling for Unified Mechanics Theory based Fracture Modeling of Advanced High Strength Steel, 6th Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM), NIT Warangal, July, 2024
127 Kanak Raj, Ankush, Charana G S and L. Prince Raj, Numerical Studies of Interaction Between Liquid Rocket Propellant over the Hot Surfaces, 14th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD 2023), 2023
128 Ankush, Bidesh Sengupta, Satyvir Singh, Kanak Raj, and L. Prince Raj, Effect of bulk viscosity on flow over two side-by-side cylinders, 14th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD 2023), 2023
129 Esmaeil Esmaeilifar, L. Prince Raj and Rho Shin Myong, Key Role of Updating Convective Heat Transfer in CFD Simulations of Aircraft Ice Protection Systems, 14th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD 2023), 2023
130 Shivanshu Kumar, Saikat Mondal, Amalendu Bikash Choudhury, Himadri Sekhar Bhattacharyya, Non-Linear Kalman Filter Based SOC Estimation of a Lithium-Ion Battery Pack considering Cell Balancing, 2023 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies (ICEPE), 2023
131 Subhamoy Das, Amalendu Bikash Choudhury, Tapan Santra, Performance Evaluation of a Permanent Magnetic Fault Current Limiter at Various Supply Voltages, 2023 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies (ICEPE), 2023
132 Kaushik Mondal, Susanta Chaudhuri, Koustuv Debnath, Santhosh K. Singh & Vikas K. Das, Flume Study on Evolution of Bed-Form and Near Bed Flow Dynamics on a Gently Sloping Fine Sand Bed Under the Influence of Pure Waves, I, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Volume 1 (HYDRO 2023), 2023
133 Rajkumar Ghosh, 2023, Earthquake Mitigation: Focus on Out-of-Sequence Thrust of NW Himalaya, pp.101, National workshop on Geodynamics in Himalaya and Disaster Management & AGM of GSI. Organized jointly by Central University of Himachal Pradesh And Geological society of India, Bengaluru, 2023
134 G CG, AS Chakraborty, RS Chakraborty, BA Jose, J Mathew, Diode-Triode Current Mirror Inverter PUF: A Novel Mixed-Signal Low Power Analog PUF, 2023 IEEE 66th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2023
135 Venkat S Iyengar, S Satish Kumar and L Prince Raj, Anti-Icing Solutions for a More Electric Transport Aircraft, 2nd national workshop on Electrical Aircraft and Allied Technologies @CSIR-NAL, 27-28, April 2023, Bengaluru, India., 2023
136 Ashwath Ram Suryanarayanan, Anirban Nag, Sandeep Kumar, SK Saha, Modal analysis of the Stewart platform manipulator: experimentation and Finite element modelling, Advances in Robotics, 2023
137 S Misra, S Dhar, A Sarkar, S Sarkar, AS Chakraborty, S Roy, S Ghosh, Impact of Trap Charge effects on the Performance of 2D material-based FET, IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices Society, 2023
138 Tanmoy Bir, Saptarshi Kundu, and Debabrata Mazumder, Development of a Simplistic Model for the Prediction of Reactive Air Pollutants in the Atmosphere, 1, 199-210, Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control , Proceedings of ATIPC 2022, 2023
139 Shamba Mitra, Debasis Mitra, Souptcik Chanda, Rik Chattopadhyay, Bappaditya Mandal, Robin Augustine, Hip Implant Micromotion monitoring using microwave-photonic hybrid device, 1-4, 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023
140 P. Halder, M. Kule, Security Attacks on Social Networking: A Review, 01-04, International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), Hiroshima, Japan, 2023
141 Arnab Dey, Arpita Dutta, Samit Biswas, WorkoutNet: A Deep Learning Model for the Recognition of Workout Actions from Still Images, 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), 2023
142 Chaudhuri, D., Rahaman, H., Ghosh, T., A Novel Approach to Model and Analyze Wafer–Wafer Hybrid Bonding, Emerging Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1004. Springer, 2023
143 Indrajit Sil, and Partha Bhattacharyya, Point of Care Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis by Detecting the Responsible VOCs in Exhaled Breath using ZnO Homojunction Diode, 8th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC 2023), Kolkata, India, 14th-16th December 2023, 2023
144 Kishore Chandra Misra1, Nimai Chandra Das2, and Soumya Bhattacharjya,, A Dual Response Surface Method (Drsm) - Based Approach Of Probabilistic Fatigue Safety Study Considering Higher Speed And Heavier Axle Load Traffic Regime, Meet of The Institution of Permanent Way Engineers (India) (IPWE) 2022, held on 24th & 25th February 2023 at Kolkata, 2023
145 Bikramdeb Chakraborty and Partha Bhattacharyya, Ppb-level NH3 Sensing Utilizing MoS2 Nanoflowers Towards Developing Exhaled-Breath based Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Diseases, 8th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC 2023), Kolkata, 14th-16th December, (Best poster award (1st place)), 2023
146 Amit Ranjan, Rimi Paul, Rituraj Pandey, Anindita Sengupta, Design of Closed Loop Boost Converter fed Separately Excited DC Motor and its Wavelet based Denoising, International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems (IC3S), 2023
147 Shyamalendu Kandar, Seba Maity, Object-Background Partitioning on Images: A Ratio based Division, ICMC 2023, 2023
148 Pamela Barua, Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Soumen Mitra, Passengers perception on safety and comfort in paratransit: a case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area, West Bengal, India, 1st Vision Zero Summit : A National Conference on Road Safety organised by MANIT, Bhopal in association with Transport Department and PTRI, Government of Madhya Pradesh, 2023
149 H Roy et. al., Convolutional Neural Network based Pneumonia Detection from Chest X-Rays, 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2023
150 Ankita Ray Chowdhury et. al., On Transmission Time of a LoRa Packet in a LoRa-Based IoT System for Underground Environment, 2023 8th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC), 2023
151 Syed Mujibul Islam, Anshuman Vikram and Tanmay Pal, Estimation of Respiratory Rate from Photoplethysmogram Signal Using Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform, 2023 3rd International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Electrical and Electronic Technologies (ICEFEET), 2023
152 Avik Kumar Das et. al., Image transmission in underwater acoustic communication channel using LDPC codes, 2023 8th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC), 2023
153 Banerjee G., Das S., Kar A. and Sengupta M, Studies on Electromagnetic and Thermal Performance of GaN MOSFETs in an Isolated DC-DC converter, Proceedings of NPEC 2023, NPEC - 2023, 2023
154 Das S., Banerjee G. and Sengupta M, Design, Fabrication, Testing and Comparative analysis of different inductors in a high frequency Synchronous Buck Converter, Proc of NPEC 2023, NPEC 2023, 2023
155 Mahapatra A., Seal M. and Sengupta M., An alternative analytical thermal model of a laboratory developed LPMSM prototype with its FEM analysis and experimental validation, Proc of NPEC 2023, NPEC 2023, 2023
156 Maria Rose Francis, Keya Mitra, Soumen Mitra, Integrating Community Participation in Flood Mitigation Planning: Case Study at Kochi, Kerala, India, 51st Urban Affairs Association Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, 2023
157 Arnab Dey, Samit Biswas, Gesture Recognition for ISL-Question Signs in Videos using DCDW-LSTM Attention, 2023 IEEE 5th PhD Colloquium on Emerging Domain Innovation and Technology for Society (PhD EDITS), 2023
158 G Shinde,S Garai,S Shrivastav, N Khutia, Flight Dynamics Modelling and Control of Flexible Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle, Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicle (SAROD 2023), February 09 -11, 2023, Hyderabad, India, 2023
159 Pooja Joshi, Hafizur Rahaman, A comprehensive review on ReRAM-based accelerators for deep learning, 01-05, 2023 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2023
160 Sourodeep Kundu, Shubham Kumar, Hafizur Rahaman, Anirban Bhattacharjee, A 2D-Based Synthesis Strategy for Nearest Neighbor Transformation of Quantum Circuits, 591-614, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems, 2023
161 Puja Halder, Soumya Bhattacharjya, Subrata Chakraborty, Energy-Based Seismic Performance Assessment Of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block-Infilled Rc Building Structure, 13th Structural Engineering Convention, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, 07-09 December 2023, 2023
162 Anuvab Sen, Udayon Sen and Subhabrata Roy, “A Comparative Analysis on Metaheuristic Algorithms Based Vision Transformer Model for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease, 2023 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN 2023), 2023
163 Abhijit Chandra and Subhabrata Roy, On the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease using Naïve Bayes Classifier, 2023 International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering (ICMOCE 2023), 2023
164 Alok Saini, Rajkumar Ghosh, 2023, Optimal uses of rainwater to maintain water level in Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, 17 (3), 1, International Conference on Rainwater Harvesting Systems and Components, 2023
165 Rajkumar Ghosh, Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Ananya Mukhopadhyay, Harendra Nath Bhattacharya, 2023, Recent Developments in E-waste Management in India, 17 (12), 1, International Conference on Waste Management, Goa, India, 2023
166 Das, S., Review of disaster resilience of housing in multi-hazard prone Sundarbans, 6th World Congress on Disaster Management, 2023
167 Majumdar, M, Das, S., Fire Safety Assessment of Public Heritage Building: A Case Study of the National Library Kolkata, 6th World Congress on Disaster Management, 2023
168 Biswas, A, Das, S, De, B, Status Review of Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in India, International Conference on Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development, 2023
169 Piyush K. Samanta, Arpita Dutta, Samit Biswas, SBGAN: Sequential Bengali Word Image Generation Model., Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition. CIPR 2023., 2023
170 Sanhita Dan, Arpan Garai, Samit Biswas, Analyzing Lung Diseases Using CNN from Chest X-ray Images., Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition. CIPR 2023, 2023
171 Srinjoy Gupta, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Analysis of Pile-Reinforced Slopes considering the effects of soil-structure interaction, 1, 338-347, National Seminar on Geotechnics – Recent Advancement in Research and Practice (Geo – RAPP 2023), 04-05 August 2023, Kolkata Chapter of Indian Geotechnical Society, 2023
172 Rimpa Mondal, Sk. Faruque Ahmed, Nillohit Mukherjee, Electrochemically deposited metal oxide thin film for competitive enzymeless detection of neurotransmitters, 4th International Conference on Condensed Matter & Applied Physics, 2023
173 Sayantan Banerjee, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Numerical Analysis on the stability of root-reinforced slopes, 1, 348-359, National Seminar on Geotechnics – Recent Advancement in Research and Practice (Geo – RAPP 2023), 04-05 August 2023, Kolkata Chapter of Indian Geotechnical Society, 2023
174 Ayushi Biswas, Sutapa Das, Bhaskar De, Status Review of Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in India, International Conference on Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development (TISD-2023), 2023
175 Satya Prakash Pandey, Sandip Sarkar and Debashis Pal, Breakup dynamics of a droplet under the combined influence of pressure driven flow and transverse alternating electric field within a microchannel, 5th International and 27th National ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC), Dec 14-17, 2023, IIT Patna, Patna, India, 2023
176 Gupta Aman, De Bhaskar, A systematic Review on Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure in the Indian Subcontinent, Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD)- 8th Edition, 2023
177 A. Das, N. Nandi and B.C. Barman, A Physical Model Study on Bed-Load Flux Prediction in a Bifurcated Channel, Paper code- PA0145, 68th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) held at NIT, Warangal from 7-9 December, 2023., 2023
178 S. Majumder, N. Nandi and B.C. Barman, Study of Morphological Changes in an Alluvial Channel due to Flow Discharge in an Experimental Physical Model, Paper code- PA0113, 68th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) held at NIT, Warangal from 7-9 December, 2023., 2023
179 Sriparna Chowdhury, Prokash Mondal, Sanat Kumar Mazumder, Pritha Das, Kajal De, Role of time dependent Parabolic Demand for deteriorating items and Time Dependent Partial Back order in an EOQ model of seasonal fruits under intuitionistic fuzzy environment., International Journal of Operational Research, 2023
180 Niladri Das, B Sundar Rajan, A Shared Cache Coded Caching Scheme Using Designs and Circuits of Matrices, 2023 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2023
181 D. Chatterjee, R. Roy and A. Sengupta, Comparison of Reinforcement Learning controller with a classical controller for an UAV, pp. 01-05, 2023 Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), 2023
182 Yadav, P., Dey, A., & Sengupta, A, Power system Harmonics estimation using Q adaptive Gaussian sum cubature Kalman filter, pp. 1311-1316, 2023 IEEE 20th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2023
183 Shaw, Tarakeswar and Mandal, Bappaditya and Mitra, Debasis and Rangaiah, Pramod KB and Perez, Mauricio D and Augustine, Robin, Wireless Power Transfer System Design Using Zero-Index Metamaterial for Implantable Medical Devices, 1--5, 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023
184 Mitra, Shamba and Mitra, Debasis and Chanda, Souptcik and Chattopadhyay, Rik and Mandal, Bappaditya and Augustine, Robin, Hip Implant Micromotion monitoring using microwave-photonic hybrid device, 1--4, 2023 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2023
185 Reetam Mondal and Jayati Dey, Fractional Order 2-DOF Control for the Non-Integer and Integer Order Plants, pp.1-6, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), Bhubaneswar, India, 2023
186 Arindam Chakraborty, Reetam Mondal, Tapas Roy and Jayati Dey, Robust De-coupled Periodic Compensation for Continuous Time Multi-Input and Multi-Output System, pp.1-6, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), Bhubaneswar, India, 2023
187 S. Saha, et. al., On Underground Coal Mine Environment Monitoring with LoRa Range Extension, 1-6, 2023 5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Flexible Green Energy Technologies (ICEPE), 2023
188 Avik Kumar Das, Ankita Pramanik, Ankita Ray Chowdhury, L Ramakrishnan, On Improved Performance of Underwater VLC System, 1-6, 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON), 2023
189 Mallick, Siddhartha and Saha, Nitu and Paul, Jayanta and Ganguli, Isha and Debnath, Shantonu and Sil, Jaya, An Efficient Deep Learning Framework for Glaucoma Diagnosis Using Convolution Mixed Transformer Network, 1111--1116, TENCON 2023-2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2023
190 V. Kumar, N. Nandi, R. Kumar and P. Dutta, Numerical Study on Detection of Cavitation in Centrifugal Pump, Paper Id: (Track 3) ICISE-109), International Conference on Integrative Science and Engineering (ICISE) 2023, 2023
191 Tiyas Das; Somen Adhikary; Mousumi Basu, Generation of Broadband Supercontinuum by a So-designed Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Rectangular Buried Waveguide, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 29-31 May 2023, 2023
192 Dey, Samiran and Chakraborti, Tapabrata and Basuchowdhuri, Partha and Mitra, Debasis and Augustine, Robin and Saha, Sanjoy Kumar, MoMSGAN: Mode Collapse based Degradation Agnostic Multi-Scale Super-Resolution of Medical Images, 1--9, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2023
193 Dey, Samiran and Basuchowdhuri, Partha and Mitra, Debasis and Augustine, Robin and Saha, Sanjoy Kumar and Chakraborti, Tapabrata, BliMSR: Blind Degradation Modelling for Generating High-Resolution Medical Images, 64--78, Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, 2023
194 Patel, Shalini and Khatun, Munteha and Sarkar, Subhasish and Mitra, Debasis and Koley, Chaitali, Investigation of an Alternate method for disease detection using a liquid CSRR sensor, 1--6, 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), 2023
195 Atrayee Mishra, Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Dipankar Ghosh, and Mousumi Basu, Triangular Pulse Generation by a Normal Dispersion Silicon Core Single Mode Fiber, FD4.6, Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023 (FiO/LS) © Optica Publishing Group, 2023
196 PK Gautam, M Gutierrez, DY Wibisono, D Majumder, Crack classification during tunneling in scale model testing using acoustic emission, ARMA-2023, 0147, ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2023
197 Sarbani Ghose, Deepak Mishra, Santi P. Maity and George Alexandropoulos, RIS REFLECTION AND PLACEMENT OPTIMISATION FOR UNDERLAY D2D COMMUNICATIONS IN COGNITIVE CELLULAR NETWORKS, IEEE International Conference on Accoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (Accepted), Rhodes Island, Greece, 4-6th June, 2023, 2023
198 DY Wibisono, M Gutierrez, D Majumder, PK Gautam, Development of a Weak But Brittle Analog Sediment Rock for Experimental Study, ARMA-2023, 0800, ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2023
199 DY Wibisono, K Arora, D Majumder, M Gutierrez, Laboratory-scale rockburst physical model testing using a true-triaxial cell, 1124 (1), 012039, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2023
200 Rajkumar Ghosh, 2023, Geothermal Manifestation and Tectonic Interplay: Investigating Hot Springs and Out-of-Sequence Thrusts in Himachal Pradesh, India, pp.75-76, 7th National Geo-Research Scholars Meet On Geosciences: Emerging Methods September 12-14, (abstract accepted in conference), 2023
201 Suman Pramanik, Aritra Ganguly, Mathematical model of pressurized solid Oxide Fuel cell (SOFC) based trigeneration system, Paper ID 8894, 1st International Conference on Science, Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2023) organized by NIT Manipur 17-18 February in Hybrid Mode, 2023
202 Sardar, S., Anand, G., Sah, S., Guha, G., Das, D., Electro-Discharge Machining of Metal Matrix Composites: A Comprehensive Review (Keynote Lecture), Feb. 22-24, 2023, 26, 2nd International Conference on Recent and Advanced Composite Materials (ICRACM 2023), Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, , KTR Campus, Tamil Nadu, Chennai 60, 2023
203 T Adhikari, A K Khan and M Kule, Design of An Application Authentication Framework to Secure Controller Access via Northbound Interface in SDN, (Accepted and Presented), International Conference on Computational Technologies and Electronics (ICCTE), 2023
204 Susmita Das, Sangita Dutta, Susanta Chakraborty, Samit Biswas, Influence of Opinion Formation on Polarization in Social Networks, 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2023
205 A Banerjee, P K Das, R Roy, Seismic response of 3D slender free-standing rigid blocks: Implications of flexible base and site characteristics, Civil Engineering Congress, Haldia Institute of Technology, 2023
206 M. Naskar, M., R. Roy, and S. S. Mayengbam, Response of Vertically Irregular Buildings to Tsunami, 161-168, Recent Advances in Civil Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICSTE 2023 , Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023
207 A Banerjee, C Pradhan R Roy, Dynamics of free-standing rigid blocks: Interpretation of free-vibration characteristics, Structural Engineering Convention, 2023
208 A Acharjya, R Roy, Seismic fragilities for bidirectional shaking accounting for parameter uncertainties, Structural Engineering Convention, 2023
209 C Pradhan, R Roy, Rigid slender blocks with eccentricity: A mathematical model in 3-D, Structural Engineering Convention, 2023
210 146. Puja Halder, Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, Energy-Based Seismic performance Assessment of Auto-claved Aerated Concrete Block-Infilled RC Building Structure, 13th Structural Engineering Convention 2023,, 2023
211 Axay Thapa, Atin Roy and Subrata Chakraborty,, Adaptive Kriging Metamodel with Error Stability-Based Stopping Criterion for Reliability Analysis of Underground Tunnel., 13th Structural Engineering Convention 2023, VNIT, Nagpur, India, 07-09 Dec 2023., 2023
212 Srinjoy Gupta, Saptarshi Kundu, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Optimal location of free head pile as reinforcement in slopes using the finite element method, Theme 6, Landslides and Slope Stability, ID 508, 1-11, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 2023
213 Sayantan Banerjee, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Saptarshi Kundu, Geotechnical Characterization of Soil Reinforced with Vetiver Grass, Theme 17, Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering, ID 507, 1-15, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 2023
214 Sayantan Banerjee, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Saptarshi Kundu, Geotechnical Characterization of Soil Reinforced with Vetiver Grass, Theme 17, Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering, ID 507, 1-15, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 14-16 December 2023, IIT Roorkee, 2023
215 Srinjoy Gupta, Saptarshi Kundu, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, Optimal location of free head pile as reinforcement in slopes using the finite element method, Theme 6, Landslides and Slope Stability, ID 508, 1-11, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 14-16 December 2023, IIT Roorkee, 2023
216 V. Tiwari, Binayak S. Choudhury, T. Som, On Hick’s Contraction Using a Control Function, 419, 13-19, ICNAAO 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2023
217 Binayak S. Choudhury, N. Metiya, S. Kundu, P. Maity, Coupled Fixed Points for Multivalued Feng–Liu-Type Contractions with Application to Nonlinear Integral Equation, 419, 21-30, ICNAAO 2021. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2023
218 Saibal Mishra, Apurba Das, Indrajit Mukherjee, Dynamic Analysis of Functionally Graded Gas Turbine Blade : A Data Driven Model, 2nd International Conference on Recent and Advanced Composite Materials (ICRACM-2023), Tamil Nadu, India, February 22-24, 2023, 2023
219 Loha T, Pal B, Finite element analysis of a porous hip implant: effects of interface characteristics on strain shielding, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing (ICMDM 2023), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, India, 27-28th April, 2023
220 Rajkumar Ghosh, 2023., Water Scarcity in the Gomti Nagar Area under the Impact of Climate Changes and Assessment for Groundwater Management, 17, 9 (1), International Conference on Water Treatment Technologies and Water Pollution, Zurich, Switzerland, September 11-12,, 2023
221 Pradeep K, Pal B, Do the variations in the spinal ligament modelling approach influence the load transfer and ranges of motion in finite element analysis of the intact lumbar spine?, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing (ICMDM 2023), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, India, 27-28th April, 2023
222 Nath S, Mahapatra B, Mahesh PVS, Pal B, Finite Element Analysis of a femoral neck fracture fixation: Effects of interfacial conditions, 1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing (ICMDM 2023), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, India, 27-28th April, 2023
223 Rakesh Mondal, Dipanjan Patra, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Optimizing Solar Power Distribution in Microgrids to Reduce Energy Waste, 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS) (Accepted for publication), 2023
224 Tapobrata Dhar, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Test Vector Generation for Detecting Hardware Trojan using Machine Learning Approaches, 27th Int. Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT) (Accepted for publication), 2023
225 Pradeep Kumar, Indrajit Banerjee, Attack and Anomaly Detection in IIoT Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques, 1-7, ICCCNT 2023, 2023
226 Gaidinlung Kamei, Indrajit Banerjee, Designing of Advanced Machine Learning-Based Predictive Model for Maternal Mortality, 15-29, ICACCP 2023, 2023
227 Rajkumar Ghosh, Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay, 2023., Groundwater Contamination and Fluorosis: A Comprehensive Analysis, 17 (12), 01, International Conference on Groundwater Investigations, Groundwater Information Systems and Geophysical Techniques (abstract accepted in conference), 2023
228 Tanmoy Bir, Saptarshi Kundu and Debabrata Mazumder, Development of a simplistic mathematical model for the prediction of reactive air pollutants in the atmosphere, Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control – Proceedings of ATIPC-2022, 199 - 210, Springer, Switzerland, 2023
229 Penaganti Praveen and Debabrata Mazumder, A simplistic mathematical model for two-stage anaerobic digestion of plastic wastes, Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control – Proceedings of ATIPC-2022, 255 - 268, Springer, Switzerland, 2023
230 Dr. Subir Kumar Sinha and Dr. A.V.N. Murty, The role of Islamic banks in banking operations in Middle East countries (A select study on banking operations in Oman), NICOM 2023, IMNU, Nirma University, 2023
231 Puspendu Ray, Ambarish Ghosh, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, A Guideline of Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing Resting on Reinforced Granular Soil Deposit, Theme 3, Analytical, Physical and Numerical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering, ID 283, 1-10, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 14-16 December 2023, IIT Roorkee, 2023
232 Richa Kumari Kora ; Tamal Pal, A decision based image merging technique for server side redundancy reduction, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition (CIPR), 2023
233 Jyoti ; Tamal Pal, Q-learning based node scheduling technique using data redundancy, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition (CIPR), 2023
234 Subhadip Pramanik and Debabrata Mazumder, Characterization of Construction and Demolition waste through recycling as coarse and fine aggregate in Kolkata Municipal Corporation, 75 - 77, 1st International Conference on Susdtainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM-2023), 2023
235 Penaganti Praveen and Debabrata Mazumder, A study investigating the biodegradation potential of conventional plastics by anaerobic digestion, 81 - 83, 1st International Conference on Susdtainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM-2023), 2023
236 Tanmoy Bir and Debabrata Mazumder, Performance of MBR attached to MBHBR for Suspended Solids Removal in Combined Carbon Oxidation, Nitrification and Denitrification of Wastewater, 84 - 87, 1st International Conference on Susdtainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM-2023), 2023
237 Abhra Saha and Debabrata Mazumder, A novel technique for monitoring of Bio-aerosol in Indoor Air, 91 - 93, 1st International Conference on Susdtainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM-2023), 2023
238 Soumya Kanta Ray; Chanchal Majumder, Effect of Organic Matter on Arsenic Removal: A comparative Study, 101-102, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management, 2023
239 PunamNasrin and Debabrata Mazumder, A study on Biomass Acclimatization for Treatment of Soyabean Oil containing wastewater in HUASB-AFMBBR System, 105 - 106, 1st International Conference on Susdtainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM-2023), 2023
240 Budhodeb Biswas; Chanchal Majumder,, Earthen-pot Membrane Electrodialysis (EPME) for the removal of Reactive REd 141 (RR141) dye from aqueous solution, 69-71, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management, 2023
241 Saraswat Dey; Chanchal Majumder, Arsenic Removal from Water system by Fe-Cu-HP: Predicted by Doehlert Design Matrix, 78-80, In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management, 2023
242 Ayona Biswas, Chandan Bit, Supratim Datta, Subhraneel Paul and Aritra Ganguly, Optimization and Thermo-economic Feasibility Study of Solar-Biomass Based Microgrid System, Paper ID 152, ICERTSD (2nd International Conference on Energy Resources and Technologies for Sustainable Development), 27-28th April, 2023
243 Yadav, P., Ghosh, R., Saini, A., 2023., Rainwater Management in Smart City: Focus in Gomti Nagar Region, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, 17, (7), ICSCTB 2023: International Conference on Smart City, Transportation and Buildings, 2023
244 Chandan Mandal and Aritra Ganguly, Seasonal Analysis of a Biomass Heating Based Two-Stage Desiccant Cooling (TSDC) System Used for Sub-Tropical Greenhouse Cultivation, Paper ID 151, ICERTSD (2nd International Conference on Energy Resources and Technologies for Sustainable Development), 27-28th April, 2023
245 Priyankar Roy, Atanu Banerjee, A Microcontroller Based Battery Charger Prototype using TRIAC AC Voltage Controlling, 5th international conference on Energy Systems, Drives and Automations: ESDA2022, Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata, 31st December, 2022-1st January, 2023
246 Edapha Rhema Jones Chullai , Atanu Banerjee , Pradip Kumar Sadhu, Experimental investigation of a grid-tied high efficiency reversible Pump-turbine energy storage system employing an adjustable BLDC drive, 5th international conference on Energy Systems, Drives and Automations: ESDA2022, Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata, 31st December, 2022-1st January, 2023
247 Edapha Rhema Jones Chullai and Atanu Banerjee, Application of a BDDC bidirectional brushless DC drive on a pump hydro energy storage system, 5th international conference on Energy Systems, Drives and Automations: ESDA2022, Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata, 31st December, 2022-1st January, 2023
248 Bodhisatwa Bhattacharya, Atanu Banerjee, A comparison of STATCOM and modified-UPFC 3-level inverters in renewable energy, 5th international conference on Energy Systems, Drives and Automations: ESDA2022, Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata, 31st December, 2022-1st January, 2023
249 Manish Kurre, Priyankar Roy, Atanu Banerjee, Pradip Kumar Sadhu, Nine level asymmetrical switched capacitor multilevel inverter fed induction heated autoclave system for medical applications, 5th international conference on Energy Systems, Drives and Automations: ESDA2022, Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata, 31st December, 2022-1st January, 2023
250 Subhasis Bandopadhyay, Atanu Bandyopadhyay, Ashoke Mondal , Pradip kumar Sadhu, Harmonic Reduction and Power Quality Improvement in Distributed Power Flow Controller by Space Vector PWM, 5th international conference on Energy Systems, Drives and Automations: ESDA2022, Applied Computer Technology, Kolkata, 31st December, 2022-1st January, 2023
251 Gangwar Sukhdev, Mondal S.C.and Ghadai, Ranjan Kumar, Comparative Analysis of Various MCDM Techniques for the Optimization of W-DLC Coatings for Tool Materials of High Speed Steel and Cemented Carbide, International Conference on Research into Design for a Connected World, 2023
252 Bharat Sai Metta, Mondal S.C. and Kumar, Vikash, Optimization of Battery Tab Interconnects by Micro-TIG Welding using Simulated Annealing Algorithm and RSM, International Conference on Research into Design for a Connected World, 2023
253 Sinha, Ananda Sankar and Mondal, S.C., Experimental investigation and thermal analysis of Titanium alloy(Ti-6Al-4V) in EDM, Proceedings in the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, 2023
254 Kumar, V. and Mondal, S. C, Optimisation of WEDM process parameters using TOPSIS-Taguchi hybrid approach for the development of Fe-based turning tool insert, 4th International Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering, 2023
255 Kumar, Viswajeet and Mondal S.C., Optimisation of WEDM Process Parameters Using Grey-Taguchi Approach for the Development of Turning Tool Insert, 7th International Conference on Production & Industrial Engineering, 2023
256 Saubhik Maulik, Pratyay Konar, Paramita Chattopadhyay, Fusion of Vibration and Current signals for Improved Multi Class Fault Diagnosis of Three Phase Induction Motor, IEEE ASPCON (Accepted), 2023
257 Kumar, Viswajeet and Mondal S.C., Investigation of Mechanical Property and Irregularities of Fe-based Hardfaced Deposit, Proceedings in the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, 2023
258 Subhadeep Kar, Sayanee Das, Paramita Chattopadhyay, Improved Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Load using Neural Architecture Search, IEEE 7th International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering – Recent Advances (CERA 23), Accepted, 2023
259 Pranav Iyer, M.P. Maiya, V.R. Abishraj, A. Ganguly, Numerical investigations of channel-type desiccant-coated evaporative coolers for marine conditions, 26th International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR 2023) Paris 21-25th August, 2023
260 Sayanee Das, Paramita Chattopadhyay, Data-driven Inertia Estimation of Power System using Autoencoder-based Unsupervised Feature Learning, IEEE ASPCON (Accepted), 2023
261 Pranav Kumar Iyer, V.R. Abishraj, A. Ganguly, M.P. Maiya, Cycle time analysis of crossflow and counterflow desiccant coated M-cycle coolers using waste heat from diesel generators, 7th International Conference of Polygeneration, 26th to 28th July, Bali, 2023
262 Arrif IM, Shuib S, Anuar MAM, Shokri AA, Pal B, Aziz I, Design and Finite Element Analysis of Total Knee Replacement for Additive Manufacturing, 2571 (1), 030006 (1-8), AIP Conference Proceedings, 22 June 2023, Proceedings of the World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology (WCOSET) 2021, Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2023
263 Arghya Paul, Anagh Mondal, and Pratim Kumar, Experimental determination of Heat of Combustion values, viscosity, surface tension and density for different Jet fuel and 2-propanol Blending, Modern Research in Aerospace Engineering' 2023, 2023
264 S Sikdar, P Basu, M Kule, Honeypot Deception: A Clever Approach of Web Intrusion Detection and Prevention, 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS 2023), 2023
265 Moumita Pramanik, Tuhin Kumar Barui, Hiranmay Samanta, Konika Das Bhattacharya, Chandan Kumar Chanda, Hiranmay Saha, Onboard Rooftop Solar Charging for Green Transportation in tourism sector, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), 2023
266 Saubhik Maulik, Pratyay Konar, Paramita Chattopadhyay, Stator Current Based Multi-Class Fault Diagnosis of Three Phase Induction Motor using Machine Learning Framework, IEEE CATCON, 2022
267 Partha Pratim Roy, Prashant Kumar , Soumya Bhattacharjya, Optimal Partial Safety Factor Calibration of Structure Considering Series System Failure, 67th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM-2022) -An International Conference 14th 16th December, 2022, IIT Mandi, 2022
268 Soumyabrata Mukherjee, Suvadeep Patra, Santanu Das, Model-Based Study of Coupled Plate-String Vibration Related to Stringed Musical Instruments, 509-522, Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol II. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore., 2022
269 D. Barman, J. Roy, S. Alam, Impact of predator induced fear in a toxic marine environment considering toxin dependent mortality rate, Proceedings of the ICNDA 2022, 721-732, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications: Proceedings of the ICNDA 2022 (International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications 2022), 2022
270 Trisha Barui, Soumen Mitra, Are E-Rickshaws a boon for the operators? - An investigation in a neighbourhood of Howrah City, 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS): International Conference on Urban Green Transitions: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges to be hosted online by the School of Human Settlements at XIM U, 2022
271 Laxmidhar Biswal, Bappaditya Mondal, Anindita Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Efficient quantum implementation of majority-based full adder circuit using clifford+ t-group, 53-63, Artificial Intelligence Driven Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of ISED 2021, 2022
272 Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Soumen Mitra, Do Abutting Land Uses Impact Street Pollution in Context of Green Urban Mobility? — A Case of Adjacent Municipal Area of Kolkata City, 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS): International Conference on Urban Green Transitions: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges to be hosted online by the School of Human Settlements at XIM U,, 2022
273 Nandy, K., Pandit, D. and Chakraborty, S, A study of stress profiles in cyclic bending of an elasto-plastic beam, ISTAM 2022, 2022
274 Soumajit Ghosh, Mitiko Miura-Mattausch, Takahiro Iizuka, Hafizur Rahaman, HJ Mattausch, Operating-condition optimization of MG-MOSFETs for low-voltage application, 97-99, 2022 6th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM), 2022
275 L. Prince Raj, E. Esmaeilifar, H. Jeong, and R. S. Myong, Computational Simulation of Glaze Ice Accretion on a Rotorcraft Engine Intake in Large Supercooled Droplet Icing Conditions, AIAA SciTech Forum, 2022
276 Bappaditya Mondal, Udit Narayana Kar, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Debashri Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, An Online Testing Technique for the Detection of Control Nodes Displacement Faults (CNDF) in Reversible Circuits, 249-261, International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 2022
277 Rakesh Das, Alongbar Wary, Arindam Dey, Raju Hazari, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of Optimum n-bit ALU Using Crossbar Gate, 435-444, International Conference on Data, Electronics and Computing, 2022
278 Supriyo Srimani, Hafizur Rahaman, Testing of analog circuits using statistical and machine learning techniques, 619-626, 2022 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), 2022
279 S Das, G Datta, and S Bhattacharjya, Robust Design Optimization of Telecommunication Tower under extreme load in Dual Response Surface Method, The Fifthth National Conference on Reliability and Safety 2022 (NCRS 2022), March, 10-12, IIT Madras, Chennai, India., 2022
280 Subham Kumar, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Sudip Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, A Novel 2D Mapping Scheme for Nearest Neighbor Design of Quantum Circuits, 210-216, 2022 IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices Society Kolkata Chapter (EDKCON), 2022
281 S Bhattacharjya, K C Misra, M Paul, Importance of enhanced train speed and axle load on fatigue life of 'Sampriti Setu' considering uncertainty, International Technical Seminar on Introduction of Higher Speed and Higher Axle Loads over Existing Indian Railways Network, IPWE 2022, held on 11th and 12th March, 2022, Udaipur , India, 2022
282 Rupam Sardar, Arkapravo Nandi, Aishi Pramanik, Soumen Bhowmick, De Debashis, Sudip Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Artificial Neural Network Design for CMOS NAND Gate Using Sigmoid Function, 99-113, Intelligent Systems and Human Machine Collaboration: Select Proceedings of ICISHMC, 2022
283 Anik Saha, Subhajit Chatterjee, Supriyo Srimani, Tuhina Samanta, Hafizur Rahaman, Multinet Global Routing Algorithm for On-Chip Optical Interconnects to Minimize Optical Signal Loss, 155-170, Emerging Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of EEDCS Workshop Held in Conjunction with ISDCS, 2022
284 Saptarshi Kundu, B.V.S. Viswanadham, Centrifuge Studies on Ground Improvement of Sandy Soil with progress of Dynamic Compaction, 1, Daejeon, South Korea, September 19th to September 23rd, 2022, 10th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2022
285 Laxmidhar Biswal, Niladri Pratap Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Quantum Fault-Tolerant Implementation of a Majority-Based 4-Bit BCD Adder, 33-45, Emerging Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems: Select Proceedings of EEDCS Workshop Held in Conjunction with ISDCS, 2022
286 Chakraborty, A., Datta, P., Majumder, S., Roychowdhury, A., Understanding the combinational effects of design factors of implant-supported fixed-prosthesis on peri- implant bone biomechanical response, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, 10-14 July, 2022
287 N Sharma, J Sengupta and S. Das Bit, SACRIFICE: A Secure Road Condition Monitoring Scheme over Fog-based VANETs, 464-472, 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNET), 2022
288 J. Sengupta, S. Ruj and S. Das Bit, SPRITE: A Scalable Privacy-Preserving and Verifiable Collaborative Learning for Industrial IoT, 1-10, CCGrid 2022 (Type A), 2022
289 Vishal Singh Rawat, Thendiyath Roshni, Michele Palermo, Simone Pagliara, Deep Roy, Investigation of energy attenuation, flow resistance and impending motion of downstream bed material in rock ramps., In Palermo et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures – 9th ISHS, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 24-27 October 2022. (ISBN 978-1-958416-07-5), 2022
290 Rajib Das, Subhasish Das, Michele Palermo, Deep Roy, Simone Pagliara, Scour geometry and dune formation characteristics around customized structure in channels., In Palermo et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures – 9th ISHS, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 24-27 October 2022. (ISBN 978-1-958416-07-5), 2022
291 Deep Roy, Simone Pagliara, Preliminary analysis of the effect of worked wood piles in straight channels., In Palermo et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures – 9th ISHS, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 24-27 October 2022 (ISBN 978-1-958416-07-5), 2022
292 Sourav Ghosh, Samar Jana, "Spectroscopic study of Sm3+ doped tungsten zinc boro-tellurite glass", International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Material Sciences (ACMS - 2022), Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, April 14 -16th, 2022
293 Joydeb Biswas, Samar Jana, "Luminescence characteristics of Dy3+ incorporated phospho-tellurite glass", International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Material Sciences (ACMS - 2022), Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, April 14 -16th, 2022
294 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S, Wind Induced Responses of Corner Modified Irregular Plan Shaped Tall Building, 12th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2022), Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India (Accepted)., 2022
295 S. Nath, A. Dey, P. Das, D. Mohapatra, J. K. Sing and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Application of Soil Sensors for Maximizing Productivity Using IoT Framework, , pp. 220-224, 2022 IEEE VLSI Device Circuit and System (VLSI DCS), 2022
296 Das, D. K., Khatua, A., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Modelling the risk of COVID-19 based on major clinical factors: A fuzzy rule approach, 663-667, International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA-21), 2022
297 Majee, S., Jana, S., Khatua, A., and Kar, T. K., Growth of single species population: A novel approach, 907-915, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications, 2022
298 Munshi Mostafijur Rahaman, Prasun Ghoshal and Chandan Giri, WiZ-BMS: A Hybrid Wireless Network-On-Chip Design With Fully Adaptive Routing, IEEE Intl. Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (ISES), 19th - 21st December 2022, Warangle India, 2022
299 Somen Adhikary, Hemant, Mousumi Basu, “Generation of high-frequency pulse train by designing a buried SOI waveguide”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Photonics (NPS-2022), 2022
300 T Adhikai, M Kule, A K Khan, An ECDH and AES Based Encryption Approach for Prevention of MiTM in SDN Southbound Communication Interface, ICCNT, 2022
301 Bikramdeb Chakraborty and Partha Bhattacharyya, Early Detection of Renal Diseases through PPB Level NH3 Sensing using MoS2, Young Scientist Colloquium 2022 -YSC-2022 (MRSI-Kolkata), Kolkata, India, 16th December, 2022, 2022
302 Sujeet Singh, Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Mousumi Basu, “Semiconductor Core Optical Fibers for the Purpose of Nonlinear Pulse Reshaping”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Photonics (NPS-2022), 2022
303 Indrajit Sil and Partha Bhattacharyya, ZnO Homojunction based Acetone Vapor Sensor for Point of Care Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis through Breath Analysis, Young Scientist Colloquium 2022 -YSC-2022 (MRSI-Kolkata), Kolkata, India, 16th December, 2022, 2022
304 Mousumi Mukherjee and Naim Bajcinca, Bisimulation of strongly autonomous n-D systems, European Control Conference (ECC), London, UK, 2022
305 Hemant, Somen Adhikary, Mousumi Basu, “Generation of Parabolic pulse by nonlinear pulse reshaping inside a Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Waveguide”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Photonics (NPS-2022), 2022
306 Masud Akhtar and Partha Bhattacharyya, Ab-initio Study based Understanding of Pnictogen Trihydrides Adsorption on WS2 Monolayer, 2nd International Conference of IEEE Electron Device Society Kolkata (IEEE EDKCON 2022), Kolkata, India, 26th-27th November 2022, 2022
307 Mousumi Mukherjee, Naim Bajcinca, and Debasattam Pal, Algorithms for specifying initial data for discrete autonomous nD systems, 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Bayreuth, Germany, 2022
308 Hemant, Somen Adhikary, Mousumi Basu, “Designing a Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Waveguide with an aim for studying nonlinear pulse reshaping”, 5th International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems, ISDCS-2022, 2022
309 Bikramdeb Chakraborty, Masud Akhtar and Partha Bhattacharyya, Interpreting Sensing Behavior of MoS2 Nanoflower Based Liquid Phase BTX Sensor Employing DFT Study, 2nd International Conference of IEEE Electron Device Society Kolkata (IEEE EDKCON 2022), Kolkata, India, 26th-27th November 2022, 2022
310 G Das, M Kule, A New Error Correction Technique in Quantum Cryptography using Artificial Neural Networks, 1-5, IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), Kochi, India, 2022
311 Indrajit Sil and Partha Bhattacharyya, ZnO Homojunction based BTX Vapor Sensor Device, 2nd International Conference of IEEE Electron Device Society Kolkata (IEEE EDKCON 2022), Kolkata, India, 26th-27th November, ( Best paper award (2nd place)), 2022
312 Satish Kumar Reddy, Mohammed Sohail, Indrajit Mukherjee, Sankar Kumar Jayaraman, Influence of Higher-Order Blade Modes on Aeroelastic Stability of Transonic Rotor ( Accepted ), National Aerospace Propulsion Conference (NAPC) , December 19-20, 2022
313 Sarada Ghosh, GP Samanta, Improving the Monitoring of Mortality Surveillance by Analyzing Regression Approach, 1412, 833-843, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-6890-6_62, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mathematics and Computing, Springer, 2022
314 R Roy, A Mahajan, C Pradhan, Response of structures to motions with fling step: Does fling matter?, 1 (3), Structural Engineering Convention, 2022
315 Patel, Shalini and Das, Soumyadeep and Mitra, Debasis and Sarkar, Subhasis and Koley, Chaitali, Biological Liquid Monitoring using Microwave Resonator, 1--7, 2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (USRI-RCRS), 2022
316 A Santra, R Roy, Identification of the domain of significance for bidirectional analysis under seismic excitation, In: Saha, S., Sajith, A.S., Sahoo, D.R. and Sarkar, P. (eds), Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 269, Springer, Singapore., 2022
317 A Sengupta, R Roy, Consequences of sequence of motion: Implications of site characteristics, In: Saha, S., Sajith, A.S., Sahoo, D.R. and Sarkar, P. (eds), Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 269, Springer, Singapore., 2022
318 Singh, Adarsh and Gayen, Sreetama and Mitra, Debasis and Basuchowdhuri, Partha and Mandal, Bappaditya and Augustine, Robin, A Wearable Microwave Technique for Early Detection of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), 251--258, International Conference on Sensing Technology, 2022
319 Paul, Jayanta and Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Sil, Jaya, Low-Computation IoT System Framework for Face Recognition Using Deep Learning Algorithm, 24--35, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2022
320 Avik Kumar Das, Ankita Pramanik, Efficient Image Transmission in UWA Channel, 55-61, 2022 IEEE Ocean Engineering Technology and Innovation Conference: Management and Conservation for Sustainable and Resilient Marine and Coastal Resources (OETIC), 2022
321 Paul, Jayanta and Roy, Anuska and Mallick, Siddhartha and Sil, Jaya, A Comparative Study of Deep Learning-Based Face Recognition and Emotion Detection Techniques Using Social Media Customized Cartoon Post, 401--411, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2022
322 Mallick, Siddhartha and Paul, Jayanta and Sengupta, Nandita and Sil, Jaya, Study of Different Transformer based Networks For Glaucoma Detection, 1--6, TENCON 2022-2022 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2022
323 Niladri Das, B Sundar Rajan, Multi-access coded caching schemes from maximal cross resolvable designs, 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2022
324 Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Dipankar Ghosh, Mousumi Basu, Generation of Parabolic Pulse using a Suitably Engineered Chalcogenide Stepindex Fiber, Abs_144_AppScicon22, APPSCICON 22, an Interdisciplinary National Conference,, 2022
325 Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Dipankar Ghosh, Mousumi Basu, Generation of High Repetition Rate Pulse Train by Using a Suitably Designed Silicon Core Optical Fiber, JTu4B.33, Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO/LS) @ Optica Publishing Group, 2022
326 Dey, B.S. , Nath, A. , Patel, A. , Karl, I.N., A contraction theory approach to observer-based controller design for glucose regulation in type 1 diabetes, 85--90, 8th Indian Control Conference, ICC 2022, 2022
327 Anirudh Nath, Rohit Mehta, Raghvendra Gupta, Supreet Singh Bahga, Amit Gupta, Shubhendu Bhasin, A Comparative Study of Observer-Based State-of-Charge Estimation using Single-Particle Model with Electrolyte Dynamics and Equivalent Circuit Model of Lithium-ion Cells, 55(1), 541--546, 7th International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems, ACODS 2022, 2022
328 Swapnil Bhosale, Aritra Ganguly , Pradip Mondal , Swapnil Dhobale, Thermal Model Development and Performance Optimization of a Solar-assisted Absorption-based Cold Storage using the Genetic Algorithm., Paper ID 1044, International Conference on Innovations in Mechanical and Materials Engineering IMME 2022 Organized by MNIT Allahabad in Hybrid Mode 4-6th November, 2022
329 Ayona Biswas, Aritra Ganguly, Performance analysis of solar-biomass-based hybrid microgrid system coupled with EFGT and Organic Rankine Cycle in India, Paper ID 9729, International Conference on Innovations in Mechanical and Materials Engineering IMME 2022 Organized by MNIT Allahabad in Hybrid Mode 4-6th November, 2022
330 Santi P. Maity, Koushik Sinha, Bhabani P. Sinha and Reema Kumari, Reinforcement Learning for Spectrum Prediction and EE Maximization in D2D Communication, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM) , IISC, Bangalore, 11-15th July, 2022, 2022
331 Kinshuk Hazra, A.Ganguly, Mathematical model of a solar based poly-generation system for producing power, cooling and desalination, Paper ID 78, 1st International Conference in Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems (ICFTES 22) organized by NIT Calicut online 9-11th June, 2022
332 Mukesh Kumar, Aritra Ganguly, Effect of different heating rates on the thermal degradation of chlorella protothecoides microalgal biodiesel using TGA, Paper ID 144, 1st International Conference in Fluid, Thermal and Energy Systems (ICFTES 22) organized by NIT Calicut online 9-11th June, 2022
333 Binanda Sengupta and Anantharaman Lakshminarayanan, SERVNET: Path Validation with Authenticated Packet Modification in Service Function Chains, 1-6, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2022
334 J. Sarkar , S. Das, Identifying Long-term Impact of Cyclone Aila on the Sundarbans, Int. Conf. on Climate and Weather-related Extremes (ICCWE 2022), Roorkee, 2022
335 S. Das, Evaluating the Potential of Smart Cities Mission to Promote Net-zero City: A Case of Rajarhat New Town, "LiFE" for Resilience - Case Studies & Best Practices Conference, Virtual by NIDM, India, 2022
336 S. Ghosh and A. Chand, CB-RPL: Coordinator-Based RPL for Energy Efficient Routing Mechanism, 231-236, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), Gandhinagar, December, 2022
337 Shivanshu kumar, HIMADRI BHATTACHARYYA , Amalendu Bikash Choudhury and Chandan Chanda, Capacity Estimation of Lithium-ion Battery with Least Squares Methods, 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP), 2022
338 Subhamoy Das, Amalendu Bikash Choudhury and Tapan Santra, Analysis of Magnetic Fault Current Limiter for Faults Initiating at Different Positions of a Current Waveform, 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Controller and Computing for Smart Power (ICICCSP), 2022
339 Tanushree Das; Arpita Dutta; Samit Biswas;, Summarization of Comic Videos, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition,, 2022
340 A. Mukherjee, A. Sen, K. Bera, R. Ghosh, S. Mondal, S. Chakravarty, S. Sikdar, M. Kule, Detection of Cipher Types Using Machine Learning Techniques, 725, 297-307, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2022
341 P. Halder, A. Mallick, S. Debnath, M. Kule, Machine Learning-Based Phishing Detection in Heterogeneous Information Network, 725, 221-234, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2022
342 Sagarika Sarkar, Amrita Mukherjee, Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Modified Multiloop Finite Dimensional Robust Repetitive Controller for Supply Air Pressure Loop of a Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System, Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control: ICI2C, 2022
343 S. Sikdar, M. Kule, A New Technique of Cipher Type Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks, 725, 1-16, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2022
344 Amrita Mukherjee, Sagarika Sarkar, Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Modified Multiloop Finite Dimensional Robust Repetitive Control for 7 Degrees-of-Freedom Robot Arm, 53-65, Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control, 2022
345 Nilarghya Sarkar, Aparna (Dey) Ghosh, Comparative study on response of jacket platforms under regular waves using Airy’s and Stokes’ fifth-order wave theories, 1, 1741-1747, 12th Structural Engineering Convention-An International Event (SEC 2022), 2022
346 Partha Sengupta, Subrata Chakraborty, Model reduction technique for Bayesian model updating of structural parameters using simulated modal data, 1(5), 1403-1412, ASPS Conference Proceedings (edited), 2022
347 G. Banerjee, A. Kar and M. Sengupta, Design, Fabrication, Testing & Comparative Performance Study of two different WBG Device based High Frequency Synchronous Buck Converters, Proc. of PEDES 2022, PEDES 2022, 2022
348 Pal S., Roy D., Rahaman Md. W. and Sengupta M., Investigations on vibration studies of a 4-phase Double-sided Axial Flux Switched Reluctance Motor with different terminal connections, Proc. of PEDES 2022, 01-06, PEDES 2022, 2022
349 K. Nandy, D. Pandit and S. Chakraborty,, A study of stress profiles in cyclic bending of an elasto-plastic beam,, 67th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(ISTAM) (An Int. Conf. ), IIT Mandi, Dec 14-16, 2022, 2022
350 Susmita Das, Susanta Chakraborty, Perception of United Nations Climate Change Conference in Social Networks, IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2022
351 K. Bhowmik, H. Ambati, N. Khutia, A. Roy Chowdhury, Prediction of Elastic Constants of Spiral MWCNT Reinforced Nanocomposites by Finite Element Analysis, 37, 449–458, In: Maiti D.K. et al. (eds) Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Vol–II, Lect. Notes Mech. Eng., Springer, 2022
352 Satya Prakash Pandey, Sandip Sarkar and Debashis Pal, Study of path selection of a droplet in a symmetric Y-microchannel using a uniform electric field, FMFP2022–4030, 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Dec 14-16, 2022, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2022
353 Chaudhuri A, Mahato PK, Pal B, Comparison of mechanical properties of Ti64 Body-Centred-Cubic (BCC) with Cubic porous scaffolds for orthopedic applications, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2022), Taipei, Taiwan, 10-14 July, 2022
354 Ghosh A, Kundu V, Bhattacharya S, Mondal T, Pal B, Prediction of the Risk of Damage of the Lateral Collateral Ligaments due to Ankle Sprain using OpenSim, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2022), Taipei, Taiwan, 10-14 July, 2022
355 Loha T, Mukherjee K, Pal B, Prediction of Bone Ingrowth into a Porous Hip-Stem Using Mechanoregulatory Algorithm, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2022), Taipei, Taiwan, 10-14 July, 2022
356 Aritra Das, Anirban Nag and Subir Kumar Saha, Degenerate cases in the inverse kinematics problem of a general 6R serial robot, Advances in Robot Kinematics 2022, 2022
357 Chandrakant Navdeti, Indrajit Banerjee, Chandan Giri, Chandrakant Navdeti, Indrajit Banerjee, Chandan Giri, 1-6, INDISCON 2022, 2022
358 Indrajit Banerjee, Efficient Scheduling Algorithm Based on Duty-Cycle for e-Health Monitoring System, 211, CIPR 2022, 2022
359 Indrajit Banerjee, An Evaluative Review on Various Tele-Health Systems Proposed in COVID Phase, 201, CIPR 2022, 2022
360 Tanima Bhowmik, Rohan Mojumder, Dibyendu Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, A Duty-Cycle Based Scheduling Algorithm for Energy Efficient e-Health System, 954-958, GlobConET 2022, 2022
361 Tanima Bhowmik, Rohan Mojumder, Dibyendu Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, An Evaluative Review on Various Tele-Health Systems Proposed in COVID Phase, 201-210, ICCIPR 2022, 2022
362 Tanima Bhowmik, Rohan Mojumder, Dibyendu Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Efficient scheduling algorithm based on duty-cycle for e-health monitoring system, 211-220, ICCIPR 2022, 2022
363 Tanima Bhowmik, Rohan Mojumder, Dibyendu Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, IoT based smart home-health monitoring system using dempster-shafer evidence theory for pandemic situation, 260-265, ICDCN 2022, 2022
364 Bishal Dey, Sumit Kr Pandey, Anindita Sengupta, Robust Optimal PI Lamda Dµ Controller for Controlling Cart Inverted Pendulum System, IEEE International Conference on Current Development on Engineering and Technology(CCET), 2022
365 Penaganti Praveen and Debabrata Mazumder, Development of a Mathematical Model for Two-stage Anaerobic Digestion of Polymer Materials, 84 - 86, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC-2022), 2022
366 Tanmoy Bir , Saptarshi Kundu and Debabrata Mazumder, Development of a mathematical model for the prediction of reactive pollutants in the atmosphere, 90 - 92, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC-2022), 2022
367 P. K. Pal, M. Kule, A New Approach to Pharmaceutical Product Verification Using Barcode and QR Code, 690, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS), 2022
368 S. Basu, M. Kule, On Detection of Hardware Trojan in Memristive Nanocrossbar-Based Circuits, 690, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS), 2022
369 S. Sikdar, J. Biswas, M. Kule, Cryptanalysis of Markle Hellman Knapsack Cipher Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm, 690, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS), 2022
370 S. Sikdar, M. Kule, Recent Trends in Cryptanalysis Techniques: A Review, 690, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS), 2022
371 Amit Mishra; Anshul Faye; Suman Guha, Experimental and computation study of dual phase (DP) steel to predict hole expansion ratio (HER) Size Effect in metal, 13th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, IIT Madras, India, 2022
372 Pal S. and Sengupta M.,, FEM analysis and experiments of a Double-sided Axial Flux Switched Reluctance Motor for two alternative phase winding terminal connections, Proc. of IEEE-SPICES 2022, 418-424, IEEE-SPICES 2022, 2022
373 Das. S, Roy D. and Sengupta M.,, Detailed FEM-based Analysis of Vibration in a 3-phase Switched Reluctance Motor and its Experimental Validation, Proc. of the IEEE-SPICES 2022, 525-530, IEEE-SPICES 2022, 2022
374 Dey A., Ghosh K., Kar A., Sengupta M., Design, Fabrication, Analysis and Testing of a Planar Inductor on a High Frequency Buck Converter using SiC Device, Proc. of the IEEE-SPICES 2022, IEEE-SPICES 2022, 2022
375 Pal S. and Sengupta M, Performance comparison of two soft starting schemes of Power converter for a Switched Reluctance Motor lab prototype, Proc. of IEEE-IAS GlobConET 2022, IEEE-IAS GlobConET 2022, 2022
376 Subham Mukherjee, Aritra Ganguly, Mathematical model of a power plant incorporating solar Parabolic Trough Collectors integrated with a Kalina Cycle, Accepted for publication, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Informatics and Management (Online) organized by NIT Raipur, 2022
377 PVSS Chaitanya, Udaysai Bothsa, Jawahar Thoppan B, Guru vardhan Madhupada, Aritra Ganguly, Thermal model development and performance analysis of a grid interactive solar chimney powerplant, Accepted for publication, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Informatics and Management (Online) organized by NIT Raipur, 2022
378 66. G. Banerjee, A. Dey, A. Kar and M. Sengupta, Current Mode Control of Interleaved Synchronous Buck Converter with Coupled Inductor, 2022 IEEE 1st Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference ; ONCON 2022, 2022
379 Sumit Kumar Ghosh, Piyas Mallick, Subhajit Biswas, Rahul Dorai, Aritra Ganguly, Mathematical model development of a grid interactive system incorporating a solar Parabolic Trough Collector integrated with an accumulator system, Accepted for publication, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Informatics and Management (Online) organized by NIT Raipur, 2022
380 P Roy, M Kurre and A Bandyopadhyay, GH-reference frame based SVPWM controlled T-type NPC inverter fed PMSM drive for Electric Vehicle applications, 1-6, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) , MNIT Jaipur during 14th -17th December, 2022
381 Hari Charan N , A Bandyopadhay, A Single-Stage Boost-Type Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter, 1-6, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) , MNIT Jaipur during 14th -17th December, 2022
382 S Das, BIM in achieving energy efficiency in small projects, V Int. Conf. BIM in Const. & Arch. (BIMAC 2022), St. Petersberg, 2022
383 A Narendr, S Anand, BH Aithal, S. Das, An experimental approach for developing a building damage matrix for the flood-affected vernacular housing typology, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 2022
384 A. Das, N. Nandi and B.C. Barman, Comparative study of the scaling of sediment transport in a bifurcated channel with reference to the river Kangsabati, Paper code- PA0102(FM9), 67th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 2022
385 S. Majumder, N. Nandi and B.C. Barman, Physical Model Study of Alluvial Bend Channel with and without Structural Measures, Paper code- PA0151(FM9), 67th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 2022
386 S. Das, D. Dhara, and S. Dalapati, Improved One Cycle Control Strategy to Eliminate Steady State Error in Buck Regulators, in Conf. Rec. 2022 IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON), 25th – 27th November, 2022, NIT Delhi. DOI: 10.1109/PIICON56320.2022.10045192, 2022
387 Ananya Paul and Sulata Mitra, Application of DRL in Transformer Net-work for Traffic Signal Management using Fog Computing in ITS, 464-469, International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies(CSNT), IEEE, 2022
388 D. Chatterjee, R. Dutta and S. Dalapati, Inherent Dead-Time Distortion Compensation Feature of Conventional One-Cycle Control in Single Phase PWM VSI, Conf. Rec. 2022 IEEE 1st Industrial Electronics Society Annual On-Line Conference (ONCON), 09th – 11th December, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ONCON56984.2022.10126941, 2022
389 Paul, J., Bhowmick, R. S., & Sil, J, Low-Computation IoT System Framework for Face Recognition Using Deep Learning Algorithm., (pp. 24-35)., In International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition Springer, Singapore., 2022
390 Soumen Roy, Sandipan Nath Thakur, C. Ajeesh and Chaitali Ray, Free Vibration Study of Laminated Composite Shell with Varying Cut-Outs, Vol II, 1-13, Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, 2022
391 Soumen Roy, Subham Patra, Sandipan Nath Thakur & Chaitali Ray, A Comparative Study on Free Vibration of Hybrid Laminated Composite Shells, Vol-I, 111-120, Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, 2022
392 Moumita Pramanik; Uttiya Roy; Konika Das Bhattacharya; Chandan Kumar Chanda, Effects of X/R on the Power Dynamics of a Rural Distribution System and the economic implications, 2022 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 10-11th December 2022, 2022
393 Das, D., Wear Behaviour of Commercial Steels under Different Heat Treatment Conditions (Invited Lecture), Organized by R&D, TATA Steel Limited, Jamshedpur, January 27, 2021, Workshop on Wear Resistant Steels for L&E Segments: Current and Future Aspects, 2021
394 Rajat Subhra Bhowmick, Isha Ganguli, Jayanta Paul, Jaya Sil, Effectiveness of Decoder Transformer Network in breaking Low-resource Real-time text Captcha System, 287-290, CW 2021, 2021
395 Nandini Das; Tamal Pal, A technique for optimum distribution of watermark in a document image, International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC), 2021
396 Saswata Majumdar, Dr. Nityananda Nandi, Dr. B.C. Barman, Experimental study on some aspects of Meandering Behaviour on an Alluvial river, Paper code-FM9, 66th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 2021
397 Pranab Roy, Arko Dutt, Hafizur Rahaman, 3-D IC: An Overview of Technologies, Design Methodology, and Test Strategies, 859-871, Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems: COMSYS 2020, 2021
398 Laxmidhar Biswal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Sudip Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Fault-Tolerant Implementation of Quantum Arithmetic and Logical Unit (QALU) Using Clifford+T-Group, 833-844, Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems: COMSYS 2020, 2021
399 Mukherjee S and M Roy, History, Memory and Forgetting in Ismail Kadare’s The Palace of Dreams, 18-22, New Challenges to Linguistics, Teaching practices, Translation and Cultural Horizons: Outstanding Selected Papers, Conference, Organized by University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” Faculty of Human Science, 2021
400 Supriyo Srimani, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Neural network based indirect estimation of functional parameters of amplifier by extracting features from wavelet transform, 310-315, 2021 34th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2021 20th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2021
401 Roy M, Agatha Christie and the Mystery of Shyness,, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on New Findings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
402 Koustav Dey, Malay Kule, Hafizur Rahaman, PUF based hardware security: A review, 1-6, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021
403 Santasri Giri Tunga, Subhajit Das, Hafizur Rahaman, A brief review of recent studies on performance improvement of graphene nanoribbon interconnect, 1-6, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021
404 Pal, S., Bhaduri, E., & Maparu, T. S., A framework for prioritizing key transport accessibility indicators on urban housing price, 12th Research Symposium on Urban Transport as part of the 14th Urban Mobility India Conference cum Exhibition 2021: UMI-RS 2021, 2021
405 Urbashi Basumata, Annapurna Mondal, Subhajit Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of two-stage fully-differential driver in SAR ADC with indirect feedback compensation technique, 1-5, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021
406 Bramh Dev Singh, Sourav Naskar, Subhajit Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Modelling, Analysis and Optimization of a 4th Order Delta-Sigma ADC and its Non-Idealities for Audio Codec Applications Achieving Dynamic Range Above 100dB, 1-6, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021
407 Pooja Joshi, Hafizur Rahaman, Complementary Memresistive Switch Based Realization of Delay and Toggle Flip-Flop, 335-339, 2021 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2021
408 Lopamudra Banerjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Computational analysis of doped (10, 0) MoS2 ANR metal junction by Schottky Barrier height modulation, 148-151, 2021 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2021
409 Anirban Bhattacharjee, Hafizur Rahaman, An efficient 2d mapping of quantum circuits to nearest neighbor designs, 53-58, 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), 2021
410 Rajib Majumdar, Abhishek Rai, Paramita Chattopadhyay, Inpact of Renewable Energy Penetration in PMU Based Grid Event Detection Using Machine Learning Framework, 9th International Conference on Power System - ICPS 2021, 2021
411 Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Soumen Mitra, Planning for Green Urban Mobility : a case of North Dum Dum Municipality, West Bengal, India, International Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility: Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Countries organized by ITPI, West Bengal Regional Chapter, 2021
412 Mallick M.,Chakrabarty A., Khutia A., Genetic algorithm based design optimization of crashworthy honeycomb sandwiched panels of AA7075-T651 aluminium alloy for aerospace applications, 1st International Conference on Materials Science and Mathematics for Advanced Technology (MSMAT 2021), Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, 10 November 2021, 2021
413 103. Piri J., Sengupta M., Bandyopadhyay G., A Voltage Source Inverter based Hardware Emulator to Realise Low Frequency Electromechanical Oscillations in Power Systems, NPEC 2021, 01-06, 10th National Power Electronics Conference NPEC-2021, 2021
414 104. Paitandi S., Dey S., Mukherjee P., Sengupta M., Investigations on losses and temperature rise in PMAC machines with distributed and concentrated windings and different rotor locations, NPEC 2021, 01-06, 10th National Power Electronics Conference NPEC-2021, 2021
415 105. Kar A., Manna S., Banerjee G. , Sengupta M, Design, Analysis, Fabrication & Testing of SiC Device based High Frequency Synchronous DC-DC Converters, NPEC 2021, 01-06, 10th National Power Electronics Conference NPEC-2021, 2021
416 Kar A.., Manna S., Sengupta M., Banerjee G.,, Design, Fabrication and Testing of gate driver and Double Pulse Test board for SiC MOSFETs, NPEC 2021, 01-06, Proc. Of the 10th National Power Electronics Conference NPEC-2021, 2021
417 Sengupta S., Dey S., Roy D., Sengupta M.,, Real Time Simulation of a Switched Reluctance Motor on a Miniature Full Spectrum Simulator, NPEC 2021, 01-06, Proc. Of the 10th National Power Electronics Conference NPEC-2021, 2021
418 Dola Gupta, Sayori Biswas, Ankita Pramanik, Aditi Chatterjee, Palaniandavar Venkateswaran, An IOT Based Building Occupancy Estimation Using SIMCA and KNN as Classification Models, Springer, Singapore, 564-573, International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology, 2021
419 Nandy, S., Sekhar, A.P., Bakkar, M.A., Ray, K.K., Das, D., Role of microstructural evolution during low cycle fatigue of AA6063 alloy, CF-8, 33, 8th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction (CF-8), 2021
420 Simone Pagliara, Deep Roy, Comparison of pressure distribution in 2D and 3D jet-driven scour processes., In Proceedings of the 8th IAHR International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS) 2021, Galway, Ireland, 5-8 July 2021., 2021
421 Deep Roy, Simone Pagliara, Scour downstream of log-frame structures in the presence of rigid vegetation., In Proceedings of the 8th IAHR International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IJREWHS) 2021, Galway, Ireland, 5-8 July 2021, 2021
422 Abhijit Chandra and Subhabrata Roy, Difference Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Z-test based Study, 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing & Communication (AESPC-2021), 2021
423 Abhijit Chandra and Subhabrata Roy, On the Detection of Alzheimer’s disease using Support Vector Machine Based Majority Voter Classifier, 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2021), 2021
424 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S.,, Influence of Interfered Square Buildings on Wind Responses of U Shaped Tall Building, International Conference on Structures, Material and Construction (ICSMC 2021), Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, India, November 12 - 13, 2021., 2021
425 Sidhanta Mohanty, Anindita Sengupta, Decentralized Control of Multi-Input Multi-Output Processes Using Effective Transfer Function Method, 160-165, 2021 IEEE Second International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI), 2021
426 Bhattacharya, S., Dalui, S. K. (2021), Effect of Side Ratio on V Plan Shaped High-Rise Building Under Wind Excitation, International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON’21), Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT), Angamaly, India, May 12-15, 2021
427 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S.,, Influence of Side Ratio on Wind Induced Responses of U Plan Shape Tall Building, 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (ICRACE 2021), National Institute of Technology Silchar, India, September 17 - 19, 2021, 2021
428 Souvik Pramanik, Anindita Sengupta, Neelbrata Roy, PID Flow-Level Control Tuned by Genetic Algorithm and Harmony Search Algorithm, 172-177, 2021 IEEE Second International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI), 2021
429 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S.,, Wind Effect on Closely Spaced Rectangular Tall Buildings of U Shape Geometrical Pattern, International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON 2021), Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT), Kerala, India, May 12 - 15, 2021, 2021
430 R Paul, A Sengupta, Fractional Order Intelligent Controller for Single Tank Liquid Level System, 24-29, 2021 IEEE Second International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI), 2021
431 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S.,, Wind Response Evaluation of Limb-Shifted U-Shaped Building Using CFD, 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC 2021), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India, March 02 - 05, 2021., 2021
432 S. Ghosh, A. Jana, A. K. Agnihotri, S. Kundu, D. Das and Subir Kumar Sarkar, DC and Analog/RF Performance Comparison of Renovated GAA JLFET Structures, 80-84, VLSI DCS, 2021
433 Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Srinjoy Chatterjee, Oishila Bandyopadhyay, Arindam Biswas, Detection of Malaria Parasites in Thin Blood Smears Using CNN-Based Approach, 19-27, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2021
434 S. Nath, A. Shankar, R. Sarkar, S. Banerjee, J. K. Sing, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Minimizing Wirelength with Bend Reduction using Gradient Descent PSO Hybrid in VLSI Global Routing, 401-405, Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2021
435 Sk. Faruque Ahmed, Mohibul Khan, and Nillohit Mukherjee, Effect of Electrode Distance on the Electron Field Emission Property for CdS Nanofibers, AIP Conference Proceedings 2369, 020090 (2021), 2021
436 D. Sen, P. Saha, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Analysis of Dual Metal Gate Engineered SiGe/Si TFET based Biosensor: A Dielectric Modulation Approach, 421-424, Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2021
437 Das. A, Pal S, Su Z, Rout M, Inaba K, Karmakar A, Natural frequency and resonance study of FGM turbo-machinery blade using campbell diagram, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference 2021, 2021
438 Rivu Chakraborty, Ankita Pramanik, Deep Learning-Based Automated Detection of Age-Related Macular Degeneration from Retinal Fundus Images, 433-441, Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems, 2021
439 Das, D., Role of Microstructure on Wear Rate Transitions in Tool Steel (Invited Lecture), December 2-4, 2021, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Mechanical Characterization, ICAMMC 2021, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 2021
440 Vivek PG, Saha A, Das A, Inaba K, Karmakar A, Stiffness analysis of delaminated composite beams using roller clamps, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference 2021, 2021
441 Avik Kumar Das, Ankita Pramanik, A Survey Report on Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation of MIMO-OFDM System, 745-753, Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems, 2021
442 Das. A, Pal S, Agarwal G, Inaba K, Sinha TD, Karmakar A, A Study on Low Velocity Impact Behaviour of Functionally Graded Sandwich Conical Shell Under Thermal Environment, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference 2021, 2021
443 Aramita De Das, Ankita Pramanik, Evolution of E-Sensing Technology, 565-577, Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems, 2021
444 Su Z, Inaba K, Karmakar A, Das. A, Characterization of mechanical property of plaabs functionally graded material fabricated by fused deposition modeling, ASME Gas Turbine India Conference 2021, 2021
445 Su Z, Inaba K, Karmakar A and Das A, Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of Thermal Striping in a T Junction Pipe Made of Functionally Graded Material, 6th International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, King Saud University, KSA, Daemyung Resort Jeju, South Korea, 2021
446 Rohit Paul, Somnath Pal, VarDenGrid: A New Variable-Density Clustering Algorithm with Grid- Based Initialization, 18th IEEE India Council Annual International Conference, IIT, Guwahati (IEEE XPlore), 2021
447 Chakrabarty A., Chakraborty P., Sahu V.K., Gurao N.P., Khutia N., Investigation of Strain Localization in Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg using CPFEM, Indo-Korean Workshop on Multi-Functional Materials for Extreme Loading , IIT Madras-Hanyang University, MFMEL-2021, February 22-24, 2021., 2021
448 Sanghamitra Ghosal and Partha Bhattacharyya, ZnO/RGO Heterojunction Based Near Room Temperature Alcohol SENSOR with Improved Efficiency, I3S 2021:8th International Symposium on Sensor Science, Dresden, Germany, 17-26 May, 2021, 2021
449 Nani Gopal Roy, Debayan Mondal, Partha Pratim Dey, Manojit Ghosh, Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) with Al Alloy—A Review, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications, Springer link, 505-513,, 2021
450 Rafiul Islam Akon, Sunirban Sarkar, Kushal Chakraborty, Anurag Kumar, Ashish Kumar Layek, An Alternative Route-Finding Technique to Bypass Localities Affected by Communicable Diseases, 12th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2021
451 Ganguli, Isha and Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Biswas, Shivam and Sil, Jaya, Empirical auto-evaluation of Python code for performance analysis of transformer network using T5 architecture, 75--79, 2021 8th international conference on smart computing and communications (ICSCC), 2021
452 Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Ghosh, Trina and Singh, Astha and Chakraborty, Sayak and Sil, Jaya, Shallow learning for MTL in end-to-end RNN for basic sequence tagging, 252--261, 2021 thirteenth international conference on contemporary computing (IC3-2021), 2021
453 Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Ganguli, Isha and Paul, Jayanta and Sil, Jaya, Effectiveness of decoder transformer network in breaking low-resource real-time text captcha system, 287--290, 2021 international conference on cyberworlds (CW), 2021
454 Satyaki Roy, Ronojoy Dutta, Nirnay Ghosh, and Preetam Ghosh, Adaptive Motif-based Topology Control in Mobile Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2021
455 Satyaki Roy, Ronojoy Dutta, Nirnay Ghosh, and Preetam Ghosh, Leveraging Periodicity to Improve Quality of Service in Mobile Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2021
456 Das, Soumyadeep and Singh, Adarsh and RoyChowdhury, Rajarshi and Mitra, Debasis, A non-invasive estimation technique to determine dielectric properties of multilayer human tissue, 1--4, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2021
457 Narendr, A., Das, S. & Aithal, B.H., Damage-cost assessment of vernacular buildings against coastal flooding, 23rd European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly (Virtual conference), 2021
458 K Dey, M Kule, H Rahaman, PUF Based Hardware Security: A Review, 1-6, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021
459 Md Iftikar Ahmed, Sk Arafat Zaman, Sudip Ghosh, Design and Analysis of a Naturally Ventilated Fog Cooled Greenhouse Integrated with Solar Desalination System, Proceedings of International Conference on Thermofluids, 2021
460 Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Shamim Akhtar, Somen Adhikary, Sanju Golui, Roshmi Chatterjee, Navonil Bose, Dipankar Ghosh and Mousumi Basu, Estimation of the Change in Haemoglobin Concentration in Blood by Using a Silica Based Sub-Wavelength Diameter Single Mode Fiber, OP16, International Conference on Recent Trends in Photonics, 2021
461 T Chaku, A Rakshit, I Sarkar and M Kule, On Defect Tolerance of Nanocrossbar Arrays using Divide and Conquer Technique, 1-4, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021
462 Sk Arafat ZamanDibyendu RoySudip Ghosh, Performance Assessment of a Steam Gasification-Based Hybrid Cogeneration System, 297-306, Proceedings of International Conference on Thermofluids, 2021
463 S Basu, M Kule, H Rahaman, Detection of Hardware Trojan in Presence of Sneak Path in Memristive Nanocrossbar Circuits, 1-4, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2021
464 I. Dey and S. K. Ghosh, Overview of processing, microstructure and hardness of Al2O3 and SiC reinforced 6061-Al metal matrix composites, 69, 43-48, 69th Indian Foundry Congress (IFC) Technical Papers/Souvenir, September 2-5, Kolkata, 2021
465 5) Viswanadham, B.V.S., Mulleneers H., Wammes, J., and Kundu, Saptarshi, Evaluation of the performance of polymer-blended bentonite sand and clay barriers in a geotechnical centrifuge, 268-277, Proceedings of 3rd Asian Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (Asiafuge), 18-19 November 2021, 2021
466 D Majumder, D Moitra, Parametric Studies on Optimum Design of Rectangular Combined Footing, Proceedings of the Research Conclave 2021 - IIT Roorkee, 2021
467 Salah Alheejawi, Richard Berendt, Naresh Jha, Santi P. Maity and Mrinal K. Mandal, An Efficient CNN based algorithm for detecting melanoma cancer regions in H&E-stained images, Accepted, 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) Oct 31 - Nov 4, 2021, Expo Guadalajara, Mexico, 2021
468 Viswanadham, B.V.S., Kundu Saptarshi, Studies on verification of dynamic compaction induced densification of MSW landfills using shear wave velocity profiling, 331-340, Proceedings of Geo-Environmental Engineering (GEE2021), 20-21 May 2021, Caen, France,, 2021
469 Somen Adhikary, Pratim Biswas, Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Roshmi Chatterjee, Sanju Golui, Mousumi Basu, “Efficient Triangular Pulse Generation in Typically Designed Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Planar Waveguide”, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Photonics (NPS-2021), 2021
470 Isha Ganguli, Rajat Subhra Bhowmick, Shivam Biswas, Jaya Sil, Empirical auto-evaluation of Python code for performance analysis of transformer network using T5 architecture, pp. 75-79, 2021 8th international conference on smart computing and communications (ICSCC), 2021
471 Reetam Mondal and Jayati Dey, Cascaded Fractional Order (FO) Compensation of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Plants, pp.1-6, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc), 2021
472 Reetam Mondal and Jayati Dey, Control of Linear Time Invariant Plants with the Cascaded Form of a Fractional Order Compensator, pp.960-964, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2021
473 A Nageswara Rao , Rajat Arora , and Abhijit Kushari, High Subsonic Flow Field from the Serpentine Nozzle, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’21), 2021
474 Ananya Paul, Krishnendu Bera, Devtanu Misra, Sattwik Barua, Saurabh Singh, Nishu Nishant Kumar and Sulata Mitra, Intelligent Traffic Signal Management using DRL for a Real-time Road Network in ITS, 417-425, 13th International Conference on Contemporary Computing, 2021
475 Ananya Paul and Sulata Mitra, Management of Traffic Signals using Deep Reinforcement Learning in Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network in ITS, 60-64, International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence, 2021
476 Narayan Mondal, Sachindra Nath Matia, Animesh Mahata, Subhendu Maji, Shariful Alam, Dynamics of Infected Prey-Predator System in Fuzzy Environment with Disease-Selective Predation, 1422 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing), pp 379–390 (First Online: 29 June 2022), 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science,, 2021
477 Sachindra Nath Matia, Animesh Mahata, Shariful Alam, Banamali Roy and Balaram Manna, Glucose distribution and drug diffusion mechanism in the fuzzy fluid connective tissue in human systems: A Mathematical Modelling approaches, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1422. Springer, Singapore, pp 169–177, 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science, 2021
478 Ashish Acharya, Animesh Mahata, Shariful Alam, Smriti Ghosh, Banamali Roy, Analysis of an imprecise delayed SIR model system with Holling type –III treatment rate, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1422, pp 335–346, 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science, 2021
479 R. Loganath and Debabrata Mazumder, Acclimation and Treatability Studies on Slaughter House Wastewater by Hybrid UASB Reactor, 193 – 201, Impacts of Water Resources in India, 2021
480 Tanima Bhowmik, Rohan Mojumder, Indrajit Banerjee, Gaurav Das, IoT based data aggregation method for E-health monitoring system, 1-7, ICCCNT 2021, 2021
481 Tirthankar Sengupta, Sanghamitra De, Indrajit Banerjee, A closeness centrality based p2p botnet detection approach using deep learning, 1-7, ICCCNT 2021, 2021
482 T. Chaku, A. Ray, M. Kule, D. K. Kole, Swift Sort: A New Divide and Conquer Approach Based Sorting Algorithm, 404, 529-537, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS), 2021
483 A Mallick, S Mondal, S Debnath, S Majumder, Harsh, A Pal, A Verma, M Kule, Security Aspects of Social Media Applications, 404, 455-465, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS), 2021
484 Soumalya Kundu; Rahul Majumder; Subhadip Roy; ManishPal Chowdhury, Electro-polymerization of polyaniline on CVD grown transferrable vertically aligned CNT forest and its application in resistive detection of relative humidity, 43, 3591-3594, International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience & Nanotechnology, 2021
485 Arpan Mandal, Paheli Bhattacharya, Sekhar Mandal, Saptarshi Ghosh, Improving Legal Case Document Summarization using Document-specific Catchphrases., 34th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX), 2021
486 Koel Sinha, Rabindranath Majumder, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, Simplified Detection of Serotonin by FET-Based Sensor, 29-37, Advances in Bioprocess Engineering and Technology: Select Proceedings ICABET 2020, 2021
487 Aman Kumar, Kshitij Puniyani, Mukesh Kumar, Himansh Kumar, Prakhar Goel, Sushant Bhatia, Optimization of physiochemical property of cottonseed biodiesel, 46, 5580-5584, Materials Today: Proceeding, 2021
488 Tania Pal, Bhuban Ruidas, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, Modern Advancement of Nanotechnology Over Conventional Drug Therapies, 493-500, Advances in Bioprocess Engineering and Technology: Select Proceedings ICABET 2020, 2021
489 Suman Debnath, Mukesh Kumar, Vikas Kumar, Amol Saini, Kunal salwan & Rahul Ravi, Experimental Investigation on Thermal Performance of Solar Air Collector Provided with Corrugated Absorber, 46, 1137-1145, International Conference on Innovations in Clean Energy Technologies (ICET2020), 2021
490 A Narendr, S Das, BH Aithal, Multivariate building damage model for scenario-based flood risk assessment, FOSS4G-Asia 2021, Dhulikhel, Nepal, 2021
491 M Majumdar, S. Das, Disaster risk reduction policies for public heritage building, 5th World Congress on Disaster Mgmt. (5WCDM), New Delhi, 2021
492 S. Kundu and S. C. Mondal, Development of New Univariate Process Capability Index for Multistage Wheel Manufacturing System, pp. 745-749, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2021, 2021
493 Moumita Basu, Sipra Das Bit and Saptarshi Ghosh, Utilising Social Media for Post-Disaster Resource Allocation, ACM CoDS-COMAD 2021, 2021
494 S. Karmakar, J. Sengupta and S. Das Bit, LEADER: Low Overhead Rank Attack Detection for Securing RPL based IoT, COMSNETS 2021, 2021
495 Kundu S., Mondal S.C, Development of Al–Cu Metal Matrix Composite Using Powder Metallurgy Technique, International Conference on Research into Design for a Connected World, 2021
496 Ghosh A, Kundu V, Bhattacharya S, Pal B, Prediction of ATFL Injury in inversion ankle sprain using OpenSim, presented in the International Conference on Applications in Computational Engineering & Sciences 2021 (virtual mode), VIT Chennai, India, 20th October, 2021
497 Majumder N, Pal B, Ankle inversion injuries may be prevented by landing on two legs Instead of one, presented in the International Conference on Applications in Computational Engineering & Sciences 2021 (virtual mode), VIT Chennai, India, 20th October, 2021
498 Loha T, Bhattacharya R, Pal B, Investigations on Mechanical behaviour of a low stiff hip implant using finite element analysis, presented in the International Conference on Applications in Computational Engineering & Sciences 2021 (virtual mode), VIT Chennai, India, 20th October, 2021
499 Uttam Kumar Sahu, Ajoy Kumar Saha, Partha Sarathi Gupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Valley Resolved Current Components Analysis of Monolayer TMDFETs, 1-5, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
500 Subhajit Chatterjee, Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, An efficient test scheduling to Co-optimize test time and peak power for 3D ICs, 1-6, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
501 Joshua Roy Palathinkal, Yuvam Bhateja, Sudip Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, A New Blind Invisible and Semi-Fragile Colour Image Watermarking Scheme in Spatial Domain, 1-6, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
502 Soumajit Ghosh, Mitiko Miura-Mattausch, Takahiro Iizuka, Hideyuki Kikuchihara, Hafizur Rahaman, Hans Jürgen Mattausch, History Effect on Circuit Performance of SOI-MOSFETs, 1-5, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
503 SP Kaarmukilan, Anakhi Hazarika, Soumyajit Poddar, Hafizur Rahaman, An accelerated prototype with movidius neural compute stick for real-time object detection, 1-5, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
504 Moumita Acharya, Soumyajit Poddar, Amlan Chakrabarti, Hafizur Rahaman, Image classification based on approximate wavelet transform and transfer learning on deep convolutional neural networks, 1-6, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
505 Sudip Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, A new digital color image watermarking algorithm with its FPGA and ASIC implementation, 1-6, 2020 International symposium on devices, circuits and systems (ISDCS), 2020
506 S. Mandal, S K Dalui, and S. Bhattacharjya, Wind Impact on U Plan Shaped Tall Building Having Various Sifted Single Limb Positions, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020
507 Laxmidhar Biswal, Khokan Mondal, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Fault-tolerant quantum implementation of priority encoder circuit using clifford+ t-group, 1-6, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
508 S. Mandal, S K Dalui, S Bhattacharjya, Influence of various corner positions of corner modified U plan shaped tall building under wind flow, 65th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, GITAM University, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India, December 09 - 11, 2020
509 Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, A short review on graphene nanoribbon interconnect, 1-7, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
510 Indranil Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Partha Bhattacharyya, DFT Based Simulation for Predicting Alcohol Adsorption on Oxygenated Functional Group Containing GO and rGO Based Gas Sensor Devices, 1-6, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
511 Sumit Kumar Jaiswal, Annapurna Mondal, Supriyo Srimani, Subhajit Das, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of a low power, high speed self calibrated dynamic latched comparator, 1-6, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
512 Sudip Ghosh, Prasun Ghosal, Santi Prasad Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, PEE Based Reversible Watermarking Algorithm for Authentication and Security of Medical Images, 1620-1623, 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2020
513 Sayan Das, Jaya Sil, Knowledge uncertainty management in remote healthcare based on mutual information, 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2020
514 Pranab Roy, Debajyoti Pal, Tanmoy Biswas, Rupam Bhattacharya, Hafizur Rahaman, Bio-inspired Routing in DMFB: An Artificial Swarm Propagation Based Application, 1-11, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, 2020
515 Supriyo Srimani, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Wavelet Transform based fault diagnosis in analog circuits with SVM classifier, 1-10, 2020 IEEE International Test Conference India, 2020
516 Subhajit Chatterjee, Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Machine learning based temperature estimation for test scheduling of 3d ICs, 1-8, 2020 IEEE International Test Conference India, 2020
517 Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Robert Wille, Rolf Drechsler, Hafizur Rahaman, Post synthesis-optimization of reversible circuit using template matching, 1-4, 2020 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2020
518 Sudip Ghosh, Tridibesh Nag, Santi Prasad Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Reversible Color Image Watermarking Algorithm using Reverse Contrast Mapping, 444-447, 2020 IEEE 1st International Conference for Convergence in Engineering (ICCE), 2020
519 Souvik Patra and A. K. Bera, Influence of Geojute on Load Settlement Characteristics of Low Volume Roads, 1, Second ASCE India Conference on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies” (CRSIDE2020), 2020
520 Ankur Biswas, Sudip Ghosh, Tridibesh Nag, Santi Prasad Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Hls based implementation of modified de-riw algorithm on fpga and p-soc, 439-443, 2020 IEEE 1st International Conference for Convergence in Engineering (ICCE), 2020
521 Bera A. K, Mukherjee D, Ghosh A, Effect of PBFS content on compaction characteristics and unconfined compression strength of clay PBFS mixture, 1, Second ASCE India Conference on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies” (CRSIDE2020), 2020
522 M. Parai, K. Ghosh, H. Rahaman, Potentiality of Data Fusion in Analog Circuit Fault Diagnosis, IEEE 29th Asian Test Symposium (Accepted), 2020
523 Anirban Bhattacharjee, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Angshu Mukherjee, Robert Wille, Rolf Drechsler, Hafizur Rahaman, Efficient implementation of nearest neighbor quantum circuits using clustering with genetic algorithm, 40-45, 2020 IEEE 50th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL), 2020
524 Satyaki Roy, Nirnay Ghosh, Preetam Ghosh, and Sajal K Das, bioMCS: A Bio-inspired Collaborative Data Transfer Framework over Fog Computing Platforms in Mobile Crowdsensing, DOI:, ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 2020
525 "Satyajit Chaudhuri", "Soumya Kanta Ray", "Rajat Chatterjee", "Chanchal Majumder", Removal of Lead from Water by Using Aluminium Functionalized Graphene Oxide., Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE 2020), During March 02-04, 2020 at Kolkata., 2020
526 M Parai, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Potentiality of Data Fusion in Analog Circuit Fault Diagnosis, 1-6, 2020 IEEE 29th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2020
527 D. Chaudhuri, D. Nandi Das, H. Rahaman and T. Ghosh, Heat Mitigation in 3D ICs by Improvised TTSV Structure, International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
528 Debika Chaudhuri, Dalia Nandi Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Tamal Ghosh, Modeling and Analysis of 3D IC Structures for Heat Mitigation by Thermal Through Silicon Vias, 296-299, 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2020
529 SP Kaarmukilan, Soumyajit Poddar, Hafizur Rahaman, FPGA based Structural Radial Basis Function Neural Network with Hybrid Optimization for Neural Activity, 1-6, 2020 IEEE 7th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), 2020
530 Mahata, Animesh, Sankar Prasad Mondal, Ali Ahmadian, Shariful Alam, Soheil Salahshour, Linear Fuzzy Delay Differential Equation and Its Application in Biological Model with Fuzzy Stability Analysis, Springer, Cham, 2020, 231-240, In International Conference on Soft Computing and Data Mining, 2020
531 D. Chaudhuri, D. N. Das, H. Rahaman and T. Ghosh, Modeling and Analysis of 3D IC Structures for Heat Mitigation by Thermal Through Silicon Vias, IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2020
532 M Parai, K Ghosh, H Rahaman, Fusion of Information for Fault Diagnosis in Analog Circuits, 1-6, 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2020
533 Subhashree Basu, Malay Kule, Hafizur Rahaman, Symmetric Function Based Memristive Polimino PUF with Enhanced Security, 143-146, 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS), 2020
534 Swarup Das, Debasis Mitra and Sekhar Ranjan Bhadra Chaudhuri, Fractal Loaded Planar Super Wide Band MIMO Antenna in THz Frequency Range, IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 2020
535 Sekhar, A.P., Nandy, S., Dey, S., Datta, S., Das, D., Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization of Age Hardening for AA6063 Alloy, 921, 052019, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering (3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2020)), 2020
536 Subhashree Basu, Malay Kule, Hafizur Rahaman, Detection of Hardware Trojan in Presence of Sneak Path in Memristive Nanocrossbar Circuits, 1-4, 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
537 Dipankana Bhattacherjee, B.V.S Viswanadham, Centrifuge model studies on geogrid and hybrid geosynthetic reinforced slopes subjected torainfall, 1, 221-226, 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ECPMG), March 15 - 17 2020, Luleå, Sweden, 2020
538 Das, D., On the Correlation of Wear Behaviour with Subsurface Characteristics of Die Steel (Key Note Lecture), TRIBOINDIA 2020 - An International Virtual Tribology Conference, Tribology Society of India, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, December 10-12, 2020
539 B.V.S Viswanadham , M. Jayanandan, Dipankana Bhattacherjee, P. Kumar, Performance of Geogrid reinforced soil walls with low permeable backfill: Centrifuge Study, 1, 213-220, 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ECPMG), March 15 - 17 2020, Luleå, Sweden, 2020
540 Dipankana Bhattacherjee, B.V.S Viswanadham, Prediction of threshold curves for mitigating rainfall induced landslides in low permeable soil slopes, 1, 77 -78 [extended abstract], Second ASCE India Conference (CRSIDE 2020), March 02-04, 2020, Kolkata, 2020
541 Shubhro Shovan Roy, Samya Muhuri and Susanta Chakraborty, Efficient Traffic Routing Method at Busy Intersections, 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2020
542 Kamarujjaman, Mausumi Maitra and Susanta Chakraborty, A Novel Spatial FCM-Based Method for Brain MRI Image Segmentation in the Presence of Noise and Inhomogeneity, 3rd International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS 2020), 2020
543 Susmita Das, Samya Muhuri, Susanta. Chakraborty and Samit Biswas, Graph Based Keyword Extraction for Similarity Identification among Born-Digital News Contents, 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2020
544 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K., and Bhattacharjya, S., Wind Impact on U Plan Shaped Tall Building Having Various Sifted Single Limb Positions, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020
545 Bairagi, A. K., Dalui, S. K., Prediction of Pressure Coefficient of Setback Building Using Backpropagation Neural Networks, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020
546 Kar, R., Dalui, S. K., Wind-induced Effect on Octagonal Building Interfered by Square Buildings in ‘T’ Pattern, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020
547 K. K. Moulick, A. Shiuly , and S. Bhattacharjya, Rice Husk Ash Blended Cement – Need of Dedicated Indian Standard Codal Provisions, International Conference On Sustainable Water Resources Management under Changed Climate, 3-15 March, School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University , West Bengal, india, 2020
548 Kumar, D., Dalui, S. K., Comparison of Mean and Peak Pressure Coefficient for Cross Plan Shaped Tall Buildings under Wind, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020
549 Dutta, R., Biswas, S., Mondal, S., Basu, S., Saha, P.,, Backcasting Historical Traffic Data on Rural Highways Using Different Techniques, ISBN 978-93-5396-500-6, 25-26, Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies, ASCE, 2020
550 Paul, R., Dalui, S. K., Assessment of Peak Pressures and Gust Factors on Surfaces of Z Shaped Tall Building under Wind, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020
551 Paul, Bishaljit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Pal, Jagadish; Pathak, Manish Kumar;, Congested Power Transmission System in a Deregulated Power Market, 14-Mar, Computational Advancement in Communication Circuits and Systems, 2020
552 T Chatterjee, C Pal, AK Gorai, S DasBit, Efficient Data Search and Update in Named Data Networking with Integrity Preservation, 607-619, International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Data …, 2020
553 N. Mishra and K. Das, Predicting Effective Electromechanical Properties of Pb-Free Polymer Composite using Finite Element Method, 978, 337 -343, Materials Science Forum, 2020
554 Banerjee S. , Dey N.C., Significance of mechanical properties of rock to estimate life of cutting picks, 157-161, Advances In Mining -2020, 2020
555 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S, Variation in Wind Responses Between Irregular and Regular Plan Shaped Building, 65th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2020), GITAM, Rudraram, Sangareddy, Telangana State , India, December 09 - 11, 2020., 2020
556 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S.,, The Influence of Combined Corner Rounded Configuration on Irregular Plan shape building Under Wind Load, 65th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2020) , GITAM, Rudraram, Sangareddy, Telangana State , India, December 09 - 11, 2020, 2020
557 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K., and Bhattacharjya, S.,, Wind-Induced Effect on Different Corner Positions of Corner-Modified Irregular Plan-Shaped Tall Building, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020., 2020
558 Alivia Basak, Subhadip Chakraborty, Chirantan Das, Anuraag Mukherjee, Rajib Saha, Anupam Karmakar, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Electrically isolated buried electrode biosensor for detecting folic acid concentration, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, 2020
559 J. B. Sarkar and R. Naskar, A Curve Fitting Thresholding Approach for Forensic Source Identification of JPEG Compressed Images, 7th IEEE International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), pp. 22-28, New Delhi, India, 2020., 2020
560 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K., and Bhattacharjya, S.,, Effect of Limb Position on U Plan Shaped Tall Building Under Wind Load, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020., 2020
561 Chirantan Das, Subhadip Chakraborty, Anupam Karmakar, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Comparative study for the impedimetric detection and quantification of adulterants in different bio-consumables, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, 2020
562 B. N. Sarkar, S. Barman and R. Naskar, Blind Source Camera Identification of Online Social Network Images Using Adaptive Thresholding Technique, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS), Jalpaiguri, India, 2020., 2020
563 I. Maity, H. Rahaman, and P. Bhattacharyya, DFT based simulation for predicting alcohol adsorption on oxygenated functional group containing GO and rGO based gas sensor devices, 3rd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS 2020), IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, India, 4-6th March, 2020
564 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K., and Bhattacharjya, S., Effect of Changing Aspect Ratios on U Plan Shaped Tall Building Under Wind Excitation,, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020., 2020
565 K. Bairagi, S. Mitra and U. Bhattacharya, Coverage Aware Dynamic Scheduling of Wireless Video Sensor Nodes to Reduce Energy Consumption, IEEE ICCCNT 2020, 2020
566 Pranab Roy,Debajyoti Pal,Tanmoy Biswas,Rupam Bhattacharya,Hafizur Rahaman, Bio-inspired Routing in DMFB: An Artificial Swarm Propagation Based Application, 1 - 11, 11th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, 2020,ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020
567 Paul, Bishaljit; Goswami, Sushovan; Mistry, Dipu; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Unit Commitment Solution by Branch and Bound Algorithm, Available at SSRN 3516618, 2020
568 Pranab Roy,Amiya Sahoo,Mriganka Chakrabarty,Hafizur Rahaman, Microfluidic Cyberphysical Diagnostic System: An ANN Based Application, 1 - 6, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Devices,Circuits and Systems,2020,IIEST,Shibpur,India, 2020
569 Pranab Roy, Arko Dutt, Hafizur Rahaman, 3-D IC: An Overview of Technologies, DesignMethodology and Test Strategies, at press, ”,International conference on frontiers in Computing and Systems,2020,Jalpaiguri,WB,India and Advances in Intelligent systems and computing(AISM,Springer), 2020
570 Chawrasia, Sandeep Kumar; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Banerjee, Sumit;, Design and Analysis of In-Wheel Motor for an Electric Vehicle, 351-355, 2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2020
571 Tiwary, Shubhranshu Kumar; Pal, Jagadish; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Multi-dimensional ANN Application for Active Power Flow State Classification on a Utility System, 64-68, 2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2020
572 Swatilekha Ghosh, Effect of ultrasonic irradiation on Al-induced electroless tin film deposition, 2nd Indian Materials Conclave and 31st Annual General meeting of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI 2020), ), Kolkata, India, 2020
573 Somrita Saha, Arindam Biswas, Polygonization of 3D Objects using Norm Similarity, 1-6, 2020 Joint 9th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2020 4th International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), 2020
574 Raina Paul, Apurba Sarkar, Arindam Biswas, Finding the Maximum Empty Axis-Parallel Rectangular Annulus, 139-146, International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, Springer, Cham, 2020
575 Sharmistha Mondal, Arindam Biswas, Sharpening of 3D Digital Objects using Triangulation, 1-7, 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IEEE, 2020
576 A.Choudhury, D.Pandit, S.Chakraborty, Simulation of Hysteresis in Bending of a SMA Beam under Cyclic Mechanical Load, 2nd ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies, Novotel Kolkata Hotel and Residences, Kolkata, India, March 02 - 04, 2020
577 D. Pandit, Bhakti N. Patel, A Numerical Torque-Twist Based Approach for Structures in Torsion (Paper id: SM-20-0XX), International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020
578 Nilanjana Dutta Roy, Arindam Biswas, Deep Learning-Based Early Sign Detection Model for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy in Neovascularization at the Disc, 91-108, Algorithms in Machine Learning Paradigms, Springer, Singapore, 2020
579 Bijoy Goswami, Savio Jay Sengupta, Wasim Reja, Pritam Das, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Validation of Input/Output characteristics of Symmetrical Double Source TFET device, Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2020
580 Abdul Aziz Al Aman, Apurba Sarkar, Arindam Biswas, A Shape Retrieval Technique Using Isothetic Cover of Digital Objects, p 741-749, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2020
581 Pramit Brata Chanda and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Medical Image Based Approach For Classification Of Several Stages For Retinopathy Disease Using Machine Learning Methodology, 978-1-83953-272-6, IET, 2020
582 Debapriya Paul, Nilanjan Daw, Nilanjana Dutta Roy, Arindam Biswas, An Automated Dual Threshold Band-Based Approach for Malaria Parasite Segmentation from Thick Blood Smear, 485-500, Emerging Technology in Modelling and Graphics, 2020
583 P. B. Chanda and S. K. Sarkar, Cardiac MR Images Segmentation For Identification Of Cardiac Diseases Using Fuzzy Based Approach, 1238-1246, Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT), 2020
584 Pramit Brata Chanda, Aniruddha Paul, Aritra Paul, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Spondylosis Detection And Classification Of Cervical Images Using ATMFCMC Based Medical Image Segmentation Methods, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Electrical & Computational Intelligence (ICAEEC) 2019, 2020
585 S Basu, M Kule, Detection Of Hardware Trojan In Memristive Ternary CAM Circuits, 1-5, International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems, 2020
586 S. Nath, R. Bandyopadhyay, S. Biswas, J. K. Sing, and S. K. Sarkar, A New Global Routing Optimization Algorithm based on Pigeon Inspired Optimization, 184-188, 2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2020
587 Bhattacharya, S., and Dalui, S. K., Effect of Internal Angle of ‘V’ Plan Shaped Tall Building Under Wind Load, 334, 2nd ASCE conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies, Novotel Kolkata Hotel and Residences, Kolkata, India, March 02 - 04, 2020
588 Subhrapratim Nath, Sagnik Gupta, Saptarshi Biswas, Rupam Banerjee, Jamuna Kanta Sing, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, GPSO Hybrid Algorithm for Rectilinear Steiner Tree Optimization, IEEE VLSI Device Circuit And System (VLSI DCS), 2020
589 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K., and Bhattacharjya, S., Wind Induced Response of Irregular Plan Shaped Tall Building with Aerodynamic Modification, 334, 2nd ASCE conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies. Novotel Kolkata Hotel and Residences, Kolkata, India, March 02 – 04, 2020
590 Naiwrita Dey, Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Robust Higher Order Repetitive Controller for Disturbance Rejection and Multiplicative Uncertainty, 608-613, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA), 2020
591 Sankho Subhra Pal , Rupkatha Hira , Somnath Pal, Comparison of Four Nature Inspired Clustering Algorithms: PSO, GSA, BH and IWD Springer Singapore, 2020 Type: Conference, 669-674, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition (CIPR-2019), Springer Singapore, 2020
592 Subhrapratim Nath, Abhijit Paul, Rupam Banerjee, Swarnabja Bhaumik, Jamuna Kanta Sing, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Optimizing FANET Routing Using a Hybrid Approach of Firefly Algorithm and ACO-Lévy Flight, IEEE VLSI Device Circuit And System (VLSI DCS), 2020
593 Su Z, Inaba K, Karmakar A and Das A, Free Vibration and Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of Functionally Graded Pipe by Modeling As Layered Structure, JSME 2020 Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials and Processing. Cincinnati, Ohio State, USA, 2020
594 Kar, R., and Dalui, S. K., Wind Interference Effect on Octagonal Building surrounded by Square Buildings in an Equilateral Triangular Arrangement, 333, 2nd ASCE conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies, Novotel Kolkata Hotel and Residences, Kolkata, India, March 02 - 04, 2020
595 R.R. Pathak, A. Sengupta, Harmony Search based Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Inverted Pendulum, 171-175, IEEE CALCON, 2020
596 Sankho Subhra Pal, Somnath Pal, Black Hole and k-Means Hybrid Clustering Algorithm, 403-413, Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Springer Singapore (CIDM-2018), Springer Singap, 2020
597 S. Ghosh, S. Kundu, S. Guha, J. Ghosh, P. Pachal, and S. K. Sarkar, Effect of Body Thickness on Device Performance of Graded Channel Tri-Metal Double Gate Stack Gate TFET, 427-431, 2020 IEEE VLSI Device Circuit And System (VLSI DCS), 2020
598 Das, A., and Dalui, S. K., Aerodynamic Effect on Combined Corner Recessed Square Tall Building, 344, 2nd ASCE conference in India on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies, Novotel Kolkata Hotel and Residences, Kolkata, India, March 02 - 04, 2020
599 Snehasis Chowdhury, Tanmoy Mondal, and Prince Raj Lawrence Raj, Assessment of Various RANS Based Turbulence Models for Predicting Near Wall Flow and Heat Transfer Quantities for a Turbulent Slot Jet Impingement, The 8th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 2020
600 S. Ghosh, P. Pachal, R. Kumar, S. Kundu, J. Ghosh, and S. K. Sarkar, Double Gate p-n-p-n TFET with Hetero Oxide Dielectric and High-K Spacer Engineering, 1-5, 2020 IEEE VLSI Device Circuit And System (VLSI DCS), 2020
601 Priyanka Saha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Workfunction engineering based Broken Gate TFET: modeling and simulation based theoretical analysis, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2020
602 K. K. Moulick, A. Shiuly, S. Bhattacharjya, Optimum replacement of cement by rice husk ash using genetic algorithm, Page 204, Proceedings of Challenges of resilient and sustainable infrastructure development in emerging economies, CRSIDE 2020, ASCE India section, March 2-4, 2020, Kolkata, India, 2020
603 S. Mondal, S. K. Dalui, S. Bhattacharjya, Wind induced response of irregular plan -shaped tall building with aerodynamic modification, Page 334, Proceedings of Challenges of resilient and sustainable infrastructure development in emerging economies, CRSIDE 2020, ASCE India section, March 2-4, 2020, Kolkata, India, 2020
604 G Datta , R Dutta , S Bhattacharjya, Robust design of structures under non-stationary wind excitation, Page 335, Proceedings of Challenges of resilient and sustainable infrastructure development in emerging economies, CRSIDE 2020, ASCE India section, March 2-4, 2020, Kolkata, India, 2020
605 Mousumi Mukherjee and Debasattam Pal, On arbitrary assignability of initial conditions for an overdetermined system of partial difference equations, European Control Conference (ECC), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020
606 Mousumi Mukherjee and Debasattam Pal, On constructing boundaries for boundary value problems defined by continuous 2-D autonomous systems, 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC WC), Berlin, Germany, 2020
607 Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Sil, Jaya, Memorizing and retrieving of text using recurrent neural network—a case study on Gitanjali dataset, 413--422, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition: Proceedings of CIPR 2019, 2020
608 Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Ganguli, Isha and Sil, Jaya, Introduction and correction of bengali-hindi noise in large word vocabulary using rnn, 277--281, 2020 international conference on communication and signal processing (ICCSP), 2020
609 Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Ganguli, Isha and Sil, Jaya, Improvised transformer network for ner on low resource englishhindi code-mixed language from scratch, 265--269, 2020 7th international conference on soft computing & machine intelligence (ISCMI), 2020
610 Ganguli, Isha and Bhowmick, Rajat Subhra and Sil, Jaya, Performance analysis of sota transformer network in numerical expression calculation, 1--6, 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2020
611 Aakash Paul, Shyamalendu Kandar, Generation of Pseudo Random Sequence Using Modified Newton Raphson Method, II, 250-262, 10th International Advanced Computing Conference, Springer, 2020
612 Pranav Iyer, Aritra Ganguly, Thermal Model Development of a Packed Bed Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification and Regenerative Evaporative Cooling System for Ships., International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development (ICESD), Kolkata, 2020
613 Priyanka Das, Asit Kumar Das, A Word Clustering-Based Crime Report Categorization Technique, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2020
614 Arindam Saha, Aritra Ganguly, Performance analysis of solar-driven organic Rankine cycle using evacuated tubular collector integrated with Compound Parabolic Concentrator, Paper ID 67, International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development (ICESD), Kolkata, 2020
615 V. Rastogi , N. Nandi, Numerical investigation of wall shear stress for different 2-D train models inside a tunnel, Paper ID-ICRACEM/2020/FK-20-003, International conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM) held at IIT, KGP, 2020., 2020
616 A. Das, N. Nandi, Experimental study on the discharge and sediment sharing at bifurcation channel, Paper ID-ICRACEM/2020/FM-20-051, International conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM) held at IIT, KGP, 2020., 2020
617 Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Dipankar Ghosh, and Mousumi Basu, Optical Pulse Reshaping in Highly Nonlinear Dispersion Compensating Fibers Operating at Different Wavelengths, 38, 2nd International Conference on Power, Computer, Communication & Applied Innovations, 2020
618 anima Bhowmik, Indrajit Banerjee, Anagha Bhattacharya:, A Novel Fuzzy Based Hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm in WSNs, ICDCN 2020, 2020
619 Soumen Roy, Sandipan Nath Thakur, Subham Patra and Chaitali Ray, A comparative study on free vibration of hybrid laminated composite shells, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics , September 4-6, 2020, IIT Kharagpur, 2020
620 Soumen Roy, Sandipan Nath Thakur, Ajeesh and Chaitali Ray, Free vibration study of laminated composite shell with varying cut-outs, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics , September 4-6, 2020, IIT Kharagpur, 2020
621 Porika R, Pal B, Finite element analysis of porous metallic structures for application on a low-stiff hip implant, International Conference on Applications in Computational Engineering & Sciences, VIT (Deemed to be University), Chennai, India, 30-31st October, 2020
622 S. Saha, N. Nandi, Effect of guide vane on pressure drop characteristics for single-phase flow through 90° pipe bend, paper ID-F68, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 2020
623 S. Basu Pal, Prof. K. Das (Bhattacharya), Prof. D. Mukherjee, A Performance appraisal of Power losses in Poly-Si PV Panels -An experience in Eastern Indian Climatic Condition, UEMCOS, 2020
624 S. Basu Pal, Prof. K. Das (Bhattacharya), Prof. D. Mukherjee, Performance Analysis of different technology PV Modules in Eastern Indian climatic conditions- An Approach based on Solar Geometry,, Michael Faraday IET International Summit: MFIIS, 2020
625 SudiptaBasuPal, Konika Das(BHattacharya), Debkalyan Paul, Dipankar Mukherjee, A Quality Assessment of PV Metrological Technique--------A Case Study with Poly-Si PV Modules at IIEST, Kolkata , India, IEEE 47th PhotoVoltaic Specialists Conference(PVSC), 2020
626 Sayantan Dutta and Ayan Banerjee, Optimal Image Fusion Algorithm using Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm Amalgamed with Local Search and BAT Algorithm, 709-715, 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 2020
627 Sayantan Dutta and Ayan Banerjee, Optimal Image Fusion Algorithm using Modified Grey Wolf Optimization amalgamed with Cuckoo Search, Levy Fly and Mantegna Algorithm, 284-290, 2020 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA), 2020
628 Sayantan Dutta and Ayan Banerjee, Low Latency and Area Efficient VLSI Architecture of 2D Bilinear Interpolation using Brent Kung Adder Based Fast Multiplier., 273-278, 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 2020
629 Sayantan Dutta and Ayan Banerjee, Low Latency and Area Efficient Very Large Scale Integration Architecture of 2-Dimensional Bicubic Interpolation using Carry Save Adder Based Fast Multiplier, 686-692, 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 2020
630 46. Sayani Chatterjee, Ashesh Mandal, Suvarun Dalapati, Pabitra Halder, Kaushik Mukherjee, Design, Simulation & Thermal Analysis of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for a Fork-lift Truck Application, 206-211, IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON 2020), Kolkata, India,, 2020
631 Ashoke Maity, Samar Jana, Emission Properties of Eu2O3 Doped Zinc Lead Phosphate Glass for Photonic Application, (ISBN: 978-93-86238-86-3), Page: 136, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, M. N. National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India, (February 14-16), 2020
632 Joydeb Biswas, Samar Jana, Sourav Ghosh, Ashoke Maity, Optical Properties of Sm3+ Doped Phosphate-tellurite Glass, (ISBN: 978-93-86238-86-3), Page: 145, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, M. N. National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India, (February 14-16), 2020
633 Bilkan John Hemrom, Uttam Rana and Aritra Ganguly, Enhancement of the Thermal Performance of a Parabolic Trough Collector with Cavity Receiver, Paper ID 59, KIIT THERMO-2020, an International Conference on Thermofluids – 2020, January 23-25., 2020, 2020
634 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Centrifuge model studies on dry granular soils subjected to dynamic compaction induced tamping, Volume 1, 43-48, 4th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (4ECPMG), 6-8 September 2020, Luleå, Sweden, Jan Laue & Tarun Bansal (Eds), Luleå University of Technology (Pubs.), 2020
635 Viswanadham BVS, Kundu Saptarshi and Kumar A, Laboratory Investigation of MSW for use as a Filler material in embankments, 1, 267-275, Geoenvironment-2020: Conference on Geoenvironment and Sustainability, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (sponsored), 17-19 February 2020, IIT Delhi, 2020
636 Gaurav Anand, Santanu Sardar, Ashim Guha, and Debdulal Das, WEDM Process Parameter Optimization of Al Al3Fe in-situ composites, 33(Part 8), 5250-5256 (7 Pages), Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier, SCOPUS), 2020
637 Subhadip Pradhan*, Debabrata Dhupal, Sudhansu Ranjan Das and Pankaj Charan Jena, Experimental investigation and optimization on machined surface of Si3N4 ceramic using hot SiC abrasive in HAJM, 44 (1), 1877-1887, 11th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization 2020 (ICMPC-2020), 2020
638 Subhadip Pradhan*, Sourav Sanket Tripathy, Sushreesudha Sahu, Sudhansu Ranjan Das, Pankaj Charan Jena and Debabrata Dhupal, Investigation on MRR and DOC of the micro-holes generated on quartz using silicon carbide by FB-HAJM, 26 (2), 2005-2012, 10th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization 2020 (ICMPC-2020), 2020
639 Anirban Upadhyaya, Debabrata Roy, Amalendu Bikash Choudhury, Comparison Study of Performances of three types of SISFCL, Paper ID: 17, Michael Faraday IET International Summit (MFIIS-2020),October 03-04, 2020, 2020
640 Subhamoy Das, A.B. Choudhury, T. Santra, Tirtha Sankar Daphadar, Finite Element Analysis of a Passive Magnetic Fault Current Limiter using Adaptive Meshing, Paper ID: 09, Michael Faraday IET International Summit (MFIIS-2020),October 03-04, 2020, 2020
641 Himadri Sekhar Bhattacharya, Amalendu Bikash Choudhury, Chandan Kumar Chanda, Equivalent Circuit Modelling and Extraction of Optimal Parameters of Lithium-ion Battery by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Test, Paper ID: 20, Michael Faraday IET International Summit (MFIIS-2020) October 03-04, 2020, 2020
642 Tanmoy Mulo, Amalendu Bikash Choudhury, Prasid Syam, Permutation Based Harmony Searching Optimization Technique in Economical Load Dispatch Requirement, Paper ID: 31, Michael Faraday IET International Summit (MFIIS-2020),October 03-04, 2020, 2020
643 Swetaleena Guha, Maitreyee Banerjee, Jayati Dey and Reetam Mondal, Compensation of SISO Stable and Unstable LTI plants with Non-Integer Order Controllers, pp.306-311, Michael Faraday IET International Summit 2020 (MFIIS), 2020
644 S Basu, M Kule, H Rahaman, Symmetric Function Based Memristive Polimino PUF with Enhanced Security, 154-157, 6th IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), 2020
645 Nilanjana Das, Joy Halder, Baisakhi Das, Biplab K Sikdar, Exploring Hard to Detect Sequential Hardware Trojans, 1-6, 2020 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2020
646 Maitreyee Banerjee,Swetaleena Guha, Jayati Dey and Reetam Mondal, Precision Modular DC Servo Motor Control with FO Controllers, pp.88-93, Michael Faraday IET International Summit 2020 (MFIIS), 2020
647 Moumita Talukdar, Heterogeneous mineral assemblage in dyke preserves the fluid path: case study from Pavitrampudur, Tamil Nadu, 75-76, Humbolt Kolleg 2020 on "Flow", 2020
648 Jayanta Paul, Rajat S Bhowmick, Riom Sen, Dwaipayan Ray, Suman S Manjhi, Soumya Sen, Biplab K Sikdar, Evaluation of Face Recognition Schemes for Low-computation IoT System Design, 1-6, 2020 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2020
649 Basantia S.K.,Prustya P.K.,Das D.,Khutia N., Micro-scale simulation of nanoindentation characteristics in dual-phase steel, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, 2020
650 Vibhanshu Pandey, Partha Pratim Dey, Niloy Khutia, Suneel K Gupta, Development of Modified Cyclic Plasticity Model To Simulate Cyclic Behavio Behaviour For Sa333-Mn Steel Under LCF Loading Conditions, International Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME 2020), 07-09 February 2020, NIT Silchar, India, 2020
651 Roy, A., and Chakraborty, S., Sequential sampling for reliability analysis of structures by support vector regression based metamodel., International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics September 4-6, 2020, IIT Kharagpur, 2020
652 Avik Banerjee and Santi P. Maity, Jamming on Throughput Improvement in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE ANTS 2020 (Accepted), 14-17 December, 2020, 2020
653 Susmita Das, Samya Muhuri, Susanta Chakraborty, Samit Biswas, Graph Based Keyword Extraction for Similarity Identification among Born-Digital News Contents, 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2020, 2020
654 K. Bhowmik, H. Ambati, N. Khutia and A. Roy Chowdhury, Prediction of Elastic Constants of Spiral MWCNT Reinforced Nanocomposites by Finite Element Analysis, International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM-2020), September 04-06, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2020
655 Mainak Mallick,Aniket Chakrabarty,Niloy Khutia, Design optimization of honeycomb sandwich panel through Genetic Algorithm, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 2020
656 B. Maji and R. Chattopadhyay, Design and Optimization of Single Junction GaSb Solar Cell for maximum utilization of IR solar spectrum, Optronix, 2020
657 Ananya Paul and Sulata Mitra, Deep Reinforcement Learning based Traffic Signal Optimization and Multiple Intersections in ITS, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2020
658 Bhabatosh Biswas, Prosenjit Saha, Nillohit Mukherjee, Arijit Sinha, Degradation and thermal behaviour of cellulosic fibre incorporated Fly ash dispersed hybrid Polymer composites, International Online Conference on Macromolecules (ICM–2020) organized by Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, 13-15th November, 2020
659 Ananya Paul and Sulata Mitra, Real-Time Routing for ITS Enabled Fog Oriented VANET, 1-7, IEEE INDICON, 2020
660 Kishalay Bairagi, Sulata Mitra and Uma Bhattacharya, Coverage Aware Dynamic Scheduling Strategies for Wireless Video Sensor Nodes to Reduce Energy Consumption, 1-7, 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, 2020
661 P. Saha, A. K. Mitra, N. Mandal, Tectonic relaxation and the development of cross fold in the Singhbhum Proterozoic mobile belt: Insights from physical and numerical model experiments, 1047, EGU General Assembly, 2020
662 Avik Banerje and Santi P. Maity, Cognitive radio networks with energy harvesting and eavesdropping-emulation resilience, Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on COMSNETS, 2020
663 Avik Banerjee and Santi P. Maity, PUEA impact on sensing and throughput in RF powered cognitive radio networks, 346-354, Proc. 5th Int. Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT ), London, 19-20th February, 2020, 2020
664 A.Pal, S.Kandar, B.C.Dhara, Generation of pseudo random sequence using Regula-Falsi method, ICMC 2020, Springer, 2020
665 Bilkan John Hemrom, Uttam Rana and Aritra Ganguly, Enhancement of the Thermal Performance of a Parabolic Trough Collector with Cavity Receiver, Paper ID 59, KIIT THERMO-2020, an International Conference on Thermofluids – 2020, January 23-25., 2020
666 A.Ganguly, M.K.Sharma, P.Kumar, K.M.Prajapati, K.Kishore, Experimental Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Spark Ignition Engine using Pre-heated Air, Paper ID ICAME_00014, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME) 2020, Aliah University, Kolkata, 2020
667 Agniv Adhikari and Abhik Mukherjee, Citation convergence of academic conference papers, CALCON, 2020
668 Sarbamoy Mallick, Pritam Pathak, Abhik Mukherjee;, Tracking of football during set piece scenarios using variants of Unscented Kalman Filter, 45, National Systems Conference, 2020
669 [10] S. Chatterjee, A. Mandal, S. Dalapati, P. Halder and K. Mukherjee, Design, Simulation & Thermal Analysis of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for A Fork-lift Truck Application, 206-211, IEEE-CALCON 2020, 2020
670 D. Chatterjee and S. Dalapati, Single-Phase Average Power Measurement Using Instantaneous Power Theory in a Fixed Point Processor, 299-303, IEEE-CALCON 2020, 2020
671 Avishek Roy, Sadhan Chandra Das, Abhijit Majumdar, Annealing effects on the surface properties of Cu-TiC thin films, 8, 552, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020
672 Bhabatosh Biswas, Biplab Hazra, Prosenjit Saha, Arijit Sinha, Thermal and Swelling behaviours of cellulosic fibre/ZrO2 dispersed unsaturated polyester composites, First International Online Conference on Blends, Composites, Bio-composites and Nanocomposites (ICNC-2020), organized by Mahatma Ghandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, 9-11th October, 2020
673 D. Chatterjee and S. Dalapati, Algorithm for Determining Instant and Magnitude of Peak of a Signal using 8-bit fixed Point Processor, 64-69, IEEE-ISDCS 2020, 2020
674 D. Chatterjee and S. Dalapati, Single-Phase Average Reactive Power Measurement Using Instantaneous Power Theory in a Fixed Point Processor, 337-342, IEEE-ICEFEET 2020, 2020
675 S. Dalapati, A Control Systems Laboratory Experiment on Transfer Function Emulation, 51-55, Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. ASPCON 2020, pp. 51-55, 2020., 2020
676 D. Chatterjee and S. Dalapati, Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm Implementation in Low Cost 8-bit Digital Controller, 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON) Bengaluru, India. Nov 6-8, 2020, 2020
677 Aakash Paul, Shyamalendu Kandar, Generation of pseudo random sequence using modied Newton Raphson method, 10th International Advanced Computing Conference (Springer CCiS), 2020
678 Aramita De Das, Ankita Pramanik, Asok Adak,, Evolution in Water Monitoring Technology, 1-5, 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2020), 2020
679 Judhajit Sanyal and Tuhina Samanta, Double Auction Game for Efficient Resource Sharing in 5G D2D Wireless Communication Networks, 42-47, 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum, 2020
680 Debdas Barik, Judhajit Sanyal and Tuhina Samanta, Prevention of Denial-of-Service Attacks in 5GD2D Wireless Communication Networks Employing Double Auction Game Based Resource Trading, 239-244, 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum, 2020
681 Subha Chakraborty, Debaleena Majumdar, Satiprasad Sahoo, Swati Saha, Investigating the Influence of Climate Change on Social-Ecological System along Mangrove-Coral Dominated Coastal Stretch of Andaman, 0, 67-68, Water, Energy, and Environmental Sustainability (WEES 2020), 2020
682 Anubhav Chatterjee, Swati Saha, SCIENTIFIC AND SUSTAINABLE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, 0, 93, Water, Energy, and Environmental Sustainability (WEES 2020), 2020
683 T. Das, and S. Bhattacharjya,, Application of Efficient Moving Least-squares Method on Robust Design Optimization, International Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2020), held on 16-18th January, 2020 at Aliah University, Kolkata, India, 2020
684 Shyamalendu Kandar; Ardhendu Sarkar; Bibhas Chandra Dhara, A Novel Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Method Using 8-Connected Region Growing Technique, 101-114, Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies (Springer), 2020
685 anima Bhowmik, Indrajit Banerjee, Anagha Bhattacharya:, A Novel Fuzzy Based Hybrid PSOGSA Algorithm in WSNs, ICDCN 2020, 2020
686 Abhilash Sen, Atanu Banerjee, Haricharan Nannam, A comparative analysis between two DPFC models in a grid connected Hybrid Solar- Wind Generation system, 1-6, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE-2020), Cochin, Kerala, 2nd -4th January, 2020
687 S Basu, M Kule, On the Synthesis of Unate Symmetric Function Using Memristor-Based Nano-Crossbar Circuit, 1-8, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2020
688 Avigyan Roy, Pratikanta Misra , Atanu Banerjee, Effect of Sampling on Steady-State Time-Varying Output of DPWM Controlled Buck Converter, 1-6, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE-2020), Cochin, Kerala, 2nd -4th January, 2020
689 R Kamal, M Bag, M Kule, On the Cryptanalysis of S-DES Using Binary Cuckoo Search Algorithm, 23-32, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2020
690 Subhajit Chatterjee, Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri and Hafizur Rahaman, Machine Learning based Temperature Estimation for Test Scheduling of 3D ICs, IEEE International Test Conference India, 2020
691 To view recent updates, visit,, --, 2020
692 Subhasis Bandopadhyay, A. Bandyopadhyay, Harmonics Elimination in 24 Pulse GTO Based STATCOM by Fuzzy Logic Controller with Switching Angle Optimization using Grey Wolf Optimizer, 313-318, 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA) , Galgotia University, Greater Noida, 30th -31st October, 2020
693 Sourav Ghosh, Dolon Maity, Arijit Chowdhury, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Efficient Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Digital Microfluidic Biochip Using Multiple Electrodes Actuation, IEEE International Test Conference India, 2020
694 "Budhodeb Biswas", "Soumya Kanta Ray ", "Rajat Chatterjee" "Chanchal Majumder", Removal of Textile Wastewater by Electro Coagulation Using Iron Electrode: Modelling and Optimization., Second ASCE India Conference on Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE 2020), During March 02-04, 2020 at Kolkata., 2020
695 S Mitra, S Das, M Kule, Prevention of The Man-In-The-Middle Attack on Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm: A Review, 625-635, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS-2020), 2020
696 Dilip Kumar Maity, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Built-In Self-Repair for Manufacturing and Runtime TSV Defects in 3D ICs, IEEE International Test Conference India, 2020
697 T Chaku, M Kundu, D Dhara, M Kule, A New Function Mapping Approach in Defective Nanocrossbar Array using Unique Number Sequence, 805-813, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS-2020), 2020
698 Amit Kumar, Anshu Gupta, and Ankita Pramanik., Organ Detection in Surgical Videos Using Neural Networks, 345-353 Springer, Singapore, 2020, Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom,, 2020
699 D Dhara, M Kule, A Microcontroller-Based Design of Chopper Circuit for DC Motor Control, 1-7, 2020 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), 2020
700 Ankita Pramanik, and Avik Kumar Das., A Novel High rate LDPC code, 407-416. Springer, Singapore, 2020, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking., 2020
701 Aramita De Das, Ankita Pramanik, and Asok Adak., Evolution in Water Monitoring Technology, 01--05, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking., 2020
702 Rohit Iyer, Parnavi Sen, Ashish Kumar Layek, FFHIApp: An Application for Flash Flood Hotspots Identification Using Real-Time images, International Conference on Advances and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2020
703 Shristi Das Biswas, Rivu Chakraborty, and Ankita Pramanik, A Brief Survey on Various Prediction Models for Detection of ADHD from Brain-MRI Images, 01--05, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking., 2020
704 Ankita Raychowdhury, Ankita Pramanik., Survey on LoRa Technology: Solution for Internet of Things., 259-271. Springer, Singapore, 2020., Intelligent Systems, Technologies and Applications., 2020
705 Shristi Das Biswas, Rivu Chakraborty, and Ankita Pramanik, On Prediction Models for the Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder., 359-371.Springer, Singapore, 2020., Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition., 2020
706 Avik Kumar Das, Ankita Pramanik., A Survey Report on Deep Learning Techniques in Underwater Acoustic Channels, 407-416. Springer, Singapore, 2020., . Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2020
707 Gopal Chandra Das, Seemanti Saha, Abhijit Bhowmik, Santi P. Maity, Throughput of a Cooperative Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Networks, URSI GASS 2020, 2020
708 BK Mandal, Ankita Pramanik, Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO with Spatial Channel Correlation Matrix, 377 - 385, Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems, 2020
709 Debdas Barik, Judhajit Sanyal, Tuhina Samanta, Prevention of Denial-of-Service Attacks in 5GD2D Wireless Communication Networks Employing Double Auction Game Based Resource Trading, 239-244, 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum, 2020
710 T Chowdhury, A Pramanik, LDPC Code Construction from Bipartite Kneser Graphs, 01 -- 12, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication, Devices and Computing, 2020
711 Judhajit Sanyal, Tuhina Samanta, Double Auction Game for Efficient Resource Sharing in 5G D2D Wireless Communication Networks, 42-47, 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2020
712 AR Chowdhury, A Pramanik, GC Roy, On Wireless Communication in Underground Mine System, 159 - 169, , 2020
713 T Kothari, A Pramanik, Improved Brain Tumor Detection by Region Competition Method, 567 - 580, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication, Devices and Computing, 2020
714 J Das, A Pramanik, SK Parui, Smart Garbage Monitoring and Alert System Using IoT, 641 - 654, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication, Devices and Computing, 2020
715 P Bharati, A Pramanik, Deep Learning Techniques - R-CNN to Mask R-CNN: A Survey, 657 - 668, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2020
716 R. Dutta, G. Datta, S. Bhattacharjya, Prediction of non-stationary downburst and hurricane wind field, 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics September 4-6, 2020, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, Paper ID: SM 20-017, D. K. Maiti, D. Maity, P, 2020
717 Smita Paira, Joy Halder, Monish Chatterjee and Uma Bhattacharya, A novel fragmentation-aware and energy-efficient multipath routing and spectrum allocation for prioritized traffic in protected EONs, IEEE ICCCNT 2020, 2020
718 Joy Halder, Tamaghna Acharya, Monish Chatterjee and Uma Bhattacharya, Optimal Design of Energy Efficient Survivable Routing & Spectrum Allocation in EON, IEEE ICCCNT 2020, 2020
719 Tarakeswar Shaw, Bappaditya Mandal, Debasis Mitra and Robin Augustine, Wireless Power Transfer System Design in Reactive Near-Field for Implantable Devices, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2020
720 S. Nag, T. Pal, S. Basu and S. Das Bit, CNN Based Approach for Post Disaster Damage Assessment, 1-6, ICDCN, 2020
721 Anirban Bhattacharjee, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Bappaditya Mondal, Hafizur Rahaman, A survey report on recent progresses in nearest neighbor realization of quantum circuits, 57-68, Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2019, 2020
722 R. Chatterjee, S. Ruj and S. Das Bit, Public Key Infrastructure for Named Data Networks, 1-10, ICDCN, 2020
723 Laxmidhar Biswal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Clifford+ T-based Fault-Tolerant Quantum Implementation of Code Converter Circuit, 639-648, Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2019, 2020
724 Debika Chaudhuri, Dalia Nandi Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Tamal Ghosh, Heat Mitigation in 3D ICs by Improvised TTSV Structure, 1-4, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
725 Pranab Roy, Amiya Sahoo, Mriganka Chakrabarty, Hafizur Rahaman, Microfluidic cyberphysical diagnostic system: An ANN based application, 1-6, 2020 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2020
726 Lawrence Raj, Prince Raj and Myong, Rho Shin, Three-Dimensional Computational Simulation of Glaze Ice Accretion on a Rotorcraft Engine Intake, 1659, AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2019
727 S. Bhattacharjee and S. DasBit, EnTER: An Encounter Based Throwbox Deployment Strategy for Enhancing Network Reliability in Post-disaster Scenarios over DTN, 413-416, ICDCN, 2019
728 Sugata Das and Sekhar Mandal, Keyword Spotting in Historical Bangla Handwritten Document Image Using CNN, Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP), 2019
729 Arpan Garai, Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal, Bidyut B. Chaudhuri, A Method to Generate Synthetically Warped Document Image, Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing, 2019
730 Raj A., Paitandi S. and Sengupta M, Design Validation and Performance Evaluation of a BLDC of Commercial Electric Bike and Its Performance Comparision with Different Probable Designs, Conf.Proc., 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
731 Ashish Kumar Layek, Soham Poddar, Sekhar Mandal, Detection of Flood Images Posted on Online Social Media for Disaster Response, Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP), 2019
732 Sarkar S. and Sengupta M., Design, Finite Element Based Validation of a Multi-channel Axial Flux Double Sided Switched Reluctance Motor and Its Fabrication, 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
733 Ashish Kumar Layek, Sekhar Mandal, Saptarshi Ghosh, A Fast Approach for Text Region Detection from Images on Online Social Media, First International Conference, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition (CIPR), 2019
734 Barman B. and Sengupta M.,, Detailed analytical and experimental investigations on voltage source inverter fed Induction Heating Prototype, 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
735 Ghosh A.S. & Roy, T.K, Evaluating the utility of Pond Ash as an alternative foundation material partially replacing sand for foundation layers, Proceedings of the 7th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference at Silchar, India., 2019
736 Ranojoy Barua, Rajdeep Maity, Dipankar Minj, Tarang Barua and Ashish Kumar Layek, F-NAD: An Application for Fake News Article Detection using Machine Learning Techniques, 1st IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 2019
737 Ashish Kumar Layek, Soham Poddar, Sekhar Mandal, Detection of Flood Images Posted on Online Social Media for Disaster Response, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP), 2019
738 A Pradhan, S Koley, P M Mohite, and C S Upadhyay, An ABAQUS plugin to generate RVE with random fibre arrangement and estimation of effective properties, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2019
739 Ashish Kumar Layek, Amreeta Chatterjee, Debanjan Chatterjee, Samit Biswas, Detection and Classification of Earthquake Images from Online Social Media, 1st International Conference, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition (CIPR), 2019
740 Jyotirmoy Roy, Shariful Alam, Study on Non-autonomous Version of a Food Chain Model with Strong Allee Effect in Prey Species, ICITAM 2019: Part of the Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI, volume 863), 450-462, ICITAM: International Conference on Information Technology and Applied Mathematics: Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems and Applied Mathematics, 2019
741 S Koley, P M Mohite, and C S Upadhyay, Study of boundary layer effect between plies of composite materials at micro-scale, 4th Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics (INCAM), 2019
742 Ashish Kumar Layek, Sekhar Mandal, Saptarshi Ghosh, A Fast Approach for Text Region Detection from Images on Online Social Media, 1st International Conference, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition (CIPR), 2019
743 Suklal Tudu, Narayan Mondal, S. Alam, Dynamics of Prey–Predator System in Crisp and Fuzzy Environment with Special Imprecise Growth Rate, Rate of Conversion and Mortality Rate, ICITAM 2019: Part of the Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI, volume 863), 194-208, ICITAM: International Conference on Information Technology and Applied Mathematics: Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems and Applied Mathematics, 2019
744 S Koley, P M Mohite, and C S Upadhyay, Boundary layer effects at the interface of a [0/90] laminate, Euromech Colloquium 602: Composite manufacturing processes. Analyses, modelling and simulations, 2019
745 S Koley, P M Mohite, and C S Upadhyay, Effect of Boundary Layer at the Free Edge on the prediction of initiation of damage in composites, Sixth International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM), 2019
746 Chakraborty S., Majumdar D., Datta D., Saha S, Depletion Of Mangrove Ecosystem Due To Climate Change: A Case Study Of North Andaman, India, 171, International Conferences on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation: Emphasis on India and Neighborhood, 2019
747 Ria Ghosh;Soumalya Kundu;Rahul Majumder;Manish PalChowdhury, Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of multifunctional ZnO nanomaterials, Materials today: proceedings, 2019
748 Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Investigating causality between transport infrastructure and urbanization: A state-level study of India (1991-2011), 15th World Conference on Transport Research: WCTR 2019 (Mumbai, India), 2019
749 Tiwary, Shubhranshu Kumar; Pal, Jagadish; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Application of Common ANN for Similar Datatypes in On-line Monitoring and Security Estimation of Power System, 11-Mar, Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, 2019
750 Das, Arya and Bera, A.K, Bell-Shaped Anchor with Geotextile Ties Embedded in Clay - A Numerical Study, ( IGC 2019 ), IGC, Surat, 2019
751 Soumalya Kundu;Rahul Majumder;Ria Ghosh;Manish PalChowdhury, Enhanced relative humidity sensing property of porous Al:ZnO thin films, Materials today: proceedings, 2019
752 Vinay Sachinandan, Suhas Bhairav, Nirnay Ghosh, and Yuval Elovici, PIT: A Probe into Internet of Things by Comprehensive Security Analysis, 522-529, IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (TrustCom), 2019
753 Nirnay Ghosh, Rishabh Singhal, and Sajal K Das, R2Q: A Risk Quantification Framework to Authorize Requests in Web-based Collaborations, 247-254, ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), 2019
754 "Satyajit Chaudhuri", "Rajat Chatterjee", "Soumya Kanta Ray", "Chanchal Majumder", Removal of Cadmium Ions from Water by Using Aluminium Functionalized Graphene Oxide., ISBN: 978-93-5396-272-2, 2nd National Conference on Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM-2019), IIEST Shibpur., 2019
755 A. K. Panigrahy, S. Bonam, T. Ghosh, S. R. K. Vanjari and S. G. Singh, Diffusion Enhanced Drive Sub 100 °C Wafer Level Fine-Pitch Cu-Cu Thermocompression Bonding for 3D IC Integration, IEEE 69th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2019
756 Satyaki Roy*, Nirnay Ghosh*, and Sajal K Das, bioSmartSense: A Bio-inspired Data Collection Framework for Energy-efficient, QoI-aware Smart City Applications, 10.1109/PERCOM.2019.8767392, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2019
757 S. Ghosh, S. Dasgupta, and S. Saha Ray, A Comparison-free Hardware Sorting Engine, 586-591, 2019 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Miami, Florida, 2019
758 A. Sarkar, K. Ray, D. Chowdhury, K. Sahu, S. Kundu and S. Ghosh, Time and Space Efficient Optimal Pairwise Sequence Alignment using GPU, 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Kochi, Kerala, 2019
759 SamyaMuhuri, Ananya, Sarkar, Sambhabi Chakraborty and Susanta Chakraborty, A Statistical Method for Prediction of Liver Disease based on the Brownian Motion Model, IEEE-TENSYMP, India, 2019
760 Sarit Chakraborty and Susanta Chakraborty, Routing Performance Optimization for Homogeneous droplets on MEDA based Digital Microfluidic Biochips, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Miami, Florida, U.S.A., July 15-17, 2019
761 Chandan Das, Sarit Chakraborty and Susanta Chakraborty, An Efficient Test and Fault Tolerance Technique for Paper-based DMFB, 72-86, 23rd International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT-2019), 2019
762 AK Rana, SK Paul, PP Dey, Stress field in an isotropic elastic solid containing a circular hard or soft inclusion under uniaxial tensile stress, 11(2), 657-666, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2019
763 S. Bhattacharyya, S. Teja, M.Midya, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, Dual band dual mode triangular textile antenna for body centric communications, URSI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), 2019
764 M. Midya, S. Bhattacharyya, A. Chatterjee & M. Mitra, A compact circularly polarized open slot antenna for WLAN applications, IEEE Indian conference on Antenna & propagation (INCAP), 2019
765 Dey. N.C., Dey. S., Effective utilization of manshift through sustainable workload testing for underground mining machine operators- an ergonomic based man-machine interface approach, 38-47, XI th international conference of mining techniques at Krynica, Poland, 2019
766 A. Chatterjee, A. Kumar, M. Midya & M. Mitra, Design of a novel 2D printed Inverted-F antenna with defected ground structure for Ultra Wideband applications, IEEE Indian conference on Antenna & propagation (INCAP), 2019
767 A. Dey, S.Bhattacharyya, S.R. Bhadra Chowdhuri & M. Mitra, A dual band flexible antenna on AMC ground for wearable applications, IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave conference (APMC), 2019
768 Dey N. C., Dey S., Applicability and approach of human factors and ergonomics in mining and mineral industry, National Seminar on challenges in Copper industry in India- How to make it more vibrant, 2019
769 Anuraag Mukherjee, Subhadip Chakraborty, Chirantan Das, Anupam Karmakar, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Study of Optical and Electrical Characteristics of chemically extracted Lotus and Taro Bio-Wax for Hydrophobic Surface Engineering, OPTRONIX-2019, 2019
770 A. Akhuli, S. Bhattacharjya and G.Datta, Robust cost optimization of shallow foundation with uncertain-but-bounded type parameters, 64th Congress of ISTAM 2019, IIT, Bhubaneswar, Dec 9- 12, 2009, 2019
771 Banerjee S. , Dey N.C., A comparative analysis on availability of continuous miner in mass production based underground mining technology in India, National Conference on Recent Advances in Mining Technology (RAMT), 2019
772 S. Aravapalli, G. Datta, S. Bhattacharjya, Robust design optimization of underground concrete tunnel subjected to seismic excitation, 64th Congress of ISTAM 2019, IIT, Bhubaneswar, Dec 9- 12, 2009, 2019
773 Dey N. C., Dey S., Application of human factors and ergonomics for trouble shooting in mechanized mining operation, National Conference on Recent Advances in Mining Technology (RAMT), 2019
774 G. Datta, S. Bhattacharjya, Dual polynomial response surface based robust design optimization of structures under stochastic blast load, 7th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS 2019), IIT, mandi, December 11-13, 2019, 2019
775 Michele Palermo, Stefano Pagliara, Deep Roy, Erosive processes downstream of arch shaped sills in vegetated channels., pp. 1560-1569, In E-Proceedings of the 38th International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) World Congress, Panama City, Panama, 1-6 September 2019, 2019
776 Michele Palermo, Stefano Pagliara, Deep Roy, Effect of flexible vegetation on stilling basin erosion downstream of log-frame structures., pp. 1577-1586, In E-Proceedings of the 38th International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) World Congress, Panama City, Panama, 1-6 September 2019, 2019
777 Hrishiraj Ranjan, Madhu Sruthi Emani, Anand Kumar Bharti, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Heat Transfer Enhancement in Non-Circular Channels by Transverse Ribs and Twisted Tapes, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE, Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), 2019
778 Stefano Pagliara, Michele Palermo, Deep Roy, The role of shrubs in river bed erosion: A preliminary morphological analysis., pp. 2346-2355, In E-Proceedings of the 38th International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) World Congress, Panama City, Panama, 1-6 September 2019, 2019
779 Hrishiraj Ranjan, Madhu Sruthi Emani, Anand Kumar Bharti, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Heat Transfer Augmentation in Laminar Swirl Flow Using Spiral ribs and Twisted Tapes with Oblique Teeth, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE, Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), 2019
780 Hrishiraj Ranjan, Madhu Sruthi Emani, Anand Kumar Bharti, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Combined Transverse Ribs and Twisted-Tape...An Energy Efficient Thermal Device., 7th International Congress on Technology Engineering and Science (2019), Malaysia, 2019
781 Madhu Sruthi Emani, Hrishiraj Ranjan, Anand Kumar Bharti, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Duct Flow using Compound Inserts, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE, Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), 2019
782 Anand Kumar Bharti, Hrishiraj Ranjan, Madhu Sruthi Emani, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Evaluation of hydrothermal characteristics for laminar flow by using compound technique, 7th International Congress on Technology Engineering and Science (2019), Malaysia, 2019
783 Sourav Ghosh, Dolon Maity, Abhijit Chowdhury, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Iterative Parallel Test to Detect and Diagnose of Multiple Defects for Digital Microfluidic Biochips, Accepted for publicaiton in IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS), Kolkata, 2019
784 K. Bairagi and U. Bhattacharya, Resource Constrained Coverage Model of a Video Sensor Node to Reduce Energy Consumption, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), 2019
785 Madhu Sruthi Emani, Hrishiraj Ranjan, Anand Kumar Bharti, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Heat Transfer Augmentation and Energy Savings using Compound Enhancement Technique for Thermal Systems, 7th International Congress on Technology Engineering and Science (2019), Malaysia, 2019
786 Subhabrata Roy and Abhijit Chandra, Interpolated Band-pass Method Based Narrow-band FIR Filter: A Prospective Candidate in Filtered-OFDM Technique for the 5G Cellular Network, 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2019
787 K. Bairagi, S. Mitra and U. Bhattacharya, Coverage Enhancement with Reduced Energy Consumption in WVSN for Post Disaster Management, IEEE 16th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2019
788 Mukhopadhyay P., Dey N.C., Effect of environmental changes in working heart rate among industrial worker – An ergonomic interpretation, 21st International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Technology ICIET 2019 at Mumbai, 2019
789 Sujoy Kumar saha, Madhu Sruthi Emani, Hrishiraj Ranjan, Anand Kumar Bharti, Heat Transfer Augmentation- An Energy Efficient Thermal Management System, 7th International Congress on Technology Engineering and Science (2019), Malaysia, 2019
790 V. U. Sameer, R. Naskar and S. Modalavalasa, Mitigating Adaptive PRNU Denoising (APD) in Camera Model Identification: An Anti-Counter Forensic Approach, IEEE TENCON 2019, Kochi, Kerala, India, 2019, 2019
791 Hrishiraj Ranjan, Madhu Sruthi Emani, Anand Kumar Bharti, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Thermo-Fluids in Non-Circular Hydrothermally Enhanced Channels, 12th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications (2019), Gandhinagar, India, 2019
792 A. Panda, S. Rajbans, R. Naskar and S. Pal, A 3D Wide Residual Network with Perceptual Loss for Brain MRI Image Denoising, 10th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kanpur, India, 2019, 2019
793 Anand Kumar Bharti, Hrishiraj Ranjan, Madhu Sruthi Emani, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Enhancement Of Hydrothermal Performance In Laminar Flow Through A Channel Using Spiral Ribs And Twisted- Tapes, 12th International Conference On Thermal Engineering: Theory And Applications February 23-26, 2019, PDPU, Gandhinagar , India, 2019
794 R. Dixit and R. Naskar, Copy-Rotate-Move Forgery Detection using Complex Wavelet Transform and Local Binary Pattern, 10th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kanpur, India, 2019, 2019
795 Madhu Sruthi Emani, Hrishiraj Ranjan, Anand Kumar Bharti, Sujoy Kumar Saha, Energy Savings In Laminar Duct Flow Using Compound Inserts, 12th International Conference On Thermal Engineering: Theory And Applications February 23-26, 2019, PDPU, Gandhinagar , India, 2019
796 Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Analysis of Load Allocation Problem Using Flower Pollination Algorithm with Constraints, 262-265, 2019 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2019
797 D.B. Tariang, R.S. Chakraborty, R. Naskar, A. Roy and P. Sengupta, Improved Detection and Localization for Copy-move Forgery Detection with Similar but Genuine Objects, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Long Beach, California, USA, 2019, 2019
798 Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Evaluation of Locational Marginal Pricing in Deregulated Contingency Market by DCOPF Method, 286-288, 2019 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2019
799 S. Roy, A. Panda and R. Naskar, An Automated Ensembled Deep Neural Network Approach towards Accurate Segmentation of Biomedical Images, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, (WiSPNET), 2019, Tamil Nadu, India., 2019
800 V. Adabala and R. Naskar, Hand Gesture Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, (WiSPNET), 2019, Tamil Nadu, India, 2019
801 S. Roy, A. Panda and R. Naskar, Unsupervised Ground Truth Generation for Automated Brain EM Image Segmentation, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2019, Noida, India, 2019
802 Eric Andres, Mousumi Dutt, Arindam Biswas, Gaelle Largeteau-Skapin, Rita Zrour, Digital two-dimensional bijective reflection and associated rotation, P. 3-14, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) DGCI 2019, 2019
803 Gaurav Kumar, Amal Barman, Madhumita Pal, License Plate Tracking using Gradient based Segmentation, 1742-1745, IEEE TENCON, 2019
804 Bhattacharyya, Himadri Sekhar; Choudhury, Amalendu Bikash; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Performance Analysis of a Lithium-ion Battery Pack in EV Application Using an Auto-Upgraded Neural Network Model, 6-Jan, 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2019
805 Nilanjana Dutta Roy, Arindam Biswas, Finding center of optic disc from fundus images for image characterization and analysis, 30, p 1451-1460, ISMAC 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering 2018 (ISMAC-CVB), 2019
806 Nilanjana Dutta Roy and Arindam Biswas, Graph Theoretical Characterization of Retinal Vascular Network Finding Minimum Cost Spanning Tree, 1031, 257-266, Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics CICBA 2018,, 2019
807 Singh AP, Majumder S, Finite element analysis for evaluation of post implant axial loading condition of femur fracture fixation plate made of shape memory alloy for optimum healing, PID 295 (1–17), 64th International Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 9-12 December 2019, IIT Bhubaneswar, 2019
808 Pampa Howladar, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Micro-electrode-dot array based Biochips : Advantages of Using Different Shaped CMAs, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI(ISVLSI),North Miami,Florida,USA, 2019
809 Swatilekha Ghosh, Electroless Tin Film Deposition Using Aluminium Reducing Agent, 10th International Conference on Materials for advanced technologies, ICMAT-2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 2019
810 Prakash Chandra Singh, Swatilekha Ghosh, Chemical Deposition of SnB and SnP films for corrosion protection, 10th International Conference on Materials for advanced technologies, ICMAT-2019, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 2019
811 Prakash Chandra Singh, Swatilekha Ghosh, Electroless deposition of protective tin films on low carbon steels, National Conference on Recent Developments in Nanoscience& Nanotechnology, NCRDNN -2019, JU, Kolkata, 2019
812 D. Pandit, S. Chakraborty, Simulation of Pseudo-elastic Effect in A Shape Memory Alloy Beam, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (An International Conference), Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, December 9-12, 2019
813 Sharmistha Mondal, Nilanjana Karmakar, Arindam Biswas, Identification of Articulated Components in 3D Digital Objects Using Curve Skeleton, 433-441, International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 2019
814 Nilanjana Dutta Roy, Arindam Biswas, Souvik Ghosh, Rajarshi Lahiri, Abhijit Mitra, Manabendra Dutta Choudhury, Detection of Necrosis in Mice Liver Tissue Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network, 32-40, nternational Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Springer, Cham, 2019
815 Datta, G., Chaudhury, A. K. and Bhattacharjya, S., Adaptive metamodel based robust design optimization of RC frame under stochastic blast load, The 4th International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Hazard (ICRESH)– 2019 (Advances in Risk Based Technology), January, 10-13, IIT Madras, Chennai, India., 2019
816 Singha. T. D, Das. A, Agarwal G, Bandyopadhyay T and Karmakar A, Free Vibration Characteristics of Sandwich Conical Shells with FGM Face Sheets: A Finite Element Approach, ASME GT India Conference, 2019
817 Naiwrita Dey, Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Modified Repetitive Controller for Disturbance Rejection of Peristaltic Pump, 1-5, International Conference on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics (Optronix), 2019
818 Das. A, AgarwalG, Inaba K and Karmakar A, Time dependent low velocity impact response of turbo machinery blade made of porous exponential FGM, ASME GT India Conference, 2019
819 S. Roy, R. Kumar, K. Bhowmik, A Study on Flexural Rigidity of Hexagonal Honeycomb Sandwich Structures using Finite Element Analysis, 64rd congress of ISTAM, December 09-12, IIT Bhubaneswar, 2019
820 Nath S, Das. A, Inaba K and Karmakar A, Simulation of Laser Cutting of Functionally Graded Material used in Aviation Industry, ASME GT India Conference, 2019
821 P. Chauhan, K. Bhowmik, Estimation of Elastic moduli of defective Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes by Finite Element Approach, 64rd congress of ISTAM, December 09-12, IIT Bhubaneswar, 2019
822 Bairagi, A K. and Dalui, S. K., Spectral Density at Roof of Setback Tall Building Due to Time Variant Wind Load, 10, 2nd International conference on Emerging Research in Civil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ERCAM 2019), July 25-26, Nitte meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India., 2019
823 Talukdar, M., Pal, S. K. and Bhui U.K, Characterization of ruby variety corundum from Sittampundi Layered Complex of PCSZ: Linking composition and gem quality, International Conference on “Electron Microscop and Allied Analytical Techniques (EMAAT 2019), 2019
824 Tanmoy Bera, Ankur Das, Jaya Sil, Asit K Das, A survey on rice plant disease identification using image processing and data mining techniques, Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, 2019
825 Mousumi Mukherjee and Debasattam Pal, Computation of solutions for an overdetermined system of partial difference equations, Sixth Indian Control Conference (ICC), IIT Hyderabad, India, 2019
826 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S., Effect of Aerodynamic Modification on a Tall Building with Horizontal Irregularity (Obtained best paper award), 14, 2nd International conference on 'Emerging Research in Civil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ERCAM 2019), July 25-26, Nitte meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India., 2019
827 Rastogi, V. and and Nandi, N, Numerical Investigation of the Flow Parameters inside a Tunnel for a High Speed Train passing through it, paper ID 92, Section FM 7, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) held at IIT Bhubaneswar, 2019
828 S. Saha and N. Nandi, Effect of guide vane on Dean Vortex for single-phase turbulent flow through 90 degree pipe bend, paper ID 81, Section FM 7, Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) held at IIT Bhubaneswar, 2019
829 Chirantana Mallick, Madhurima Dutta, Ajit Kumar Das, Apurba Sarkar, Asit Kumar Das, Extractive Summarization of a Document Using Lexical Chains, Soft Computing in Data Analytics, 2019
830 Bairagi, A K. and Dalui, S. K., Distribution of Wind Pressure around Different Shape Tall Building, 11, 2nd International conference on 'Emerging Research in Civil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ERCAM 2019), July 25-26, Nitte meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India., 2019
831 Rastogi, V. and and Nandi, N, Numerical Analysis on Reduction of Drag Force on the High-Speed Train Through a Tunnel Using k-? Turbulence Modelling, Paper Id no: ICCMS19SD024932, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS) held at IIT, Mandi, 2019
832 S. Saha and N. Nandi, Effect of Guide Vane on Flow Separation for Single Phase Flow through Pipe Bend by k-? Turbulence Model, paper ID: ICCMS19SD024933, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS) held at IIT, Mandi, 2019
833 Roshmi Chatterjee, Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Debasruti Chowdhury, Somen Adhikary, Mousumi Basu, Establishment of the validity of time transformation approach to study pulse compression in silica based single mode optical fibers, International conference on computers and devices for communication, Kolkata, West Bengal (CODEC 2019, 2019
834 Pandey, Rahul Dev and Nandi, N, On Some Aspects of Viscous Instability Phenomenon between two Parallel Plates, ID: ICCMS19SD024934, International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation (ICCMS) held at IIT, Mandi, 2019
835 Somen Adhikary, Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Roshmi Chatterjee, Dipankar Ghosh, Navonil Bose and Mousumi Basu, Parabolic Pulse Interaction in Presence of Dispersion and Nonlinearity Variation in Chalcogenide Fibers, International conference on computers and devices for communication, Kolkata, West Bengal (CODEC 2019), 2019
836 Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Somen Adhikary, Roshmi Chatterjee, Debasruti Chowdhury, Navonil Bose, Dipankar Ghosh, Mousumi Basu, Parabolic Pulse Generation by Dispersion Increasing Chalcogenide Fiber (DICF) in Normal Dispersion Regime, International conference on computers and devices for communication, Kolkata, West Bengal (CODEC 2019, 2019
837 Das, A. and Dalui, S. K., Wind Excitation Study of a Corner Modified Square Tall Structure, 13, 2nd International conference on 'Emerging Research in Civil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ERCAM 2019), July 25-26, Nitte meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India., 2019
838 Ghazaala Yasmin, Subrata Dhara, Rudrendu Mahindar, Asit Kumar Das, Speaker Identification from Mixture of Speech and Non-speech Audio Signal, Soft Computing in Data Analytics, 2019
839 A. Panda, R. Naskar and S. Pal, An Image Texture Descriptor based Machine Learning Framework for Prediction of Thermo-Mechanic Heat Treatment Process in Plain Carbon Steel, 11th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2019, 2019
840 Tapabrata Dhar, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Hardware Trojan Detection by Stimulating Transitions in Rare Nets, 537-538, VLSI Design Conference (VLSID), 2019
841 Chakraborty Surajit, Dhar Basu Rohit, Sikdar K Pradip, Sinha Suranjan, Landuse/Landcover change analysis using geospatial technology and chronosequence estimation of soil organic carbon in naturally reclaimed overburden dump soil in an opencast mine of Raniganj coalfield area, West Bengal., November 27 - 30, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management towards Circular Economy, 2019
842 Mainak Manna, Priyanka Das, Asit Kumar Das, Application of Deep Learning Techniques on Document Classification, International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, 2019
843 Pradeepta Panja, A.Ganguly, Modelling and Analysis of a Solar Biomass Hybrid Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System for running a Cold Storage of Potato in India, PREPARE@U - Preprint Archive, 1(1)., 2019
844 Ghazaala Yasmin, Aditya Chaterjee, Asit Kumar Das, An Approach for Video Summarization Using Graph-Based Clustering Algorithm, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2019
845 Pradeepta Panja, A.Ganguly, Modelling and Analysis of a Hybrid Solar Thermal and Biomass Driven Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System for Cold Storage Purpose, Paper ID 22, 5th International Congress on Engineering and Technology (ICET) Pune, 2019
846 Ghazaala Yasmin, Asit K Das, Speech and Non-speech Audio Files Discrimination Extracting Textural and Acoustic Features, Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing, 2019
847 Sobhan K Pradhan, Aritra Ganguly, Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer Enhancement in Solar Air Heater Using Trapezoidal Sectioned Transverse Ribs, Paper ID 20, 5th International Congress on Engineering and Technology (ICET) Pune, 2019
848 A. Dey, S.Bhattacharyya, S.R. Bhadra Chowdhuri & M. Mitra, A dual band flexible antenna on AMC ground for wearable applications, IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave conference (APMC), 2019
849 Nashreen Nesa, Indrajit Banerjee, SensorRank: An Energy Efficient Sensor Activation Algorithm for Sensor Data Fusion in Wireless Networks, 6(2), 2532-2539, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019
850 A. Chatterjee, A. Kumar, M. Midya & M. Mitra, Design of a novel 2D printed Inverted-F antenna with defected ground structure for Ultra Wideband applications, IEEE Indian conference on Antenna & propagation (INCAP), 2019
851 Nashreen Nesa, Tania Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Design of a chaos-based encryption scheme for sensor data using a novel logarithmic chaotic map, 47, 320-328, J. Inf. Sec. Appl., 2019
852 M. Midya, S. Bhattacharyya, A. Chatterjee & M. Mitra, A compact circularly polarized open slot antenna for WLAN applications, IEEE Indian conference on Antenna & propagation (INCAP), 2019
853 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, R. Simon Sherratt, On-demand fuzzy clustering and ant-colony optimisation based mobile data collection in wireless sensor network, 25(4), 1829-1845, Wireless Networks, 2019
854 S. Bhattacharyya, S. Teja, M.Midya, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, Dual band dual mode triangular textile antenna for body centric communications, URSI Asia Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), 2019
855 Chandrakant Navdeti, Chandan Giri, Indrajit Banerjee, Distributed ?-fair transmit power adaptation based congestion control in VANET, 253-26, ICDCN2019, 2019
856 Sanghamitra De, Mridul Sankar Barik, Indrajit Banerjee, A percolation-based recovery mechanism for bot infected P2P cloud, 474-479, ICDCN 2019, 2019
857 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, IoT-based Seismic Hazard Detection in Coal Mines using Grey Systems Theory, 871-876, IWCMC 2019, 2019
858 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, IoT-based Seismic Hazard Detection in Coal Mines using Grey Systems Theory, 871-876, IWCMC 2019, 2019
859 Sanghamitra De, Mridul Sankar Barik, Indrajit Banerjee, A percolation-based recovery mechanism for bot infected P2P cloud, 474-479, ICDCN 2019, 2019
860 Chandrakant Navdeti, Chandan Giri, Indrajit Banerjee, Distributed ?-fair transmit power adaptation based congestion control in VANET, 253-26, ICDCN2019, 2019
861 S. Mondal, S. K. Dalui and S. Bhattacharjya, Effect of Aerodynamic Modification on a Tall Building with Horizontal Irregularity, July 25-26, 2019, Nitte meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India, 2nd International conference on 'Emerging Research in Civil, Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ERCAM 2019) (The paper has been awarded as 'Best Paper-Civil Engineering'), 2019
862 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, R. Simon Sherratt, On-demand fuzzy clustering and ant-colony optimisation based mobile data collection in wireless sensor network, 25(4), 1829-1845, Wireless Networks, 2019
863 Das, A., & Dalui, S. K., Effect of changing aspect ratios on corner recessed square tall building under wind excitation, 46, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12, 2019
864 Nashreen Nesa, Tania Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Design of a chaos-based encryption scheme for sensor data using a novel logarithmic chaotic map, 47, 320-328, J. Inf. Sec. Appl., 2019
865 Bairagi, A K. and Dalui, S. K., Comparative study of power spectra between square and setback building due to wind load, 47, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12, 2019
866 Nashreen Nesa, Indrajit Banerjee, SensorRank: An Energy Efficient Sensor Activation Algorithm for Sensor Data Fusion in Wireless Networks, 6(2), 2532-2539, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019
867 Das PK, Mohn CE, Trønnes RG & Brodholt JP, Silica Phase Transitions at Lowermost Mantle and Core Conditions, Goldschmidt2019, 728, Goldschmidt, 2019
868 Kar, R., & Dalui, S. K., Effect of aspect ratio of octagonal plan shaped building in wind interference condition, 48, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12, 2019
869 D Majumder, M Viladkar, M. N., Singh, A Novel Framework for Analysis of Tunneling Projects in Lower Himalaya, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 2019
870 S. Bhattacharjya, S. Majumder and G.Datta, An Efficient Metamodeling Based Fragility Analysis Procedure of Offshore Structure Under Extreme Wave, September 22-26, 2019, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany, Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2019), M. Beer and E. Zio (eds.), European Safety and Reliability Association, Research Publishing, Singapore, 2019
871 Mandal, S., Dalui, S. K. and Bhattacharjya, S., Effect of aerodynamic modifications on a tall building with irregularity in plan shape, 48, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12, 2019
872 HiranmaySamanta, Konika Das(Bhattacharya), H. Saha et al, Development of a Novel Controllerfor DC-DC Boost Converter for DC MIcroGrid, IEEE TENCON at Kochi, 2019
873 R. Maiti, K. Das Sharma and G. Sarkar, Adaptive fuzzy low-pass filter based L1 adaptive controller design for twin rotor MIMO system, 744-749, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2019), 2019
874 Paul, R., & Dalui, S. K., Wind Effects on Cross Plan Shaped Tall Building, 52, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12, 2019
875 Bhattacharya, S., & Dalui, S. K., Effect of wind load on regular and irregular plan shaped building, 58, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12, 2019
876 Kumar, D., & Dalui, S. K., Aerodynamic behaviour of two cross plan shaped tall buildings under wind load - A numerical approach, 58, 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12, 2019
877 45. Debalina Nanda, Prasid Syam, Kaushik Mukherjee, Selection procedure of Z-network parameters for a SVPWM Voltage-fed ZSI under varying input voltage conditions with simulated performance, 361-366, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP-2019) 2019, Kolkata, India, 2019
878 Srijan Nag ; Tamal Pal; Souvik Basu; Sipra Das Bit, CNN Based Approach for Post Disaster Damage Assessment, vol. 35, pp. 1-6, ICCDN, 2019
879 Tamal Pal; Sipra DasBit, A low-overhead secure image compression over wireless multimedia sensor network, pp. 1-6, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS), 2019
880 Sheikh Rafiul Islam, Santi P. Maity, Ajoy Kumar Ray, Mrinal K. Mandal, Automatic Detection of Pneumonia on Compressed Sensing Images using Deep Learning, 1-14, CCECE, 2019
881 S Biswas, J Sil, SP Maity, Compressive Sensing Based Expression Recognition, 25-28, Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigm, 2019
882 S. Mandal, S. K. Dalui, and S. Bhattacharjya, Effect of aerodynamic modifications on a tall building with irregularity in plan shape, Proceedings of the 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (pp. 48). Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12., 2019
883 A Choudhury, BK Sikdar, CORE-VR: A Coherence and Reusability Aware Low Voltage Fault Tolerant Cache in Multicore, 1-4, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), 2019
884 Avishek Choudhury, Biplab K Sikdar, Soft Error Resilience in Chip Multiprocessor Cache using a Markov Model Based Re-usability Predictor, 468-476, 2019 IEEE 37th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2019
885 Avishek Choudhury, Brototi Mondal, Biplab K Sikdar, Latency Aware Fault Tolerant Cache in Multicore Using Dynamic Remapping Clusters, 2019 IEEE 28th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2019
886 Reetam Mondal and Jayati Dey, Robust Control of Cart-Inverted Pendulum System by Fractional Order (FO) Controller, pp.817-822, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2019
887 Yangguang Tian, Yingjiu Li, Binanda Sengupta, Nan Li and Yong Yu, Anonymous Asynchronous Payment Channel from k-Time Accountable Assertion, 11829, 512-524, International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS), 2019
888 Baisakhi Das, Nilanjana Das, Biplab K Sikdar, Effect of Trojans on Write Data Access in Memory, 1-5, 2019 9th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2019
889 Mukherjee Mondal Poulomi, Effectiveness of E-Recruitment: An Employer’s Perspective., Sixteenth AIMS International Conference on Management, 2019
890 Somen Adhikary, Binoy Krishna Ghosh and Mousumi Basu,, Generation of Triangular Pulse by a Highly Nonlinear Normally Dispersive Chalcogenide Fiber, The 20th International Symposium on Opto mechatronic Technologies, ISOT-2019 , Goa, India,, 2019
891 Sanchayita Nag, Dipankar Das, Sampad Mukherjee, Rare Earth (Er3+) Doped Nickel Zinc Ferrite: Additional Effects in Structural and Dielectric Properties, AIP proceedings in ICABS19, 2019
892 Roy, Avishek;Mukhopadhyay, Arun Kumar;Hembram, Shilabati;Ghosh, Manojit;Majumdar, Abhijit, Conductive glass coating: Effect of atmospheric plasma treatment, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019
893 Bhaskaran Barman, Mainak Sengupta, Detailed analytical and experimental investigations on voltage source inverter fed Induction Heating prototype, National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC), 2019
894 S Chaudhuri, K Debnath, V K Das, Comparison of scour and stream bed modification around circular pier for different stream bed characteristics -an experimental approach, Paper 46, HYDRO 2019 - - 24thInternational Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering, At: University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2019
895 Abhishek Kar, Bhaskaran Barman, Mainak sengupta, Analysis, FEM based Simulation and Experimental Validation of a VSI-fed Silicon Carbide based Radio Frequency Induction Heating Prototype, National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC), 2019
896 V K Das, S Chaudhuri, K Debnath, Effect of caly-sand mixture on river bank morphology and erosion, Session 7L-1826, 1108, 34th IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists) Meeting of Sedimentology, an International Conference on Sedimentology to face societal challenges on risk, resources and record of the past, D, 2019
897 Kousik Ghosh, Abhishek Kar, Mainak sengupta,Bhaskaran Barman, Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of a 30W, 300 kHz Closed-Loop ZCS Buck Converter in voltage-mode control, National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC), 2019
898 S Chaudhuri, V K Das, K Debnath, Scouring and Downstream Bed Deformation due to Obstruction of Stream Flow – an Experimental Study with Fine-grained Non-cohesive Sediment Bed, Session 10A, 1808, 1808, ‘34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology - International Conference on Sedimentology to face societal challenges on risk, resources and record of the past, at Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza Univer, 2019
899 V K Das, S Chaudhuri, K Debnath, Erosion Mechanisms and Modification of Morphological Pattern of Meandering River Bank - A Case Study at the Middle Flow Regime of the Hooghly River near Nawadip, West Bengal, India, Hydro 2019 International Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal EngineeringAt: Osmania University, Hyderabad., 2019
900 Rai, Amit K.,; Shakti S. Gupta, Nonlinear vibration of circular plate under moving point loads., 1, 610, US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Austin, Texas USA, 2019
901 Subhadeep Ghosh, Achin Kumar Chowdhuri and Aritra Ganguly, Performance and emission analysis of a variable compression SI engine using Methanol Gasoline blend as fuel, 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES11-2019) organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, July 2019 presented and published (Paper ID 58)., 2019
902 Ramen Kanti De and A. Ganguly, Thermal modeling and performance analysis of a solar assisted double effect vapour absorption system based cold storage, Proceedings of the Ist International Conference on Clean and Renewable Energy organized by NIT Durgapur, July 2019 presented and published (Paper ID 33)., 2019
903 A.Nageswara Rao and Abhijit Kushari, Screech characteristics using POD and DMD Analysis, The 15th International Conference on Fluid Control, measurements and Visualization, Naples, 2019
904 Das, Dhiraj Kumar and Khajanchi, Subhas and Kar, Tapan Kumar, Influence of multiple re-infections in tuberculosis transmission dynamics: A Mathematical Approach, 1-5, 2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), 2019
905 Kulshresth Singh and Md. Mirajul Islam, Phytoremediation Capability of Gold from Mine Tailings - A Review, Published in the Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Mining Technology (RAMT-2019), May 23-24, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangaluru, 2019
906 Moumita Bairagi, Asok Adak and Md. Mirajul Islam, Bacterial inactivation in Wastewater using UV/H2O2 Advanced Oxidation, Published in the 2nd National Conference on Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environmental Management (SATEM-2019), December 18 – 20, IIEST Shibpur, 2019
907 Debnath T., Paitandi S., Mukherjee P. and Sengupta M, Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Fractional-Slot Non-Overlapping Winding Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator, 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
908 Ghosh K., Kar A., Sengupta M. and Barman B., Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of a 30 W, 300 kHz, Closed-Loop ZCS Buck Converter in Voltage-Mode Control, 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
909 Dey S., Roy D. and Sengupta M., Real Time Simulation of a Switched Reluctance Motor on a Miniature Full Spectrum Simulator, 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
910 Jhuma Ganguly, Invited Lecture: Sugar support functional materials for Bio-inspired application, Indo-German workshop at University of Delhi, 5th and 6th April, 2019, 2019
911 Bhandari A., Debnath T., Paitandi S. and Sengupta M.,, Comparative Study of Two Different PMSGs with Different Slot Pole Combination Having Non-Overlapping Winding Configuration, 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
912 Jhuma Ganguly, Invited Lecture: Microgels for Development of Functional Bio-inspired application, 106th Indian Science Congress  3rd to 7th  January, 2019, LPU, Jalandhar, 2019
913 Subham Patra, Moumita Sit, Chaitali Ray, Effect of fibre orientation on the free vibration characteristics of laminated composite plates, 64th ISTAM Congress, Bhubaneswar, 2019
914 Kishalay Bairagi, Sulata Mitra and Uma Bhattacharya, Coverage Enhancement with Reduced Energy Consumption in WVSN for Post Disaster Management, 1-4, IEEE INDICON, 2019
915 Jhuma Ganguly, Lecture and Poster: Sugar Based Gelators: A Smart Future, 10th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, DST and IIT, Kanpur from 24 to 27 May 2018 at Potsdam, Germany, 2019
916 Soumen Roy, Subham Patra, Sandipan Nath Thakur, Chaitali Ray, A comparative study on free vibration of hybrid laminated composite shells, 64th ISTAM Congress, 2019
917 Soumen Roy, Subham Patra, Sandipan Nath Thakur, Chaitali Ray, A comparative study on free vibration of hybrid laminated composite shells, 64th ISTAM Congress, 2019
918 Barman B. and Sengupta M.,, Detailed analytical and experimental investigations on voltage source inverter fed Induction Heating Prototype, 9th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2019), NIT Trichy, 2019
919 Ajeesh C, Soumen Roy, Sandipan Nath Thakur, Chaitali Ray, Experimental and numerical free vibration analysis of laminated composite shells, 64th ISTAM Congress (An International Meet), 2019
920 Debasis Mitra, Soumyadeep Das, and Shubhadip Paul, SAR Reduction for an Implantable Antenna Using Ferrite Superstrate, International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2019
921 Bakary F. Nije, Arup Sarkar, Sustainable transit options for small towns - A case of Purulia town in India, 12th All India People's Technology Congress (FOSET), 2019
922 Koushik Layek ; Biswanath Basak ; Sourav Samanta ; Santi Prasad Maity ; Ananya Barui, Segmentation of Prostate Sonoelastography Images Using Quantitative Elasticity Measures, 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2019
923 Sarbamoy Mallick, Pritam Pathak, Abhik Mukherjee;, Design of an adaptive estimator for tracking football in flight, TenSymp, 2019
924 Paramita Das, Agniv Adhikari and Abhik Mukherjee, Accessibility metric for characterizing the relevance of conference papers, TENSYMP, 2019
925 RP Mahto, M Kinjawadekar, C Gupta, SK Pal, Effect of Pin Diameter in Underwater Friction Stir Lap Welding of Dissimilar, 487, Advances in Additive Manufacturing and Joining: Proceedings of AIMTDR 2018, 2019
926 S. Chatterjee, G. Mandal and S. K. Ghosh, Effect of copper on the structure and properties of ultrahigh strength steel, National Seminar on Prospects of Copper & Copper Alloy Components in Iron & Steel Industry, 8th August, 2019, Kolkata, 2019
927 G. Mandal, S. K. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Development of Advanced High Strength Steel through the Various Processing Routes, International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM 2019), June 12-14, Kerala, India, 2019
928 Safar V, Anirban Nag, Bibekananda Patra and Sandipan Bandyopadhyay, A Comparative Study of Three Methods for the Computation of Determinants of Univariate Polynomial Matrices, 4th International and 19th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, 2019
929 Arpan Garai, Samit Biswas, Dewarping of Single-folded Camera Captured Bangla Document Images, 647-656, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2019
930 Ashish Kumar Layek, Amreeta Chatterjee, Debanjan Chatterjee, Samit Biswas, Detection and Classification of Earthquake Images from Online Social Media, 345-355, Computational Intelligence in Pattern Recognition, 2019
931 R. Mukhopadhyay, R. Chaki, A. Sutradhar and P. Chattopadhyay, Model Learning for Robotic Manipulators using Recurrent Neural Networks, TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2019
932 R. Mukhopadhyay, S. Bandyopadhyay, A. Sutradhar and P. Chattopadhyay, Performance Analysis of Deep Q Networks and Advantage Actor Critic Algorithms in Designing Reinforcement Learning-based Self-tuning PID Controllers, 2019 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC), 2019
933 R. Sen, R. Mukhopadhyay, A. Sutradhar, D. Ganguly and P. Chattopadhyay, Design of a Lyapunov based Fuzzy Controller for 3 DOF Modular Robotic Leg, 2019 Fifth Indian Control Conference (ICC), 2019
934 Budhkar, A. K. and Maji, A., Calibration of VISSIM parameters for merging sections in mixed traffic stream, Page (171-192), CTRG 2019, 2019
935 Atin Roy, Subrata Chakraborty, Support Vector Regression Based Metamodel for Reliability Analysis of Structure, 22-26, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2019
936 S. Tamang and S. Aravindan, Joining of Cu to SS304 by microwave hybrid heating with Ni as interlayer, 98-104, 17th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating AMPERE 2019, 2019
937 Sounak Kabasi, Subrata Chakraborty, An Efficient Moving Least Squares Based Response Surface Method for Reliability Analysis of Structures, 22-26, 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2019
938 Arkajit Ghosh, Avinava Roy, Manojit Ghosh, Aluminium and its alloys to enhance sustainability in automotive industry, 23rd International conference on Non-Ferrous Minerals and Materials, 2019
939 Anik Naha Biswas, Suparna Ballav, Ayan Chatterjee, Susanta Kumar Parui, Beamwidth Reduction of Helical Antenna Using Single Layer FSS Structure, URSI AP-RASC, New Delhi, 2019
940 Atin Roy and Subrata Chakraborty, Improved Adaptive Response Surface Method for Reliability Analysis of Structures, 10-13, 4th Int. Conf. on Reliability, Safety & Hazard, 2019
941 GA Sarkar, SK Parui, Microstrip Line Fed Two Element E-Plane HDRA Antenna Array, 175-181, Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking, 2019
942 99. Sounak Kabasi and Subrata Chakraborty, Hybrid Response Surface Function Based Metamodeling of Response Approximation for Reliability Analysis, 10-13, 4th Int. Conf. on Reliability, Safety & Hazard, 2019
943 SR Choudhury, A Sengupta, SK Parui, S Das, An Archimedean Spiral-Shaped Frequency-Selective Defected Structure for Narrowband High Q Applications, 205-211, Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, 2019
944 Subimal Nandi, Sujata Biswas, Application of Geospatial Techniques in Flood Hazard Zonation and Inundation Modelling, 2611-2622, ISH - HYDRO 2019 International Conference Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 2019
945 Sudharsana Rao Potturu , Tanmay Pal and Srinivasu Maka, Modelling and Analysis of Respiratory System with Congestive Heart Failure, Indian Control Conference, 2019
946 Sarmah, T. & Das, S., Linking hazards of landslide and urban flood in North-East Himalayan region, 4thWCDM: 4th World congress on Disaster management, Bombay, India., 2019
947 Narendr, A., Das, S. & Aithal, B.H., Adaptive capacity assessment of a region against flood vulnerability using GIS and remote sensing, 4thWCDM: 4th World Congress on Disaster management, Bombay, India, 2019
948 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, IoT-based Seismic Hazard Detection in Coal Mines using Grey Systems Theory, 871-876, IWCMC 2019, 2019
949 P. Snghamitra, Debabrata Mazumder and Somnath Mukherjee, A study on anaerobic biodegradation of oily wastewater under suspended growth condition, 1, 36 - 38, 2nd National Conference on Sustainable Advanced Technologies for Environment Management, 2019
950 Das, S., Infrastructural requirement of OPD areas in Indian govt. medical college hospitals: Medical professionals’ perspective, Int. Conf. on Public Health and Well-being 2019, Negombo, Sri Lanka, 2019
951 Sanghamitra De, Mridul Sankar Barik, Indrajit Banerjee, A percolation-based recovery mechanism for bot infected P2P cloud, 474-479, ICDCN 2019, 2019
952 Das, S. & Sarmah, T., Determining building vulnerability against urban flood using rapid visual screening, 49th Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Los Angeles, USA., 2019
953 Chandrakant Navdeti, Chandan Giri, Indrajit Banerjee, Distributed ?-fair transmit power adaptation based congestion control in VANET, 253-26, ICDCN2019, 2019
954 Sarmah, T. & Das, S., Determining urban flood vulnerability using an indicator based approach., 55th International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) World Planning Congress, Jakarta-Bogor, Indonesia, 2019
955 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, R. Simon Sherratt, On-demand fuzzy clustering and ant-colony optimisation based mobile data collection in wireless sensor network, 25(4), 1829-1845, Wireless Networks, 2019
956 Sarmah, T. & Das, S., The state-of-the-art review of vulnerability indices: with a special focus on urban flood, 2nd World Bosai Forum (WBF)/ Int. Disaster & Risk Conf. (IDRC), Sendai, Japan, 2019
957 Mishra, P. S., Maparu, T. S., & Muhuri, S., Evaluation of ‘Architectural and Aesthetic Value’ of Built Heritage: A Comparison of Weightage Methods, International Conference on Future Cities: ICFC 2019 (Roorkee, India), 2019
958 Nashreen Nesa, Tania Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Design of a chaos-based encryption scheme for sensor data using a novel logarithmic chaotic map, 47, 320-328, J. Inf. Sec. Appl., 2019
959 P. C. Gupta, A. Banerjee, P. P. Singh, Analysis and Control of Chaotic Oscillation in FOSMIB Power System Using AISMC Technique, 1-6, IEEE Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems, (SCES-2019) at MNNIT Allahabad, 29th -31st May, 2019
960 Nashreen Nesa, Indrajit Banerjee, SensorRank: An Energy Efficient Sensor Activation Algorithm for Sensor Data Fusion in Wireless Networks, 6(2), 2532-2539, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019
961 Abhilash Sen, Atanu Banerjee, Haricharan Nannam, A comparative analysis between UPFC and DPFC in a grid connected Photovoltaic System, 1-5, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS), Madurai, India, 11th -13th April, 2019
962 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, IoT-based Seismic Hazard Detection in Coal Mines using Grey Systems Theory, 871-876, IWCMC 2019, 2019
963 Sadhan Chandra Das, Sumant Katiyal, Abhijit Majumdar, and T. Shripathi, High temperature visible Raman and impedance spectroscopy of Bi-rich BiFeO3, 2115, 030423, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019
964 Hari Charan Nannam, Atanu Banerjee, A fuzzy logic-controlled Vienna rectifier to extract maximum power in the grid Connected wind energy system applications, 1-7, 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment symposium (IEEES11-2019), SRM University, Chennai, India, July 14th-18th, 2019
965 Sanghamitra De, Mridul Sankar Barik, Indrajit Banerjee, A percolation-based recovery mechanism for bot infected P2P cloud, 474-479, ICDCN 2019, 2019
966 Avishek Roy, Arun Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Shilabati Hembram, Manojit Ghosh, and Abhijit Majumdar, Conductive glass coating: Effect of atmospheric plasma treatment, 2115, 030248, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019
967 Abhilash Sen, Atanu Banerjee, Haricharan Nannam, Performance Analysis of UPFC and DPFC in a Grid Connected Hybrid Solar-Wind Generation System, 1-6, 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment symposium (IEEES 11-2019), SRM University, Chennai, India, July 14th-18th, 2019
968 Chandrakant Navdeti, Chandan Giri, Indrajit Banerjee, Distributed ?-fair transmit power adaptation based congestion control in VANET, 253-26, ICDCN2019, 2019
969 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, R. Simon Sherratt, On-demand fuzzy clustering and ant-colony optimisation based mobile data collection in wireless sensor network, 25(4), 1829-1845, Wireless Networks, 2019
970 Nashreen Nesa, Tania Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Design of a chaos-based encryption scheme for sensor data using a novel logarithmic chaotic map, 47, 320-328, J. Inf. Sec. Appl., 2019
971 Bijoy Goswami, Ayan Bhattacharya, Komal Kumari, Priyadarshini Das, Wasim Reja, Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Novel Double Source TFET for Low Power Application, 2019 IEEE 14th ICIIS (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), 2019
972 Nashreen Nesa, Indrajit Banerjee, SensorRank: An Energy Efficient Sensor Activation Algorithm for Sensor Data Fusion in Wireless Networks, 6(2), 2532-2539, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019
973 Anirban Chakraborty and Ayan Banerjee, Low Latency Semi-iterative CORDIC Algorithm using Normalized Angle Recoding and its VLSI Implementation, 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), Chennai, 2019
974 Sudipta Ghosh, Prithviraj Pachal, Sourav Guha, Supratim Kundu, P. Venkateswaran, Subir Kumar Sarkar, Asymmetric Stack Gate-Oxide infused Graded Channel Tri-Metal Double Gate TFET, MSSND-2019, 2019
975 Debanjana Datta, Baidyanath Ray and Ayan Banerjee, Synthesis of Linear and Non-linear Analog Circuits, IEEE International System-On-Chip Conference (SOCC 2019 – PhD Forum) Singapore., 2019
976 Sharmistha Shee Kanrar, Bijoy Goswami, Abir Jana, Kousik Naskar, Subir Kumar Sarkar, An Insight into Quantization Effects in Ultra-Thin Tunnel Field Effect Transistor, MSSND-2019, 2019
977 Budhkar, A. K. and Maji, A., Speed reduction on merging sections in mixed traffic- A Case study., Presented in WCTRS-2019 held in Mumbai, 26-30 May 2019, 2019
978 Sanghamitra Ghosal, Indranil Maity and Partha Bhattacharyya, An Integrated CO2 Sensor Using TiO2NT/RGO Hybrid Sensing Layer with embedded Micro hot Plate, 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems & Workshop on Optoelectronics (ISDCS 2019), Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 06-08 March, 2019
979 Sudipta Ghosh, Prithviraj Pachal, Sourav Guha, Rahul Kumar, P. Venkateswaran, Subir Kumar Sarkar, Double Gate p-n-p-n TFET with Hetero Oxide Dielectric and High-K Spacer Engineering, MSSND-2019, 2019
980 Debanjana Datta, Mousumi Bhanja, A. Chaudhuri, Baidyanath Ray and Ayan Banerjee, Cell-based Coherent Design Methodology for Linear and Non-linear Analog Circuits, IEEE International System-On-Chip Conference (SOCC 2019), September 3-6, 2019, 2019
981 Debanjana Dutta, S. Agarwal, V. Kumar, M. Raj, Baidyanath Ray and Ayan Banerjee, Design of Current Mode Sigmoid Function and Hyperbolic Tangent Function, 23rd International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT-2019), 2019
982 Indranil Maity and Partha Bhattacharyya, Potentiality of Surface Modified TiO2 Nanoflowers for Alcohol Sensing Application, 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems & Workshop on Optoelectronics (ISDCS 2019), Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, 06-08 March, 2019
983 Ranjan Kr Ghadai, Subhas Ch Mondal, Bibhu P Swain, Optimization of PECVD process parameters for the deposition of DLC thin film using TOPSIS, ICNMS 2019, 2019
984 Debanjana Dutta, Mousumi Bhanja, A. Prasad, Baidyanath Ray and Ayan Banerjee, Design of Current-mode High Frequency linear Analog Circuit, IEEE TENSYMP: The IEEE Region 10 Symposium, 2019
985 P. Mandal and S. C. Mondal, Investigation on the Performance of Copper-Coated 6061 Aluminium Alloy Electrode in Electric Discharge Machining, 345-355, International Conference on Research into Design for a Connected World, 2019
986 Tapobrata Dhar, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Hardware Trojan Detection by Stimulating Transitions in Rare Nets, Accepted for publication in VLSI Design Conference (VLSID)Juanuary, Delhi, India., 2019
987 O. Dobe and A. Sarkar and Halder, Rough k-means and morphological operation-based brain tumor extraction, 771, 661-667, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2019
988 Debanjana Datta, A. Chaudhuri, Mousumi Bhanja, Baidyanath Ray and Ayan Banerjee, Series Realization of Non-Linear Analog Functions using Current Mode Device, 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON 2019), 2019
989 Indrajit Sil, Sohini Mondal, Sanghamitra Ghosal, Partha Bhattacharyya, A Smart Microsensor Device with Pt/Ti Microheater and Titania Nanotube Array Sensing Layer for Detection of NO Gas, 20th International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2019), Novotel Hotel, Kolkata, India, 17-20 December, 2019
990 S. Mandal, G. Paul, S. C. Mondal, Investigation into the Application of Liquid CO 2 and MQL for CNC Turning of Al Alloy 3055, 977-987, International Conference on Research into Design, 2019
991 Rupam Bhattacharya, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, A new combined routing technique in digital microfluidic biochip, 441-450, Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security: Proceedings of IEMIS 2018, Volume 1, 2019
992 Chandrakant Navdeti, Chandan Giri and Indrajit Banerjee, Distributed Alpha-Fair Transmit Power Adaptation Based Congestion Control in VANET, Accepted for publication in ICDCN 2019, January 4-7 2019, Bangalore, 2019
993 A. K. Das and A. K. Das and A. Sarkar, An evolutionary algorithm-based text categorization technique, 711, 851-861, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2019
994 Anirban Ganguly and Ayan Banerjee, Analog VLSI Design of Current Mode DCT for 1D Signal Processing, 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON 2019), 2019
995 Rupam Bhattacharya, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, A new homogeneous droplet transportation algorithm and its simulator to boost route performance in digital microfluidic biochips, 429-440, Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security: Proceedings of IEMIS 2018, Volume 1, 2019
996 M. Dutta and A. K. Das and C. Mallick and A. Sarkar and A. K. Das, A graph based approach on extractive summarization, 813, 179-187, International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, IEMIS 2018, 2019
997 Anirban Chakraborty and Ayan Banerjee, An Adaptive and Automated Image Fusion Algorithm Based on DWT for Real Time Applications, 4th IEEE International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON 2019), 2019
998 Indranil Maity, Koushik Dutta, and Partha Bhattacharyya, A Non-conventional Resistive Mode Humidity Sensor based on Graphene Oxide, International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices: IWPSD-2019, Novotel Hotel, Kolkata, India, 17-20 December, 2019
999 Anirban Bhattacharjee, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Laxmidhar Biswal, Hafizur Rahaman, A heuristic qubit placement strategy for nearest neighbor realization in 2d architecture, 593-605, VLSI Design and Test: 22nd International Symposium, VDAT 2018, Madurai, India, June 28-30, 2018, Revised Selected Papers 22, 2019
1000 Laxmidhar Biswal, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Rakesh Das, Gopinath Thirunavukarasu, Hafizur Rahaman, Quantum domain design of Clifford+ t-based bidirectional barrel shifter, 606-618, VLSI Design and Test: 22nd International Symposium, VDAT 2018, Madurai, India, June 28-30, 2018, Revised Selected Papers 22, 2019
1001 Bikramdeb Chakraborty, Indranil Maity, Koushik Dutta, and Partha Bhattacharyya, A Quantitative Equivalent Circuit Modelling of TiO2 Nanoflower based Devices for Better Understanding of Underlying Mechanism, International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices: IWPSD-2019, Novotel Hotel, Kolkata, India, 17-20 December, 2019
1002 Bappaditya Mondal, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Subham Saha, Shalini Parekh, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, An approach for detection of node displacement fault (NDF) in reversible circuit, 605-616, VLSI Design and Test: 23rd International Symposium, VDAT 2019, Indore, India, July 4–6, 2019, Revised Selected Papers 23, 2019
1003 Anirban Bhattacharjee, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Robert Wille, Rolf Drechsler, Hafizur Rahaman, Improved look-ahead approaches for nearest neighbor synthesis of 1D quantum circuits, 203-208, 2019 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design and 2019 18th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2019
1004 Arpita Dutta, Samit Biswas, CNN Based Extraction of Panels/Characters from Bengali Comic Book Page Images, 1, 38-43, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition Workshops (ICDARW), 2019
1005 Indranil Maity, and Partha Bhattacharyya, Point of Care Diagnosis of Liver Cancer through Detection of Trace Amount of Acetone in Exhaled Breath using GO based Power Efficient Organic Vapor Sensor, Young Scientists' Colloquium-YSC-2019 (MRSI-Kolkata), SINP, Kolkata 17th September, 2019
1006 Rakesh Das, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Optimizing Quantum Circuits for Modular Exponentiation, 407-412, 2019 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design and 2019 18th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2019
1007 Arpan Garai, Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal, Bidyut B. Chaudhuri, A Method to Generate of Synthetically Warped Document Image, Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP 2019), 2019
1008 Sanghamitra Ghosal, and Partha Bhattacharyya, Highly Selective Integrated Micro-heater based packaged H2 Gas Sensor Device with RGO/TiO2 Nanotube Hybrid Sensing Layer, Young Scientists' Colloquium-YSC-2019 (MRSI-Kolkata), SINP, Kolkata 17th September, 2019
1009 Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Comparative Stability Analysis of Pristine and AsF5 Intercalation Doped Top Contact Graphene Nano Ribbon Interconnects, 1-4, 2019 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2019
1010 Smita Paira, Joy Halder and Uma Bhattacharya, MDC-RSA: A novel online survivable RSA technique in data center oriented EON, IEEE TENSYMP 2019, 2019
1011 Anakhi Hazarika, Soumyajit Poddar, Hafizur Rahaman, Hardware efficient convolution processing unit for deep neural networks, 1-4, 2019 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2019
1012 Sanghamitra Ghosal, and Partha Bhattacharyya, Fabrication, Characterization and Gas Sensing performance of Ternary Hybrid Junction of Honeycomb Textured WO3 Nanoflowers/rGO/Pd, International conference on Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Nano materials, SCAN-2019 (MRS-Singapore), 1-2 November, 2019
1013 Ira Nath, Uma Bhattacharya and Monish Chatterjee, An efficient heuristic to minimize number of regenerations in translucent optical network under dynamic scenario, 451-454, ICDCN 2019, 2019
1014 S Chakravarty, A Pramanik, On Compressed Sensing Based Iterative Channel Estimator for UWA OFDM Systems, 1144 - 1152, Future of Information and Communication Conference, 2019
1015 Sagnik Bhar, Annapurna Mondal, Supriyo Srimani, Indranil Hatai, Subhajit Das, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, A low power driver amplifier for Fully Differential ADC, 1-6, 2019 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2019
1016 Indranil Maity, Bikramdeb Chakraborty, and Partha Bhattacharyya, GO Based Highly Efficient Volatile Organic Compound Sensor on Flexible Substrate for Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus and NAFLD through Exhaled Breath, International conference on Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Nano materials, SCAN-2019 (MRS-Singapore), 1-2 November, 2019
1017 Abantika Choudhury, Uma Bhattacharya and Rituparna Chaki, Dynamic Scheduling of Traffic Signal (DSTS) Management in Urban Area Network, 132-143, CISIM 2019, 2019
1018 Ajay Kumar Chowdhary, Supriyo Srimani, Subhajit Das, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Estimation of non-linear effects for Capacitive DAC in SAR ADC: An Analytical Model, 1-5, 2019 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2019
1019 Soumajit Ghosh, Vishal Roshan, Avishek Dutta, Subhajit Das, Tapas Kumar Maiti, Mitiko Miura-Mattausch, Hafizur Rahaman, Optimization of DC-DC Power Converter Design with Second Generation HiSIM_HV Model, 1-5, 2019 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2019
1020 Bikramdeb Chakraborty, Indranil Maity and Partha Bhattacharyya, Equivalent Circuit Model of GO and rGO Based Devices: A Systematic Comparison, Symposium on Carbon Nanomaterial Electronics SCNE-2019, BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, 8-9 November, 2019
1021 Arnab Mukhopadhyay, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Effect of Uniaxial Strain on Properties of Blue Phosphorene-CNT Heterojunction, 131-133, 2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2019
1022 Indrajit Sil, Indranil Maity and Partha Bhattacharyya, Detection of Unknown Vapor Species using Graphene Oxide Sensor employing Noise Analysis Approach, Symposium on Carbon Nanomaterial Electronics, SCNE-2019, BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, 8-9 November, 2019
1023 Pranav Agarwal, Soumyajit Poddar, Anakhi Hazarika, Hafizur Rahaman, Learning to synthesize faces using voice clips for Cross-Modal biometric matching, 397-402, 2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2019
1024 Das P., Khutia N., Dey P. P., Gupta Suneel. K., Arora P., Experimental Analysis and Simulation of Cyclic Plastic Behaviour under Uniaxial Multi Step Low Cycle Fatigue of 304 LN Stainless Steel, International Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (December 5-7, 2019), Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India, Society of Mecahn, 2019
1025 Annapurna Mondal, Sagnik Bhar, Supriyo Srimani, Indranil Hatai, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Analytical Model of a Multi-Resolution Sample rate re-configurable Decimator for SDADC, 588-592, 2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2019
1026 Firoz R., Chakrabarty A., Khutia N., Bar H. N., Study of Deformation and Fracture Behavior of Inconel 718 through Experiments and FE Analysis with GTN Model, Inernational Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes for Defence Applications (ADMAT 2019), Sept 23-25, 2019
1027 S. Ghosal, I. Sil, P. P. Chattopadhyay and P. Bhattacharyya, Design and Optimization of Ternary Alloy Electrode for Semiconductor Based Gas Sensor Devices, Symposium on Carbon Nanomaterial Electronics, SCNE-2019, BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, 8-9 November, 2019
1028 I. Dey, R. Saha and S. K. Ghosh, Effect of quenching and partitioning on microstructure and mechanical properties of hot rolled high carbon Nb microalloyed steel plate, 2nd International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM-2019), December 12-14, Rourkela, India, 2019
1029 Pampa Howladar, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Micro-electrode-dot array based biochips: Advantages of using different shaped CMAs, 296-301, 2019 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2019
1030 Anakhi Hazarika, Avinash Jain, Soumyajit Poddar, Hafizur Rahaman, Shift and accumulate convolution processing unit, 914-919, TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2019
1031 Koushik Dutta, Suman Ghosal, Sanghamitra Ghosal, Bikramdeb Chakraborty and Partha Bhattacharyya, A Quantitative Approach of Deriving Equivalent Circuit Elements for p-rGO and n-TiO2 Nanotube Junctions, Symposium on Carbon Nanomaterial Electronics, SCNE-2019, BITS Pilani, Pilani, Rajasthan, 8-9 November, 2019
1032 Laxmidhar Biswal, Chandan Bandyopadhay, Hafizur Rahaman, Fault-tolerant Quantum Implementation of 1-bit and 4-bit Comparator Circuit using Clifford+ T-group, 1-6, 2019 9th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2019
1033 S. Ghosal, P. P. Chattopadhyay, P. Bhattacharyya, Use of Ternary Catalytic Alloy Electrodes as Novel Approach for Improving the Efficiency of Nanostructured ZnO Based Gas Sensor Devices, International Seminar cum Research Colloquium on MEMS based Sensors and Smart Nanostructured Devices (MSSND-2019), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 2nd December, 2019
1034 Laxmidhar Biswal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Efficient implementation of fault-tolerant 4: 1 quantum multiplexer (qmux) using clifford+ t-group, 69-74, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS), 2019
1035 T. Pal and S. DasBit, A Low-Overhead Secure Image Compression over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, 1-6, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems, 2019
1036 Samiran Pramanik, Saikat Chandra Bakshi, Debasis Mitra and Chaitali Koley, Design and Analysis of a Reconfigurable Polarization Conversion Metasurface, IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP), 2019
1037 Supriyo Srimani, Ravi Singh, Manas Kumar Parai, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Distortion Analysis Using Volterra Kernel for Amplifier Circuits, 308-311, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS), 2019
1038 Sanchita Kayal, Tarakeswar Shaw and Debasis Mitra, Flexible Miniaturized Highly Sensitive Liquid Sensor at Microwave Frequency, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMARC), 2019
1039 Tarakeswar Shaw, Sanchita Kayal and Debasis Mitra, Design of Magnetic Resonance Coupled Efficient Wireless Power Transfer System Using Metamaterial, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMARC), 2019
1040 T. Chatterjee, S. Ruj and S. Das Bit, LowSHeP: Low-overhead forwarding and update Solution in ndn with Hexadecimal Patricia trie, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2019
1041 Sengupta, Bidesh and Cho, Min Young and Raj, Lawrence Prince and Myong, Rho Shin, Development of Aero and 6-DOF Solvers for Predicting Ice Shedding Trajectory, 54--55, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2019
1042 S. Walling, J. Sengupta and S. Das Bit, A Low-cost Real-time IoT based Air Pollution Monitoring using LoRa, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2019
1043 J. Sengupta, S. Ruj and S. DasBit, End to End Secure Anonymous Communication for Secure Directed Diffusion in IoT, 445-450, ICDCN, 2019
1044 Pujayita Saha, Debasis Mitra and Susanta K. Parui, A Compact Co-planar Waveguide fed Circularly Polarized In-body Antenna for Medical Devices, URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), 2019
1045 Mondal, T and Raj, L Prince and Myong, RS, NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF CONJUGATE HEAT TRANSFER OF TWO IMPINGING JETS FOR ANTI-ICING OF AIRCRAFT, 150--151, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2018
1046 N. Das, S. Basu and S. DasBit, Hm2Sc: Human Movement Model for Post Disaster Scenario in Smart City, 7-12, ACM MobiCom, 2018
1047 Raj, L Prince and Vaghela, M and Myong, RS, COMPUTATIONAL INVESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF ROUGHNESS AND HEAT TRANSFER ON AIRFOIL ICE ACCRETION, 140--141, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2018
1048 J. Sengupta, S. Ruj and S. DasBit, An Efficient and Secure Directed Diffusion in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, 41-46, ACM MobiCom, 2018
1049 Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Oishila Bandyopadhyay, Arindam Biswas and Bhargab B Bhattacharya, Detection of Osteoarthritis by Gap and Shape Analysis of Knee Bone X-ray, p 121-133, IWCIA 2018: Combinatorial Image Analysis, 2018
1050 Mondal, S., Saha, P.,, Battery-Run and Traditional Fuel Vehicle Mix: Perspectives of Road Traffic Environment and Operations, ISBN978-81-938404-9-8, 321-325, 33rdIndian Engineering Congress, The Institution of Engineers (India), 2018
1051 K. Vyas, J. Sengupta and S. DasBit, ARPL: Supporting adaptive mixing of RPL modes to overcome memory overflow, 124-129, IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems, 2018
1052 Saikat Chandra Bakshi and Debasis Mitra, A Reconfigurable FSS Backed Continuously Tunable CAA Inspired Absorber, IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP), 2018
1053 R. Mondal, A. Roy and S. DasBit, Encounter-History based fast routing for post-disaster communication in DTNs, 35-39, CCIT, 2018
1054 Rahul Dutta, Saikat Chandra Bakshi and Debasis Mitra, An Ultrathin Compact Polarization-Insensitive Hepta-Band Absorber, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), 2018
1055 Basu, S., Roy, N., Saha, P., Assessment of Safety Performance on Two-Lane Roads under Mixed Traffic: A Review of Recent Research and Future Research Needs, 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, Washington, D.C., 2018
1056 T. Chatterjee, S. Ruj and S. DasBit, Data forwarding and update propagation in grid network for NDN: A low-overhead approach, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2018
1057 Saikat Chandra Bakshi and Debasis Mitra, Design of dual-band dual-directional metamaterial absorber for space application, 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP), 2018
1058 Deepak Sharma, Akash Gupta, Ashish Kumar Layek, Surajeet Ghosh, Movable Wireless Access Point for IoT-Based Home Automation, 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2018
1059 Ashish Kumar Layek; Abhishek Pal, Rahul Saha, Sekhar Mandal, DETSApp: An App for Disaster Event Tweets Summarization using Images Posted on Twitter, 5th International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT), 2018
1060 Das P., Khutia N., Dey P. P., Gupta S. K., Cyclic plasticity model with modified isotropic hardening rule for low cycle fatigue life prediction of SA333 GR.6 carbon steel, Pages 127-130, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (INCOM18), Jadavpur University 4th – 6th January, 2018
1061 S Koley, P M Mohite, and C S Upadhyay, Boundary layer effect at the free edge of composite material using homogenization theory, Solid Mechanics Conference (SOLMECH), 2018
1062 Basantia S. K., Khutia N., Das D., Microstructure Based FE Simulation to Predict Flow Behaviour of Dual Phase Steel Through RVE Approach, Pages 131-134, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (INCOM18), Jadavpur University 4th – 6th January, 2018
1063 Chakraborty S.,Saha S.,Majumdar D., Datta D, Long Term Dynamics of Mangrove Forest in Andaman, India, 56, Geomatics in Civil Engineering’ Book Abstract, pp 56, 5-6 April 2018, 2018
1064 Chakraborty S.,Saha S.,Majumdar D., Datta D, Monitoring mangrove forest dynamics of Andaman, India from 1988-2018, 4th International Seminar “Population, Urbanization and Environment: Contemporary Issues and Challenges, 2018
1065 Majumdar D., Datta D., Chakraborty S.,Saha S, Anthropogenic and Seismological impacts on Coastal Ecosystem of Andaman during 2000-2017, 4th International Seminar “Population, Urbanization and Environment: Contemporary Issues and Challenges, 2018
1066 Paul, Bishaljit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Pathak, Manish Kumar; Pal, Jagadish;, Effective Scheduling of Spinning Reserve Services and Cost of Energy in a Deregulated Power Market, 6-Jan, 2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), 2018
1067 Souvik Patra and A. K. Bera, Determination of Top Granular Layer Thickness for JGT Reinforced Low Volume Rural Road Based on FE Analysis, ( IGC 2018 ), IGC, Bangalore, 2018
1068 Arya Das and A. K. Bera, Study on Effect of Tie Length on Uplift Capacity of Anchor With Geotextile Tie Using Finite Element Software ABAQUES, ( IGC 2018 ), IGC Bangalore, 2018
1069 Dhar, T. and Roy, S.K. and Giri, C., Detecting Hardware Trojans by Reducing Rarity of Transitions in ICs, 173-185, International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT ), 2018
1070 Ankur Biswas, P Bhattacharya, SP Maity, 3D segmentation of liver and its lesions using optimized geometric contours, 133, 240-247, Internation Conf. on Rohotics abd Smart Manufecturing (RoSMa 2018), Procedia computer science,Elsevier, 2018
1071 Arijit Saha, Souvik Patra, Arya Das, Ashis Kumar Bera. “Bearing Capacity of footing on sand overlay by soft soil using ABAQUS: A numerical Based Study, IGC Calcutta 2018 ( Kolkata Chapter ),, 2018
1072 Rajesh P Barnwal, Nirnay Ghosh, Soumya K Ghosh, and Sajal K Das, PS-Sim: A Framework for Scalable Simulation of Participatory Sensing Data, 195-202, IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 2018
1073 Ankur Biswas, P Bhattacharya, SP Maity, An efficient volumetric segmentation of cerebral lateral ventricles, 133, 561-568, Internation Conf. on Rohotics abd Smart Manufecturing (RoSMa 2018), Procedia computer science,Elsevier, 2018
1074 Asisa Kumar Panigrahi, C Hemanth Kumar, Satish Bonam, Paul K Brince, Tamal Ghosh, Nirupam Paul, Siva Rama Krishna Vanjari, Shiv Govind Singh, Metal-alloy Cu surface passivation leads to high quality fine-pitch bump-less Cu-Cu bonding for 3D IC and heterogeneous integration applications, IEEE 68th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2018
1075 R Chakraborty, S Datta, MS Raza, P Saha, Improvement of Ionic Bonding Strength and Electrochemical Corrosion Resistance of Hydroxyapatite- Calcium Phosphate Pulsed Electrochemically Deposited In-Situ Coating Through Hydroxyl Ion Treatment, ASME MSEC 2018, 2018
1076 S. Tudu, N. Mondal, S. Alam, Dynamics of the Logistic Prey Predator Model in Crisp and Fuzzy Environment, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics book series (PROMS, volume 302), pp 511-523;, Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Modeling : ICMAAM 2018, 2018
1077 Adak, Asok., Advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment., 79–85, National Conference on Advancement in Civil Engineering Practice and Research, 2018
1078 Das, D., Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of a Microalloyed Steel (Key Note Lecture), 7th Asia Steel Conference, Tata Steel & IIM, February 6-9, 2018, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 2018
1079 Das, S., Adak, A., & Barui, A., Removal of antibiotics from water and wastewater by nonofibre membrane., International Conference on Energy and Environment: Global Challenges (ICEE 2018), 2018
1080 Ghosh, A., Mondal, B., Barabhuiya, N. H., & Adak, A., Optimization of degradation of 2,4-D herbicide by UV-H2O2 process using surface response methodology., International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC-2018)., 2018
1081 Islam, M. M., Adak, A., Paul, P. K., & Hung, Y.-T., Kinetics and mechanism of hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution by sweetmeat waste., International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC-2018)., 2018
1082 Dey N.C., Role of environment to exhibit work rest scheduling of mine workers – An ergonomic Approach, 24-31, National Seminar on Essentials of sustainable mining: Mitigation of social and environmental impacts of mining organized by West Bengal State Centre the Institute of Engineers (India), 2018
1083 Banerjee S. , Dey N.C., Comparison of the availability of continuous miner in two different geo-mining conditions in India, 55-59, Recent Challenges in Mining Industry, 2018
1084 S. Bhattacharyya, M.Midya, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, Impedance matching techniques for wearable antennas using metamaterial ground, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & RF conference (iMARC), 2018
1085 Subhadip Chakraborty, Chirantan Das, Rajib Saha, Sreyasi Das, Raghwendra Mishra, Roshnara Mishra, Anupam Karmakar, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Bio-dielectric Variation as a Signature of Shape Alteration and Lysis of Human Erythrocytes, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, 2018
1086 Dey N.C., A systematic approach to evaluate efficiency of working environment and ergo-stress factor’s vulnerability on selective underground coal miners, 162-171, 2nd National Conference on current practices in Mining and Allied industries-2018, Keonjhar Govt. Engineering College, 2018
1087 S. Bhattacharyya, M.Midya, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, Dual mode dual wide band antenna for wearable applications, IEEE Indian conference on Antenna & propagation (INCAP), 2018
1088 Chirantan Das, Subhadip Chakraborty, Anupam Karmakar, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, On-chip Detection and Quantification of Soap as an Adulterant in Milk Employing Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, 2018
1089 Manas Kumar Sanyal;Jnui Deb Mallick Datta., “Mainstreaming Traditional Medicinal Practices as Key Determinant of Health and Health Care Systems in Developing Countries.”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Sciences and Technology (ICNST’18) March 30 - 31, 2018, Asian University for Women, Bangladesh. Published by iLab-Australia., 2018
1090 A Pramanick, R Kumar, S Mandal, P P Dey and P K. Das, Modeling and multi-objective optimization of WEDM of spark plasma sintered boron carbide considering preferences of users, 377 (1), 012094, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
1091 S Mandal, A Pramanick, S Chakraborty, PP Dey, ANFIS based model to forecast the Wire-EDM parameters for machining an Ultra High Temperature Ceramic composite, 377 (1), 012088, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
1092 S Chatterjee, A Ghosh, A Basu Mallick, Understanding the evolution of microstructural features in the in-situ intermetallic phase reinforced Al/Al3Ti nanocomposite, 5(3), 10118-10130, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018
1093 A Sarkar, S Hembram, S Chatterjee, A.Basu Mallick, Effect of annealing treatments on the magnetic properties of FeCo/Cu core shell nanostructures, 5(1), 745-751, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018
1094 Maity, Deblina; Ghosh, Arkadev; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Microgrid: Planning Of Optimal Placing Of Distributed Energy Resources By Loss And Fuel Cost Reduction Using Map Reduce Optimization Algorithm Approach, 5-Jan, 2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC), 2018
1095 Sangeeta Bhattacharjee, Tamaghna Acharya, and Uma Bhattacharya, Optimal Power Allocation for Multicasting in Multiple Antenna Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2018
1096 Susmita Das, Joy Halder, and Uma Bhattacharya, SDPM-RSA: An Efficient P-Cycle Based Survivability Scheme for Multicast Sessions in Elastic Optical Networks, IEEE ICCCNT 2018, 2018
1097 Smita Paira, Sufia Khanam, Monish Chatterjee and Uma Bhattacharya, GSWA: A survivable dynamic multicast efficient RWA scheme in WDM mesh Networks, IEEE ICCCNT 2018, 2018
1098 Jnui Deb Mallick Datta; Manas Kumar Sanyal, “Powering Entrepreneurship through CSR”, Conference Proceedings, Pg.107, UGC Sponsored International Conference on Research & Innovation in Finance (ICRIF-2018) Dept. of Commerce with Farm Management, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal., 2018
1099 Ghosh, Arkadev and Banerjee, Sumit and Maity, Deblina and Chanda, Chandan Kumar, Economic Dispatch Solution for Cogeneration Unit Assisted By Bare Bones Teaching Learning Optimization Technique, 1--6, 2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC), 2018
1100 Arnab Ghosh, Subhabrata Roy and Abhijit Chandra, Prefilter-Equalizer Based Structure: A New Design Strategy for Narrow-band FIR Filters, 2018 IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON), 2018
1101 Subhabrata Roy and Abhijit Chandra, A New Method for Denoising ECG Signal using Sharp Cut-off FIR Filter, IEEE International Symposium on Devices Circuits and Systems (ISDCS 2018), 2018
1102 Subhabrata Roy and Abhijit Chandra, A New Design Strategy of Sharp Cut-off FIR Filter with Powers-of-two Coefficients, International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2018),, 2018
1103 J. Bakas and R. Naskar, A Digital Forensic Technique for Inter-Frame Video Forgery Detection based on 3D CNN, 14th International Conference on Information Systems and Security (ICISS) 2018, IISc Bangalore. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 11281, pp. 304-317, 2018
1104 Samar Jana, Sourav Ghosh, Subhash Sharma, and Ashoke Maity, Optical characteristics of Tb3+- Eu3+ codoped sodium zinc lead phosphate glass, International Conference on Complex and Functional Materials (ICCFM-2018), at S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India, (13th -16th December, 2018), Page 298, 2018
1105 J. Bakas, P. Rawat, K. Kokkalla and R. Naskar, Re-compression based JPEG Tamper Detection and Localization using Deep Neural Network, Eliminating Compression Factor Dependency, 14th International Conference on Information Systems and Security (ICISS) 2018, IISc Bangalore. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 11281, pp. 318-341, 2018
1106 Nilanjana Dutta Roy, Arindam Biswas, Early detection of proliferative diabetic retinopathy in neovascularization at the disc by observing retinal vascular structure, 30, p 1441-1450, SMAC 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering 2018, Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, 2018
1107 Nillohit Mukherjee, Recent Trends in Black Silicon Solar Cells and Piezoelectric Nanogenerators: Upcoming Technologies for Energy Generation Power &Energy (RTPE2018), Recent Trends in Power & Energy (RTPE2018), 2018
1108 Subhash Sharma and Samar Jana, Photoluminescence study on 1 mole% Tb3+ doped 5% ZnO + 5% B2O3 + 30% PbO + 59% P2O5 glass, International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM–2018), at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, India, (6th -8th December, 2018), Page 56, 2018
1109 V. U. Sameer, I. Dali and R. Naskar, A Deep Learning based Digital Forensic Solution to Blind Source Identification of Facebook Images, 14th International Conference on Information Systems and Security (ICISS) 2018, IISc Bangalore. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 11281, pp. 291-303, 2018
1110 Ashoke Maity, Samar Jana, Sourav Ghosh, Spectroscopic properties of Europium doped strontium zinc lead phosphate glass, International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM–2018), at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, India, (6th -8th December, 2018), Page 56, 2018
1111 J. Bakas, B.A. Kumar and R. Naskar, MPEG Double Compression based Intra-Frame Video Forgery Detection using CNN, 17th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) 2018, Bhubaneswar India, 2018
1112 K. Bhowmik, P. Kumar, N. Khutia, A. Roy Chowdhury, Evaluation of Directional Strength of SWCNT Reinforced Nanocomposites : A Finite Element Study, 5, 20528–20534, Mater. Today Proc. (Scopus), 2018
1113 Nilanjana Dutta Roy, Arindam Biswas and Suchismita Goswami, Biometric Template Generation Framework using Retinal Vascular Structure, vol. 1031, p 245-256, Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics. CICBA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Singapore, 2018
1114 Singh AP, Majumder S, Finite element analysis of effectiveness of fracture fixation plate made of shape memory alloy, PID-070, 63th International Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 9-12 December 2019, IIT Bhubaneswar, 2018
1115 V. U. Sameer and R. Naskar, Universal Wavelet Relative Distortion: A New Counter Forensic Attack on Photo Response Non-Uniformity based Source Camera Identification, 14th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC) 2018, Tokyo, Japan. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 11125, pp. 37-49, 2018
1116 Pampa Howladar, Pranab Roy, Subhajit Chatterjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Daisy Chain Based Actuation Techniques for MEDA Based Biochips: A Detailed Analysis, 1- 6, 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network ,Kolkata., 2018
1117 K. Bhowmik, T. Nandy, P. Kumar, N. Khutia, A. Roy Chowdhury, Prediction of Directional Young's Modulus of Particulate Reinforced MMC using Finite Element Methods, 377, 012057, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. (Scopus), 2018
1118 Raina Paul, Apurba Sarkar, and Arindam Biswas, Construction of Simple Isothetic Polygon from a Set of Points, p. 1-4, Fifth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT-2018)., 2018
1119 Biswas JK, Rana M, Roy S, Majumder S, Karmakar SK, Roychowdhury A, Effect of range of motion (ROM) for pedicle-screw fixation on lumbar spine with rigid and semi-rigid rod materials: A finite element study, 402(12146), 1–8, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering , 22-24 March 2018, Kattankulathur, India & IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
1120 A. Roy, D. B. Tariang, R. S. Chakraborty and R. Naskar, Discrete Cosine Transform Residual Feature based Filtering Forgery and Splicing Detection in JPEG Images, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2018, 2018
1121 K. Bhowmik, P. Kumar, N. Khutia, A. Roy Chowdhury, Estimation of Effective Directional Strength of Single Walled Wavy CNT Reinforced Nanocomposite, 338, 012016, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. (Scopus), 2018
1122 Ujjwal Kamila, Oishila Bandyopadhyay, and Arindam Biswas, Detection of Hemorrhagic region in Brain MRI, 383-391, Computing and Networking, LNNS 46, 2018
1123 Maity R, Majumder S, Reduction in stress shielding with plate modification for tibial fracture fixation, International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computations in Biosystems, 12-14 March 2018, IIT Roorkee, 2018
1124 V. U. Sameer, S. Mukhopadhyay, R. Naskar and I. Dali, Source Camera Identification and Detection in Digital Videos through Blind Forensics, International Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Engineering and Technologies (ICRTCET) 2018, Bengaluru, India, 2018
1125 Vijaybhan, R. Naskar and S. Chinara, Identification of Psoriasis Disease In Dermatology Using Machine Learning Technique, International Conference on Recent Trends in Computational Engineering and Technologies (ICRTCET) 2018, Bengaluru, India, 2018
1126 Sudipta Chattopadhayay, Saptak Bhattacherjee, Soutrik Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita Sengupta,Subhasis Bhaumik, Control of Single-Segment Continuum Robots: Reinforcement Learning vs. Neural Network based PID, International Conference on Control, Power, Communication and Computing Technologies (ICCPCCT), 2018
1127 Sutapa Joti and Keya Mitra, Seismic Retrofitting Strategy of the Historic Monasteries in Sikkim, India, after the 2011 M 6.9 Sikkim Earthquake, ISSN: 2386-8198 (printed), Rehabend 2018, Euro-American Congress on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, 2018
1128 Ridzwan MIZ, Pal B, V Arkel R, Khanna M, Fetherston S, Honeyfield L, Abel R, Cobb J, Hansen U, FE Prediction of Critical Falling Configurations in High Risk Fracture Patients, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, July 8-12, 2018
1129 Ridzwan MIZ, Sukjamsri C, Pal B, Khanna M, Abel R, Cobb J, Hansen U, Digital Volume Correlation Approach for Measuring Bone Strain and Failure during a Sideways Fall Configuration, 8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, July 8-12, 2018
1130 Manda K, Pal B, Tong J, A multiscale bone remodelling model coupling mechanics with biology, Bioengineering in Ireland, 24th Annual Conference of the Section of Bioengineering of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, The Johnstown Estate Hotel & Spa, Enfield, Co. Meath, Ireland, Jan 26-27, 2018
1131 Das, S., Bhattacharjya, S., and Datta, G., An Improved Robust Design Optimization of Structures with Uncertain but Bounded Parameters, The Eleventh Structural Engineering Convention 2018 (SEC 2018), December, 19-21, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India., 2018
1132 Misra, K. C., Paul, M., and Bhattacharjya, S., Probabilistic Fatigue Life Assessment of Existing Steel Bridge in India Considering Train Speed in Metamodelling Framework, The Eleventh Structural Engineering Convention 2018 (SEC 2018), December, 19-21, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India., 2018
1133 Roy, S., Roy, T.K., Das, D., Microstructure and current-voltage characteristics of Erbium oxide doped multicomponent Zinc oxide varistors, 338(1), 012046, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
1134 Joydeep Mahato, Sougata Kr Das, Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, System Identification of an AVR and it’s Control using Finite Dimensional Repetitive Controller, 59-63, IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON), 2018
1135 Datta, G., Bhattacharjya , S., Chakraborty, S., Efficient Robust Design Optimization of Steel Industrial Building under Stochastic Extreme Wind Load, Advances in Concrete, Structural, & Geotechnical Engineering (ACSGE), February, 26-28, 2018, BITS Pilani, India, 2018
1136 R.R. Pathak, A. Sengupta, Design of Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm Based Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Inverted, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS-17), 2018
1137 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Application of mobile sink in wireless sensor networks, 507-509, 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), 2018, 2018
1138 Navaneet Das, Anindita Sengupta, A Comparison Between Adaptive PID Controller and PID Controller with Derivative Path Filter Based on Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm, 1-6, 2nd Intrnational Conference On Energy Power and Environment, 2018
1139 Sekhar, A.P., Nandy, S., Ray, K.K., Das, D., Hardness-yield strength relation of Al-Mg-Si alloys, 338(1), 012011, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
1140 Singh, V., Basantia, S.K., Bhattacharya, A., Das, D., Khutia, N., Low cycle fatigue analysis of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steel using advanced cyclic plasticity models, 377(1), 012161 (10 pages), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
1141 Guha A, Mandal D K, Manna N K and Chakrabarti S, Pressure Characteristic Analysis and Estimation of Effective Length of a Hybrid Diffuser and Modified Hybrid Diffusers, 1-7, International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Renewable Energy (ICMMRE), IOP, 2018, 2018
1142 Ayan Chatterjee, Asit Kumar Das, Secret communication combining cryptography and steganography, Progress in Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, 2018
1143 Md. Meraj (Presenter) (Corresponding Author), Snehanshu Pal (Corresponding Author), An Anomaly in Creep Property Dependence on Grain Size for Ultrafine Grain Nanocrystalline Nickel at Higher Creep Temperature, 978, 477-486, 2nd International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials (ICSEM-2018), Sharda University (India), 2018
1144 Prateek Chanda, Asit Kumar Das, A Novel Graph Based Clustering Approach to Document Topic Modeling, 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2018
1145 Dilip Kumar Maity, Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri and HafizurRahaman, Identification of Faulty TSV with a Built-In Self-Test Mechanism, 1-6, Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2018
1146 Kumar, D. and Dalui, S. K., Comparative Study Between Regular and Angular Cross Plan Shaped Tall Building under Wind Load By CFD Simulation, WA19-WA24, Proceedings of the 11th Structural Engineering Convention (AEC-2018) Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, December 19 – 21, 2018, 2018
1147 Dilip Kumar Maity, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Identification of Faulty TSVs in 3D IC during Pre-bond Testing, 109-114, VLSI Design Conference (VLSID), 2018
1148 Bairagi, A.K., and Dalui, S. K., Comparison of Pressure Coefficient between Square and Setback Tall Building Due to Wind Load, WA1-WA6, Proceedings of the 11th Structural Engineering Convention (AEC-2018), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, December 19 – 21, 2018, 2018
1149 Subhasish Dey , Soumyabrata Patra , Debabrata Roy , Amalendu Bikash Choudhury, Mathematical Approach Towards Modelling, Simulation & Experimentation of a Cantilever Structured Magnetostrictive Generator, 2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), 2018
1150 Kar, R. and Dalui, S. K., Effect of Wind Angle on Octagonal Plan Shaped Building in Isolated and Interference Condition- A Case Study, WA7-WA12, Proceedings of the 11th Structural Engineering Convention (AEC-2018), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, December 19 – 21, 2018, 2018
1151 Tapabrata Dhar, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Detecting Hardware Trojans by Reducing Rarity of Transitions in Ics, 173-185, VDAT, 2018
1152 Bairagi, A.K. and Dalui, S. K., Aerodynamic Effects on Setback Tall Building Using CFD Simulation, 381-388, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Dynamics, Vibration and Control (ICADVC 2018), NIT Durgapur, WB, India, June, 06-08, 2018, 2018
1153 Paul, R. and Dalui, S. K., Wind Effects on ‘L’ Plan Shaped Tall Building: A Case Study, 14, Int. Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (ACMS-2018), IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, March 7-8, 2018, 2018
1154 Niladri Das, Brijesh Kumar Rai, On the power of vector linear network coding, 2018 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA), 2018
1155 S. Bhattacharyya, M.Midya, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, Dual mode dual wide band antenna for wearable applications, IEEE Indian conference on Antenna & propagation (INCAP), 2018
1156 S. Bhattacharyya, M.Midya, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, Impedance matching techniques for wearable antennas using metamaterial ground, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & RF conference (iMARC), 2018
1157 S. Ghosh, T. Acharya,S. P. Maity, On Outage Analysis in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network with RF Energy Harvesting, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2018
1158 Subha Koley, Saket Srivastava, Prasun Ghosal, Correlating Fatality Rate to Road Accidents in India: A Case Study using Big Data, Accepted for publication in proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES 2018), [double blind review], December 17-19, 2018, Hyderabad, India., 2018
1159 Neel Kamal, Prasun Ghosal, Three Tier Architecture for IoT Driven Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi, Accepted for publication in proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES 2018), [double blind review], December 17-19, 2018, Hyderabad, India., 2018
1160 Neel Kamal, Prasun Ghosal, Three Tier Architecture for IoT Driven Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi, Accepted for publication in proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES 2018), [double blind review], December 17-19, 2018, Hyderabad, India., 2018
1161 Pratima Chatterjee, Prasun Ghosal, Power Requirement Analysis of an mRNA-Ribosome System, 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures 2018 (NANOARCH 2018), Athens, Greece, July 17-19, 2018., 2018
1162 Arindam Sinha Roy, Subrata Das, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, An Angular Steiner Tree Based Global Routing Algorithm For Graphene Nanoribbon Circuit, 1 - 6, 22ND VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT-2018), Madurai,India, 2018
1163 M Majumder, D., Viladkar, M.N., Singh, Modelling of response of tunnels excavated in squeezing ground condition, 1-9, Indian Geotechnical Conference. Bengaluru, India, 2018
1164 Suraj Paul, Navonil Chatterjee, Prasun Ghosal, A Dynamic Resource Allocation Strategy for NoC Based Multicore Systems with Permanent Faults, 2018 IEEE CS Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), [blind review], Hong Kong SAR, China, July 8-11, 2018., 2018
1165 44. D. Das, A. Basak, K. Mukherjee, P. Syam, Degradation of input displacement power factor by Input Current Filter and its compensation for a Matrix Converter, 1-6, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2018, Chennai, India, 2018
1166 Arindam Sinharoy, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Computing Fréchet Distance Metric based L-Shape Tile Decomposition for E-Beam Lithography, 313-318, Computing Fréchet Distance Metric based L-Shape Tile Decomposition for E-Beam Lithography, 2018
1167 M Majumder, D., Viladkar, M.N., Singh, A Multi-Graph Technique for Initial Prediction of Ground Condition for Tunnelling, 144, International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, 2018
1168 Rastogi V. and and Nandi, N, Numerical Analysis of Variation on Design Modification of Train & Tunnel Geometries to reduce Aerodynamic Drag on Train, 63rd Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) held on Dayanada Sagar University, Bangaluru, 20-23 December, 2018 (paper 75), 2018
1169 Pandey Rahul Dev and Nandi, N, Experimental Investigation of Viscous Fingers usin Hele-Shaw Apparatus, 63rd Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) held on Dayanada Sagar University, Bangaluru, 20-23 December, 2018 (paper 136), 2018
1170 Dutta, P. and Nandi, N., Numerical study on the development of Dean Vortices in 90? pipe bend at turbulent flow condition, International conference organized by REST society for research international at Goa in June 2018 (Paper 25), 2018
1171 Saha, S. and Nandi, N, Effect of curvature ratio on velocity distribution for flow through 90° pipe bend with guide vane under high Reynolds number condition, International conference organized by REST society for research international at Goa in June 2018 (Paper 44), 2018
1172 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Influence of tamper shape on dynamic compaction of granular soil, Volume 2, 1205-1209, Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (9ICPMG 2018), City, University of London, 17-20 July 2018, McNamara, Sam Divall, Richard Goodey, Neil Taylor, Sa, 2018
1173 A Biswas, P Bhattacharya, SP Maity, A 3-dimensional Brain Tumor Segmentation using Hybrid Intelligent Algorithms, 14-15, 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, 2018
1174 Subhadip Pradhan, Ranjit Kumar Behera, Basanta Kumar Nanda*, Sudhansu Ranjan das and Debabrata Dhupal, Drilling of K-60 Alumina Ceramic with Different Grades of Abrasives at Various Temperatures using Fluidized Bed-Hot Abrasive Jet Machining (FB-HAJM) Process, 455, 012076, 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Aeromechanical Materials for Manufacturing (ICAAMM-2018), 2018
1175 Binanda Sengupta, Nishant Nikam, Sushmita Ruj, Srinivasan Narayanamurthy and Siddhartha Nandi, An Efficient Secure Distributed Cloud Storage for Append-Only Data, 146-153, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2018
1176 Yangguang Tian, Yingjiu Li, Binanda Sengupta, Robert H. Deng, Albert Ching and Weiwei Liu, Privacy-Preserving Remote User Authentication with k-Times Untraceability, 11449, 647-657, International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt), 2018
1177 Yangguang Tian, Yingjiu Li, Ximeng Liu, Robert H. Deng and Binanda Sengupta, PriBioAuth: Privacy-Preserving Biometric-Based Remote User Authentication, 1-8, IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC), 2018
1178 Binanda Sengupta and Sushmita Ruj, Keyword-Based Delegable Proofs of Storage, 11125, 282-298, International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC), 2018
1179 Sarit Chakraborty, Chandan Das and Susanta Chakraborty, Securing Module-less Synhesis on Cyberphysical Digital Micro-fludic Biochips from Malicious Intrusions, 467 - 468, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on VLSI Design, January, 2018
1180 Pritha Banerjee, Priyanka Saha, Dinesh Kumar Dash, Ankush Ghosh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Analytical Modeling and Performance Analysis of Graded Channel Strained Dual-Material Double Gate MOSFET, 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation 2018 (ICCCA 2018), 2018
1181 Samya Muhuri, Ananya Sarkar, Sambhabi Chakraborty and Susanta Chakraborty, Drug Vector Minimization in Cancer Therapy based on Boolean Logic Model of Gene Regulatory Network, 237-243, IEEE Workshop on Data Mining in Networks, (ICDMW), 2018
1182 Smita Paira, Uma Bhattacharya, Efficient Dynamic Survivable Multicasting in WDM Mesh Networks, 525-527, 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS 2018), 2018
1183 Avishek Choudhury, Biplab K Sikdar, Modeling & Analysis of Redundancy based Fault Tolerance for Permanent Faults in Chip Multiprocessor Cache, 115-120, IEEE 31st International Conference on VLSI Design & 17th International Conference on Embedded Systems, 2018
1184 Sohini Roy, Arvind Kumar Shah, Abhijit Sharma, Uma Bhattacharya, A high throughput delay tolerant network (HT-DTN) for disseminating traffic information, ICDCN 2018, 2018
1185 B Das, M Dalui, A Mondal, S Mandi, N Das, Biplab K Sikdar, Evaluation of Misspeculation Impact on Chip-Multiprocessors Power Overhead, 129-133, 7th ACM International Conference on Software and and Computer Applications, 2018
1186 Baisakhi Das, Nilanjana Das and Biplab K Sikdar, Stuck-At 0/1 Trojans on Return Address Stack, 210-214, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2018
1187 Nilanjana Das, Mousumi Saha and Biplab K Sikdar, Hard to Detect Combinational Hardware Trojans, 194-198, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2018
1188 Avishek Choudhury, Brototi Mondal and Biplab K Sikdar, ReMiT: Redundancy Migration for Latency Aware Fault Tolerant Cache Design in Multicore, 80-84, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2018
1189 Sudipta Ghosh, Subhrapratim Nath, Rajarshi Biswas, P Venkateswaran, Jamuna Kanta Sing and Subir Kumar Sarkar, ’PSO Variants and Its comparison with Firefly Algorithm in solving VLSI Global Routing Problem, IEEE Electron Device Kolkata Conference (EDKCON), 2018
1190 Manisha Ghosh, Rajeev Kumar, Mousumi Saha and Biplab K Sikdar, Cellular Automata and Its Applications, 52-56, IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems, 2018
1191 Anup Dey, Bikram Biswas and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Comparative Study of Unmodified WO3-ZnO and Au-Modified WO3-ZnOBased thin film Sensor Fabrication for Enhanced CH4 Gas Sensing Performance, IEEE Electron Device Kolkata Conference (EDKCON), 2018
1192 Roshmi Chatterjee, Mousumi Basu,, Time Transformation Approach for Estimation of Adiabatic Wavelength Conversion in Multilayer Nonlinear Waveguide, The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics: IIT, Delhi 2018., 2018
1193 Priyanka Saha ,Pritha Banerjee, Dinesh Kumar Dash and Subir Kumar Sarkar, ,””Modeling short channel behavior of proposed Work Function Engineered High-k gate stack DG MOSFET with vertical Gaussian doping, IEEE Electron Device Kolkata Conference (EDKCON), 2018
1194 Debasruti Chowdhury, Dipankar Ghosh and Mousumi Basu,, Use of Phase Modulator To Mitigate The Effect of Third Order Dispersion For Parabolic Pulse Formation, The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics: IIT, Delhi 2018., 2018
1195 Ayan Bhattacharya , Debadipta Basak, S. Reddy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Impact of Source Engineering in Split Drain Tunnel Field Effect Transistor, IEEE Electron Device Kolkata Conference (EDKCON), 2018
1196 Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Dipankar Ghosh, Mousumi Basu,, Suitable Combination of Highly Nonlinear Specialty Fibers to Generate Efficient Parabolic Pulses,, The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics: IIT, Delhi 2018., 2018
1197 Bikram Biswas, Sutanni Bhowmick, Mandira Biswas, Subhashis Roy, Anup Dey and Subir Kumar Sarkar, System”, in IEEE-International Conference on New Trends in Engineering & Technology, ICNTET, 2018
1198 Binoy Krishna Ghosh, Dipankar Ghosh and Mousumi Basu,, "Designing Normal Dispersion Chalcogenide Optical Fibers for Efficient Parabolic Pulse Generation,", Proc. of UGC-CPE sponsered International Conference on FBSA 2018., 2018
1199 Saheli Sarkhel, Priyanka Saha, Pritha Banerjee and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Two Dimensional Analytical Modeling based Threshold Voltage Characteristics of Proposed Linearly Graded Work Function Engineered Gate all around SB MOSFET, GUCON, 2018
1200 Debapriya Bhattacharya, Debopriyo Ghoshal, Navonil Bose, Sukhen Das and Mousumi Basu, Nonlinear Optical Properties of Titanium Based Ternary Metal Oxide Nanoparticles,, Proc. of UGC-CPE sponsered International Conference on FBSA 2018., 2018
1201 Mitra, S., Chattopadhyay, R., Das, G.P., Pal, M., Bhadra, S.K., First principles study of Ag nanoclusters in (SiO2)n (n=16, 24, 32) scaffold, AIP Conference Proceedings 2005, 2018
1202 Sumit Adak and Sukanya Mukherjee and Sukanta Das, Do There Exist Non-linear Maximal Length Cellular Automata? A Study, 11115, 289--297, Cellular Automata - 13th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, {ACRI} 2018, Como, Italy, September 17-21, 2018, Proceedings, 2018
1203 Pritha Banerjee, Priyanka Saha, Dinesh Kumar Dash and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “A Study of Short Channel Performance of Dual Material strained silicon Trigate (DM Strained-Si TG) SOI MOSFET, GUCON, 2018
1204 Das, Dhiraj Kumar and Khajanchi, Subhas and Kar, Tapan Kumar, Dynamical behaviour of tuberculosis transmission, 5, Biomath Communications Supplement, 2018
1205 Debopriyo Ghoshal, Debapriya Bhattacharya, Navonil Bose, Sukhen Das and Mousumi Basu,, Methelene Blue/PVA Thin Film Composites: A Broad Scale Cut-Off Optical Filter, Proc. of UGC-CPE sponsered International Conference on FBSA 2018., 2018
1206 Chattopadhyay, R., Bhadra, S.K., Fiber-optical analogue of casimir effect, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Part F125-OPJ 2018, 2018
1207 Dinesh Kumar Dash, Priyanka Saha, Pritha Banerjee and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Study of Short Channel Performance of Dual Material strained silicon Trigate (DM Strained-Si TG) SOI MOSFET, GUCON, 2018
1208 Ritesh Das, Avik Banerjee, Santi P. Maity, On Outage Secrecy Minimization Using Jammer Selection in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio, 12th Int. Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, 2018
1209 Chattopadhyay, R., Bhadra, S.K., OAM carrying mode at Dirac point in twisted hollow core PCF, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers Part F98-BGPPM 2018, 2018
1210 Dinesh Kumar Dash, Priyanka Saha, Pritha Banerjee and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Analytical Modeling of Graded Metal Graded Dielectric Silicon-On-Nothing TFET –A Comparative Study” in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GUCON, 2018
1211 Preetha Bhadra, Sampad Mukherjee, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhaya, Optical Nanofiber: Approach to Detect Cellular Abnormalities. international conference on emerging technologies, systems and applications, Jharkhand Rai University, 2018., 2018
1212 Tapas Chakrabarti and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Impact of Small AC Signal Superimposed on DC bias on the Performance of Nanoscale SON MOSFETs”, ICRIEECE, 2018
1213 Sutanu Ghosh, Tamaghna Acharya, Santi P. Maity, On Outage Analysis in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network with RF Energy Harvesting, 12th Int. Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, 2018
1214 Disha Bhattacharjee, Bijoy Goswami, Dinesh Kumar Dash, Ayan Bhattacharya and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “Influence of Drain Doping Engineering in Triple Splitted-Drain TFET model, KIIT, 2018
1215 Sangita Karar, Preetha Bhadra and Sampad Mukherjee, Anti-Microbial Activity of NiO, a drug to the microbes, BioMET 2018., 2018
1216 Tapashi Bhattacharjee, Hirak Maity and Santi P. Maity, Affine Boolean Classification with FPGA Implementation on Secret Image Sharing, 12th Int. Conference on Signal Processing and Communication, 2018
1217 Prasenjit Saha, Bijoy Goswami and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “Design and Simulation of a modi?ed MOSFET having a Doped Pocket Region in the Substrate, ICRIEECE, 2018
1218 Bijoy Goswami, Pritam Das, Abhishek Dey; Savio Jay Sengupta, Subir Kumar Sarkar, On Implementation of a Feature Adaptive Colour Image Copyright Protection Scheme, ICCDN, 2018
1219 Soumajit Sen, Preetha Bhadra and Sampad Mukherjee, Anti-Microbial Activity of CuO Nano Particles, BioMET 2018, 2018
1220 S. Bhattacharjee, T. Acharya, U. Bhattacharya, Optimal Power Allocation for Multicasting in Multiple Antenna Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2018
1221 A Biswas, S. P. Maity, P Bhattacharya, Optimal Geometric Active Contours: Application to Human Brain Segmentation, 19-21, 52nd Annual Convention of the Computer Society, 2018
1222 Bijoy Goswami, Disha Bhattacharjee, Dinesh Kumar Dash, Ayan Bhattacharya and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Demonstration of T-shaped channel Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors, IEMENTech, 2018
1223 Preetha Bhadra, Sampad Mukherjee, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhaya, Optical Nanofiber: A Smart Approach to Detect Cellular Abnormalities, International Conference On Current Trends In Materials Science And Engineering, 2018., 2018
1224 . Priyanka Saha, Saheli Sarkhel, Pritha Banerjee and Subir Kumar Sarkar, 3D Modeling based performance analysis of Gate Engineered Trigate SON TFET with SiO2/HfO2 stacked gate oxide, CONECCT, 2018
1225 M Seal, S Mukherjee, Determination of hydrothermal synthesis pressure of crystalline GeO2 nanoparticle of the order of 10 nm through a Central Force Potential model, 5 (3), 10169-10176, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018
1226 Subhrapratim Nath, Pinaki Prasad Guha Neogi, Jamuna Kanta Sing and Subir Kumar Sarkar, VLSI Routing Optimization based on modified Constricted PSO with Iterative RLC Delay mode, ” IEEE International Conference on Current Trends towards Converging Technologies, 2018
1227 H. Rahaman, M. Kule, Defect Tolerant Approaches for Function Mapping in Nano-Crossbar Circuits, 48-53, IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN), 2018
1228 Biplab Dutta, Navonil Bose, Epsita Kar, Sampad Mukherjee, A High Performance PVDF/ZnO Nanocomposite Based Piezoelectric Nanogenerator, International Symposium on Functional Materials, Chandigarh, April 13-15, 2018., 2018
1229 Bikram Biswas, Sutanni Bhowmick, Mandira Biswas, Anup Dey, Subhashis Roy and Subir Kumar, Simulation of Capacitive Multilayered Bio-Sensor for Sensing Biomolecules, EECCMC, 2018
1230 M. Chakraborty, B. Jana, T. Mandal, M. Kule, An Performance Analysis of RAS Scheme Using Artificial Neural Network, 1-5, 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), India, 2018
1231 Epsita Kar, Navonil Bose, Biplab Dutta, Nillohit Mukherjee, Sampad Mukherjee, Self-Powered Flexible SiO2 encapsulated SnO2 nanosheets/PVDF Nanocomposite: An Excellent Material for Piezoelectric Energy Harvester, International Symposium on Functional Materials, Chandigarh, April 13-15, 2018., 2018
1232 B Jana, M Chakraborty, T Mandal, M Kule, An Overview on Security Issues in Modern Cryptographic Techniques, 3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), India, 2018
1233 Biplab Dutta, Navonil Bose, Epsita Kar, Sampad Mukherjee, PVDF/CuO Nanocomposites Film: An Excellent Lightweight Flexible Material for Microwave Shielding Application, International Conference on Current Trends in Materials Science and Engineering, IEM and SNBOSE, Kolkata, January 19-20, 2018., 2018
1234 S Pal, A. Majumdar and S. Haldar, Free vibration analysis of isotropic cut-out plate carrying concentrated and distributed mass, 63rd. Congress of ISTAM, 2018
1235 Biplab Dutta, Navonil Bose, Epsita Kar, Sampad Mukherjee, Enhanced Dielectric Properties of Hydrothermally Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded Self-standing Flexible Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Films, Facets of Basic Sciences and Applications, BKGC, Howrah, February 5-7, 2018., 2018
1236 Md. Mirajul Islam, Asok Adak, Prabir K Paul and Yung-Tse Hung, Kinetics and Mechanism of Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Aqueous Solution by Sweetmeat Waste, Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Industrial Pollution Control (ATIPC-2018), December 17-19, IIEST Shibpur, 2018
1237 A. Mandal, C. Ray and S. Haldar, Free vibration analysis of laminated composite skew shells., 11th SEC, 2018
1238 Arpita Mandal, Chaitali Ray, Salil Halder, Free vibration analysis of laminated composite skew shells, SEC Jadavpur University, 2018
1239 A. Mondal and A.Ganguly, Modeling and performance analysis of a combined solar biomass assisted grain drying and power generation system, 377, 012031, IOP Conference Proceedings: Material Science and Engineering (Scopus indexed), 2018
1240 Dhiraj Biswas, Moumita Sit, Chaitali Ray, Transient response analysis of laminated composite plates using third order shear deformation theory, SEC Jadavpur University, 2018
1241 Avik Ghosh and Aritra Ganguly, Thermal model development of a partially closed solar desiccant assisted greenhouse cooling system, Proceedings of Ist International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (INCOM) 2018 organized by Mechanical Engineering Department of Jadavpur University, Kolkata Paper code 69., 2018
1242 Moumita Sit,Manish Singh, Chaitali Ray, Transient response analysis of fibre reinforced polymer bridge deck panel under vehicle load, SEC Jadavpur University, 2018
1243 S. Sinha, A. K. Mitra, N Mandal, Development of tectonic fabrics in rocks: a theoretical and experimental investigation, Rock Deformation and Structures Conference (RDS-V), 2018
1244 N. Roy, N. Choudhury, A. K. Mitra, N. Mandal, Development of buckle folds in shear zones: a field and experimental study, Rock Deformation and Structures Conference (RDS-V), 2018
1245 Ananya Paul and Sulata Mitra, Dynamic Traffic Light Control Mechanism in VANET, 436-442, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2018
1246 Jhuma Ganguly, Invited lecture: Sugar inspired Nanomaterials, International Conference on  "Nanomaterials: Initiatives and Applications”on  9-11 March, 2018 in the Institute of Engineering and School of Studies in Environmental Chemistry, Jiwaji University Gwali, 2018
1247 Bidisha Bhabani, Sulata Mitra and Ananya Paul, Efficient and Novel Broadcasting in VANET using Next Forwarder Selection Algorithm, 273-279, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, 2018
1248 Jhuma Ganguly, Short lecture: Gelators- a new perspective, Emerging Chemistry and Biology of Carbohydrates (ECBC-2017)” National Conference (CARBO-XXXII) jointly organized by the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT Kgp) and , 2018
1249 S. Kandar, B.C. Dhara, A (t, n) Multi-secret Sharing Scheme with Updated Secret Shadows., Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems. Springer, Singapore, 2018
1250 Kar A., Dey S. and Sengupta M., Design, Analysis and Development of a SiC based 15 kVA General Purpose Inverter Stack for High Frequency Applications, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2018), 2018
1251 S.Pal, S.Kandar, B.C.Dhara, A Novel Bio-metric Based Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Card With Session Key Agreement, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), 2018
1252 Tejal Kothari, Ankita Pramanik, Santi P. Maity, Brain Tumor Detection by Wavelet Based Fusion Technique, 333-343, CICBA (1) 2018, , Kalyani, India, 2018
1253 Nanda A., Kar A. and Sengupta M., Design, Analysis, Simulation, Fabrication and Experiments on a Voltage Source Inverter Fed Induction Heating Prototype, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2018), 2018
1254 RP Mahto, SK Pal, Friction stir lap welding of thin AA6061-T6 and AISI304 sheets at different values of pin penetrations, ASME 2018 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, 2018
1255 Mukherjee P., Paitandi S. and Sengupta M., Parameter estimation and performance evaluation of laboratory developed Interior Permanent Magnet Motor, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2018), 2018
1256 Abir Bhattacharya, Tarakeswar Shaw, and Debasis Mitra, Performance Enhancement of Wireless Power Transfer System by Controlling Transmission and Reflection Properties of Metamaterials, International Microwave & RF Conference (IMaRC), 2018
1257 Seal M. and Sengupta M., Parameter estimation and performance evaluation of a Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor prototype, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2018), 2018
1258 Sarkar S., Roy D. and Sengupta M., Design and FEM validation of Double Sided Axial Flux Switched Reluctance Motor, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2018), 2018
1259 Piri J., Bandyopadhyay G. and Sengupta M.,, Effects of Including SVC & TCSC In An Existing Power System Under Normal Operating Condition – A Case Study, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2018), 2018
1260 Debasis Mitra and Tarakeswar Shaw, Electromagnetic Metamaterial Based Sensor Design for Chemical Discrimination, Third International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing ALLSENSORS, 2018
1261 Sheikh Rafiul Islam, Santi P. Maity, Ajay Kumar Ray, , On Compressed sensing image Reconstruction using Linear Prediction in Adaptive Filtering, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), SCMS, Kochi, India, 10-13 August, 2018
1262 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Application of mobile sink in wireless sensor networks, 507-509, 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), 2018, 2018
1263 Arpita Dutta, Arpan Garai and Samit Biswas, Segmentation of Meaningful Text-Regions from Camera Captured Document Images, 1-4, 2018 Fifth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT), Kolkata, 2018, 2018
1264 Debashis Das, Pramit Brata Chandra, Samit Biswas, Sourav Banerjee, An Approach towards Analyzing Various VM Allocation Policies in the Domain of Cloud Computing, 344-351, Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics (CICBA), 2018
1265 M.P. Khan, K. Bhowmik, A. Barui, A. Roy Chowdhury, Finite element modelling of cytoskeletal components under varying loads and elastic properties, 63rd congress of ISTAM, December 20-23, Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru, 2018
1266 S. Datta, N. Dana, S. Bhagat, K. Bhowmik, A. Roy Chowdhury, Achieving Desired Modulus by Varying Pore Parameters using Finite Element Analysis, International Conference on Recent Innovations & Developments in Mechanical Engineering (IC-RIDME 2018), November 8-10, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, 2018
1267 K. Bhowmik, S. Akhtar, N. Khutia, A. Roy Chowdhury, Directional Young’s Modulus of SWCNT Reinforced Nanocomposite by Finite Element Analysis, 1st International Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials (ICPCM–2018), December 8-10, NIT Rourkela, Odisha, 2018
1268 Bhattacherjee, D and Viswanadham, BVS, Development of a rainfall simulator in centrifuge using Modified Mariotte’s principle, 337--342, Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2018), July 17-20, 2018, London, United Kingdom, 2018
1269 P. Chattopadhyay, N. Saha, C. Delpha and J. Sil, Deep Learning in Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Drives, 1068-1073, 2018 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-Chongqing), Chongqing, 2018
1270 R. Mukhopadhyay, P. S. Panigrahy, G. Misra and P. Chattopadhyay, Quasi 1D CNN-based Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Drives, 2018 5th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS), 2018
1271 S. Tamang and S. Aravindan, Microstructural investigation on joining of Al6061-T6 to AZ31B using nickel interlayer by microwave hybrid heating, The International Symposium on Joining Of Materials (SOJOM 2018), 2018
1272 Rahul Ghosh, Rama Debbarma, Subrata Chakraborty, Effects of soil structure interaction with infill walls under seismic excitation, 26-28, 2nd Int Conf on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, 2018
1273 M Kumar, SN Islam, G Sen, SK Parui, S Das, Design of Wideband Wilkinson Power Divider with Improved Performances, IEEE Indian Conference on Ant and Prop (InCAP), 2018
1274 Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Effect of infills on seismic fragility of reinforced concrete framed building, 26-28, 2nd Int Conf on Advances in Concrete, Structural & Geotechnical Engineering, 2018
1275 A. Naha, Biswas, S. Ballav, S. K. Parui , A. Chatterjee, A Polarization Insensitive Frequency Selective Surface with Bandpass and Bandstop Response, IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP), 2018
1276 S Ballav, SK Parui, Parasitically Coupled Three Element DRA Array with Reduced Side Lobe Lavel, IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propogation (InCAP), 2018
1277 Chandrajeet Kumar Nanda, Suparna Ballav, Ayan Chatterjee, Susanta Kumar Parui, A Body Wearable Antenna Based on Jeans Substrate with Wide-Band Response, 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2018
1278 Suman Guha; Venkat Dasu Raju; Rudra Bubai Sarkar, Micromechanical modelling of the mechanical response of dual phase steel using a rate dependent elastic-viscoplastic model, Asia Steel International Conference, Bhubaneswar, India, 2018
1279 Saxena, P. & Das, S., Analysis of energy saving potential of a residential building complex using Energy Conservation Building Code 2017, 6th Arch. & Civil Engg (ACE) Conference, Singapore, 2018
1280 Pratikanta Mishra , Atanu Banerjee , Mousam Ghosh, Implementation of Digital PWM on Buck-Type CSI Fed BLDC Motor Drive, 1-6, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), 1st-2nd June, 2018, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, 2018
1281 Arindam Sinharay, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Computing fréchet distance metric based L-shape tile decomposition for e-beam lithography, 313-318, 2018 31st International Conference on VLSI Design and 2018 17th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2018
1282 Das, S., Do we practice what we preach? - Energy education vs. energy behavior in Indian higher educational institutes, 2nd Int. Conf. on Green Urbanism, Rome Italy, 2018
1283 Rashmi Ranjan Patra , Atanu Banerjee, Indirect Vector Control of DFIG Based Wind Energy System Using Fuzzy-PI Controller, 1-6, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE),1st -2nd June, 2018, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, 2018
1284 Sourav Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Giri, Optimized concurrent testing of digital microfluidic biochips, 453-454, 2018 31st International Conference on VLSI Design and 2018 17th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2018
1285 Ashish Kumar Layek, Abhishek Pal, Rahul Saha and Sekhar Mandal, DETSApp: An App for Disaster Event Tweets Summarization using Images Posted on Twitter, In proc. of 5th International Conference on Emerging Application of Information Technology, 12– 13 January, 2018. IIEST, Shibpur, India., 2018
1286 Anand Kumar , Rahul Raman , Debayan Sarkar , Pradip Kumar Sadhu , Atanu Banerjee, Improvement in Performance of Induction Heating System Using Direct AC-AC Boost Converter, 1-5, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), 1st -2nd June,2018, NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, 2018
1287 Partha Sarathi Gupta, Hafizur Rahaman, A phototransistor based on field-effect with bias-dependent mode switching from thermionic to tunneling, 1-7, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1288 I. Maity, K. Ghosh, H. Rahaman, P. Bhattacharyya, Spin Dependent Electronic Transport in Edge Oxidized Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbon, International Conference on Functional Nano-Materials (ICFNM), Fortune Park Panchwati, September 28-29th, Howrah, India, 2018
1289 Hari Charan. Nannam , Pratikanta Misra , Atanu Banerjee, Harmonic Analysis of State Vector Pulse Width Modulated Vienna Rectifier, 1-6, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE),1st-2nd,June,2018,NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, 2018
1290 A Mukhopadhyay, S Bhattacharya, T Iizuka, TK Maiti, M Miura-Mattausch, A Gau, D Navarro, H Rahaman, A Sengupta, S Yoshitomi, HJ Mattausch, MOSFET optimization toward power efficient circuit design, 1-4, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1291 T. Mulo, P. Syam and A. B. Choudhury, Application of Modified Harmony Search and Differential Evolution Optimization Techniques in Economic Load Dispatch, Springer, 2018 National Conference on Control, Signal Processing and Energy System (CSPES), Kolkata, 2018
1292 Sanghamitra Ghosal, Partha Bhattacharyya, Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of TiO2NT/RGO/Pd Hybrid Structure, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS-2018), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, March 29th - 31st, Kolkata, India, 2018
1293 Pratikanta Mishra , Atanu Banerjee , Hari Charan Nannam , Mousam Ghosh, A Novel Modified Digital PWM Control Technique to Reduce Speed Ripples in BLDC Motors, 1-8, 2018 IEEE 4th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC) , 10-13th Deember,2018,Singapore, 2018
1294 Kunal Sinha, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Investigation of process induced stress in the channel of a SiGe embedded source/drain Ge-FinFET architecture, 1-6, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1295 T. Mulo, P. Syam and A. B. Choudhury, Economical Load Dispatch Using Modified Harmony Memory Search Optimization Technique, 1-6, 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON), Gorakhpur, 2018
1296 Rajarshi Roychaudhuri, Debanjan Acharyya, Partha Bhattacharyya, Morphological Evolution of MnO2 based Nanostructures by Tuning the Reaction Time, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS-2018), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, March 29th - 31st, Kolkata, India, 2018
1297 Pratikanta Misra , Atanu Banerjee, Mousam Ghosh, FPGA-based Real-time Performance Analysis of Buck-regulator Fed Current Source Inverter, 1-6, 8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), 13th -15th December, 2018, MNIT Jaipur, 2018
1298 MUKEH KUMAR, M.P. SHARMA, Investigating and Improving the Cold Flow Properties of Waste Cooking Biodiesel Using Winterization and Blending, 5, 23051-23056, Materials Today: Proceeding, 2018
1299 Subham Saha, Arpan Manna, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, All optical design of hybrid adder circuit using terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer, 1-6, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1300 Himadri Sekhar Bhattacharya, A.B. Choudhury and C.K. Chanda, A Model Based Approach in Determining the Performance of EV under different Drive Cycles, International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), IEEE, June, 2018., 2018
1301 Indranil Maity, Debanjan Acharyya and Partha Bhattacharyya, Selective Molecular Sieving by Tailoring the Etch Hole Dimensions of rGO in rGO-ZnO Nanotubes Based Hybrid Structure, , IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS-2018), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, March 29th - 31st, Kolkata, India, 2018
1302 P. C. Gupta, A. Banerjee, P .P. Singh, Analysis of Global Bifurcation and Chaotic Oscillation in Distributed Generation Integrated Novel Renewable Energy System, 1-5, 15th IEEE India Council International Conference, being organized by the IEEE Madras Section (INDICON 2018), 16th -18th ,December, 2018
1303 Laxmidhar Biswal, Rakesh Das, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Sudip Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Clifford+ T-based quantum high speed multiplier, 1-7, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1304 Asif Iqbal and A.B.Choudhury, An Optimization Approach to Enhance the Performance of Single-Phase Saturated Iron-Core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter,, International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), IEEE, June, 2018, 2018
1305 Partha Bhattacharyya, Debanjan Acharyya, Indranil Maity, Reduced Graphene Oxide-ZnO Nanotubes Based Binary Hybrid Structure as Room Temperature Ethanol Sensor, The Third International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing (ALLSENSORS 2018), Rome, Italy 25 March-29 March, 2018
1306 Hari Charan Nannam , Atanu Banerjee, A Detailed Modeling and Comparative Analysis of Hysteresis Current Controlled Vienna Rectifier and Space Vector Pulse Width Modulated Vienna Rectifier in Mitigating the Harmonic Distortion on the Input Mains, 371-375, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM),16th -19th December,2018, Bangkok, 2018
1307 Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Performance modeling of intercalation doped graphene-nanoribbon interconnects, 1-5, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1308 Debanjan Acharyya, Sanghamitra Ghosal, Rajarshi Roychaudhuri, Partha Bhattacharyya, Hierarchical MnO2 Nanoflowers Based Efficient Room Temperature Alcohol Sensor, IEEE Sensors 2018, New Delhi, India, 28th-31st October, 2018
1309 Supriyo Srimani, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Soft fault detection in analog circuits from probability density function, 1-5, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1310 Parthasakha Das and Pritha Das, A dynamical model of immune system-malignant tumor interaction with ultimate eradication, Int conf on Math Analysis in modelling, JU ISI, 2018, 99, 2018., 2018
1311 Indranil Maity, Debanjan Acharyya, Partha Bhattacharyya, Performance Improvement of TiO2 Nanoflowers based Gas Sensor Devices Incorporating Pd and rGO as the Surface Modifier: A Comparative Study, 1st International conference on Nanotechnology: Theory and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, 10 December-13 December, 2018
1312 Arun Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Avishek Roy, Sadhan Chandra Das, Harm Wulff, Rainer Hippler, and Abhijit Majumdar, Self-buckled effect of cubic Cu3N film: Surface stoichiometry, 1953, 100078, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
1313 P. K. Raushan,K., Debnath, S. K. Singh, Turbulence flow statistics downstream of grids with the various mesh size, 6, Proceedings of 23st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO-2018), NIT, Patna, India., 2018
1314 Laxmidhar Biswal, Anirban Bhattachaijee, Sudip Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Implementation of neareast neighbor quantum circuit with low quantum cost, 1-6, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1315 Anirban Ganguly, Anirban Chakraborty and Ayan Banerjee, A Highly Accurate Current Mode Analog Implementation of Radix-2 FFT/IFFT Processor, 8th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2018
1316 Partha Bhattacharyya, Sanghamitra Ghosal, Integrated Gas Sensor Device Using RGO/TiO2 Nanotube Hybrid Sensing Layer And Embedded Pt Microheater For Efficient H2 Detection, 1st International conference on Nanotechnology: Theory and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, 10 December-13 December, 2018
1317 S. K. Singh, P. K. Raushan, K. Debnath, Turbulent flow over a train of K-type roughness., 34, Proceedings of 23st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO-2018)NIT, Patna, India., 2018
1318 Dipak K Kole, Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh Kumar Das, Somnath Rakshit, Sraboni Mondal, A novel reversible synthesis of array multiplier, 1-4, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1319 Indranil Maity, Partha Bhattacharyya, Improvement of Acetone Sensing Performance in rGO modified ZnO Nanotubes based Binary Hybrid Structure at Low Temperature, IEEE EDKCON, Kolkata, 24-25 November, 2018
1320 V. K. Das, S. Chaudhuri, K. Debnath, Study on Erosion and Undercut of Cohesive River Bank-An Experimental Approach, 36, Proceedings of 23st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO-2018)NIT, Patna, India., 2018
1321 Niladri Singha Mahapatra, Hafizur Rahaman, Partha Bhattacharyya, Kasturi Ghosh, Adsorption probability of CH4, H2O and H2 in two-dimensional zinc oxide matrix: A prediction by DFT analysis, 1-4, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1322 Anirban Chakraborty and Ayan Banerjee, Area Efficient Hardware Realisation of QR Decomposition Based 2D Wiener Filter For Audio and Image Signal Denoising With High Accuracy, 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2018
1323 Sanghamitra Ghosal, Partha Bhattacharyya, An Efficient Microsensor System for Selective Detection of Methanol using TiO2 Nanotubes, IEEE EDKCON, Kolkata, 24-25 November, 2018
1324 Arun Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Avishek Roy, Sadhan Chandra Das, Harm Wulff, Rainer Hippler, and Abhijit Majumdar, Self-buckled effect of cubic Cu3N film: Surface stoichiometry, 1953, 100078, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
1325 Jahangir Shaikh, Hafizur Rahaman, High speed and low power preset-able modified TSPC D flip-flop design and performance comparison with TSPC D flip-flop, 1-4, 2018 international symposium on devices, circuits and systems (ISDCS), 2018
1326 Sanghamitra Ghosal, Partha Bhattacharyya, Fabrication, Characterizations And Vapor Sensing Characteristics Of Type I Heterostructure Employing 2D ZnO Nanosheets And 2D RGO, 1st International conference on Nanotechnology: Theory and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, 10 December-13 December, 2018
1327 Rakesh Das, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Laxmidhar Biswal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, All optical implementation of universal shift-register using terahertz optical asymmetric de-multiplexer based optical devices, 1-5, 2018 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 2018
1328 Anirban Chakraborty and Ayan Banerjee, Low Area and Memory Efficient VLSI Architecture of 1D/ 2D DWT For Real Time Image Decomposition, 8th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2018
1329 Arindam Sinharay, Subrata Das, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, An angular steiner tree based global routing algorithm for graphene nanoribbon circuit, 670-681, International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 2018
1330 Ghosh, Arkadev; Banerjee, Sumit; Maity, Deblina; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Economic Dispatch Solution for Cogeneration Unit Assisted By Bare Bones Teaching Learning Optimization Technique, 6-Jan, 2018 National Power Engineering Conference (NPEC), 2018
1331 Anirban Bhattacharjee, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Robert Wille, Rolf Drechsler, Hafizur Rahaman, A novel approach for nearest neighbor realization of 2D quantum circuits, 305-310, 2018 IEEE computer society annual symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2018
1332 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Application of mobile sink in wireless sensor networks, 507-509, 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), 2018, 2018
1333 Dilip Maity, Surajit Roy, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Identification of faulty TSV with a built-in self-test mechanism, 1-6, 2018 IEEE 27th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2018
1334 Amit Bera, Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Debasish Das, Spatio- temporal analysis of the Summer-time Urban heat Island in Kolkata Metropolitan Area by using MODIS Land Surface Temperature data, Emerging Trend of Physical Sciences, 2018
1335 Sourav Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Giri, Test diagnosis of digital microfluidic biochips using image segmentation, 185-190, 2018 IEEE 27th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2018
1336 Budhkar, A. K., Maurya, A. K. and Maji, A., Dynamic data collection of following and merging behavior in mixed traffic, Presented in ISTS & IWTDCS 2018 conference, held in Matsuyama University, Matsuyama, Japan, during 3-6 August 2018., 2018
1337 Amit Bera, Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Application of Geospatial techniques for Rural Agricultural Development in Kumari River Basin, West Bengal, International Seminar at Institute for Social Development and Research, Ranchi, 2018
1338 Ranjan Kr Ghadai, Subhas Ch Mondal, Bibhu P Swain, Investigation of Structural and Mechanical Properties of DLC Thin films in Reduction Atmosphere, 2nd International Conference on Geoscience, Energy and Materials (I-GEM), 2018
1339 Kunal Sinha, Partha Sarathi Gupta, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Incorporation of tensile and compressive channel stress by modulating SiGe stressor length in embedded source/drain Si-FinFET architecture, 126-131, 2018 IEEE Electron Devices Kolkata Conference (EDKCON), 2018
1340 Lopamudra Banerjee, Arnab Mukhopadhyay, Partha Sarathi Gupta, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Performance Analysis of Schottky Barrier Height Modulation in Strained (10, 0) MoS2 Armchair Nano Ribbon-Metal Junction, 1-4, 2018 IEEE Electron Devices Kolkata Conference (EDKCON), 2018
1341 Amit Bera, Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Flood risk assessment and mapping in Gumti River Basin, Tripura using Multiple Criteria Analysis and GIS techniques, Human Adaptation and Sustainability, 2018
1342 Arnab Mukhopadhyay, Sandip Bhattacharya, Partha Sarathi Gupta, Lopamudra Banerjee, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, A Hybrid Atomistic - Semi-Analytical Modeling on Schottky Barrier Au-MoS2-Au MOSFETs, 46-50, 2018 IEEE Electron Devices Kolkata Conference (EDKCON), 2018
1343 S. Dey, S. Patra, D. Roy and A. B. Choudhury, Mathematical Approach Towards Modelling, Simulation & Experimentation of a Cantilever Structured Magnetostrictive Generator, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), Shillong, India, 2018
1344 Dilip Maity, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Identification of Faulty TSVs in 3D IC during Pre-bond Testing, Accepted for publication in VLSI Design 2018, Pune. India., 2018
1345 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Application of mobile sink in wireless sensor networks, 507-509, 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), 2018, 2018
1346 S. Saha Ray, S. Singh, C. Sengupta, S. Ghosh and B. Sardar, A Fine-grained Integrated IP Lookup Engine for Multigigabit IP Processing, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), Indore, India, 16-19 December 2018., 2018
1347 Sourav Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, Optimized Concurrent Testing of Digital Microfluidic Biochips, Accpeted for publication in VLSI Design Conference, 2018., 2018
1348 A. Sarkar and S. Ghosh, A Coarse-Grained Pipeline Architecture for Sequence Alignment, 2018 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), Coimbatore, India, December 16 – 18, 2018., 2018
1349 Vivek Kumar Gupta, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Pairing ILVs for Monolithic 3D Integrated Circuits, 1-5, International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS) ,29-31st March, 2018, 2018
1350 D. Sharma, A. Gupta, A. K. Layek and S. Ghosh, Movable Wireless Access Point for IoT-Based Home Automation, 2018 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), Coimbatore, India, December 16 – 18., 2018
1351 Dilip Kumar Maity, Surajit Kumar Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, Identification of Faulty TSV with a Built-in Self-Test Mechanism, Accepted for publication in Asian Test Symposium(ATS), 15-18th October 2018, Hefei, China, 2018
1352 P. Mallick, N. K. Tewary, S. K. Ghosh and P. P. Chattopadhyay, Effect of cryogenic deformation and reversion annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel, 7th Asia Steel International Conference, February 6-9, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 2018
1353 Sourav Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, Test Diagnosis of Digital Microfluidic Biochips using Image Segmentation, Accepted for publication in Asian Test Symposium(ATS), 15-18th October, 2018 Hefei, China, 2018
1354 I. Dey, N. K. Tewary, S. K. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Low carbon high manganese micro-alloyed TWIP steel: microstructure and mechanical properties, 7th Asia Steel International Conference, February 6-9, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 2018
1355 S. Ghosh and A. Sarkar, An FPGA-Based Processor for Compact Sequence Alignment, IEEE International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (IEEE ICECA 2018), 2018
1356 Prasenjit Das and Chandan Giri, An Efficeinet Method for text Encryption using Elliptic Curve Cryptography, accepted in IEEE 8th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 2018), 14th-15th December 2018., 2018
1357 G. Mandal, S. K. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Development of micro-alloyed ultrahigh strength steel through thermo- mechanical controlled processing, 7th Asia Steel International Conference, February 6-9, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, 2018
1358 Srijit Chowdhury and Chandan Giri, Non-cooperative game theory based congestion control in lossy WSN, accepted for presentation at the IEEE Globecom, 9-13 December 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE., 2018
1359 Kumar D. and Dalui, S. K, Numerical Analysis of Variation of Cross Sectional Shape of Cross Plan Shaped Building under Wind Load, 7, Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (ACMS-2018), IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, March 7-8, 2018, 2018
1360 T Kothari, A Pramanik, SP Maity, Brain Tumor Detection by Wavelet Based Fusion Technique, 333 - 343, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2018
1361 T.Mulo,P.Syam & A.B.Choudhury, Economical Load Dispatch Using Modified Harmony Memory Search Optimization Technique, paper ID377, 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON),978-1-5386-5002-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE., 2018
1362 Mithu De, Subrata Chakraborty, Nonlinear Seismic Behaviour of Buildings on Hill Slopes, 11th Structural Engineering Convention, 2018
1363 Singh, V, Basantia, S.K., Bhattacharya, A., Das, D., Khutia, N., Low cycle fatigue analysis of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steel using advanced cyclic plasticity models, 377(1),13 July 2018,Article number 012161, 1st International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy, ICMMRE 2017; Majitar, East Sikkim; India; 8 December 2017 through 10 December 2017; Code 137950, 2018
1364 Bhowmik K., Kumar P., Khutia N., Chowdhury AR., Estimation of Effective Directional Strength of Single Walled Wavy CNT Reinforced Nanocomposite, 338(1), April 2018, Article number 012016, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering; 7th National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials, NCPCM 2017; National Institute of , 2018
1365 Basantia SK., Singh V., Bhattacharya A., Khutia N., Das D., Prediction of Tensile Behaviour of Ferrite-Martensite Dual Phase Steel using Real Microstructure-based RVE Simulations, 377(1), 13 July 2018, Article number 012057, 1st International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy, ICMMRE 2017; Majitar, East Sikkim; India; 8 December 2017 through 10 December 2017; Code 137950, 2018
1366 Bhowmik K., Kumar P., Khutia N., Roy Chowdhury A., Evaluation of Directional Strength of SWCNT Reinforced Nanocomposites: A Finite Element Study, Volume 5, Issue 9, 2018, Pages 20528-20534, Materials Today: Proceedings; 8th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization, ICMPC 2018; Hyderabad; India; 16 March 2018 through 18 March 2018; Code 140097, 2018
1367 kumar Samanta, Shouvik; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Smart grid stability analysis on smart demand load response in coordinated network, 6-Jan, 2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), 2018
1368 Bhowmik K., Nandy T., Kumar P., Khutia N., Roy Chowdhury A., Prediction of Directional Young's Modulus of Particulate Reinforced MMC using Finite Element Methods, Volume 377, Issue 1, 13 July 2018, Article number 012057, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 377 (2018) 012057; International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy,, 2018
1369 Bhattaeharyya, Himadri Sekhar; Choudhury, Amalendu Bikash; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, A Model Based Approach in Determining the Performance of EV Under Different Drive Cycles, 6-Jan, 2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards Smart Technology (ICEPE), 2018
1370 Shitendu Some and Sisir Kumar Guha, Comparison between steady-state characteristics of isotropic and anisotropic doubled-layered porous journal bearings under coupled stress lubrication, Volume 377, 01 - 06, International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
1371 Paul, Bishaljit; Pathak, Manish Kumar; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Pal, Jagadish;, Pricing of Energy in a Deregulated Power Market, 6-Jan, 2017 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), 2017
1372 Mondal, T and Raj, L Prince, NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF INTERACTION OF TWO TURBULENT PARALLEL JETS WITH VARIOUS VELOCITY RATIOS, 39--40, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2017
1373 Raj, L Prince and Jang, WY and Myong, RS, EULERIAN-BASED SIMULATION OF DROPLET IMPINGEMENT ON THE ENGINE INLET NACELLE, 112--113, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2017
1374 N. Das and S. DasBit, ProDiP: PDF based dropbox deployment for improved performance of DTN placed for emergency situation handling in a Smart city, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2017
1375 T. Pal and S. DasBit, A low overhead video compression technique for energy-starved wireless multimedia sensor network, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2017
1376 S. Bhattacharjee, R. Chatterjee, T. Pal and S. DasBit, Implementing Multicasting and Broadcasting of Multimedia Data in ONE Simulator, SIMUTOOLS, 2017
1377 Chowdhury, Tamalika; Chanda, CK; Chakrabarti, A;, Implication of DG Incorporation in Criticality Assessment of Power Network Buses Using Betweenness Metric, , 2017
1378 Goutam Kumar Das, Debasis Mitra and Monojit Mitra, Bandwidth enhancement of monopole antenna using split-ring, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2017
1379 A. Roy, T. Acharya and S. DasBit, Social-Based Congestion-Aware Multicast in Delay Tolerant Networks, 1-6, ACM MobiHoc, 2017
1380 Goutam Kumar Das, Tarakeswar Shaw, Debasis Mitra and Monojit Mitra, Design of miniaturized & multiband spiral loaded dipole antenna for wireless communication, International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT), 2017
1381 S. Bhattacharjee, S. Roy, S. Ghosh and S. DasBit, Exploring the Impact of Connectivity on Dissemination of Post Disaster Situational Data over DTN, 1-4, ICDCN, 2017
1382 S Koley, P M Mohite, and C S Upadhyay, A Micromechanical study for uncertainty quantification of effective properties in fibre reinforced composites, 20th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS), 2017
1383 Chakrabarty A., Khutia N., Bar H. N., Dey P. P., Sivaprasad S., Effect of Loading Variations on Damage of SA333 C-Mn Steel, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 415-423, Materials Today: Proceedings;Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2016), 12th to 13th March, 2016, GRIET, Hyderabad, 2017
1384 A. K. Panigrahi, C. H. Kumar, T. Ghosh, S. R. K. Vanjari, S. G. Singh, Optimized ultra-thin Manganin alloy passivated fine-pitch damascene compatible Cu-Cu bonding at sub 200°C for 3D IC integration, 5th International Workshop on Low Temperature Bonding for 3D Integration (LTB-3D), Tokyo, 2017
1385 Das B. K., Bakkar Md Abu, Khutia N., Das D. D., Low Cycle Fatigue Performance Evaluation of TMT rebar, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 2554-2563, Materials Today: Proceedings;Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2016), 12th to 13th March, 2016, GRIET, Hyderabad, 2017
1386 A. K. Panigrahi, T. Ghosh, S. R. K. Vanjari and S. G. Singh, Dual Damascene Compatible, Copper Rich Alloy Based Surface Passivation Mechanism for Achieving Cu-Cu Bonding at 150 Degree C for 3D IC Integration, IEEE 67th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), Orlando, FL, 2017
1387 Samanta, Shouvik Kumar; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Investigate the impact of smart grid stability analysis on synchronous generator, 241-247, 2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2017
1388 Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit;, Economic dispatch solution for cogeneration unit assisted by biogeography based optimization algorithm in competitive environment, 5-Jan, 2017 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2017
1389 Arpan Garai, Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal and Bidyut. B. Chaudhuri, Automatic dewarping of Camera Captured Born-Digital Bangla Document Images, In proc. of 9 th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), 27–30 December, 2017, ISI Bangalore,India., 2017
1390 Patra, Souvik and Bera, A.K., A Three Dimensional Finite Element Model for Simulating Response of Sand JGT- Sand Reinforced Rural Road, International Conference 2017 GEO Nest ( IGC 2017), 2017
1391 Ramnath Datta, Mrinmoy Ghorai and Sekhar Mandal, Image Inpainting using Geometric Transformations for Digital Circuit Images, In proc. of 9 th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), 27–30th December, 2017, ISI Bangalore,India., 2017
1392 Shameek Bhattacharjee, Nirnay Ghosh, Vijay K Shah, and Sajal K Das, QnQ: A Reputation Model to Secure Mobile Crowdsourcing Applications from Incentive Losses, 10.1109/CNS.2017.8228635, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2017
1393 Anal Paul, Santi P Maity, On energy efficient cooperative spectrum sensing using possibilistic fuzzy c-means clustering, 382-396, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2017
1394 Shameek Bhattacharjee, Nirnay Ghosh, Vijay K Shah, and Sajal K Das, W2Q: A Dual-Weighted QoI Scoring Mechanism in Social Sensing using Community Confidence, 375-380, IEEE IQ2S (PerCom Workshop), 2017
1395 Suparna Biswas, Jaya Sil, Santi P Maity, PCA based face recognition on curvelet compressive measurements, 217-229, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2017
1396 Susmita Ghosh, Ankita Pramanik, Santi P Maity, On Far End Saliency Detection of Images by Compressive Sensing, 322-334, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2017
1397 Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Pal, Jagadish; Paul, Bishaljit; Pathak, Manish Kumar;, On transmission congestion management strategies and forecasting locational marginal prices in a deregulated competitive power market, 7-Jan, 2017 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2017
1398 Avik Banerjee and Santi P. Maity, Residual Energy Maximization in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Energy Harvesting, 2-4, National Conference on Communications NCC2017 IIT Madras, 2017
1399 Ankita Pramanik, Soma Sarkar, Santi P Maity, Performance comparison of orthogonal complex MIMO STBC with ML decoding and soft decision decoding,, 1115-119, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2017), 22-24 March, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India, 2017
1400 Das, D., Microstructural response on cyclic deformation of alloys (Invited Lecture), Conference on Deformation and Texture of Materials, February 16, 2017, Jadavpur University., 2017
1401 A Chakrabarty, N Khutia, HN Bar, PP Dey, S Sivaprasad, Effect of Loading Variations on Damage of SA333 C-Mn Steel, 4(2), 415-423, Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 415-423, 2017
1402 Sutanu Ghosh, Tamaghna Acharya, Santi P. Maity, Outage Analysis in DF Relay Assisted Two-Way Communication with RF Energy Harvesting, 15-17, 21st International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas, 2017
1403 Sharma G. D., Dey N. C., Dey S., Rationalizing postural demand for specialized mine workers with respect to musculo-skeletal pain and discomfort in underground coal mines in India, 73-76, National Conference on Integrated medicine, 2017
1404 Avik Banerjee and Santi P. Maity, Subhabrata Ray, On Residual Energy Maximization in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Network, 19-22, IEEE WCNC, 2017
1405 Dey N. C., Dey S., Sharma G. D., Importance of Ergonomic Application for the improvement of Coal Productivity in Mines, 306-313, International Coal Conference 2017 at Wollongong University of Sydney Australia, 2017
1406 .Rafiul Islam, Santi P. Maity and Ajoy Kr. Ray, CS Regularized SENSE pMRI Reconstruction via Interferometric Modulation, 22-24, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, 2017
1407 Mukhopadhyay P., Dey N. C., An observation into physiological responses of selective Oxy-cutters of Indian Railway Mechanical Workshops, 203-210, Xth jubilee international conference “Mining Techniques” TUR 2017, 2017
1408 Dey N. C., Dey S., Applicability of Spitzer model and scientific spell time reshuffling (STR) to increase fatigue sustainability (FS) for HEMM operators in Indian mines, 107-113, Xth jubilee international conference “Mining Techniques” TUR 2017, 2017
1409 Ankita Pramanik, Santi P. Maity, Non-Binary LDPC Codes for Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction on AWGN Channel, 22-24, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, 2017
1410 A. Chatterjee, M. Midya, & M. Mitra, Dual band miniaturized planar Inverted-F antenna for WLAN and 5G applications, IEEE Applied Electromagnetic conference (AEMC), 2017
1411 S Joti and K Mitra, Performance of Masonry Monastery Structures in the M 6.9 Sikkim Earthquake of 18 September 2011: A General Overview., Page (301-312), 9th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Improvements in Conservation and Rehabilitation-Integrated Methodologies., 2017
1412 Maity, D; Chatterjee, M; Banerjee, S; Chanda, CK;, Solution of Multi-objective Combined Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Krill Herd Algorithm with Constraints, 145-155, International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, 2017
1413 S. Mukundan, H. Dhulipati, K. L. V. Iyer, C. Lai, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, Comparative Performance Analysis of 3-phase IPMSM Rotor Configurations with Dampers for Integrated Charging Application in EV, 1856-1861, proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Annual Conference of Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2017, Beijing, China, 2017
1414 C. Lai, G. Feng, K. L. V. Iyer, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, Accurate inductances and magnet flux linkage estimation in interior PMSM employing speed harmonic measurements, 1771-1776, proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Annual Conference of Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2017, Beijing, China, 2017
1415 P. Korta, K. L. V. Iyer, C. Lai, K. Mukherjee, J. Tjong, and N. C. Kar, A novel hybrid approach towards drive-cycle based design and optimization of a fractional slot concentrated winding SPMSM for BEVs, 2086-2092, proceedings of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Ohio, United States, 2017
1416 S. Mukundan, H. Dhulipati, K. L. V. Iyer, N. C. Kar and K. Mukherjee, Comparison of Inductance Determination Methods of PMSMs for EV Application, 1-4, proceedings of the 30th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017
1417 De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Determining Optimal Orientation for a Residential Neighbourhood in Warm Humid Climate, International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment- Feb 2-5, 2017 at IIT Roorkee, India., 2017
1418 Maity, Deblina and Ghosh, Arkadev and Banerjee, Sumit and Chanda, Chandan Kumar, Solution of economic problem with co-generation units using mine blast algorithm, 367--371, 2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2017
1419 Paul, Bishaljit and Pathak, Manish Kumar and Pal, Jagadish and Chanda, Chandan Kumar, A comparison of locational marginal prices and locational load shedding marginal prices in a deregulated competitive power market, 46--50, 2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2017
1420 Jnui Deb Mallick Datta; Manas Kumar Sanyal, “Entrepreneurship in Traditional knowledge-based Healthcare System: Scopes and Challenges in Indian scenario”, 24th West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress. February 28 & March 1, 2017., 2017
1421 Sharma G.D., Dey N.C., Dey S., Rationalizing postural demand of specialized mine workers with respect to musculoskeletal pain and discomfort in underground coal mines in India, National Conference NCIM 2017, Jointly organized by IIEST Shibpur and IRIIM Mourigram, 2017
1422 Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit;, Solution of Economic Load Dispatch Problem Using Biogeography Based Optimization Technique Considering Valve Point Loading Effect, , 2017
1423 Avik Banerjee, Santi P. Maity and Subhabrata Roy, On Residual Energy Maximization in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Network, IEEE Wireless Communication and Network Conference (WCNC 2017), 2017
1424 Sujoy kumar saha, New Correlations for Prediction of Friction Factor and Nusselt Number for Laminar Flow in a Circular Duct having (i) Only Spiral Corrugations, (ii) Only Transverse Ribs, (iii) Only Twisted Tapes, (iv) Spiral Corrugations Combined with Twisted Tape with Oblique Teeth and (v) Transverse Ribs Combined with Twisted Tapes with Oblique Teeth, 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, ExHFT-9, 2017
1425 Sujoy kumar saha, New Correlations for Friction Factor and Nusselt Number Prediction for Laminar Flow in a Circular Duct having Only Transverse Ribs & Only Twisted Tapes with Oblique Teeth, 3rd Int. Conf. On Recent Development in Engineering Science, Humanities and Management, NITTTR, Chandigarh, India, 26 March 2017, 2017
1426 Sujoy kumar saha, New correlations for friction factor and Nusselt number prediction for laminar flow in a circular duct having only spiral corrugations and only twisted tapes with oblique teeth, 5th Int. Conf. on advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ACBEE-17), March 29-30, 2017, 2017
1427 Ghoshal, Snehashis; Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kr;, Solution of multi-objective emission & economic dispatch using bare bones TLBO algorithm & biogeography based optimization algorithm, 6-Jan, 2017 Second International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), 2017
1428 Subhash Sharma, Mithun De and Samar Jana, Spectroscopic characteristics of Terbium doped Sodium Phosphate glass, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India, Page 157, (10-12th March, 2017)., 2017
1429 Das P, Palchaudhuri M, Biswas S and Deka P C, Analysis of Agricultural Drought Severity Using MODIS Satellite Images, 277-282, Proceedings of International Conference on Global Civil Engineering Challenges in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, ICGCSC, Mangalore Institute of Technology \& Engineering, Moodbidri, India, 2017
1430 Mithun De, Subhash Sharma and Samar Jana, Absorption and emission properties of Europium embedded Lead Sodium Phosphate glass, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India, Page 155, (10-12th March, 2017)., 2017
1431 Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Oishila Bandyopadhyay, Arindam Biswas, Bhargab B. Bhattacharya, Does Rotation Influence the Estimated Contour Length of A Digital Object?, 179-186, Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI), LNCS 10597, 2017
1432 Roy N.D., Suchismita Goswami, Sushmita Goswami, Sohini De, Arindam Biswas, Extraction of Distinct Bifurcation Points from Retinal Fundus Images., 458, 443-450, Intelligent Computing and Communication. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, , Springer, Singapore., 2017
1433 V. U. Sameer, R. Naskar, N. Musthyala and K. Kokkala, Deep Learning based Counter-Forensic Image Classification for Camera Model Identification, 16th International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Watermarking (IWDW) 2017, Madgeburg, Germany. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10431, pp. 52-64, 2017, 2017
1434 M. Dutt, S. Saha, and A. Biswas, A Study on the Properties of 3D Digital Straight Line Segments, 212-218, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: PReMI’17, Kolkata, India, LNCS 10597, Springer-Verlag, December 5-8, 2017., 2017
1435 A. Roy, R. S. Chakraborty, V.U. Sameer and R. Naskar, Camera Source Identification Using Discrete Cosine Transform Residue Features and Ensemble Classifier, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2017
1436 Karmakar N., Mondal S., Biswas A, A 3D Curve Skeletonization Method. In: Brimkov V., Barneva R. (eds) Combinatorial Image Analysis. IWCIA 2017, 10256, 184-197, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017
1437 D. B. Tariang, A. Roy, R. S. Chakraborty and R. Naskar, Automated JPEG Forgery Detection with Correlation based Localization, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2017, Hong Kong, 2017
1438 Dutta, T., Banerjee, S., Saha, S.K., Das, D., Datta, S., Noise removal and image segmentation in micrographs of ferrite-martensite dual-phase steel, ISBN: 978-1-60595-443-1, 638-646, DEStech Transactions, 2017 Asia-Pacific Engineering and Technology Conference (APETC 2017) ; DOI 10.12783/dtetr/apetc2017/11061, 2017
1439 N. N. Dafale and R. Naskar, Sensor Pattern Noise based Source Anonymization, IEEE Third International Conference on Sensing, Signal Processing and Security (ICSSS) 2017, Chennai, India, 2017
1440 P. Sengupta, V.U. Sameer, R. Naskar and E. Kalaimannan, Source Anonymization of Digital Images: A Counter–Forensic Attack on PRNU based Source Identification Techniques, Annual Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL) 2017, Florida, USA, 2017
1441 V. U. Sameer, A. Sarkar and R. Naskar, Source Camera Identification Model: Classifier Learning, Role of Learning Curves and their Interpretation, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WisPNET 2017), Chennai, India, 2017
1442 R. Dixit, R. Naskar and A. Sahoo, Copy–Move Forgery Detection Exploiting Statistical Image Features, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WisPNET 2017), Chennai, India, 2017
1443 Swatilekha Ghosh, Nanostructured Li4Ti5O12 Anode Material for Secondary Batteries: A Green Synthesis Route, International Conference on Energy Options for Tomorrow: Technology to Sustainability (ICEOT 2017), 2017, Eco Vista, Kolkata, 2017
1444 Swatilekha Ghosh, Synthesis of Na0.44MnO2 cathode material for Na-ion battery: a greener approach, 19th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-19), 2017,Guwahati, India, 2017
1445 Sahoo, A., Bhattacharjya, S., and Ghosh, S. K., Wind Fragility Assessment of RC Chimney Considering Temperature Effects, Proceedings of International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2017), December 28-30, 2017IIT Kharagpur, India., 2017
1446 Mousumi Mukherjee and Debasattam Pal, Algorithms for verification of characteristic sets of discrete autonomous nD systems with n>=2, 20th IFAC World Congress (IFAC WC), Toulouse, France, 2017
1447 Chanda, M., Mishra, K. C., Bhattacharjya, S., Fatigue Life Assessment of an Existing Railway Bridge in India Incorporating Uncertainty, Proceedings of International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2017), December 28-30, 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India., 2017
1448 Talukdar, M., Sanyal, S. and Sengupta, P., Dufrénite crystallization in an Archaean BIF from the Mahadevi Layered Complex, Tamil Nadu, India., Goldschmidt 2017, Paris, France., 2017
1449 Neelbrata Roy, Anindita Sengupta, Ashoke Sutradhar, A Comparison between Bio-Inspired and MusicInspired Smith Predictor for Control of Time Delay Systems, 58-63, IEEE CALCON, 2017
1450 Datta, G. and Bhattacharjya, S., An Efficient Metamodelling based Robust Design Optimization of Structure under Stochastic Extreme Wind Load, Proceedings of International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2017), December 28-30, 2017, IIT Kharagpur, India., 2017
1451 Talukdar, M., Kole, L., Sengupta, P., & Sanyal, S., Scapolite pseudomorphism in mafic-ultramafic granulites from Mahadevi Layered Complex, Tamil Nadu, India, 42-43, Earth and Material Sciences for Sustainable Societal Developments. Humboldt Kolleg, 2017
1452 Arka Ghosh, Swagatam Das, Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, Asit Kumar Das, A noise resilient differential evolution with improved parameter and strategy control, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017
1453 S. Chatterjee and M. Bhattacharyya, A Probabilistic Approach to Group Decision Making, 2445-2451, Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA), Denver, USA, May 06-11, ACM Press, 2017
1454 Priyanka Das, Asit Kumar Das, Behavioural analysis of crime against women using a graph based clustering approach, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2017
1455 S. Chatterjee, A. Mukhopadhyay and M. Bhattacharyya, Judgment Analysis Based on Crowdsourced Opinions, 1439-1444, Proceedings of the IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), San Diego, USA, April 19-22, IEEE Press, 2017
1456 Soumi Dutta, Sujata Ghatak, Saptarshi Ghosh, Asit K Das, A genetic algorithm based tweet clustering technique, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2017
1457 Debasish Das, Dilip Kumar Pratihar, Gour Gopal Roy, Comparison of Heat Source Models in FEM-based Analysis of Electron Beam Melting of Steel Plate, ICTACEM-2017/681, The International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTA, 2017
1458 M. Bhattacharyya, In Search of Health Doubles, 12-15, Proceedings of the AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on AI for the Social Good (AISOC), Palo Alto, USA, March 27-29, SS-17-01, AAAI Press, 2017
1459 S. Chatterjee, A. Mukhopadhyay and M. Bhattacharyya, Smart City Planning with Constrained Crowd Judgment Analysis, 16-22, Proceedings of the AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on AI for the Social Good (AISOC), Palo Alto, USA, March 27-29, SS-17-01, AAAI Press,, 2017
1460 M. Bhattacharyya, Y. Suhara, M. M. Rahman and M. Krause, Possible Confounds in Word-based Semantic Similarity Test Data, 147-150, Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW Companion), Portland, USA, February 25-March 01, ACM Press, 2017
1461 Md. Meraj (Presenter) (Corresponding Author), Snehanshu Pal, Effect of temperature on creep behavior of nanocrystalline Ni having multimodal grain distribution with pre-existing crack, The 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT-2017), Suntec Exhibition Center (Singapore), 2017
1462 K. Vijay Reddy (Presenter), Snehanshu Pal (Corresponding Author), Analysis of deformation behaviour of Al–Ni–Co thin film coated aluminium during nano-indentation: a molecular dynamics study, 44, 1393–1401, 17th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF-2017), CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi (India), 2017
1463 Mayukh Sarkar, Prasun Ghosal, Performing Mathematics using DNA: Complex Number Arithmetic using Sticker Model, proceedings of 2017 IEEE CS Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), [blind review], Bochum, Germany, July 3-5, 2017, 2017
1464 B.S.K. Gargeya (Presenter), Snehanshu Pal (Corresponding Author), Influence of specimen size and strain rate on tensile deformation and fracture behavior of single-layer Silicene, 18, 1401-1410, International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations Initiatives (ICN:3I-2017), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (India), 2017
1465 Subha Koley, Prasun Ghosal, An IoT Enabled Real-Time Communication and Location Tracking System for Vehicular Emergency, In proceedings of 2017 IEEE CS Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), [blind review], Bochum, Germany, July 3-5, 2017, 2017
1466 Priyanka Das, Asit Kumar Das, A two-stage approach of named-entity recognition for crime analysis, 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2017
1467 Md. Meraj (Presenter), B. S. K. Gargeya, K.Vijay Reddy, Snehanshu Pal (Corresponding Author), An atomistic simulation based investigation on the influence of Zr addition on deformation behavior of nanocrystalline Ni, ISBN: 978-93-80689-28-9, 509-515, 10th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10), Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India), 2017
1468 Ujjwal Saha, Hourly Rainfall Generation by Markov Chain Rainfall Generator, 4, 26-30, International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 2017
1469 Sudeep Ghosh, Surajit Kumar Roy,Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, TSV repairing for 3D ICs using redundant TSV, 1-5, ISED, 2017
1470 Niladri Das, Brijesh Kumar Rai, Sum-networks: Dependency on characteristic of the finite field under linear network coding, 2017 Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2017
1471 Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Design-for-test and test time optimization for 3D SOCs, 1-10, International Test Conference (ITC), 2017
1472 Niladri Das, Brijesh Kumar Rai, On fractional linear network coding solution of multiple-unicast networks, 2017 Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2017
1473 Niladri Das, Brijesh Kumar Rai, Generalized Fano and non-Fano networks, 2017 Twenty-third National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2017
1474 A. Chatterjee, M. Midya & M. Mitra, Design and Study of Spiral-Slotted Inset-Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna for WLAN Application, 15-17, 12th International Conference on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation & Remote sensing (ICMARS), 2017
1475 Subhajit Chatterjee, Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri and HafizurRahaman, Modeling and Analysis of Transient Heat for 3D IC Conference, 363-375, VDAT, 2017
1476 A. Roy, T. Acharya, S. D. Bit, Social-Based Congestion-Aware Multicast in Delay Tolerant Networks, 18th International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MOBIHOC) Workshop, 2017
1477 A. Chatterjee, M. Midya, & M. Mitra, Dual band miniaturized planar Inverted-F antenna for WLAN and 5G applications, IEEE Applied Electromagnetic conference (AEMC), 2017
1478 S. Bhattacharyya, M.Midya, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, A ground radiating antenna for on body communication, IEEE Applied Electromagnetic conference (AEMC), 2017
1479 S. Bhattacharjee, T. Acharya, U. Bhattacharya, On Optimal Power Allocation for Energy Efficient Multicasting over Cognitive Radio Fading Channels, 23rd National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2017
1480 S. Bhattacharyya, S. Teja, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, & M. Mitra, Wearable triangular patch antenna for On/Off body communication, IEEE Applied Electromagnetic conference (AEMC), 2017
1481 SudiptaBasu Pal, D. Mukherjee, D.Paul, K.Das(Bhattacharya), Characterisation of PV Modules Employing SuperCapacitors--A Scalable Method for Field Metrology, International conference of Renewable Energy and Power Quality, Malaga, Spain, 2017
1482 R. Maiti, K. Das Sharma and G. Sarkar, Fuzzy predictor based L1 adaptive controller for nonlinear systems with disturbances, 253-257, IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON-17), 2017
1483 Tuhin Subhra Das, Prasun Ghosal, MSM: Performance Enhancing Area and Congestion Aware Network-on-Chip Architecture, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2017), [double blind review], December 18-20, 2017, Bhopal, India., 2017
1484 Suman Bhattacharjee;Ranit Chatterjee;Tamal Pal;Sipra DasBit, Implementing Multicasting and Broadcasting of Multimedia Data in ONE Simulator, SIMUTOOLS, 2017
1485 Sudipta BasuPal,R. Kumar, K.DasBhattacharya,D.Mukherjee, A Reliability Estimate for a Roof-Top PV during early monsoon in Eastern India, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference 2017(AUPEC-2017) INSPEC, 2017
1486 R. Maiti, K. Das Sharma, G. Sarkar, On-line adaptation of parameter uncertainties of a practical plant employing L1 adaptive controller, 351-364, Int. conf. on modelling and simulation (MS-17), 2017
1487 Pratima Chatterjee, Prasun Ghosal, Realizing All Logic Operations using mRNA-Ribosome System as a Post Si Alternative, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2017), [double blind review], December 18-20, 2017, Bhopal, India., 2017
1488 Pranab Roy, Amiya Sahoo,Hafizur Rahaman, Adaptive Medical Detection System: An Iterative Averaging Method for Automated Detection Analysis using DMFBs, 1 - 6, Proc. of 7th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and Systems Design,Durgapur,India, 2017
1489 JoydipJana,Konika Das Bhattacharya, HiranmoySaha, Trends and challenges of next generation grid connected photovoltaic Inverters- An Overview, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference 2017(AUPEC-2017), 2017
1490 Debojyoti Seth, Debashis Chakraborty, Prasun Ghosal, Salil Kumar Sanyal, Brain Computer Interfacing: A Spectrum Estimation Based Neurophysiological Signal Interpretation, 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2007) [blind review], Delhi-NCR, India, February 2-3, 2017., 2017
1491 Tamal Pal; Sipra DasBit, A low overhead video compression technique for energy-starved wireless multimedia sensor network, pp. 1-6, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 2017
1492 Joydip Jana, Konika Das Bhattacharya,, A smart technology enabled knowledge society-interfaced with the industry academia innovation platform, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), Dacca, 2017
1493 24. Arindam Sinharoy, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Hausdorff Distance Driven L-shape Matching Based Layout Decomposition for E- Beam Lithography, 711, 287 - 295, 21st VLSI Design and Test Symposium ,Roorkee,Springer CCIS ,, 2017
1494 P. S. Panigrahy, D. Santra, P. Chattopadhyay, Feature Engineering In Fault Diagnosis Of Induction Motor, 3rd International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems ( IEEE- CATCON-2017), 2017
1495 S. Saha and N. Nandi, Influence of Guide vane on Flow separation Phenomena for Single Phase turbulent Flow through 900 Pipe Bend, ISTAM (Paper No-209) held at University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Dec. 15-18, 2017, 2017
1496 Santanu Sardar, Santanu Kumar Karmakar, and Debdulal Das, Ultrasonic Assisted Fabrication of Magnesium Matrix Composites: A Review, 4(2), 3280–3289 (10 Pages), Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier, SCOPUS), 2017
1497 S.S.R. Suman and N. Nandi, Numerical analysis of change in pressure profile with different Mach number and angle of attack in subsonic state of flow for an airfoil, Computational Science Symposium, 16-18 March, 2017, IISC Bangalore., 2017
1498 R. Paul, A. Sarkar, and A. Biswas, Construction of Simple Isothetic Polygon from a Set of Points, In: Fifth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT-2018), 2017
1499 Md Shahbaz Alam, Nillohit Mukherjee and Sk. Faruque Ahmed, Electron field emission property of nanostructure wrinkle thin film induced by amorphous diamond like carbon, 2nd International Conference on Material Science, 2017
1500 Pandit, D.;Srinivasan, S. M., Large Elasto-plastic Deflection of Thin Beams with Roller Support Contact, 173, 1079-1084, Procedia Engineering, 2017
1501 Md Shahbaz Alam, Nillohit Mukherjee, Sk. Faruque Ahmed, Optical properties of diamond like carbon nanocomposite thin films, 2nd International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics, 2017
1502 Reetam Mondal, Jayati Dey, Suman Halder and Arindam Chakraborty, Stabilization of Cart-Inverted Pendulum System Using PI?Dµ Controller, pp.273-279, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics (UPCON), 2017
1503 Sarit Chakraborty, Susanta Chakraborty, A Novel Approach towards Biochemical Synthesis on Cyberphysical Digital Microfluidic Biochip, 355 – 360, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on VLSI Design, January, IEEE CS Press, 2017
1504 Tapan Chowdhury, Arijit Mukherjee and Susanta Chakraborty, An Efficient MapReduce-based Adaptive K-Means Clustering for Large Dataset, 157 – 162, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems, December, India, 2017
1505 P. Kumar, R. Kumar, and PC Joshi, Studies of heat of combustion for AP, ADN and KDN pellets mixed with carbon black, International conference on recent development in science, engineering, and technology, 2017
1506 Duttatreya Row Chowdhury, Jayati Dey and Reetam Mondal, Optimal Parameter Selection of Fractional Order PI? Controller for Speed Control of DC Motor, pp.347-351, IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2017
1507 Samya Muhuri, Debasree Das and Susanta Chakraborty, An Automated Game Theoretic Approach for Co-operative Road Traffic Management in Disaster, 145 – 150, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems, December, India, 2017
1508 Santanu Das, Pankaj Wahi, Initiation and Directional Control of Period-1 Rotation for Vertically or Horizontally Excited Parametric Pendulum, 22, 99-106, Procedia IUTAM, 2017
1509 Sarbojit Basu, Jayati Dey, Reetam Mondal and Sumit Kumar Pandey, Two Degree of Freedom (2 DOF) Control of Cuk-Converter for Standalone PV Systems, pp.305-310, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics (UPCON), 2017
1510 Abhishek Singh, Binanda Sengupta and Sushmita Ruj, Certificate Transparency with Enhancements and Short Proofs, 10343, 381-389, Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP), 2017
1511 Rashmi Kumari, Jayati Dey, Sumit Kumar Pandey and Reetam Mondal, ?-Synthesis Controller for Robust Stabilization of Cart-Inverted Pendulum System, pp.300-304, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics (UPCON), 2017
1512 S. Bhattacharjee, T. Acharya, and U. Bhattacharya, On Optimal Power Allocation for Energy Efficient Multicasting over Cognitive Radio Fading Channels, Proc. IEEE Twenty Third National Conference on Communication (NCC), 2017., 2017
1513 Bidesh Chakraborty, Mamata Dalui and Biplab K Sikdar, Design of Coherence Verification Unit for Heterogeneous CMPs Integrating Update and Invalidate Protocols, 115-120, 30th International Conference on VLSI Design & 16th International Conference on Embedded Systems, 2017
1514 Avishek Choudhury, Biplab K Sikdar, Performance Analysis of Disability based Fault Tolerance Techniques for Permanent Faults in Chip Multiprocessors, 217224, 21st VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT), 2017
1515 Sutapa Sarkar, Mousumi Saha and Biplab K Sikdar, Multi-Bit Fault Tolerant Design For Resistive Memories Through Dynamic Partitioning, IEEE East West Design and Test Symposium, 2017
1516 Mousumi Saha, Baisakhi Das and Biplab K Sikdar, Periodic Boundary Cellular Automata Based Test Structure For Memory, IEEE East West Design and Test Symposium, 2017
1517 Abhishek, A and Krishna, R and Sinha, Sourav and Bhowmik, Joydeep and Das, Debopam, Design, development and flight testing of a novel quadrotor convertiplane unmanned air vehicle, 73rd Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, 2017
1518 Avishek Choudhury, Biplab K Sikdar, CIFR: A Complete In-Place Fault Remapping strategy for CMP Cache using Dynamic Reuse Distance, 1-5, International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2017
1519 A. B. Majumdar, S. Chakraborty, M. Kule, A High-Yield Function Mapping Technique for Defective Nano-Crossbar Circuits, 5-9, National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology and Management (RTITM 2017), ISBN : 978-93-80813-59-2, 2017
1520 Bose, S., Chattopadhyay, R., Pal, M., Bhadra, S.K., Effect of zero-nonlinearity point on optical event horizon in defocused nonlinear media, 2017 32nd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2017 2017-January, 2017
1521 Amit K. rai ; Shakti S. Gupta, Vibration of orthotropic circular plate under moving point load, IWCEM, Jaipur-2017, 2017
1522 Arpita Mandal, Chaitali Ray, Salil Halder, Free vibration analysis of laminated composite plates and shells subjected to concentrated mass at the centre, 7th ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur, 2017
1523 Moumita Sit, Chaitali Ray, Comparative study of biocomposite and synthetic FRP composite with experimental verification, 7th ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur, 2017
1524 Champakali Das and Ambarish Ghosh, Shear Strength Behaviour and Regression Analysis of Cement Stabilized River Bed Material for Use in Subgrade, IGC 2017 – GeoNEst Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies, IIT Guwahati, Dec 13-17, 2017
1525 Dhiraj Biswas, Chaitali Ray, A modified higher order zigzag theory for stress analysis of composite laminates, 7th ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur, 2017
1526 Rituparna Dey, Vinoth B and Ambarish Ghosh, Assessment of Ground Vibration due to Installation of Pile Casing-A Case Study, IGC 2017 – GeoNEst Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies, IIT Guwahati, Dec 13-17., 2017
1527 Anal Paul and Santi P. Maity, Optimal Cluster Power for Joint Spectrum Sensing and Secondary Data Transmission in Cognitive Radio Networks, 17-20, Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, 2017
1528 Moumita Sit, Chaitali Ray, Combined effect of vehicle and thermal load on FRP bridge deck, 8thInternational Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy Srilanka, 2017
1529 Ghosh, , Manojit, Corrosion behavior and bioactivity of titanium foam developed by powder metallurgy route, Proceedings of E-MRS Spring Meet, 2017
1530 Dinesh Kumar Dash, Priyanka Saha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, 3-D Analytical Modeling of Dual-Metal Front-Gate Stack Tri-Gate SON-TFET with Graded Channel Engineering, CALCON, 2017
1531 A.Nageswara Rao, G K Jaiswal and Abhijit Kushari, Computational Studies of Underexpanded Elliptic Nozzle, 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, 2017
1532 Pritha Banerjee , Priyanka Saha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, 3 D Analytical Modeling and comprehensive analysis of SCEs of a high-K gate stack dual-material tri-gate Silicon-On-Insulator MOSFET with dual-material bottom gate, MOSFET, 2017
1533 A.Nageswara Rao, G K Jaiswal and Abhijit Kushari, Experimental and Computational Investigation of Serpentine nozzle with Elliptic Exit, 1st National Aerospace Propulsion conference, NAPC, IIT Kanpur, 2017
1534 B Jana, J Poray, T Mandal, M Kule, A multilevel encryption technique in cloud security, 220-224, " 7th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2017
1535 Arpita Ghosh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Five Input Majority Gate Design with Single Electron Nano Device”, International Conference on Communication, Devices and Computing, 2017
1536 Biplab Dutta, Epsita Kar, Navonil Bose, Sampad Mukherjee, PVDF/NiO Nanocomposites Film: An Excellent Piezoelectric Based Nanogenerator, MRSI Kolkata Chapter, YOUNG SCIENTIST COLLOQUIM, October 11, 2017., 2017
1537 A. Mandal, C. Ray and S. Haldar. ‘, Free vibration analysis of laminated composite plates and shells subjected to concentrated mass at the centre, 7th ICTACEM, 2017
1538 Tapas Chakrabarti, Ambar Khanda, Akash Jana and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Modelling of ZnO based HIT solar cells with Comparative analysis, ICPCSI, 2017
1539 Epsita Kar, Navonil Bose, Biplab Dutta, Nillohit Mukherjee, Sampad Mukherjee, Effect of Solvents on the Structural and Dielectric Properties of Bare and SiO2 Nanoparticles Loaded PVDF Film, MRSI Kolkata Chapter, YOUNG SCIENTIST COLLOQUIM, October 11 2017., 2017
1540 K. Kalita., P. Nashre, P. Dey, S. Haldar, Response Surface based Metamodeling- Numerical experiments on Noisy dataset, ICMMRE, 2017
1541 Tapas Chakrabarti, Malay Saha, Ambar Khanda and Subir Kumar Sarkar, HIT Solar cell using ZnTe as an emitter layer, IEEE-ICSPACE, 2017
1542 Swarnava Banerjee, Preetha Bhadra and Sampad Mukherjee, ZnO nanoparticle: A noble drug to cancer, 2nd Regional Science & Technology Congress (Western Region), 2017., 2017
1543 P. Nashre, K. Kalita., P. Dey, S. Haldar, Multi-objective design optimization of laminated composite plates for maximum fundamental frequency & frequency separation, 62ndCongress of ISTAM, 2017
1544 Subhashis Roy, Bikram Biswas, Anup Dey, Bijoy Kantha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Proposal for Detection Ethanol Leakage using WO3 Thin Film Sensor with RFID Technology, CICBA, 2017
1545 Sudip Banik, Preetha Bhadra and Sampad Mukherjee, NiO Nanoparticles: A Potential Treatment for the Cancer, 2nd Regional Science & Technology Congress (Western Region), 2017., 2017
1546 Subhrapratim Nath, Arnab Seal,Titir Banerjee and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Quantum Analytical Modelling of Threshold Voltage for Linearly Graded Alloy Material Gate Recessed S/D SOI MOSFET, IEEE International Conference on Devices for Integrated Circuits (DEVIC-17, 2017
1547 Sidhartha Chakraborty, Preetha Bhadra and Sampad Mukherjee, CuO Nanoparticle: A Useful Drug to Cancer, 2nd Regional Science & Technology Congress (Western Region), 2017., 2017
1548 Subhrapratim Nath, Avik Kumar Chakravarty,Subinoy Ghosh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Invasive Weed Optimization Approach to VLSI Routing, ,IEEE International Conference on Devices for Integrated Circuits (DEVIC-17),, 2017
1549 Sangita Karar, Preetha Bhadra and Sampad Mukherjee, Anti-Microbial Activity of NiO, a potential drug to the microbes, 2nd Regional Science & Technology Congress (Western Region), 2017., 2017
1550 Tripty Kumari and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Performance Analysis and Comparative Study of Triple Metal Double Gate TFET with SOI equivalent”,, IEEE International Conference on Devices for Integrated Circuits (DEVIC-17, 2017
1551 Soumajit Sen, Preetha Bhadra and Sampad Mukherjee, Anti-microbial activity of CuO nanoparticles, 2nd Regional Science & Technology Congress (Western Region), 2017., 2017
1552 Abhik Mukherjee, S Chattaraj and Sudpta Chakraborty, Evolutionary particle filter design for misalignment estimation in presence of flexure effect, 1817--1822, I2MTC Turin, 2017
1553 Saheli Sarkhel, Priyanka Saha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Parasitic Fringe Capacitance Modeling of Work Function Engineered Double Gate TFET, IEEE International Conference on Devices for Integrated Circuits (DEVIC-17, 2017
1554 Preetha Bhadra, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhaya and Sampad Mukherjee, Optical nanofiber: A smart detector and an emerging biosensor, 2nd Regional Science & Technology Congress (Western Region), 2017., 2017
1555 M Samanta, Abhik Mukherjee and P. Pal, Prevention of Information Leakage by Modulating the Trust Uncertainty in Ego-Network, COMSNETS, 2017
1556 Atanu Mondal and Sulata Mitra, Revocation of Misbehaving Vehicles during Data Dissemination among Connected Vehicles in VANET, IEEE TENSYMP, 2017
1557 Subhashis Roy, Anup Dey, Bikram Biswas and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Study the Influence of Pd Surface Sensitization on WO3-Si Based Hydrogen Sensor, ISSMD-4, 2017
1558 Sanchayita nag, Dipankar Das, Mrinal Seal, Sampad Mukherjee, Observation of Room Temperature Ferromagnetism and Improved Photocatalytic Performance of Gd:ZnO Nanorods, ISSMD-4, 2017., 2017
1559 Jhuma Ganguly, Invited lecture: A Relook at the Gelators, Scientific conference to celebrate 70th anniversary of India-Russia diplomatic relations on October 26, 2017 at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER, Kolkata), 2017
1560 M Samanta, Abhik Mukherjee and P. Pal, Novel scheme for abatement of privacy concern by controlling the reachability in online social network, 686--697, ICSCPR, 2017
1561 Poulomi Mukherjee and Sulata Mitra, Efficient D2D Couple Scheduling in Overlay Cellular Network, 401-408, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, 2017
1562 Khomdram Jolson Singh, Ch. Akendra Singh, Th. Jayenta Singh, Dhanu Chettri, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “ ZnO based homojunction p-i-n solar cell to self-power UV detector, ICICCT 2017, 2017
1563 Sanchayita Nag, Amrita Ghosh, Dipankar Das, Anup Mondal, Sampad Mukherjee, One pot synthesis of acid doped polypyrrole and investigation of its visible light driven dye degradation and room temperature ferromagnetic properties, Advanced materials & processing, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2017., 2017
1564 Jhuma Ganguly, Invited Lecture: Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for Sugar, Workshop on “CHROMATOGRAPHY - an era from Tswett to 21st Century” Hands-on Training Programme on HPTLC, HPLC, GC-MS, HEAD SPACE-SPME-GCMS on 8th - 11th September, 2017, Calcutta University, 2017
1565 Abhik Mukherjee and S. Chowdhury, Decision Making on Load Management for Plug?in Hybrid Electric Vehicle in Smart Grid, CALCON, 2017
1566 Khomdram Jolson Singh, Munan Kr.Thakur, N.Sanjeev, L.Aneka, Basob Roy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “ Numerical Design and Analysis of Graphene based a-Si/c-Si HIT Solar Cells”,, International Conference on Advances in Nanotechnology (ICAN), 2017
1567 Jhuma Ganguly, Sugar Analysis Using  Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Workshop on “CHROMATOGRAPHY - an era from Tswett to 21st Century” Hands-on Training Programme on HPTLC, HPLC, GC-MS, HEAD SPACE-SPME-GCMS on 8th - 11th September, 2017, Calcutta University, 2017
1568 P.Biswas, S.Kandar, B.C.Dhara, A novel image encryption technique using one dimensional chaotic map and circular shift technique, ICSCA '17: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications, ACM dl, 2017
1569 K Sahu, M Panda, RP Mahto, SK Pal, K Pal, P Dash, Experimental investigation to join Al 6063 alloy to polypropylene using friction stir welding, 10th international conference on precision, Meso, micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10), 2017
1570 Abhisek Paul ; Prantik Biswas ; Paritosh Bhattacharya ; Santi Prasad Maity, Power-log based plateau limit histogram equalization algorithm for infrared image enhancement, Tenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2017
1571 A. Bose and S. P. Maity, On robust watermark detection for optimum multichannel compressive transmission, 240-252, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2017, 2017
1572 Gopinath Samanta and Debasis Mitra, Design of an Electromagnetic Absorber using Porous Graphene-based Meta Surface, Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, 2017
1573 S. A. Qasim, N. Gupta, Space charge characteristics of layered and functionally graded insulator, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON), Ropar, Punjab, 2017
1574 Kar A., Ahmed S.S., Narayanan G. and Sengupta M.,, Design, Performance Evaluation, Fabrication and Testing of a SiC MOSFET Gate Driver, IEEE International Conference on Signal processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE-SPICES- 2017), 2017
1575 Paitandi S. and Sengupta M.,, Design and Implementation of Sensorless Vector Control of Surface Mounted PMSM using Back EMF Estimation and PLL Based Technique, 8th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2017), CoEP Pune, 2017
1576 Roy D., Mainuddin Sk. and Sengupta M, Design, Analysis, FEM Validation and Fabrication of a Switched Reluctance Motor, 8th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2017), CoEP Pune, 2017
1577 Kar A., Nanda A and Sengupta M., Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Practical Testing of a Lab Developed Power Converter Prototype in Electric Arc Welding, 8th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2017), CoEP Pune, 2017
1578 Mukherjee P. and Sengupta M., Closed Loop Speed Control of A Laboratory Fabricated Brush-less DC Motor Drive Prototype Using Position Sensor, 8th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2017), CoEP Pune, 2017
1579 Bhabatosh Biswas, Pravin Sawai, Bhairab Chandra Mitra, Nil Ratan Bandyapadhyay, Arijit Sinha, Influence of ZrO2 Addition in Sisal/Unsaturated Polyester Composites, ISBN: 978-93-86256-40-9, 250-253, National Conference on Advanced functional Materials Processing and Manufacturing (NCAFMPM-2017), CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CMERI), Durgapur, West Bengal, 2-3rd Febr, 2017
1580 Kundu J. and Sengupta M, Design, Modelling, Fabrication and Control of A Single-axis Attraction type Levitation Prototype, 8th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2017), CoEP Pune, 2017
1581 Bhabatosh Biswas, Nil Ratan Bandyopadhyay, Bhairab Chandra Mitra, Arijit Sinha, Effect of functionalized ZrO2 incorporation on structural and mechanical behaviour of Unsaturated Polyester/Jute composites, ISBN: 978–81–933428-1-7, 92-95, International Conference on Electron Microscopy & Allied Techniques, organized by Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) and Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M) and the Electron M, 2017
1582 Arpan Garai, Samit Biswas; Sekhar Mandal; Bidyut. B. Chaudhuri, Automatic dewarping of Camera Captured Born-Digital Bangla Document Images, ICAPR, 2017
1583 T. Dutta, D. Santra, C. P. Lim, J. Sil, P. Chattopadhyay, Statistical feature analysis of thermal images of electrical equipment, International Conference on Recent Trends in Operations Research and Statistics (RTORS-2017), IIT Roorkee, 28-30 th December, 2017, 2017
1584 Arindam Sinharay, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Hausdorff Distance Driven L-Shape Matching Based Layout Decomposition for E-Beam Lithography, 287-295, VLSI Design and Test: 21st International Symposium, VDAT 2017, Roorkee, India, June 29–July 2, 2017, Revised Selected Papers 21, 2017
1585 M. Mondal, P. Mondal,N. Saha and P. Chattopadhyay, Automatic Number Plate Recognition Using CNN Based Self Synthesized Feature Learning, IEEE-CALCON2017, 2017
1586 Neha Chaudhuri, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Improving the Design of Nearest Neighbor Quantum Circuits in 2D Space, 421-426, VLSI Design and Test: 21st International Symposium, VDAT 2017, Roorkee, India, June 29–July 2, 2017, Revised Selected Papers 21, 2017
1587 Subhajit Chatterjee, Surajit Kr Roy, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Modeling and analysis of transient heat for 3D IC, 365-375, VLSI Design and Test: 21st International Symposium, VDAT 2017, Roorkee, India, June 29–July 2, 2017, Revised Selected Papers 21, 2017
1588 Bikash Sharma, Amab Mukhopadhyay, Lopamudra Banerjee, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, CK Sarkar, Effect of Ca(OH)2, hBN and Mg(OH)2 based insulators as composite oxides in magnetic tunnel junction memory device properties, 783-786, 2017 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2017
1589 Lopamudra Banerjee, Arnab Mukhopadhyay, Bikash Sharma, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Performance analysis of 2D Graphene FET embedded with hexagonal boron nitride clusters, 491-494, 2017 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2017
1590 Sarosij Adak, Sanjit Kumar Swain, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Kumar Sarkar, Effect of doping in p-GaN gate on DC performances of AlGaN/GaN normally-off scaled HFETs, 372-375, 2017 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2017
1591 Amab Mukhopadhyay, Lopamudra Banerjee, Bikash Sharma, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Kumar Sarkar, Computational study of Silicene-CNT double junctions, 446-450, 2017 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), 2017
1592 Arpan Manna, Subham Saha, Rakesh Das, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, All optical design of cost efficient multiplier circuit using terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer, 1-5, 2017 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2017
1593 Bappaditya Mondal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Detection and localization of appearance faults in reversible circuits, 1-5, 2017 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2017
1594 Soumyajit Poddar, Amit Kumar Yadav, Hafizur Rahaman, OTORNoC: Optical tree of rings network on chip for 1000 core systems, 1-5, 2017 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2017
1595 Sarmah, T & Das, S., Urban flood disaster assessment for Guwahati city, WIEZ 2017: Int. Symp. on Water Urbanism in Eco-sensitive Zones, Kolkata, India., 2017
1596 Sudeep Ghosh, Surajit Kumar Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Giri, TSV repairing for 3D ICs using redundant TSV, 1-5, 2017 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2017
1597 Gupta, M., Das, S. & Bose, S., Analysis of mobility and shared infrastructure of urban NORCs - A case of Kolkata government housing, SBE2016: Sustainable Built Environment – II: Dialogues on Smart Built Environments, Roorkee, India, 2017
1598 Pranab Roy, Amiya Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Adaptive medical detection system: An iterative averaging method for automated detection analysis using DMFBs, 1-6, 2017 7th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2017
1599 Das, S. & Baro, R., Evaluation of causes of construction waste in residential building projects: A case study of Kolkata, CITC-9: 9th Int Conf. on Constr. in the 21st Century, Dubai, 2017
1600 Chiranjit Sain, P K Biswas, Atanu Banerjee, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, An Efficient Flux Weakening Control Strategy of a Speed Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive for Light Electric Vehicle Applications, 304-308, IEEE Calcutta Conference, 2017 (CALCON 2017), 2nd-3rd December, 2017
1601 Partha Bhattacharyya, Sanghamitra Ghosal, Fabrication, Characterizations and Gas Sensing Performance of TiO2 Nanotubes/RGO/Pd Ternary Hybrid Structure, 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 March, 2017
1602 Santanu Sardar, Santanu Kumar Karmakar, Debdulal Das, Ultrasonic assisted fabrication of magnesium matrix composites: a review, 4(2), 3280-3289, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2017
1603 Sanghamitra Ghosal, Partha Bhattacharyya, Irreversible n to p Transition and Corresponding Performance Improvement of RGO/TiO2NT Hybrid Gas Sensor Devices by Varying the Electrophoretic Deposition Time, 12th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC 2017), Singapore, 2-4 October, 2017
1604 Sugata Das and Sekhar Mandal, Segmentation-free Word Spotting in Historical Bangla Handwritten Binarized Document, In proc. of 9 th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), 27–30 December, 2017, ISI Bangalore,India., 2017
1605 Mousumi Bhanja, Anirban Ganguly, Debanjana Dutta, Baidyanath Ray and Ayan Banerjee, Reconfigurable Analog Filter Design using Current Mode Device, 1-6, 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), Roorkee, 2017
1606 Ghosh, S., Mandal, P. and Mondal, S. C., Application of Simulated Annealing for the Optimization of Process Parameters in WEDM Process for Machining 201LN Stainless steel, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial, Automation and Management Systems (AMIAMS- 2017), 2017
1607 Debolina Chakraborty, Anirban Chakraborty, Milan Kumar Tarafder, Ayan Banerjee and Sekhar Ranjan Bhadra Chaudhuri, An Efficient Spectral Domain Approach of Periodic Noise Suppression in Digital Images using Gaussian Filtering Profile, International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICCTCEEC), 2017
1608 Anirban Chakraborty, Debolina Chakraborty and Ayan Banerjee, A Memory Efficient, High Throughput and Fastest 1D/3D VLSI Architecture for Reconfigurable 9/7 and 5/3 DWT Filters, International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICCTCEEC’17), IEEE, 2017
1609 Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C., Machining Optimization of Nano-Structured Hardfaced Tool Insert in WEDM Using MOORA Method, International Conference on Research into Design, 2017
1610 Anirban Chakraborty, Debolina Chakraborty and Ayan Banerjee, A Multiplier less VLSI Architecture of Modified Lifting Based 1D/2D DWT using Speculative Adder, 6th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP’17), 2017
1611 Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C., Welding Parameters Optimization in MMAW Assisted Nano-Structured Hardfacing Using Desirability Function Analysis Embedded With Taguchi Method, International Conference on Research into Design, 2017
1612 Mondal, S. C., Ghosh, G. and Mandal, P., Application of Genetic Algorithm for the Optimization of Process Parameters in Keyway Milling, International Conference on Research into Design, 2017
1613 Srija Chowdhury, Jaya Sil, FACE RECOGNITION from NON-FRONTAL IMAGES Using DEEP NEURAL NETWORK, 1-6, ICAPR, 2017
1614 S. Bhattacharjee, S. Dhar, and S. K. Acharyya, Dislocation based controlling of kinematic hardening contribution to simulate primary and secondary stages of uniaxial ratcheting, 219, 012012, 38th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Risø, 2017 (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering), 2017
1615 Ghadai, R. K., Das, P. P., Shivakoti, I., Mondal, S. C. and Swain, B.P., Grey fuzzy logic approach for the optimization of DLC thin film coating process parameters using PACVD technique, IOP Conference Series in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
1616 S. Roy, K. Debnath, Flow characteristics of a surface interacting turbulent jet, International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Amrita University, 2017
1617 Khan, S., Kumar, V.,Mandal, P. and Mondal, S. C., Experimental Investigation of Combined TIG-MIG Welding for 304 Stainless Steel Plates, International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy, 2017
1618 Maity, Deblina; Ghosh, Arkadev; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Solution of economic problem with co-generation units using mine blast algorithm, 367-371, 2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2017
1619 P. K. Raushan, S. K., Singh, K. Barman, K. Debnath, Combined wave-current turbulent flow over a train of rib roughness, International Conference on Conference on Ship and Offshore Technology (ICSOT), IIT Kharagpur, 2017
1620 Ghadai, R. K., Kumar, D., Mondal, S. C. and Swain, B.P., Raman and Nanoindentation study of Diamond like Carbon thin Films, International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy, 2017
1621 Paul, Bishaljit; Pathak, Manish Kumar; Pal, Jagadish; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, A comparison of locational marginal prices and locational load shedding marginal prices in a deregulated competitive power market, 46-50, 2017 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), 2017
1622 S. Roy, K. Pushpak, K. Debnath, Characterization of flow structures for a surface interacting plane turbulent jet, 72, International Conference of Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), IIT Kharagpur., 2017
1623 Ghadai, R. K., Krishna, H., Kumar, D., Mondal, S. C. and Swain, B.P., Mechanical, Optical and Electrical properties of Ag incorporate Diamond like Carbon nanocomposite films for bioimplant applications: A Review, International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Renewable Energy, 2017
1624 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Effect of wave-current interaction over hemispherical obstacle, International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Amrita University, Kerala, 2017
1625 Mondal, S. C., Saha, A. and Biswas, P., Optimization of Process Parameters in Centerless Grinding operation using Central Composite Rotatable Design, 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE-2017), 2017
1626 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Wave-current combined interaction on the current flow, International Conference on Ship and Offshore Technology (ICSOT), IIT Kharagpur, 2017
1627 Ranjan Kr Ghadai, Soham Das, Subhas Chandra Mondal, Bibhu P Swain, Investigation of Structural and Electronic Environments of Nitrogen-Doped CVD-Grown DLC Films, 443, 301-306, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series, 2017
1628 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Open Channel turbulent flow in the presence of surface wave, 73, International Conference of Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), IIT Kharagpur, 2017
1629 R.K. Ghadai, P.P. Das, I. Shivakoti, S. C. Mondal, B. P. Swain, Grey fuzzy logic approach for the optimization of DLC thin film coating process parameters using PACVD technique, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017
1630 Chowdhuri, S., Mitra, S., Roy, S., User’s Perception of Increasing Operations of Electric Rickshaw (Toto) Service Case of Uttarpara, India,, CODATU XVII, Hyderabad (Urban Mobility India Conference and Expo), 2017
1631 Alam, N., Saha, S., Mitra, S., Changing courses of river Ganga and associated rural vulnerability in Murshidabad district, West Bengal, International Seminar and 48th Regional Science Conference, Tripura, 2017
1632 Moulick, K.K., Bhattacharjya, S. and Ghosh, S. K., Efficient Optimum Mix Design Procedure for Rice Husk Ash Concrete considering Robustness and Parameter Uncertainty in Metamodelling Framework, International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017), Aug, 2017Austria, Vienna., 2017
1633 Chowdhury, Tamalika; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Chakrabarti, Abhijit;, Resiliency improvement for a part of south Indian power transmission network, 5-Jan, 2017 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2017
1634 Budhkar, A. K. and Maurya, A. K., Analysis of lateral interaction time in mixed traffic conditions, Presented in the 4th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (4th CTRG), held in Mumbai, India during 17-20 December, 2017 (Best paper award)., 2017
1635 R. Patwary, D. Roy, H. S. Chatterjee and A. B. Choudhury, Fault Diagnosis of a Passive Magnetic Fault Current Limiter using Reverse Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform, 56, IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON 2017), 2017
1636 Subrata Das & Sisir Kumar Guha, Linear StabilityAnalysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings Operating under Turbulent Micropolar Lubrication, Proceedings, 115 - 121, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Industrial, Automation and Management Systems (AMIAMS), 2017
1637 S. Ghosh, S. Kesharwani, V. Mishra and S. S. Ray, Hybrid trie based approach for longest prefix matching in IP packet processing, 1532-1537, TENCON 2017 - IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2017
1638 Srijit Chowdhury and Chandan Giri, Balancing Energy Saving and Latency in Mobile Collector Based Delay Sensitive Wireless Sensor Network, Accepted for publication in WiSpNET, 2017., 2017
1639 Sushovan Das, Suman Bhowmik and Chandan Giri, Design of Asynchronous Semantic Preamble Listening for Semantic Sensor Network to Avoid Early Overhearing, Accepted for publication in WiSpNET, 2017., 2017
1640 R Loganath and Debabrata Mazumder, Development of a Simplified Mathematical Model for Anaerobic Digestion, 7, 889 - 894, 7th International Conference on Solid Waste Management (IconSWM-2017), 2017
1641 Srijit Chowdhury and Chandan Giri, MESNET: Mobile Sink Based Energy Saving Network Management in Wireless Sensor Network, Accepted for publication in Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics (CICBA), Springer, CCIS series, Kolkata, 24th – 25th March, 2017., 2017
1642 A Pramanik, S Sarkar, SP Maity, Performance comparison of orthogonal complex MIMO STBC with ML decoding and soft decision decoding, 1115 - 1119, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2017
1643 Dilip Maity, Surajit Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Faulty TSVs Identification in 3D IC using Pre-bond Testing, Accepted for VDAT 2017, 2017
1644 A Pramanik, SP Maity, Non-binary LDPC codes for compressed sensing image reconstruction on AWGN channel, 2607 - 2613, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2017
1645 Shubhajit Chatterjee, Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri and Hafizur Rahman, Modeling and Analysis of Transient Heat for 3D IC, Accepted for publication in VDAT 2017., 2017
1646 S Ghosh, A Pramanik, SP Maity, On Far End Saliency Detection of Images by Compressive Sensing, 322-334, International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics, 2017
1647 Kumar Roy and Chandan Giri, Design-for-test and test time optimisation for 3D SOCs, Accepted for ITC 2017., 2017
1648 Procheta Chatterjee, Surajit Kumar Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, Testing TSVs for Micro-void and Pinhole Defects using OTA, Accepted for publication in ITC 2017., 2017
1649 Sudeep Ghosh, Surajit Kumar Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, TSV Repairing for 3D ICs using Redundant TSVs, ISED, 19-21st December, 2017., 2017
1650 Sushovan Das, Suman Bhowmik and Chandan Giri, End Device Energy Optimization in ASPL for Semantic Sensor Network, Accepted for publication inIEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 17-20 December, Odishha, Bhubaneswar., 2017
1651 kumar Samanta, Shouvik; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Stability Analysis in a Smart Grid Network Due to Dynamic Demand Load Respond, 5-Jan, 2017 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), 2017
1652 Shreya Ghosh, Ankita Samaddar, Trishita Goswami, Somnath Pal, Chemical Graph Mining for Classification of Chemical Reactions, Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics. CICBA 2017. Kolkata , Springer Nature, Singapore, 2017
1653 Mistry Raja, & Roy, T.K., The Effect of Using Rice Husk Ash as Filler on Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mix, Compendium of papers: ID-0480, Proceeding of the International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Okinawa, Japan, 2016
1654 N. K. Tewary, S. K. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Microstructure evolution in cold rolled TWIP steels, Proceedings of Research Scholars Colloquium (ISBN:978-93-80813-44-8); 23-24 August, 2016, IIEST, Shibpur, India, 2016
1655 Roy, T.K., Effect of Tyre Rubber Ash on Bituminous Mixes Used for Roadway Pavement, compendium of papers: ID-670, Proceeding of the Eighth international conference on environmental science and technology, Houston, Texas, USA, 2016
1656 Ahmad, Dilshad; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, A framework for resilience performance analysis of an electrical grid, 392-396, 2016 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC), 2016
1657 Sanghamitra Dea, Mridul Sankar Barikb, Indrajit Banerjee, Goal Based Threat Modeling for Peer-to-Peer Cloud, Twelfth International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing, ICDMW 2016, August 19-21, 2016, Bangalore, Elsevier, 2016
1658 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Adaptive Slot Sharing based TDMA Technique for Routing in an Obstructed Wireless Sensor Network, ICTCS '16: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, ACM Digital Library., 2016
1659 V.C. Sinha, S Kundu, S Chatterjee, Roy, S. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Joints Between Commercially Pure Copper and Al 6351 Alloy, International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Design and Applications, 2016, Kongu Engineering college, perundurai, Tamil nadu, 2016
1660 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatteijee, Tuhina Samanta, A node deployment mechanism accounting into received signal strength and frequency diversity for a wireless sensor network, IEEE Sensor Conference, 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 2016, 2016
1661 M Balamagendiravarma, S Kundu, S Chatterjee, An Analysis of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on Friction Stir Welded Joint of Dissimilar 304 Stainless Steel and Commercially Pure Aluminium, International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Design and Applications, 2016, Kongu Engineering college, perundurai, Tamil nadu, 2016
1662 Nimisha Ghosh, Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, Efficient polling point determination and physical model based throughput maximisation in wireless sensor network, Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2016 24th International Conference on, 2016
1663 Pratim kumar, Rajiv Kumar, PC Joshi, Thermal Decomposition and Kinetic Studies of AN Based Green Oxidizers, International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources, 2016
1664 Raj, L Prince and Singh, S and Karchani, A and Myong, RS, PARALLELIZATION OF A MODAL DISCONTINUOUS GALERKIN METHOD USING SPMD PROGRAMMING MODEL, 160--161, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2016
1665 Maity, Deblina; Ghosal, Snehashis; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Bare bones teaching learning based optimization for combined economic emission load dispatch problem, , 2016
1666 Basu, S., Saha, P., A critical review of regression models for analysing highway crash data, 12th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, 2016, (TPMDC) in IIT Bombay, 2016
1667 Rajib Banerjee, P.Roy, K. Layek and Sipra DasBit, An Energy Efficient Video Compression using Differential Inter Frame Partial Discrete Wavelet Transform forWMSN, 1-6, IEEE INDICON, 2016
1668 S. Bhattacharjee, S. Kanta, S. Modi, M. Paul and Sipra DasBit, Disaster Messenger: An Android based Infrastructure Less Application for Post Disaster Information Exchange, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2016
1669 Chowdhury, Tamalika; Chanda, CK; Bera, Atri;, An application of complex network in allocation of distributed generation in distribution network, 216-219, 2016 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC), 2016
1670 N. Das, A. Roy and S. DasBit, LionBEAR: A Location Based Energy Aware Routing Scheme in DTNs, 75-80, DIPDMWC, 2016
1671 Ashish Kumar Layek; Akash Gupta, Saptarshi Ghosh, Sekhar Mandal, Fast Near-Duplicate Detection from Image Streams on Online Social Media During Disaster Events, 13th IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON), 2016
1672 Mukherjee D., Das, S., Saha, P., Roy, S.K.,, Evaluation of pedestrian Speeds on Sidewalks: A Comparative Study at the Commercial Hubs in the Twin Cities of Kolkata and Howrah, 12th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, 2016, (TPMDC) in IIT Bombay, 2016
1673 A. Das, N. Mallik, S. Bandyopadhyay, S. DasBit, J. Basak, Interactive Information Crowdsourcing for Disaster Management Using SMS and Twitter: A Research Prototype, 1-6, IEEE PerCom, 2016
1674 Chattopadhyay, Tapan Kr; Banerjee, Sumit; Maity, Deblina; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Microgrid: Planning of active and reactive power loss reduction in distribution network, , 2016
1675 Panigrahi, Asisa Kumar; Bonam, Satish; Ghosh, Tamal; Vanjari, Siva Rama Krishna; Singh, Shiv Govind,, Low temperature, low pressure CMOS compatible Cu -Cu thermo-compression bonding with Ti passivation for 3D IC integration, Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) , 2015 IEEE 65th, 2016
1676 Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Exploring the relationship between transport infrastructure and economic development in India (1991-2011): A panel cointegration and causality test approach, 14th World Conference on Transport Research: WCTR 2016 (Shanghai, China), 2016
1677 S. Bhattacharjee, S. Basu, S. Roy, S. DasBit, Best-effort Delivery of Emergency Messages in Post-disaster Scenario with Content-based Filtering and Priority-enhanced PRoPHET over DTN, 1-6, IEEE COMSNET, 2016
1678 Roy, R., Roy, N., Saha, P., Sarkar, A. K., Analysis of Time Headways under Heavy Traffic Flow Conditions on Two-lane Roads: Case Study from North-East India, 12th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, 2016, (TPMDC) in IIT Bombay, 2016
1679 S. Basu, S.Roy, S. DasBit, S. Bandyopadhyay, A Human Mobility Based Knowledge Sharing Approach for Post Disaster Need Assessment using DTN, 1-6, ICDCN, 2016
1680 Supriyo Srimani, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Parametric fault detection in analog circuits: A statistical approach, 275-280, IEEE 25th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2016
1681 A. K. Panigrahi, S. Bonam, T. Ghosh, S. R. K. Vanjari and S. G. Singh, High Quality Fine-Pitch Cu-Cu Wafer-on-Wafer Bonding with Optimized Ti Passivation at 1600C,, IEEE 66th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2016
1682 A. Kumar Panigrahi, S. Bonam, T. Ghosh, S. R. Krishna Vanjari and S. Govind Singh, Low temperature CMOS compatible Cu-Cu thermo-compression bonding with constantan alloy passivation for 3D IC integration, 2016 IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), San Francisco, CA, 2016
1683 Nimisha Ghosh, Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, Efficient polling point determination and physical model based throughput maximisation in wireless sensor network, Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2016 24th International Conference on, 2016
1685 Bera, A.K. and Dalal, A., An experimental study on behaviour of square footing on sand reinforced with single layer geotextile, IGC Calcutta 2016 ( Kolkata Chapter )., 2016
1686 Mrinmoy Ghorai, Sekhar Mandal and Bhabatosh Chanda, Patch Sparsity Based Image Inpainting Using Local Patch Statistics and Steering Kernel Descriptor, 781–786, In proc. of 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), December, 2016, Cancun, Mexico, 2016
1687 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatteijee, Tuhina Samanta, A node deployment mechanism accounting into received signal strength and frequency diversity for a wireless sensor network, IEEE Sensor Conference, 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 2016, 2016
1688 Dasgupta, Koustav; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Economic load dispatch with prohibited zone and ramp-rate limit constraints—A comparative study, 26-30, 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI), 2016
1689 Bera, A.K. and Mukherjee, D., Effect of GBFS content on engineering properties of soft soil GBFS mixture, IGC Calcutta 2016 ( Kolkata Chapter )., 2016
1690 Ashish Kumar Layek, Akash Gupta, Saptarshi Ghosh and Sekhar Mandal, Fast Near-Duplicate Detection from Image Streams on Online Social Media during Disaster Events, In proc. of thirteen International India Conference (INDICON, 16–18 December, 2016, IISc, Bengaluru, India., 2016
1691 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Adaptive Slot Sharing based TDMA Technique for Routing in an Obstructed Wireless Sensor Network, ICTCS '16: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, ACM Digital Library., 2016
1692 Rajesh P Barnwal, Nirnay Ghosh, Soumya K Ghosh, and Sajal K Das, Enhancing Reliability of Vehicular Participatory Sensing Network: A Bayesian Approach, 10.1109/SMARTCOMP.2016.7501689, IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 2016
1693 Patra, S., Roy, S. K., Bera, A.K.,S, Chakraborty, and Ghosh, A, Study on Effectiveness of Jute Geotextiles Reinforced Rural Road Using ABAQUS, National Workshop on Jute Geotextiles, 2016
1694 Swarup Das, Debasis Mitra and Sekhar Ranjan Bhadra Chaudhuri, I-shaped fractal slot loaded multiband microstrip patch antenna for wireless applications, International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), 2016
1695 Prerana Jana, Anubhab Majumdar, Sekhar Mandal and Bhabatosh Chanda, Generation of Search-able PDF of the Chemical Equations segmented from Document Images, 147–156, In proc. of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, September 13-16, 2016. Vienna, Austria, 2016
1696 Sanghamitra Dea, Mridul Sankar Barikb, Indrajit Banerjee, Goal Based Threat Modeling for Peer-to-Peer Cloud, Twelfth International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing, ICDMW 2016, August 19-21, 2016, Bangalore, Elsevier, 2016
1697 Roy, N., Roy, R., Saha, P., Sarkar, A. K., Modelling of vehicular speeds on Two-Lane Roads under Heavy Traffic Flow Condition, National Conf. on Engineering problems and Application of Mathematics (EPAM-2016), NIT Agartala., 2016
1698 Nirnay Ghosh, Rajesh P Barnwal, Soumya K Ghosh, and Sajal K Das, A Probabilistic Approach to Filter out Spam Reports in a Participatory Sensing-based Vehicular Traffic Management System, 10.1109/COMSNETS.2016.7439932, IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), 2016
1699 Das, D., : Role of microstructure on cyclic deformation response of Al-Mg-Si alloy (Invited Lecture), 4th International Conference for Advanced Materials and Materials Processing (ICAMMP-IV); Prof. K.K. Ray symposium on 'Deformation and Fracture’, November 5-7, 2016, Kharagpur, West Bengal, 2016
1700 Mukherjee, D., Das, S., Saha, P., Walking speeds on Sidewalks: A comparison of Recreational and Residedential Zones in Kolkata, National Conf. on Engineering problems and Application of Mathematics (EPAM-2016), NIT Agartala., 2016
1701 De, D., Ray, S. & Saha, P., Analysis of pedestrian Movement at Intersection: A case study in Kolkata Metropoils, National Conf. on Engineering problems and Application of Mathematics (EPAM-2016), NIT Agartala., 2016
1702 Pal, Ankit; Dasgupta, Koustav; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, An analysis of Economic Load Dispatch with Ramp-rate limit constraints using BSA, 6-Jan, 2016 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2016
1703 Koner, S., & Adak, A., Adsolubilization of organic dye through surfactant modified silica gel waste from aquatic environment: batch and fixed bed studies., 1–5, Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering - ACSEE 2016., 2016
1704 A. Lahiri & S. Sarkar, Eigenvalue Approach to the Solution of Generalized Thermoelastic Interactions in an Infinite Body with Cylindrical Cavity, 3 (1), 24 - 33, IMHOTEP – African Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics. Imhotep Mathematical Proceedings, 2016
1705 Koner, S., Adak, A., & Pal, A., Surfactant removal by metal oxides and adsolubilization of organics in exhausted materials., 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Huston, USA., 2016
1706 Mondal, B., Das, I., Datta, P., & Adak, A., Complete degradation of the cationic surfactant by UV based advanced oxidation process., Recycle – 2016, 2016
1707 Das, I., Mondal, B., Koner, S., & Adak, A., Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid by advance oxidation process., Recycle – 2016, 2016
1708 Swapan Shakhari, Prasun Ghosal, Mayukh Sarkar, A Provably Good Method to Generate Good DNA Sequences, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2016), [double blind review], December 19-21, 2016, Gwalior, India., 2016
1709 N. Mishra and K. Das, Predicting Elastic Properties of Unidirectional SU8/ZnO Nanocomposites using COMSOL Multiphysics, Proceedings of the 2016 COMSOL Conference in Bangalore, 2016
1710 Mayukh Sarkar, Prasun Ghosal, Post CMOS Computing Beyond Si: DNA Computer as Future Alternative, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2016), [double blind review], December 19-21, 2016, Gwalior, India., 2016
1711 S Joti and K Mitra, . Earthquake resistant traditional knowledge systems in the Sikkim monasteries, India, in the 2011 M 6.9 Sikkim earthquake: Lessons learnt., Page (156-164), International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and post disaster reconstruction planning, 2016
1712 Abhisek Maiti, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Design, Modeling and Software Implementation of a Current-Perturbed Maximum Power Point Tracking Control in a DC-DC Boost Converter for Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Applications, paper ID 30, in CD ROM-based proceedings of the 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation, held during Jan. 8-10, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conference ID: 3, 2016
1713 Pratima Chatterjee, Mayukh Sarkar and Prasun Ghosal, Computing in Ribosomes: Implementing Sequential Circuits using mRNA-Ribosome System, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2016), [double blind review], December 19-21, 2016, Gwalior, India. [Best Paper Award in IEEE iNIS 2016]., 2016
1714 Abhinandan Basak, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Speed Control of A Grid Connected Doubly-Fed Induction Generator System for Maximum Power Point Tracking with Improved Input Power Factor Employing Matrix Converter as a Slip Power Exchanger, paper ID 31, in CD ROM-based proceedings of the 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation, held during Jan. 8-10, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conference ID: 3, 2016
1715 Mayukh Sarkar and Prasun Ghosal, Mathematics using DNA: Performing GCD and LCM on a DNA Computer, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2016), [double blind review], December 19-21, 2016, Gwalior, India. IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Info, 2016
1716 Abhisek Maiti, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Design Methodology, Control and Performance of a Three-Phase Grid-Tie PV Inverter under Maximum Power Point Tracking, paper ID 73, in CD ROM-based proceedings of the Second International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC-2016) held during Jan. 28-30, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conf, 2016
1717 Avik Bose, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, STA:A Highly Scalable Low latency Butterfly Fat Tree Based 3D NoC Design, 2016 IEEE CS Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), [blind review], Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., July 11-13, 2016. [pdf], 2016
1718 Basu, S., Saha, P., A comparison of poisson and negative binomial regression in accident data analysis, 96-97, Research Scholars’ Colloquium (RSC)-2016, IIEST Shibpur, 2016
1719 Sudeshna Sil Kar, Santi P. Maity and Seba Maity, Neuvuscularization Detection on Retinal Images, 60, 301-313, ICVGIP WOrkshop, 2016
1720 Tanmoy Dey, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Dynamic Adjustments of the D-Q axes Reference Voltage Limits during Flux Weakening and Maximum Torque Per Ampere Control of an IPMSM Drive for an EV Application, paper ID 74, in CD ROM-based proceedings of the Second International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC-2016) held during Jan. 28-30, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conf, 2016
1721 Pratima Chatterjee, Mayukh Sarkar, Prasun Ghosal, Computing in Ribosomes: Performing Boolean Logic Using mRNA-Ribosome System, 2016 IEEE CS Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), [blind review], Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., July 11-13, 2016. [pdf], 2016
1722 Abhinandan Basak, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Effect of Matrix Converter on the Speed Control Scheme of a Grid Connected Doubly-Fed Induction Generator System, paper ID 59, in CD ROM-based proceedings of the Second International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC-2016) held during Jan. 28-30, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conf, 2016
1723 Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Samanta, Sabyasachi;, Implementation of quassi-oppositional TLBO technique on economic load dispatch problem considering various generator constraints, 106-111, 2016 3rd International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES), 2016
1724 H. Dhulipati, K. L. V. Iyer, S. Mukundan, K. Mukherjee, J. Tjong, and N. C. Kar, Investigation of 6-Phase Surface PM Machines with Concentrated Windings for Reduction in Space Harmonics, Leakage Inductance and Magnet Loss in Direct-Drive EV, 811-817, in Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2016 Switzerland, 2016
1725 Roy, R., Saha, P., Exponential Distribution of Headways: A Misnomer on Two-Lane Roads with Heterogeneous Traffic, 43-44, Research Scholars’ Colloquium (RSC)-2016, IIEST Shibpur, 2016
1726 S. Mukundan, K. L. V. Iyer, H. Dhulipati, K. Mukherjee, J. Tjong, and N. C. Kar, Response Surface Methodology based optimization of surface PM Machine Incorporating Stator Slotting and PM Sizing Effects to Extend the Operating Limits for Direct-drive EV Application, 2045-2051, in Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2016 Switzerland, 2016
1727 K. L. V. Iyer, H. Dhulipati, S. Mukundan, K. Mukherjee, J. Tjong, and N. C. Kar, Design Approach Incorporating MTPA and Winding Function Theories for On-board Direct-Drive Surface PM Machines with Concentrated Windings in EVs, 1499-1505, Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2016 Switzerland, 2016
1728 Kolay, P. K., Talukdar, H., Saha, P., LOS assessment of two-lane roads with mixed traffic: What really matters to analysts?, 75-76, Research Scholars’ Colloquium (RSC)-2016, IIEST Shibpur, 2016
1729 C. Lai, G. Feng, K. L. V. Iyer, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, Genetic algorithm based current ptoimization for torque ripple reduction of interior PMSMs, 1050-1056, Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM 2016 Switzerland, 2016
1730 K. L. V. Iyer, B. Minaker, K. Mukherjee, J. Tjong, and N. C. Kar, On-board Direct-Drive Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings for Electric Vehicles, 1-6, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 2016
1731 kumar Samanta, Shouvik; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Improved cost analysis through smart grid network due to dynamic demand load response, 5-Jan, 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2016
1732 Sheikh Rafiul Islam, Seba Maity, Santi P. Maity, Ajay K. Ray, MR Imaging via Reduced Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition Compressed Sensing, 345-357, MedImage Workshop, 2016
1733 Arundhati Banerjee ; M.K. Sanyal ; R. Baksi, Exploration of Applications of Patent Securitization in Context of Indian Public Sector Organizations, December 2016, ISBN 978-81-928721-8-6, UGC Sponsored National Level seminar on Disinvestment and Privatisation: Impact on the Indian Economy, held on 16-17 December, 2016, 2016
1734 Anirban Bose and Santi P. Maity, On Improved CS-SS Image Watermark Detection Over Radio Mobile Channel , Tenth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, 2016
1735 Avik Banerjee and Santi P. Maity, On Energy Minimization in Cooperative Spectrum Sensing using LRT in Presence of Emulation Attack, 6-9, International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems, 2016
1736 De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Impact of Canyon Design on Thermal Comfort in Warm Humid Cities: A Case of Rajarhat- Newtown, Kolkata, Fourth International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island- May 30- June 1, 2016 at National University of Singapore, Singapore., 2016
1737 Mukherjee, M., Roy, U. K., Biswas, A., Arora, K., De, B. and Srivastava, A., Changing paradigms of Affordable Housing in Independent India, 12–28, 3rd Residential Building Design & Construction Conference - March 2-3, 2016 at Penn State, University Park PHRC, 2016
1738 Subhadip Chakraborty, Chirantan Das, Anupam Karmakar, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Analyzing The Quasi-oscillatory Nature Of Electrical Parameters With The Concentration Of Sucrose In Aqueous Solution At Room Temperature, Advanced Materials Proceedings (ICMTECH 2016), 2016
1739 Sabarna Choudhury, Shreyasi Bandyopadhyay, Sk. Latib, Dipak Kole and Chandan Giri, Fuzzy C Means based feature extraction and classification of Diabetic Retinopathy using Support Vector Machines, Accepted for publication in 5th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), Tamilnadu, India, 2016
1740 Ankita Pramanik and Santi P. Maity, On High Rate Non-Binary Low Density Parity Check Code over GF(q), 3rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems, 2016
1741 Suman Bhowmik and Chandan Giri, Fuzzy Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Network, Accepted for publication in IEEE Intl. Conf. on wireless communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 23rd -25th March, Chennai, 2016, 2016
1742 Jain, S.K., Brzev, S., Basu, D., Rai, D.C. and Mitra, K., Confined Masonry Construction for Improved Seismic Safety of Buildings in India, Page (225-235), International Conference on Emerging Building Materials and Construction Technologies, New Delhi, March 21-22, 2016. Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council, Ministry of Housing and Urban, 2016
1743 Koushik Pahari, Alapan Kuila, Santanu Pal, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Chandan Giri, Sivaji Bandyopadhyaya, Josef van Genabith, JU-USAAR : A Domain Adaptive MT System, Accepted for publication in WMT; The First Conference of Machine Translation, Volume II: Shared Task Papers, Berlin.Germany, 2016, 2016
1744 Suman Bhowmik, Sushovan Das and Chandan Giri, Tree Based Tracking Target in Wireless Sensor Network, Acceptedd for publication in Fourth International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI) 2016., 2016
1745 Maity, Deblina and Baneijee, Sumit and Chanda, Chandan Kumar and Samanta, Sabyasachi, Implementation of MRPSO techniques on economic load dispatch problem considering various generator constraints, 1--6, 2016 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), 2016
1746 Nandy, S., Sekhar, A.P., Das, D. Hossain, S.J., Ray, K.K., Influence of dynamic precipitation during low cycle fatigue of under-aged AA6063 alloy, Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction, 19-22 January 2016, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India., 2016
1747 Jnui Deb Mallick Datta; Manas Kumar Sanyal, “Promoting Entrepreneurship in Traditional Knowledge Based Healthcare Sector through Quantitative Model Development”, Conference Edited Volume, 9th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education. IIM, Indore, May 3-6, 2016, 2016
1748 Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kr;, Multi-objective economic emission load dispatch using modified biogeography based optimization algorithm, 6-Jan, 2016 IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON), 2016
1749 Pradhan, S.K., Chatterjee, S., Basu Mallick, A., Das, D., Fabrication of in-situ intermetallic reinforced Aluminum matrix composite, ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8, 165-166, Proceedings of Research Scholars Colloquium 2016 (ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8), Pages 165-166, held on 23-24 August, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India., 2016
1750 Dutta, T., Datta, S., Das, D., Segmentation of dual-phase steel micrographs, (ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8, 167-168, Proceedings of Research Scholars Colloquium 2016 (ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8), 23-24 August, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India., 2016
1751 Sekhar, A.P., Nandy, S., Ray, K.K., Das, D., Post-fatigue tensile response of an under aged Al-Mg-Si alloy, November 2016, NMD ATM 2016, IIT-Kanpur, 2016
1752 Roy, S., Roy, T.K., Das, D., Development of high performance ZnO-based varistor, ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8, 161-162, Proceedings of Research Scholars Colloquium 2016; 23-24 August, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India., 2016
1753 Sekhar, A.P., Ray, K.K., Das, D., Yield strength modeling of an Al-Mg-Si alloy, ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8, 159-160, Proceedings of Research Scholars Colloquium 2016; 23-24 August, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India, 2016
1754 Sekhar, A.P., Ray, K.K., Das, D., Abrasive Wear Behavior of Artificially Aged Al-Mg-Si Alloy, 2016, Prof. M. Chakraborty Symposium on Advanced Techniques in Materials Processing, 4th International conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, IIT Kharagpur, 2016
1755 Basantia, S.K., Singh, R.V., Das, D., Khutia, N., Cyclic plasticity modeling to predict LCF characteristics of dual-phase steels, ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8, 102-103, Proceedings of Research Scholars Colloquium 2016; 23-24 August, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India., 2016
1756 Sahoo A, Majumder S, Roychowdhury A, Reduction of frontal impact severity by structural modification, 110-111, Proceedings of Research Scholars' Colloquium, IIEST Shibpur, 23-24 August 2016, 2016
1757 Roy, S., Das, D., Roy, T.K., Effect of Erbium oxide addition on microstructure and non-ohomic properties of Zinc oxide varistor ceramics, November 5-7, 2016, 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials & Materials Processing (ICAMMP-IV) IIT Kharagpur;, 2016
1758 Roy, S., Roy, T.K., Das, D., Sintering Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Multicomponet Zinc Oxide Varistor Powders Prepared by Ball Milling, 28-29September, 2016, International Conference on Functional Nano-Materials (IC-FNM 2016), IIEST Shibpur, 2016
1759 Sugato Ghosh, Indranil Das, Deepanjana Adak, Nillohit Mukherjee, Raghunath Bhattacharyya, Hiranmay Saha, Development of Selective and Sensitive Gas Sensors for Manhole Gas Detection, 2016 Tenth International Conference on Sensing Technology, 2016
1760 Dutt, M. and A. Biswas, Boundary and Shape Complexity of a Digital Object. In: 5th International Symposium Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images, 10149, 105-117, Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications: CompIMAGE’16, Niagara Falls, New York, USA. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016
1761 Karmakar, N. and A. Biswas, Construction of an Approximate 3D Orthogonal Convex Skull, 9667, 180-192, In: 6th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context: CTIC 2016, Marseille, France.Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016
1762 Karmakar, N. and A. Biswas, Shape Matching of 3D Topologically Segmented Objects, 9667, 170-179, In: 6th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context: CTIC 2016, Marseille, France,Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016
1763 Anriban Bose and Santi P. Maity, Improved Spread Spectrum Compressive Image Watermark Detection with Distortion Minimization, Eleventh Int. Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2016
1764 Roy, S., Das, D., Roy, T.K., Effect of Er2O3 addition on densification characteristics of nanocrystalline ZnO based varistors, 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Technology (ICMST 2016), 5-8 June, 2016, Kerala., 2016
1765 Kundu, D. and A. Biswas, Finding Shortest Isothetic Path inside a 3D Digital Object, In: 5th International Symposium Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications: CompIMAGE’16, Niagara Falls, New York, USA. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Note, 2016
1766 S. Chatterjee, Santi P. Maity and Tamaghna Acharya, Trade-off on Spectrum-Energy Efficiency in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, Eleventh Int. Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2016
1767 Mukherjee, S., O. Bandyopadhyay, and A. Biswas, Automated Brain Tumor Diagnosis and Severity Analysis from Brain MRI, 10149, 194-207, In: 5th International Symposium Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications: CompIMAGE’16, Niagara Falls, New York, USA, Springer-Verlag. Lecture Not, 2016
1768 Sekhar, A.P., Nandy, S., Ray, K.K., Das, D., Effect of isothermal ageing on abrasive wear behavior of Al-Mg-Si alloy, ICMST 2016, 2nd International Conference on Materials Science and Technology (ICMST 2016), 5-8 June, 2016, Kerala., 2016
1769 Phani, S., S. Lahiri, and A. Biswas, A machine learning approach for authorship attribution for Bengali blogs, 271-274, In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP). IEEE, 2016
1770 D. Kumar, A. Pramanik. S. Sil Kar, Santi P. Maity, Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Matched Filter and Laplacian of Gaussian, Eleventh Int. Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2016
1771 A. M. Kandepu and R. Naskar, Classification based Time–Efficient, Blind Source Camera Identification for Videos, 5th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) 2016, Tamilnadu, India, 2016
1772 Phani, S., S. Lahiri, and A. Biswas, Personality Recognition in Source Code Working Note, 16-20, Team BESUMich. In: FIRE (Working Notes). IEEE, 2016
1773 S. Sil Kar and Santi P. Maity, Differential Evolution Based Optimal Clustering for Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction, 5th Int. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics and Vision, 2016
1774 D. B. Tariang and R. Naskar, Re–Compressed based JPEG Forgery Detection and Localization through Automated Quality Factor Investigation, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2016, Chennai, India, 2016
1775 Pal B and Amis A, Finite element analysis of a novel hip-stem for osteoporotic femurs, Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, August 2-5, 2016
1776 Phani, S., S. Lahiri, and A. Biswas, Sentiment Analysis of Tweets in Three Indian Languages, 93- 102, In: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (WSSANLP2016), Osaka, Japan. Osaka, Japan: The COLING 2016 Organizing Committee, 2016
1777 T. Bhattacharjee, Santi P. Maity, A. Ray, Prediction Error Based Secret Image Transmission over Radio Mobile Channel, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, 2016
1778 R. Dixit and R. Naskar, DyWT based Copy-Move Forgery Detection with Improved Detection Accuracy, International Conference on Signal Processing & Integrated Networks (SPIN) 2016, Noida, India, 2016
1779 S. Ghosh, D. Allumolu, P. Barpanda, Green Synthesis of Na-Ti-O based Ceramics as Anodes for Na-ion Batteries, 18th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-18), 2016,Chandigarh, India, 2016
1780 Phani, S., S. Lahiri, S. Dutta, and A. Biswas, An Indic Language N-gram Viewer, 32-36, In: Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Forum on Information Retrieval Evaluation, FIRE ’16, Kolkata, India. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016
1781 A. Ray and Santi P. Maity, Graph Cut Method for Automatic Tumor Detection in Prediction based Reconstructed MR Images, 1494-1498, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2016
1782 Sarkar, A., A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Finding Largest Rectangle inside a Digital Object., 9667, 170-179, In: 6th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context: CTIC 2016, Marseille, France,Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016
1783 Sarkar, A., A. Biswas, S. Mondal, and M. Dutt, Finding Shortest Triangular Path in a Digital Object., 9647, 206-218, In: 19th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: DGCI’16, Nantes, France, Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016
1784 Sarkar, A., M. Dutt, and A. Biswas, On Generation of 3D Random Digital Curves, In: 5th International Symposium Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications: CompIMAGE’16, Niagara Falls, New York, USA. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Not, 2016
1785 Mousumi Mukherjee and Debasattam Pal, On characteristic cones of scalar autonomous nD systems, for general n, 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Minneapolis, USA, 2016
1786 Arnab Sen, Anindita Sengupta, Parameter selection strategy for Robust sliding mode controller and its implementation in real time system, 1-6, IEEE 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016
1787 Rimi Paul, Anindita Sengupta, Performance study of Multiresolution PI controller for Third Order System, 215-218, IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation (CMI 16), 2016
1788 Debasish Das, Dilip Kumar Pratihar, Gour Gopal Roy, Electron beam melting of steel plates: temperature measurement using thermocouples and prediction through finite element analysis, 579-588, 28th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, Kolaghat, West Benga, 2016
1789 V. U. Sameer, Sugumaran S., R. Naskar, Digital Forensic Source Camera Identification with Efficient Feature Selection using Filter, Wrapper and Hybrid Approaches, 12th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2016), Jaipur, India. Proceedings published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10063, pp. 409-425, 2016, 2016
1790 Munshi Mostafijur Rahaman, Prasun Ghosal, Siddhartha Biswas, A Scalable Hierarchical Ring Based Wireless Network-on-Chip, In Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) [blind review], Bhubaneswar, India, December 22-24, 2016, 2016
1791 M. Meraj (Presenter), Snehanshu Pal (Corresponding Author), The Effect of Temperature on Creep Behaviour of Porous (1 at. %)Crystalline Nickel, 69, 277–282, 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep - Fatigue Interaction (CF-7), Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Kalpakkam (India), 2016
1792 Roy, A and Staino, A and Ghosh, A D and Basu, B and Chatterjee, S, Seismic Vibration Control of Elevated Water Tank by TLD and Validation of Full-Scale TLD Model through Real-Time-Hybrid-Testing, 744, 012042, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016
1793 Ujjwal Saha, Changes in future extreme rainfall over Kolkata: Implication of Urban Flooding, Proc of the National Conference on Water Resources and Flood Management with special reference to Flood Modelling, SVNIT, Surat, October 14-15, 2016., 2016
1794 S Chaudhuri, K Debnath, Sediment Removal Processes from an Evolving Scour Hole around Bridge Piers in Clay-Sand Mixed Cohesive Sediment, 124, Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of India, 2016
1795 Ujjwal Saha, Management of Urban Water Systems Considering the Impacts of Climate Change, Proc of Seminar on Sustainable development and urbanisation of Indian Building Congress, West Bengal State Centre, Kolkata, 10th September (2016)., 2016
1796 Souvanic Roy, Climate Proofing of Indian Cities: Need for Paradigm Shift in Urban Development, 34-46, Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Livable Habitat and Sustainable Infrastructure: A Key to Smart Growth” published by IIT, Kharagpur, 2016
1797 S. Mukherjee, A. Basak, K. Mukherjee, P. Syam, Effect of Supply Frequency and Magnitude Variation on Generation of SVPWM Switching Pulses for Three Phase Matrix Converter, 1-6, IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE 2016), Patiala, India, 2016
1798 Das, P.K., Mandal, N., Arya, A., Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Elastic Anisotropy of SnO2 Polymorphs: A First-principles Approach, ESPC2016, ESPC2016-796, EGU General Assembly, 2016
1799 S. Bhattacharjee, T. Acharya, U. Bhattacharya, Optimal Power Allocation for Cognitive Radio Multicast Networks under Primary Users' Outage Loss Constraint, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS), 2016
1800 S. Bhattacharyya, M.Midya, M. Mitra, S.R.Bhadra Chowdhuri, Performance enhancement of meander line antenna with AMC ground for wearable applications, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 2016
1801 S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity, T. Acharya, Trade-off on Spectrum-Energy Efficiency in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2016
1802 S. K. Yadav, T. Acharya, Outage Analysis in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks with Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2016
1803 L. Prince Raj, R.S. Myong, Numerical Simulation of Droplet Impingement on a Multi-Element High-Lift Airfoil, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, (ICAS 2016), 2016
1804 R. Maiti, K. Das Sharma, G. Sarkar, Optimal state feedback controller and observer design for twin rotor MIMO system, 30-34, 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC16), 2016
1805 Joydip Jana, HiranmaySamanta, Konika Das Bhattacharya and HiranmaySaha, A Four Stage Battery Charge Controller Working on a Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Based Algorithm for Solar PV System, 21st Century Energy Needs Materials, Systems and Applications (ICTFCEN) , IIT KGP, 2016
1806 Arindam Sinharoy, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, VLSI Thermal Placement issues:A cooperative game theory based approach, 106-111, 6 th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and Systems Design,Patna, 2016
1807 A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Finding Largest Rectangle inside a Digital Object., 157–169, In: 6th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC-2016, 2016
1808 M. M. Bhunia, S. Das, P. Chattopadhyay, S. Das, K. K. Chattopadhyay, Enhancement of thermal conductivity of transformer oil by exfoliated white graphene nanosheets, 1-5, 16th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), Florence, 2016, 2016
1809 Sudarshana Banerjee, Soma Ray, Utpal Gangopadhyay, Hiranmay Saha, Nillohit Mukherjee*, Study of Silver Sulfide Nanoparticle Decorated SiNW Array on Multi-c-Si Wafer, International Conference on Functional Materials, 2016
1810 Pampa Howladar, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, An Automated Design of Pin-Constrained Digital Microfluidic Biochip on MEDA Architecture, 1565-1570, IEEE Fourth International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI-ICACCI),Jaipur,India, 2016
1811 A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, S. Mondal, and M. Dutt, Finding Shortest Triangular Path in a Digital Object, 206–218, In: 19th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, DGCI-2016, 2016
1812 S. Mitra, P. Chattopadhyay, Challenges in implementation of ANN in embedded system, 1794-1798, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT), Chennai, March 3-5, 2016, 2016
1813 Tanoy Kahali and Uttam Rana, Extinction and blow-off characteristics of premixed methane-air flame in a micro-channel combustor., Paper No-600, CHEMCON-2016, 2016
1814 Sarit Chakraborty, Chandan Das and Susanta Chakraborty, A Novel mixing Technique for low cost sample preparation in Digital Microfluidic Biochip, Proceeding of the 7thInternational conference on Reliability Aware System Design and Test. (RASDAT) January, Kolkata, 2016
1815 Dutta, P. and Nandi, N, Computational study on the effect of bend curvature on velocity distribution from straight to a 900 pipe bend using k – ? turbulence model, International Conference on Engineering Problems and Application of Mathematics 2016 (EPAM – 2016), 11-12 June, NIT Agartala., 2016
1816 Susmita Biswas, Anupam Nandi, Arnab Dhara, Apurba Baral, Mallar Ray, Hiranmay Saha, Nillohit Mukherjee, Syed Minhaz Hossain, Effect of Centrifugation Time on the Optical Properties of Colloidal Silicon Nanoparticle, International Conference on Functional Materials, 2016
1817 Arko Dutt, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, TSV-Aware 3-D IC Structural Planning with Irregular Die-Size, 713 - 716, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits & Systems,Jeju,Korea,, 2016
1818 Arindam Roy Goswami, Santanu Sardar, and Santanu Kumar Karmakar, Temperature Rise and Wear of Sliding Contact of Alloy Steels, 1754(1), 030004-1-030004-6 (6 Pages), AIP Conference Proceedings (SCOPUS), 2016
1819 Bikromadittya Mondal, Pradyut Sarkar and Susanta Chakraborty, A Novel Design of reversible Crypographic Circuit, Proceeding of the 7th International conference on Reliability Aware System Design and Test. (RASDAT) January, Kolkata, 2016
1820 P. S. Panigrahy, S. Mitra, P. Konar, P. Chattopadhyay, FPGA Friendly Fault Detection Technique for Inverter Fed Induction Motor, 299-303, 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC-2016), January 28 - 30, 2016, 2016
1821 H. Bhaumik, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Redundancy Elimination in Video Summarization, 173-202, in Image Feature Detectors Foundations, Innovations, and Applications Springer Verlag, 2016
1822 Dutta, P. and Nandi, N, On some aspects of change in static pressure distribution from straight to curved pipe due to effect of bend curvature by k – ? turbulence modelling, proceedings of 61st congress of ISTAM, an international conference, December, 11-14, 2016, VITU-Vellore., 2016
1823 Pranab Roy, Sudeshna Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Synthesis aware sample preparation techniques using random sample sets in DMFB, 1 - 6, Proc. of 20th IEEE International symposium on VLSI Design and Test,Guwahati,India, 2016
1824 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Numerical modelling of the densification of Municipal Soild Waste landfills using dynamic compaction, Geotechnical Special Publication No 269, 202-211, Geo-Chicago 2016, August 14-18, 2016, Chicago, Illinois, A. De, K.R. Reddy, N. Yesiller, D. Zekkos, and A. Farid (Eds), ASCE (Pubs.), 2016
1825 Bikromadittya Mondal and Susanta Chakraborty, An Efficient Reversible Cryptographic Circuit Design, 20th VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT-2016) IIT Guwahati, May, 2016
1826 T. Dutta, P. Chattopadhyay, Condition Monitoring of Electrical Equipment using Thermal Image Processing, IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation ( IEEE CMI-2016), January 8-10, 2016., 2016
1827 S.S.R. SUMAN and Nandi, N, Analysis of change in velocity profile with different Mach number and angle of attack in subsonic state of flow for an Airfoil, proceedings of 61st congress of ISTAM, an international conference, December 11-14, 2016, VITU-Vellore., 2016
1828 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Studies to evaluate the impact of tamper on the depth of improvement in dynamic compaction, 2(59), 2033-2037, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication (ISSN: 2188-8027), 2016
1829 Kamarujjaman, Mausumi Maitra and Susanta Chakraborty, An Unsupervised Modified Spatial Fuzzy C-mean Method for Segmentation of Brain MR Image, 125-131, 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, Jaipur, India, September, 2016
1830 Tapan Chowdhury, Susanta Chakraborty and S.K. Setua, Knowledge Extraction from Big Data using MapReduce-based Parallel-Reduct Algorithm, 240-246, 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, Changchun, China, December, 2016
1831 P. S. Panigrahy, P. Konar and P. Chattopadhyay, Application of Data Mining in Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor, 274-278, IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation ( IEEE CMI-2016), January 8-10, 2016, 2016
1832 Samya Muhuri, Susanta Chakraborty and S.K Setua, An Edge Contribution-Based Approach to identify Influential nodes, 155-160, 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems, December, India, 2016
1833 P. Kumar, PC Joshi, and R. Kumar, Thermal decomposition and kinetics studies of AN based green oxidizers for solid rocket propulsion, International conference on alternative energy resources, 2016
1834 Binanda Sengupta and Sushmita Ruj, Publicly Verifiable Secure Cloud Storage for Dynamic Data Using Secure Network Coding, 107-118, ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS), 2016
1835 Md. Bilal Zafar, Parantapa Bhattacharya, Niloy Ganguly, Saptarshi Ghosh, Krishna P. Gummadi, On the Wisdom of Experts vs. Crowds: Discovering Trustworthy Topical News in Microblogs, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), San Francisco, USA, 2016., 2016
1836 Binanda Sengupta, Samiran Bag, Sushmita Ruj and Kouichi Sakurai, Retricoin: Bitcoin Based on Compact Proofs of Retrievability, 14:1-14:10, International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 2016
1837 S. Bhattacharjee, T. Acharya, and U. Bhattacharya, Optimal power allocation for cognitive radio multicast networks under primary users’ outage loss constraint, Proc. 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS 2016), 2016., 2016
1838 SambaranHazra, SudipGhosh, Santi P. Maity, HafizurRahaman, New FPGA and Programmable SoC Based VLSI Architecture for Histogram Generation of Grayscale Images for Image Processing Applications, 93, 139–145, 6th International Conference On Advances In Computing & Communications, ICACC 2016, 6-8 September 2016, Cochin, India, 2016
1839 Patel, B.N., Pandit, D. and Srinivasan, S.M, Large Elaso-plastic Deflection of Micro- beams Using Strain Gradient Plasticity Theory, 173, 1064-1070, Procedia Engineering, DOI:, 2016
1840 Chaitali Ray, Laminated Composites as Building Materials in Indian Scenario, Institute of Engineers Convention, 2016
1841 Sandipan Nath Thakur, Chaitali Ray, Subrata Chakraborty, A finite element model based sensitivity analysis of deep and moderately thick cross ply laminated shell structure, SEC, CSIR, Chennai, 2016
1842 Dhiraj Biswas, Moumita Sit, Chaitali Ray, Experimental verification of free vibration analysis of laminated stiffened plate considering HSDT and FSDT, SEC, CSIR, Chennai, 2016
1843 Moumita Sit, Chaitali Ray, Hygrothermal free vibration analysis of FRP bridge deck using higher order shear deformation theory, SEC, CSIR, Chennai, 2016
1844 B Sen, R. mukherjee, Y Sahu, R. K Nath and Biplab K Sikdar, Towards designing reliable universal QCA logic in the presence of cell deposition defect, 575-576, 29th Inernational conference of VLSI design, 2016
1845 Mrinal Goswami, Bibhash Sen and Biplab K Sikdar, Design of low power 5-input majority voter in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata with effective error resilience, 101-105, 6th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1846 Mamata Dalui, Tannishtha Som, Shivani Bansal, Shivam Pant and Biplab K Sikdar, MASI: An Eviction Aware Cache Coherence Protocol for CMPs,, 249-253, 6th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1847 Biswanath Sethi and Sukanta Das, On the Use of Asynchronous Cellular Automata in Symmetric-Key Cryptography, 625, 30--41, Security in Computing and Communications - 4th International Symposium, {SSCC} 2016, Jaipur, India, September 21-24, 2016, Proceedings, 2016
1848 M. Kule, H. Rahaman, Defect Tolerant Approach For Function Mapping in Nano Crossbar Using Evolutionary Algorithms, International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems, 2016, 2016
1849 Rik Chattopadhyay, Tushar Biswas, Shyamal K Bhadra, Light propagation at Dirac point in twisted photonic crystal, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 2016
1850 Bidesh Chakraborty, Mamata Dalui and Biplab K Sikdar, CA Based Protocol Processor for Heterogeneous CMPs, 254-258, 6th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1851 Arpit Sharma; Amit K. rai ; Shakti S. Gupta, Vibration of simply supported circular plate subjected to moving point loads, 3, 3019-3020, 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Montreal, Canada., 2016
1852 Nazma Naskar and Sukanta Das, Scalability of Non-uniform Cellular Automata Having only Point State Attractors, 9863, 55--65, Cellular Automata - 12th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, {ACRI} 2016, Fez, Morocco, September 5-8, 2016. Proceedings, 2016
1853 Baisakhi Das, Supreeti Kamilya and Biplab K Sikdar, Design of CA Based Scheme for Evenhanded Data Migration in CMPs, 117-121, 6th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1854 Kamalika Bhattacharjee and Dipanjyoti Paul and Sukanta Das, Pseudorandom Pattern Generation Using 3-State Cellular Automata, 9863, 3--13, Cellular Automata - 12th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, {ACRI} 2016, Fez, Morocco, September 5-8, 2016. Proceedings, 2016
1855 Mousumi Saha, Sutapa Sarkar Chatterjee and Biplab K Sikdar, Cellular Automata Based Fault Tolerant Resistive Memory Design, 176-180, 6th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1856 Bidesh Chakraborty, Mamata Dalui and Biplab K Sikdar, Design of coherence verification unit for CMPs realizing dragon protocol, 1-6, 20th VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT), 2016
1857 Ambarish Ghosh and Rituparna Dey, Study on the Behaviour of Pile-Raft Foundation in Cohesive Soil, 19th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference & 2nd AGSSEA Conference (19SEAGC & 2AGSSEA) Kuala Lumpur 31 May – 3 June 2016., 2016
1858 S. Khatun, Ambarish Ghosh and D. Sen, Influence of Non-Homogeneous Moisture Content on Strength Reduction and Stability of River Bank, 19th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference & 2nd AGSSEA Conference (19SEAGC & 2AGSSEA) Kuala Lumpur 31 May – 3 June 2016., 2016
1859 Ambarish Ghosh and Subhoprasad Chakraborty, Construction Induced Vibration During Sheet Pile and Pile Driving in Deep Excavation, 6th Conference on Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India, September 8-10, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India., 2016
1860 Ghosh, Manojit and Roy, Swadipta and Naha, Dibyendu, Influence of HVOF Process Parameters of WC-Co-Cr Coating on Mild Steel Substrate, Proceedings of 17th Asian Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, 2016
1861 Sankar Nath, Chitralekha Ghatak, Ambarish Ghosh and Tanumaya Mitra, Tarun Sengupta and Sajib Das, Site Specific Study for Foundation Design of Iswar Gupta Bridge, 6th Conference on Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India, September 8-10, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India., 2016
1862 A.Nageswara Rao and abhijit Kushari, Characterization of an Underexpanded Jet issuing from a Serpentine Elliptic Nozzle, Asian Congress on Gas Turbines, 2016
1863 M Kule, H Rahaman, B B Bhattacharya, Reliable logic design with defective nano-crossbar architecture, 47-52, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER), 2016
1864 Indrajit Chowdhury, Rituparna Dey and Ambarish Ghosh, Dynamic Response of Short Piles under Lateral Transient Load, 6th Conference on Deep Foundation Technologies for Infrastructure Development in India, September 8-10, 2016, IIEST Shibpur, India., 2016
1865 Das. C and Ghosh. A, Characterization of the River Bed Materials for Use in Construction of Road Embankment in NE-India Region, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Geotechnics for Infrastructure Development”, Indian Geotechnical Society, Kolkata, 11th and 12th March, 2016, Jadavpur, Kolkata, India., 2016
1866 Suvendu Chattaraj and Abhik Mukherjee, Efficient estimation of system states of a poorly modeled 2-D target tracking system using evolutionary strategy based particle filter algorithm, CMI, 2016
1867 M Kule, A Dutta, H Rahaman, B B Bhattacharya, High-speed decoder design using memristor-based nano-crossbar architecture, 77-81, Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), India, 2016
1868 Das. Champakali and Ghosh. Ambarish, Strength characterization of Sub grade soil stabilized with Crusher dust, Proceedings of the National Level Conference on Engineering Problems and Application of Mathematics, NIT, Agartala, India, 2016
1869 Sudipta Chakraborty, Suvendu Chattaraj and Abhik Mukherjee, Particle filter based estimation of Navigation information during in-flight post ejection, CIEC, 2016
1870 Laxmidhar Biswal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Robert Wille, Rolf Drechsler, Hafizur Rahaman, Improving the realization of multiple-control toffoli gates using the ncvw quantum gate library, 573-574, 2016 29th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2016 15th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID), 2016
1871 Rituparna Dey, Champakali Das and Ambarish Ghosh, Performance evaluation of Stabilized Brahmaputra river bed materials, 71-72, Research Scholars Colloquium 2016, IIEST, Shibpur, ISBN: 978-93-80813-44-8., 2016
1872 Subhankar Mudi and A. Ganguly, Performance analysis of a solar biomass integrated cycle for power generation and refrigeration, Proceedings of 55th IRF International Conference, Pune 22nd May 2016, ISBN 978-93-86083-19-7, 2016
1873 Subodip Deo and Salil Haldar, Vibration analysis of plates subjected to uniformly distributed mass by using finite element method., 61stCongress of ISTAM, 2016
1874 Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Delay minimization of multilayer graphene nanoribbon based interconnect using wire sizing method, 1-6, 2016 International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communications (MicroCom), 2016
1875 Ambarish Ghosh and Subhoprasad Chakraborty, Construction Induced Vibration During Sheet Pile Driving, Indian Geotechnical Society, Kolkata Chapter Geotechnics For Infrastructure Development 11th – 12th March 2016, Kolkata, West Bengal, India., 2016
1876 Briti Deb, Indrajit Mukherjee, Satish Narayana Srirama, Eero Vainikko, A semantic followee recommender in Twitter using Topicmodel and Kalman filter, 12th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Kathmandu, NEPAL, June 01-03, 2016
1877 Sanghamitra Dea, Mridul Sankar Barikb, Indrajit Banerjee, Goal Based Threat Modeling for Peer-to-Peer Cloud, Twelfth International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing, ICDMW 2016, August 19-21, 2016, Bangalore, Elsevier, 2016
1878 Sudipta Bardhan, Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Analytical study of BTE based multilayer GFET model, 1-6, 2016 International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communications (MicroCom), 2016
1879 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Adaptive Slot Sharing based TDMA Technique for Routing in an Obstructed Wireless Sensor Network, ICTCS '16: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, ACM Digital Library., 2016
1880 Rupam Bhattacharya, Hafizur Rahaman, Pranab Roy, A new heterogeneous droplet routing technique and its simulator to improve route performance in digital microfluidic biochips, 1-6, 2016 International conference on microelectronics, computing and communications (MicroCom), 2016
1881 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatteijee, Tuhina Samanta, A node deployment mechanism accounting into received signal strength and frequency diversity for a wireless sensor network, IEEE Sensor Conference, 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 2016, 2016
1882 Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of 9-transistor content addressable memory cells using Schottky-barrier carbon nanotube field effect transistors, 1-5, 2016 International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communications (MicroCom), 2016
1883 Nimisha Ghosh, Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, Efficient polling point determination and physical model based throughput maximisation in wireless sensor network, Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2016 24th International Conference on, 2016
1884 Sudipta Bardhan, Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, A verilog-a based semiclassical model for dual gated graphene field-effect transistor, 37-42, 2016 3rd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 2016
1885 Sarosij Adak, Sanjit Kumar Swain, Godwin Raj, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Kumar Sarkar, Performance analysis of gate material engineering in enhancement mode n++GaN/InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs, 89-92, 2016 3rd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 2016
1886 Atanu Mondal and Sulata Mitra, TDMAC - A Timestamp Defined Message Authentication Code for Secure Data Dissemination in VANET, IEEE ANTS, 2016
1887 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Impact of mutual inductance on the crosstalk induced effects in single-walled carbon nanotube bundle interconnects, 286-290, 2016 3rd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 2016
1888 Biplab Dutta, Epsita Kar, Navonil Bose, Sampad Mukherjee, Enhanced Dielectric Properties of Hydrothermally Synthesized Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Loaded Self-standing Flexible PVDF Films, International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Device Applications, NIT Patna, October 26-28, 2016, 2016
1889 Atanu Mondal and Sulata Mitra, TDHA: A Timestamp Defined Hash Algorithm for Message Authentication in VANET, 182-189, International Conference on Computational Modelling and Security (CMS), proceedings published by Elsevier in the Procedia Computer Science Journal, 2016
1890 . Arpita Ghosh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “ 3 to 8 Decoder Implementation usingSingle Electron Threshold Logic (SE- TL) for Low PowerComputing”, ETAEERE-2016, 2016
1891 Anindita Chakraborty, Rakesh Das, Chandan Bandopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Bdd based synthesis technique for design of high-speed memristor based circuits, 1-6, 2016 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2016
1892 Epsita Kar, Biplab Dutta, Navonil Bose, Nillohit Mukherjee, Sampad Mukherjee, Enhancement of Dielectric Properties of flexible Poly(vinylidene fluoride) thin films by loading Er3+ ions incorporated SiO2 nanoparticles, International Conference on Multifunctional Materials for Device Applications, NIT Patna, October 26-28, 2016., 2016
1893 Anup dey and Subir kumar Sarkar, Fabrication and characterization of developed Pd/n-WO3/SiO2/P-Si based thin film gas sensor for detection of hydrogen (H2), CCSN 2016, 2016
1894 Pranab Roy, Sudeshna Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Synthesis aware sample preparation techniques using random sample sets in DMFB, 1-6, 2016 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2016
1895 Sanchayita Nag, Amrita Ghosh, Dipankar Das, Anup Mondal, Sampad Mukherjee, Observation of room temperature ferromagnetism (RT-FM) in HCL- doped polypyrrolle and its photocatalytic property, NCoN:M&A, 2016., 2016
1896 Subhrapratim Nath, Swarnava Sarkar, Rabiraj Bandyopadhyay and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A New Optimization Algorithm Based on Physarum BioNetwork for VLSI Global Routing, CCSN2016, 2016
1897 Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Temperature dependent IR-drop and delay analysis in side-contact multilayer graphene nanoribbon based power interconnects, 1-2, 2016 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2016
1898 Preetha Bhadra, Sampad Mukherjee, Detoxification of Aflatoxin B1 with Marigold leaves Crude Extract in Cancer Cell Line, Regional Science & Technology Congress (Western Region), 2016., 2016
1899 Chabungbam Akendra Sin Chitralekha Ngangbam, Khomdram Jolson Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Review on Zinc Oxide Based UV Photodetector, NCARIMMIEM-2016, 2016
1900 Preetha Bhadra, Bhuban Ruidas, Sutapa Som Chaudhury, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, Sampad Mukherjee, A Smart Detection Method of Aflatoxin Content in Human Blood and Morphometric Evaluation of Abnormalities, ETAE-2016, IIT-Kharagpur., 2016
1901 Tapas Chakrabarti, Rudrarup Sengupta, Neha Sinha andSubir Kumar Sarkar, Study and Simulation of Energy Efficient RealisticHIT Solar Cell Defect States, IICPE 2016, 2016
1902 Anindita Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Implementation of combinational circuits via material implication using memristors, 67-72, 2016 IEEE Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER), 2016
1903 Preetha Bhadra, Bhuban Ruidas, Sutapa Som Chaudhury, Chitrangada Das Mukhopadhyay, Sampad Mukherjee, Aflatoxin Mediated Abnormalities in Human Red Blood Cells and Prevention by Oxidative Detoxification, Research Scholar Colloquium- 2016, IIEST, SHIBPUR., 2016
1904 K Kumari, RP Mahto, SK Pal, SB Singh, Comparative Study on Effect of Counter-rotating Twin Tool and Single Tool on Temperature Rise during Friction Stir Welding, AIMTDR 2016 - 6th International & 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR2016), 2016
1905 Tapas Chakrabarti, Tyajodeep Chakrabarti, Udit Sharma and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Extraction of Efficient Electrical Parameters of SolarCell using Firefly and Cuckoo Search Algorithm”, IICPE 2016, 2016
1906 Rakesh Das, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, All optical reversible design of Mach-Zehnder interferometer based Carry-Skip Adder, 73-78, 2016 IEEE Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER), 2016
1907 Subhrapratim Nath, Samriddha Banik, Arnab Seal and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Optimizing MANET routing in AODV : An Hybridization approach of ACO and Firefly Algorithm, ICRCICN 2016, 2016
1908 Malay Kule, Hafizur Rahaman, Bhargab B Bhattacharya, Reliable logic design with defective nano-crossbar architecture, 47-52, 2016 IEEE Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER), 2016
1909 S. Chandra, R. Saha and S. K. Ghosh, Influence of Nb micro-alloying on microstructure and mechanical properties of thermo-mechanically processed high carbon steel, National Conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Characterization (NCAMPC 2016), January 4-6, Warangal, India, 2016
1910 Tiya Dey Malakar , Partha Bhattacharyya, Subir Kumar Sarkar, Surface Potential based Threshold Voltage Modeling of Work Function Engineered Gate Recessed Source / Drain IR SOI/SON MOSFET for better nanoscale device performance, ICCSE 2016, 2016
1911 Anindita Chakraborty, Aparna Dhara, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of memristor-based up-down counter using material implication logic, 269-274, 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016
1912 C. Roy, S. K. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of Thermo-Mechanically Processed Micro-alloyed Ultrahigh Strength Steel, National Conference on Advances in Materials Processing and Characterization (NCAMPC 2016), January 4-6, Warangal, India, 2016
1913 Arpita Ghosh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Comparative Study of Single Electron Threshold Logic Based and SET-CMOS Hybrid Based 1 Bit Comparator, ICCSE 2016, 2016
1914 Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Shalini Parekh, Hafizur Rahaman, A synthesis approach for ESOP-based reversible circuit, 1741-1746, 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016
1915 Debasis Mitra and Jeet Ghosh, Mutual Coupling mitigation of Terahertz antenna by using Graphene based metasurface, 63-64, Applied Nanotechnology and Nano Science International Conference, 2016
1916 Anup dey, Bijoy Kantha, Subir kumar Sarkar, Study the Effects of Annealing Temperatures on Sol-Gel derived TiO2 Sensing Element., ICCSE 2016, 2016
1917 Pampa Howladar, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, An automated design of pin-constrained digital microfluidic biochip on MEDA architecture, 1565-1570, 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016
1918 Subhashis Roy, Bijoy Kantha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Study the Effect of Catalytic Metal Contacts on Ethanol Vapour Sensing Performance of WO 3 –Si Hetero-Structure Sensor, ICCSE 2016, 2016
1919 Pampa Howladar, Debashri Roy, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Cross-reference EWOD driving scheme and cross-contamination aware net placement technique for MEDA based DMFBs, 614-619, 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016
1920 Anindya Pal, Shubhadeep Maity, Sumit Chabri, Supriya Bera, Amit Roy Chowdhury, Mitun Das, Arijit Sinha, Mechano-chemical synthesis of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from egg shells and phosphoric acid, ISBN: 978-93-85926-15-0, 274-277, 31st Indian Engineering Congress, Kolkata, 15-18th December 2016, 2016
1921 Arpita Ghosh, Amit Jain, N. Basanta Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Single Electron Threshold Logic Based Feynman Gate Implementation, ICRCICN – 2016, 2016
1922 Bappaditya Mondal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Online testing of smgf in esop based reversible circuit, 141-146, 2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium (TechSym), 2016
1923 Dayananda Rajkumar, Pranab Kishore Dutta, Subir Kumar Sakar, Design and Implementation of 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder Using SETMOS Architecture, ICRCICN – 2016, 2016
1924 Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of content addressable memory cell using carbon nanotube field effect transistors, 131-135, 2016 IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium (TechSym), 2016
1925 Seal M. and Sengupta M.,, Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Comparison of Linear Induction Motor and Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, Proc. of  Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2016), Shanghai, China, 2016
1926 Dayananda Rajkumar, Pranab Kishore Dutta, Subir Kumar Sakar, Design and Implementation of 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder Using SETMOS Architecture, RTEICT-2016, 2016
1927 Arko Dutt, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, TSV-aware 3-D IC structural planning with irregular die-size, 713-716, 2016 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2016
1928 Kar A. and Sengupta M., Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of a 3 kW Power Factor Correction Boost Rectifier, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2016), 2016
1929 Khomdram Jolson Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, ,” Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller Using P and O Algorithm for Solar PV Array on FPGA, IEEE-ICCSP’16, 2016
1930 Supriyo Srimani, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Parametric fault detection in analog circuits: A statistical approach, 275-280, 2016 IEEE 25th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 2016
1931 Khomdram Jolson Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A wide band gap In0.5(Al0.7Ga0.3)0.5P Back Surface Field layer increases 6% more efficiency in DLAR Dual Junction InGaP Solar cell, IEEE-ICEETS, 2016
1932 Arindam Sinharay, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, VLSI thermal placement issues: A cooperative game theory based approach, 106-111, 2016 Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1933 J bag, R R Sahoo, Subir Kumar Sarkar, Power efficient anti-collision algorithm for RFID technology with added data security feature and its implementation in VHDL, PCITC, 2016
1934 Malay Kule, Avik Dutta, Hafizur Rahaman, Bhargab B Bhattacharya, High-speed decoder design using memristor-based nano-crossbar architecture, 77-81, 2016 Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1935 Das S. and Dutta, P, Preliminary understanding of CO2sequestration and enhanced coalbed methane recovery in Raniganj coalfield of India by reservoir simulation, presented at GHGT-13, Lausanne November 14-18, 2016, 2016
1936 Joyashree Bag, Subhashis Roy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “Anti-collision algorithm for RFID system using adaptive Bayesian Belief Networks and it’s VLSI Implementation’, ICECS 2016, 2016
1937 Bappaditya Mondal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, A testing scheme for mixed-control based reversible circuits, 96-100, 2016 Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED), 2016
1938 . Rudrarup Sengupta, Tapas Chakrabarti and Subir Kumar Sarkar, ”Modeling of cost effective efficient HIT solar cell”, IEEE sponsored 3rd International Conference on Electronics and communication systems, ICECS-2016, 2016
1939 Subhashis Roy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, RFID Based Real Time System For Early Detection of Avian Influenza For Poultry Based Industry, MicroCom 2016, 2016
1940 Santanu Maity et al., Enhancement in optical and structural properties of Zn0.85Mg0.15O nanorods over thin films synthesized by hydrothermal chemical treatment, 9749, SPIE-Oxide-based Materials and Devices VII, 974920, 2016
1941 S. Tamang and S. Aravindan, Joining of dissimilar materials, The International Welding Symposium (IWS 2K16), 2016
1942 S. K. Nath, N. Singh, S. Tamang and S. Aravindan, Indirect Electric Arc and Modified Indirect Electric Arc Metal Inert Gas Welding on Mild Steel, International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, 2016
1943 Swarup Ghosh Shyamal Ghosh, Subrata Chakraborty, Generation of Seismic Hazard Curve and Synthetic Ground Motion for the North Eastern Region of India for Performance Based Seismic Risk Assessment, 28-30, The 6th Asia-Pacific Symp on Structural Reliability and Its Applications, 2016
1944 Koushik Dutta, Partha Protim Chattopadhyay, Partha Bhattacharyya, Tuning of Edge and Surface Energy of TiO2 Nanotubes via Partial Rupture by Controlling Anodization Voltage for Gas Sensor Device Applications, Young Scientists’ Colloquium – 2016 (MRSI) 16 Sept., Kolkata, India, 2016
1945 Mohanta, S. & Das, S., BIM as facilities management tool: A review, ICSBE2016: International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2016
1946 Soumya Bhattacharjya and Subrata Chakraborty, Robust Design Optimization of Structures under Stochastic Earthquake incorporating Parameter Uncertainty, 28-30, The 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications, 2016
1947 Sanghamitra Ghosal, Partha Bhattacharyya, Pd/RGO/TiO2 Nanotube Ternary Hybrid Structure as a Novel Gas Sensor Device, Young Scientists Colloquium 2016 (MRSI); September 16, Kolkata, India, 2016
1948 Somdatta Goswami and Subrata Chakraborty, Adaptive response surface method based efficient monte carlo simulation, 2nd Int Conf on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management, 2016
1949 Koushik Dutta, Basanta Bhowmik, and Partha Bhattacharyya, Resonant Frequency Tuning Technique for Selective Detection of Alcohols by TiO2 Nanorod based Capacitive Device, 11th IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC 2016), October 9-12th, Touluese, France, 2016
1950 Partha Bhattacharyya, Frequency selective alcohol sensing performance of Pd/TiO2 nanotube array/Ti (MIM) devices in capacitive mode, Applied Nanotechnology and Nano science International Conference (ANNIC- 2016), November 9-11th, Barcelona, Spain, 2016
1951 Debanjan Acharyya, Partha Bhattacharyya, RGO and TiO2 Nanotube Matrix based Binary Hybrid Device for Reliable Detection of Methyl Acetate Vapor, Applied Nanotechnology and Nano science International Conference (ANNIC- 2016), November 9-11th, Barcelona, Spain, 2016
1952 Suman Guha; Vikram Deshpande; Norman Fleck, Finite element studies of hydrogen embrittlement in a rate-dependent material, 70th Annual Technical Meeting of Indian Institute of Metals, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India, 2016
1953 Tanmay Pal and Srinivasu Maka, Combining Respiratory regulation with Breathing mechanism: Application to Cheyne-Stokes Respiration, International Conference on Systems in Medicine and Biology, 2016
1954 Arindam Roy Goswami, Santanu Sardar, Santanu Kumar Karmakar, Temperature rise and wear of sliding contact of alloy steels, 1754(1), 030004, AIP conference proceedings, 2016
1955 Tanmay Pal, Karan Jain and Srinivasu Maka, Delay dependent analysis of respiratory system: Application to Obstructive Sleep Apnea, International Conference on Systems in Medicine and Biology, 2016
1956 Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C., Parametric Optimization of MMAW Process for Nano-hardfacing material using Hybrid approach, ISER 57th International Conference on Nano-Science, Nanotechnology and advanced materials, 2016
1957 Ghosh Gourhari, Mandal, Prosun and Mondal, Subhas Chandra, Modeling and Optimization of Surface roughness in Keyway using ANN and Genetic algorithm, Proceedings in the 6th International and 27th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2016), 2016
1958 Abhijit Dey and A.B. Choudhury, A Comparative Study between Scalarization Approach and Pareto Approach for Multi-objective Optimization Problem using Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) Formulated based on Superconducting Fault Current Limiter, 1-4, 1st IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016), July 04 - 06, 2016, 2016
1959 A Roy, A Staino, A (D) Ghosh, B Basu and S Chatterjee, Seismic Vibration Control of Elevated Water Tank by TLD and Validation of Full-Scale TLD Model through Real-Time-Hybrid-Testing, MoVic & RASD 2016, 3-6 July, Southampton., 2016
1960 J Shinar, C Hippola, D Danilovic, U Bhattacharjee, JW Petrich, R Shinar, Intense deep blue exciplex electroluminescence from NPB/TPBi: PPh3O-based OLEDs and their intrinsic degradation mechanisms (Conference Presentation), Proc. SPIE 9941, Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XX, 2016
1961 A. Upadhyaya; D. Sarkar; A. B. Choudhury; D. Roy, Performance Analysis of a Three-phase SISFCL with the Variation of Circuit Parameters using Jiles Atherton Hysteresis Model, 220-224, 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC), Kolkata, India, January 28-30, 2016, 2016
1962 Santanu Maity et al., Synthesize of ZnO Nano structure for toxic gas sensing application, 92, 2016, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence, Procedia Computer Science, 2016
1963 Santanu Maity et al., Finite Difference Time Domain simulation of Active cancellation of Radar echoes, 92, 233 – 236, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence, Procedia Computer Science, 2016
1964 Santanu Maity et al., Simulation of low power heater for gas sensing application, 92, 213 – 221, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence, Procedia Computer Science, 2016
1965 Santanu Maity et al., Plasmonic Effect in Silicon solar cell through deposited silver nanoparticles, 92, 549 – 553, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence, Procedia Computer Science, 2016
1966 R.K. De and A.Ganguly, Performance analysis of a solar hydrogen supported hybrid cold storage, Proceedings of 31st Indian Engineering Congress organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), 2016
1967 G. Mandal, S. K. Ghosh and S. Chatterjee, Development of ultrahigh strength steel by thermo-mechanical controlled processing, 1-8, National Seminar on Advancement in Ultra Clean Steel Technologies and Thermo-mechanical Processing for Defence Applications (AUSTPD-2016), August 19, Ishapore, India, 2016
1968 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Wave-current turbulent flow over submerged tandem hemispheres, 27, International conference on Hydraulics, water Resources and River engineering (HYDRO), CW & PRS, Pune., 2016
1969 Maity, Deblina; Baneijee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Samanta, Sabyasachi;, Implementation of MRPSO techniques on economic load dispatch problem considering various generator constraints, 6-Jan, 2016 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), 2016
1970 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Second order turbulence statistics for wave-current flow, 47, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Applications of Fluid Dynamics (ICAFD), IIT- ISM Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India in Association with Fluid Mechanics Group, University of Botswana, Botswana, 2016
1971 S. K. Singh, K. Debnath, Turbulent flow dynamic in wave-current co-existing environment, 32, Proceedings of 3rd international Conference on Applications of Fluid Dynamics (ICAFD) ), IIT- ISM Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India in Association with Fluid Mechanics Group, University of Botswana, Botswana., 2016
1972 Mitra, S., Roy, S., Paul, S.K., Rehabilitative Planning Strategy for Sustainable Development of Vulnerable Communities in Indian Sunderban, AUNFAIR 2016, conducted by Asian University Network Forum on Advance in Research, Japan, Program booklet 12-14, 2016
1973 S. K. Singh, K. Debnath, Turbulent characteristics of flow over large regular bottom roughness, 26, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO) Central Water & Power Research Station, Pune, India., 2016
1974 Mukherjee, S., Shaw, PK, Datta, G., Bhattacharjya, S., and Ghosh, S., Robust Optimal Design of Buried Reinforced Concrete Pipe in Trenchless Construction under Bounded Type Uncertainty considering Seismic Load, Structural Engineering Convention SEC 2016, December 21-23, 2016CSIR Campus, Chennai,India., 2016
1975 S. Chaudhuri, K. Debnath, M. K. Manik, Flume study on contraction scours in clay – sand mixed cohesive bed, 29, HYDRO-16 INTERNATIONAL, 21st International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering, CW & PRS., 2016
1976 Datta, G., Bhattacharjya, S. and Chakraborty , S., Adaptive Metamodel Based Efficient Robust Design Optimization of Offshore Structure Under Stochastic Wave Loading, Structural Engineering Convention SEC 2016, December 21-23, 2016CSIR Campus, Chennai, India., 2016
1977 Siperna Nayak, Rupsa Chakraborty, Sayan Sinha, B P Mukhopadhyay, Atin Kumar Mitra, Study on the occurrence of groundwater in Block I and II of Purulia District,West Bengal,India, National Seminar on Sustainable Groundwater Management Through Effective Governance, 2016
1978 S. Roy, K. Debnath, Vortex synchronization control around partially submerged cylinder due to wave-current combined flow., 31, Proceedings of 21st International conference on Hydraulics, water Resources and River engineering (HYDRO), CW & PRS., 2016
1979 Budhkar, A. K. and Maurya, A. K., Modeling Gap-Maintenance in Heterogeneous No Lane-Discipline Traffic, Presented in 1st International Conference of Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM-2016) held in Chang’an University, Xi’an, China during 16-18 July 2016. ISBN: 978-1-60595-367-0., 2016
1980 G. Datta , and S. Bhattacharjya, Adaptive metamodel-based efficient robust design optimization of concrete frame structure under random wind load, 61st Congress of ISTAM, Dec 11-14, 2016, VIT Univ, Tamilnadu,India, 2016
1981 Rupsa Chakraborty,Siperna Nayak, , Sayan Sinha, B P Mukhopadhyay, Atin Kumar Mitra, Hydrogeological Study With Special Emphasis On Chemical Components Of Groundwater , Block 1 and 2 , Purulia District, West Bengal, India, National Seminar on Sustainable Groundwater Management Through Effective Governance, 2016
1982 A. Upadhyaya, D. Sarkar, A. B. Choudhury and D. Roy, Performance Analysis of a Three-phase SISFCL with the Variation of Circuit Parameters using Jiles Atherton Hysteresis Model, 220-224, 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC), Kolkata, 2016
1983 S. S. Samantaray, S. Roy, and K. Debnath, Study of turbulent eddies in open channel flow with wave against current, 32, Proceedings of 21st International conference on Hydraulics, water Resources and River engineering (HYDRO), CW & PRS, 2016
1984 Budhkar, A. K. and Das, S., Finding trend of advanced ticket booking in Indian railways, Presented in 14th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTRS-2016) held in Shanghai, China during 10-15 July 2016., 2016
1985 S. Bhattacharjya, and S. Chakraborty, Robust Design Optimization of Structures under Stochastic Earthquake incorporating Parameter Uncertainty, Asia pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Application (APSSRA 2016), 28-30 May, 2016, Sanghai, China, 2016
1986 P. K. Raushan, K. Debnath, K. and S. K. Singh, Development of turbulent boundary layer over a train of rib roughness in the presence of surface wave, 72, Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) MNNIT, Allahabad, U.P. India., 2016
1987 Abhisek Maiti, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Design, Modeling and Software Implementation of a Current-Perturbed Maximum Power Point Tracking Control in a DC-DC Boost Converter for Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Applications, paper ID 30, proceedings of the 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation, held during Jan. 8-10, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conference ID: 36494, IEEE Xplore Compliant I, 2016
1988 J. Chowdhury, S. Ghosh, K. Debnath, Effect of Reynolds number on turbulent flow over open cavity, 63, Proceedings of the 6th International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) MNNIT, Allahabad, U.P. India., 2016
1989 Abhinandan Basak, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Speed Control of A Grid Connected Doubly-Fed Induction Generator System for Maximum Power Point Tracking with Improved Input Power Factor Employing Matrix Converter as a Slip Power Exchanger, paper ID 31, CD ROM-based proceedings of the 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Control, Measurement and Instrumentation, held during Jan. 8-10, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conference ID: 36494, IEEE Xplor, 2016
1990 S. Chaudhuri, K. Debnath M. K. Manik, Study on contraction scours in clay – sand mixed cohesive bed, 72, International conference on Hydraulics, water Resources and River engineering (HYDRO), CW & PRS, Pune, 8-10 Dec. 2016, 2016
1991 Abhisek Maiti, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Design Methodology, Control and Performance of a Three-Phase Grid-Tie PV Inverter under Maximum Power Point Tracking, paper ID 73, CD ROM-based proceedings of the Second International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC-2016) held during Jan. 28-30, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conference ID: 36757, 2016
1992 S. Chaudhuri, K. Debnath, Sediment removal processes from an evolving scour hole around bridge piers in clay-sand mixed cohesive sediment, 124, In book of Abstracts:– International Conference on Developments in Geosciences in the Past Decade – Emerging Trends for the Future and Impact on Society, IIT KGP., 2016
1993 Tanmoy Dey, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Dynamic Adjustments of the D-Q axes Reference Voltage Limits during Flux Weakening and Maximum Torque Per Ampere Control of an IPMSM Drive for an EV Application, paper ID 74, CD ROM-based proceedings of the Second International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC-2016) held during Jan. 28-30, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conference ID: 36757, 2016
1994 S. S. Ray, N. Srivastava and S. Ghosh, A Hardware-Based High-Throughput DNA Sequence Alignment Scheme, 1 -6, India Conference (INDICON), 2016 Annual IEEE, Bengaluru, 2016, 2016
1995 Abhinandan Basak, Kaushik Mukherjee and Prasid Syam, Effect of Matrix Converter on the Speed Control Scheme of a Grid Connected Doubly-Fed Induction Generator System, paper ID 59, CD ROM-based proceedings of the Second International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC-2016) held during Jan. 28-30, 2016, Kolkata, India (IEEE Conference ID: 36757, 2016
1996 S. Saha Ray, A. Banerjee, A. Datta and S. Ghosh, A Memory Efficient DNA Sequence Alignment Technique Using Pointing Matrix, 3559 – 3562, TENCON 2016 - 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Singapore, 2016
1997 Dalui, S. K, and Paul, R, The Effects of Position of Limbs on a Rectangular Plan Shaped Tall Building under Wind, ACEM16, Jeju, Korea, 28th August-1st September, 2016, ISBN 978-89-89693-44-4., 2016
1998 Dipanjan Nag, Swati Saha, Subrata Kr. Paul, Sustainable Transportation Options for a Tourist Hill Town, Case Study: Darjeeling, 9th Urban Mobility India Conference and Expo 2016 - Planning Mobility for City's Sustainabilty, 2016
1999 S. Ghosh and M. Baliyan, A Hash Based Architecture of Longest Prefix Matching for Fast IP Processing, 228 – 231, TENCON 2016 - 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Singapore, 2016
2000 Thakur, S.N., Ray, C., and Chakraborty, A Finite Element Based Sensitivity Analysis of Deep and Moderately Thick Cross-Ply Laminated Shell Structure, 10th Structural Engineering Convention, 2016
2001 Shyamal Ghosh, Ramkrishna Manna and Subrata Chakraborty, Metamodelling Based Monte Carlo Simulation for Efficient Seismic Reliability Analysis of Structures, National Conf. on Reliability & Safety Engineering, 2016
2002 S Chakraborty, S K Mishra, Improved Super-elastic Isolation System using a Ferrous based Shape Memory Alloy, Struct Eng Convention, 2016
2003 Sucharita Chatterjee, Jayati Bhowal, Production of microbial color from soil microbes for food use, 3, 3388-3402, International Conference on Advances in Bioprocess Engineering and Technology (Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier), 2016
2004 D Kumar, A Pramanik, SS Kar, SP Maity, Retinal blood vessel segmentation using matched filter and laplacian of gaussian, 01--05, 2016 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2016
2005 S. Mukherjee, S. Ghosh, S. Ghosh,S. Chakraborty, Analytical seismic fragility analysis of existing building frame in the Northeast India, Struct Eng Convention, 2016
2006 Samadrita Sengupta, Riddhi Goswami, Srabanti Basu, Jayati Bhowal, Hypolipidemic Effects of Soy Yogurt Fortified with Antioxidant Rich Vegetable Oil on Albino Mice Fed High Cholesterol Diet, 3, 3222-3237, International Conference on Advances in Bioprocess Engineering and Technology (Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier), 2016
2007 Ankita Pramanik, Arihant Kumar Sethia and Santi P. Maity, On High Rate Non-Binary Low Density parity check code over GF, 342 - 347, International Conference on Microelectronic Circuit and System (MICRO), 2016
2008 A. Debnath, S. Chakraborty, Identification of stiffness and damping parameters at element level for Structural Health Monitoring utilizing time domain dynamic response data, 31st Indian Engineering Congress, 2016
2009 Ankita Pramanik, Zeba Farheen and Santi P. Maity, On Compressed Sensing Based Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO, 148 – 153, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network, 2016
2010 Tawhidul Islam, Subrata Chakraborty, Chaitali Ray, An Efficient Response surface method based Finite Element Model Updating of Composite Structures, 31st Indian Engineering Congress, 2016
2011 Koushik Pahari, Sudip Kumar Naskar and Chandan Giri, Selection of In-Domain Like Training Data using Perplexity Minimization for Domain Adaptation in English-Bengali PB-SMT, In Proc. of Intl, 26-30, Conf. on Computing and Systms (ICCS), January 21st- 22nd, 2016., 2016
2012 Papiya Das (Mondal), Aparna (Dey) Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Comparative study on n-z and sma-assisted bearings for structural control against underground blast induced ground motion, ISSS, 2016
2013 Swarup Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Seismic fragility analysis of a multi-span simply supported bridge pier located in northeast India, CEC, 2016
2014 Mondal, Abhisek; Maity, Deblina; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Solving of economic load dispatch problem with generator constraints using ITLBO technique, 6-Jan, 2016 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2016
2015 Sanghamitra Dea, Mridul Sankar Barikb, Indrajit Banerjee, Goal Based Threat Modeling for Peer-to-Peer Cloud, Twelfth International Conference on Data Mining and Warehousing, ICDMW 2016, August 19-21, 2016, Bangalore, Elsevier, 2016
2016 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Adaptive Slot Sharing based TDMA Technique for Routing in an Obstructed Wireless Sensor Network, ICTCS '16: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, ACM Digital Library., 2016
2017 S. Chatterjee and K. Sarawadekar, Constant throughput HEVC core transform design, IEEE 59th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Abu Dhabi, 2016
2018 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatteijee, Tuhina Samanta, A node deployment mechanism accounting into received signal strength and frequency diversity for a wireless sensor network, IEEE Sensor Conference, 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 2016, 2016
2019 S. Chatterjee and K. Sarawadekar, “A low cost, constant throughput and reusable 8×8 DCT architecture for HEVC, IEEE 59th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Abu Dhabi, 2016
2020 Nimisha Ghosh, Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, Efficient polling point determination and physical model based throughput maximisation in wireless sensor network, Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2016 24th International Conference on, 2016
2021 Chowdhury, Tamalika; Rout, Gyanendra Kumar; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, A novel method based on complex network theory approach for location of distributed generators in radial distribution systems, , 2015
2022 Ghosh, R., 2015, Multiple channel-flows in the Higher Himalaya: Evidences from Indian hot springs, pp.111-112, 30th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop - 2015, WIHG, Dehradun, India, 2015
2023 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Sensor localization using received signal strength measurements for obstructed wireless sensor networks with noisy channels, 47-51, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW), 2015, 2015
2024 Rupam Some, Indrajit Banerjee, A Novel Routing Protocol using Heterogeneous Zigbee Modules for Mobile Sensor Network, 2096 – 2102, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2025 Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, An overhearing based routing scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2076 – 2082, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015, 2015
2026 Anibroto Sarkar, Indrajit Banerjee, A Grouping based Prioritized Sensor data fusion Algorithm for deciding the State of a Coal Mine, 2083 – 2088, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2027 Ghosh, Tamal; Krushnamurthy, E.; Subrahmanyam, Ch.; SivaRamaKrishna, V.; Dutta, A.; Singh, S G, Room temperature desorption of Self Assembled Monolayer from Copper surface for low temperature & low pressure thermocompression bonding, Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) , 2015 IEEE 65th, 2015
2028 Samit Biswas; Sekhar Mandal; Amit Kumar Das, Representation and reconstruction of map regions, 516-520, in Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2015 13th International Conference on ,23-26 Aug. 2015, 2015
2029 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, and R. S. Sherratt,, Simultaneous Mobile Sink Allocation in Home Environments with Applications in Mobile Consumer Robotics, 61(2), 181-188, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2015
2030 Ghosh, Tamal; Gagan, G C; Dutta, Ashudeb; SivaRamaKrishna, Vanjari; Singh, Shiv Govind, Hybrid TTSV structure for heat mitigation and energy harvesting in 3D IC,, Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) , 2015 IEEE 65th, 2015
2031 T. Banerjee and S. Biswas, Hand-drawn line removal from Bangla printed document images, 116-121, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (CGVIS), Bhubaneswar, 2015, 2015
2032 Debasis Mitra, Dhruba Das and Sekhar Ranjan Bhadra Chaudhuri, Miniaturization of meander line slot antenna, IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), 2015
2033 Shuvajyoti Pal, Indrajit Banerjee, DAPR: Delay-Aware Priority Based Routing Scheme to Alleviate Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks, 31-36, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2015, 2015
2034 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, An Energy-Efficient Path Determination Strategy for Mobile Data Collectors in Wireless Sensor Network, Computer and Electrical Engineering (CAEE), 2015
2035 Panigrahi, Asisa Kumar, Satish Bonam, Tamal Ghosh, Siva Rama Krishna Vanjari, and Shiv Govind Singh, Long term efficacy of ultra-thin Ti passivation layer for achieving low temperature, low pressure Cu-Cu Wafer-on-Wafer bonding, 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), 2015 International, 2015
2036 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Sensor localization using received signal strength measurements for obstructed wireless sensor networks with noisy channels, 47-51, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW), 2015, 2015
2037 T. Pal and S.DasBit, A new CFA based image compression technique for energy-starved wireless multimedia sensor network, 1-6, IEEE INDICON, 2015
2038 Rupam Some, Indrajit Banerjee, A Novel Routing Protocol using Heterogeneous Zigbee Modules for Mobile Sensor Network, 2096 – 2102, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2039 T. Pal, S. Bandyopadhyay, S.DasBit, Energy-saving image transmission over WMSN using block size reduction technique, 41-46, IEEE iNIS, 2015
2040 Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, An overhearing based routing scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2076 – 2082, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015, 2015
2041 Saha, P., Sarkar, A. K., Pal, M., Assessment of Level-of-Service of Two-Lane Highways with Heterogeneous Traffic, 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, Washington, D.C., 2015
2042 Basantia S. K., Md Abu Bakkar, Khutia N., Das D., Simulation of LCF Characteristics of AA6063 Al Alloy under Different Aging Conditions, Volume 2, Issue 4-5, 2015, Pages 2226-2235, Materials Today: Proceedings;Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterzation (ICMPC-2015), 14th to 15th March 2015,GRIET, Hyderabad, 2015
2043 R.Banerjee and S. DasBit, Low-Overhead Image Compression in WMSN for Post Disaster Situation Analysis, 1-6, IEEE ANTS, 2015
2044 Anibroto Sarkar, Indrajit Banerjee, A Grouping based Prioritized Sensor data fusion Algorithm for deciding the State of a Coal Mine, 2083 – 2088, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2045 T. Chatterjee, P. Banerjee and S. DasBit, LoENA: Low-overhead Encryption based Node Authentication in WSN, 2126-2132, ICACCI, 2015
2046 A. Roy, T. Acharya and S. DasBit, Energy-Aware Social-Based Multicast in Delay-Tolerant Networks, 1-6, Workshop at IEEE VTC, 2015
2047 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, and R. S. Sherratt,, Simultaneous Mobile Sink Allocation in Home Environments with Applications in Mobile Consumer Robotics, 61(2), 181-188, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2015
2048 Roy, R., Saha, P., Sarkar, A. K., Time Headway Modeling of Mixed Traffic on Two-Lane Highways, 3rd Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India (3rd CTRG), Kolkata., 2015
2049 Shuvajyoti Pal, Indrajit Banerjee, DAPR: Delay-Aware Priority Based Routing Scheme to Alleviate Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks, 31-36, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2015, 2015
2050 Das, S., Mukherjee, D., Saha, P., Roy, S. K.,, Characteristics of Pedestrian Traffic on Sidewalks: a case study in Kolkata Metropolis, 3rd Conference of the Transportation Research Group of India (3rd CTRG), Kolkata., 2015
2051 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, An Energy-Efficient Path Determination Strategy for Mobile Data Collectors in Wireless Sensor Network, Computer and Electrical Engineering (CAEE), 2015
2052 Patra, S., and Bera, A.K., Behaviour of sand –JGT-Sand composite reinforced rural road under repetitive loading using ABAQUES, IGC Pune 2015, 2015
2053 Paramita De, Sekhar Mandal, Partha Bhowmick and Bhabatosh Chanda, Topological Simplification of Electrical Circuits by Super-component Analysis, 211–215, In Proc. of 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2015), September 23-26, 2015, Nancy, France, 2015
2054 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, An Energy-Efficient Path Determination Strategy for Mobile Data Collectors in Wireless Sensor Network, Computer and Electrical Engineering (CAEE), 2015
2055 Anant Pushkar, Nirnay Ghosh, Soumya K Ghosh, A Statistical Approach to Detect Anomalous User Requests in SaaS Cloud-centric Collaborations, LNCS Vol. 9478, 243-262, International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS), 2015
2056 Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal, and Amit K Das, Representation and Reconstruction of map regions, 516-520, In Proc. of 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2015), September 23-26, 2015, Nancy, France, 2015
2057 Shuvajyoti Pal, Indrajit Banerjee, DAPR: Delay-Aware Priority Based Routing Scheme to Alleviate Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks, 31-36, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2015, 2015
2058 Nirnay Ghosh, Ishan Chokshi, Mithun Sarkar, Soumya K Ghosh, Anil K Kaushik, and Sajal K Das, NetSecuritas: An Integrated Attack Graphbased Security Assessment Tool for Enterprise Networks, 10.1145/2684464.2684494, ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 2015
2059 Paramita De, Sekhar Mandal, Amit K Das and Bhabatosh Chanda, Detection of Electrical Circuit Elements from Documents Images, 94020O-1–94020O-11, In Proc. of 22nd International Conference on Document Recognition and Retrieval (DRR 2015), San Francisco, USA Feb. 11–12, 2015, 2015
2060 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, and R. S. Sherratt,, Simultaneous Mobile Sink Allocation in Home Environments with Applications in Mobile Consumer Robotics, 61(2), 181-188, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2015
2061 Prerana Jana, Anubhab Majumdar, Ashish K Layek, Sekhar Mandal, and Amit K Das, Automated segmentation and classification of chemical and other equations from document images, 1-7, In Proc. of Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, ISI, KOlkata, India, January 04-07, 2015, 2015
2062 Abhishek Kashyap, Ankita Pramanik, Santi P Maity, On Block Compressed Sensing far end reconstruction using OFDM, 162-167, Third International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), 2015
2063 Sekhar Mandal, Sugata Das, Amrit Agarwal, and Bhabatosh Chanda, Binarization of Degraded Handwritten Documents based on Morphological Contrast intensification, 73 – 78, Third International Conference on Image Information Processing (2015), 2015
2064 Ankita Pramanik, Abhishek Kashyap, Santi P Maity, Study on sampling matrices for far-end image reconstruction by block compressed sensing, 346-349, IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), 2015
2065 Ramanath Datta, Paramita De, Sekhar Mandal, and Bhabatosh Chanda, Detection and Identification of Logic Gates from Document Images using Mathematical Morphology, Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics 2015., 2015
2066 Anibroto Sarkar, Indrajit Banerjee, A Grouping based Prioritized Sensor data fusion Algorithm for deciding the State of a Coal Mine, 2083 – 2088, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2067 Ankita Pramanik, Santi P Maity, DPCM-quantized block-based compressed sensing of images using Robbins Monro approach, 16-21, IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON-ECE), 2015
2068 Sugata Das, Sekhar Mandal, and Amit K Das, Binarization of Stone Inscripted Documents, In proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (2015), 2015
2069 Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, An overhearing based routing scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2076 – 2082, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015, 2015
2070 Sudip Ghosh, Sambaran Hazra, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, A new algorithm for grayscale image histogram computation, 1-6, Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2015
2071 Rupam Some, Indrajit Banerjee, A Novel Routing Protocol using Heterogeneous Zigbee Modules for Mobile Sensor Network, 2096 – 2102, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2072 Sudip Ghosh, Sayandip De, Santi Prasad Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, A novel dual purpose spatial domain algorithm for digital image watermarking and cryptography using Extended Hamming Code, 167-172, 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT), 2015
2073 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Sensor localization using received signal strength measurements for obstructed wireless sensor networks with noisy channels, 47-51, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW), 2015, 2015
2074 P. Kumar, P. C. Joshi, Characteristics of regression rate of catalyzed and uncatalyzed propellants at sub-atmospheric pressures, Proceedings of the National Conference on Internal Combustion Engine Combustion, UPES Dehradun, 2015
2075 Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das, Santi Prasad Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, An adaptive feedback based reversible watermarking algorithm using difference expansion, 207-212, 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS), 2015
2076 Adak, A., & Koner, S., Adsolubilization of methylene blue dye using surfactant modified silica gel waste., 47th Annual Convention of Indian Water Works Association, Kolkata, India., 2015
2077 Chakraborty, R., Adak, A., & Ghosh, A., Electrokinetic remediation of chromium contaminated soil., 1–9, 50th Indian Geotechnical Conference, (December), 2015
2078 K. L. V. Iyer, S. Mukundan, H. Dhulipati, K. Mukherjee, H. Minaker and N. C. Kar, Design Considerations for Permanent Magnet Machine Drives for Direct-Drive Electric Vehicles, 1170-1176, Proceedings of IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDC 2015, Idaho, USA, 2015
2079 Soumyajit Poddar, Prasun Ghosal, Multicore ICs: Recent Trends in Developing Methodologies and Frameworks for Simulation, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2015), [double blind review], December 21-23, 2015, Indore, India., 2015
2080 Roshni Chakraborty, Prasun Ghosal, Generalized Optimum Reversible Circuit Synthesis: A Memetic Approach, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2015), [double blind review], December 21-23, 2015, Indore, India., 2015
2081 Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, Power Minimization of a Memristor-Based Wien Bridge Oscillator through a Simscape Framework, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems (iNIS 2015), [double blind review], December 21-23, 2015, Indore, India., 2015
2082 Soumyajit Poddar, Prasun Ghosal, Hafizur Rahaman, Adaptive CDMA Based Multicast Method for Photonic Networks on Chip, 28th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (IEEE SOCC 2015), [double blind review], September 8-11, 2015, Beijing, China., 2015
2083 Saurab Dutta, Prasun Ghosal, Routing Solution Over a Multi-layered Network on Chip, 2015 IEEE International Conference On Electronics Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT 2015), [blind review], July 10-11, 2015, Bangalore, India., 2015
2084 Souvik Chowdhury, Prasun Ghosal, Enterprise Application Security in Android Devices Using Short Messaging Service under Unified Communication Framework, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing (ATC 2015), [blind review], August 10-14, 2015, Beijing, China., 2015
2085 Subha Koley, Prasun Ghosal, Addressing Hardware Security Challenges in Internet of Things: Recent Trends and Possible Solutions, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing (ATC 2015), [blind review], August 10-14, 2015, Beijing, China., 2015
2086 Mayukh Sarkar, Prasun Ghosal, Implementing Data Structure using DNA: An Alternative in Post CMOS Computing, 2015 IEEE CS Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI),[blind review], Montpellier, France, July 8-10, 2015., 2015
2087 Chowdhury, Tamalika; Chakrabarti, Abhijit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Analysis of Vulnerability indices of power grid integrated DG units based on Complex Network theory, 5-Jan, 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2015
2088 Saha, P., Sarkar, A. K., Pal, M., Preferred Time Headway of Drivers on Two-Lane Highways with Heterogeneous Traffic, National Conf. on Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering SVNIT Surat, 2015
2089 S. Kandar, B.C. Dhara, A (k, n) Multi Secret Sharing Scheme Using Two Variable One Way Function with Less Public Values, 9478, 532-541, Information Systems Security [LNCS, Springer], 2015
2090 Chowdhury, T; Rout, GK; Chanda, CK;, Netability analysis of critical lines of power grid based on betweenness approach, 6-Jan, 2015 International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Sustainable Growth (ICEPE), 2015
2091 Nandy, S., Sekhar, A.P., Ray, K.K., Das, D., Prediction of yield strength for artificially aged Al-Mg-Si alloy, 138, 59th NMD ATM-2015 Coimbatore, 2015
2092 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, and Tuhina Samanta, Sensor Localization using Received Signal Strength Measurements for Obstructed Wireless Sensor Networks with Noisy Channels, 47 - 51, 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) - Workshop - Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things, and Internet of Things for Energy Efficiency (IEEE WCNC 2015 - Workshop - E, 2015
2093 I. Nath, M. Chatterjee and U. Bhattacharya, CLR: A novel approach for sparse placement of regenerators and routing in translucent optical networks, IEEE Proc. of 12th IEEE and IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks 2015 (WOCN 2015), 2015
2094 Partha Pratim Saha, Sumanto Saha and Tuhina Samanta, Rectilinear Steiner Clock Tree Routing Technique with Buffer Insertion in Presence of Obstacles, 447 – 451., IEEE 28th International Conference on VLSI Design, Bangalore, India, January 2015, 2015
2095 Saha, SK; Banerjee, S; Maity, D; Chanda, CK;, Optimal sizing and location determination of distributed generation in distribution networks, 5-Jan, 2015 International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Sustainable Growth (ICEPE), 2015
2096 Surajit Kumar Roy, Kaustav Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Chanda Giri, Recovery of faulty TSVs in 3D ICs, Accepted for publication in the proc. of IEEE 16th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design ( 2015), 2015
2097 Tanik Seikh, Chandan Giri and Sudip Naskar, Shibaji Bandyopadhyay, Textual Entailment Using Different Similarity Metrics, accepted in 16th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics(CICLing), April 14–20, 2015 • Cairo, Egypt, 2015. (Springer: Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 2015
2098 A. Bandyopadhyay, D. Chakraborty, U. Bhattacharya and M. Chatterjee, On Improving Static Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM All-Optical Mesh Networks, Springer Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics 2015 (ICACNI 2015), 2015
2099 Jnui Deb Mallick Datta; Manas Kumar Sanyal, “Realising prospects of Commercialization of Traditional Knowledge Based Innovation to cater to the growing needs of Health-Care sector in India”, Conference Edited Volume, Pg. 83, National Conference on Governance of Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Innovations, IIT, Roorkee, March 13 & 14, 2015, 2015
2100 Murmu, S. and Biswas, S., Application of Fuzzy logic and Neural Network in Crop Classification: A Review, 4, 1203-1210, Aquatic Procedia, Elsevier, 2015
2101 Tanusree Kaibartta, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh K. Das, Optimizing Test Time for Core-Based 3-D Integrated Circuits by Genetic Algorithm, Accepted for publication at IEEE ASQED, 4-5th August, 2015, Malaysia., 2015
2102 Sekhar, A.P., Nandy, S., Ray, K.K., Das, D., The role of microstructure on cyclic deformation behaviour of an Al-Mg-Si alloy, 142, 59th National Metallurgists' Day, Annual Technical Meeting-2015, Coimbatore, India, 2015
2103 Surajit Kunar Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, A Thermal Estimation Model for 3D IC Using Liquid Cooled Microchannels and Thermal TSVs, Accepted for publication at IFIP/IEEE VLSI-SOC, 4-7th October, 2015, KSeol, Korea., 2015
2104 M. Tiwari, S. K. Saha, Laminar flow through a circular tube having transverse ribs and twisted tapes, 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Innovation in Science, Engineering and Management (ICRISEM-15), 22 Nov 2017, JNU, New Delhi, INDIA, 2015
2105 Sumit Dhuwalia, Nikhil Khemka, Prince Gupta, Surajit Kumar Roy,and Chandan Giri, Test Time Optimization for 3D-SICs having multiple towers, Proc. Intl. Conf. on iNIS, 2015, 21-23 Dec, 2015, Indore, India., 2015
2106 Sujoy Kumar Saha, Sarbendu Roy, Thermal and friction characteristics of laminar flow through a circular duct having helical-screw-tape with oblique teeth inserts and wire coil inserts, 5 International Conference Heat and Mass Transfer and Hydrodynamics in Swirling Flows, Russia, Kazan, 19-22 October, 2015, 2015
2107 S. S. Ray, S. Ghosh and B. Sardar, SRAM based longest prefix matching approach for multigigabit IP processing, 1-6, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS), Kolkata, 2015, 2015
2108 Lodh,R. and Biswas, S, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Erosion Hazard Modeling of a Catchment, B79-B90, Proc. of Int. Conference on Advances in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Technology MARA, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 2015
2109 S. Ghosh, S. Mandal and S. Saha Ray, A scalable high-throughput pipeline architecture for DNA sequence alignment, 1-6, TENCON 2015 - 2015 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Macao, 2015, 2015
2110 Subrata Mitra and Samar Jana, Energy bands, oscillator strengths and fluorescence of PrCl3 in methanol, Abstracts of 5th International Conference on Luminescence and its Applications (ICLA-2015), at PES University, Bangalore, India, (9-12 February, 2015)., 2015
2111 Pal B and Amis A, A novel hip-stem for osteoporotic femurs, Proceedings of ‘Hip Surgery: A joint Engineering and surgical challenge’, a conference organised by The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, UK, November 3-4, 2015
2112 M. Shandilya, R. Naskar and R. Dixit, Detection of Geometric Transformations in Copy-Move Forgery of Digital Images, Proceedings of 12th IEEE India International Conference INDICON, 2015, New Delhi, India, pp. 1-6, 2015, 2015
2113 Pal B, Correa T, Vanacore F, Amis A, A Novel Revision Total Knee Replacement System With Extracortical Fixation: Assessment of Strain Shielding Patterns Compared With Conventional Intramedullary Fixation, 28th Annual Congress of International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty, Vienna, Austria, September 30 - October 3, 2015
2114 S. Ghosh , P. Barpanda, Sustainable synthesis of MLi2Ti6O14 [M = Ba,Sr and 2Na] family of Ceramics as anodes for Li-ion batteries, 18th International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2015), 2015
2115 Santi P. Maity and Seba Maity, On Detection Improvement in MC-CDMA Image Watermarking on Fading Channel, 18th Int. Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communication, 2015
2116 A. Roy, R. S. Chakraborty and R. Naskar, Reversible Color Image Watermarking in the YCoCg-R Color Space, International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS) 2015, Kolkata, India. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9478, pp. 480-498, 2015, 2015
2117 Soumi Dutta, Sujata Ghatak, Moumita Roy, Saptarshi Ghosh, Asit Kumar Das, A graph based clustering technique for tweet summarization, 4th international conference on reliability, infocom technologies and optimization (ICRITO), 2015
2118 A. K. Yadav and R. Naskar, A Tamper Localization Approach for Reversible Watermarking based on Histogram Bin Shifting, Proceedings of IEEE Power, Communication and Information Technology Conference (PCITC), 2015, Bhubaneswar, India, pp. 721-726, 2015, 2015
2119 S. Ghosh, P. Barpanda, Sustainable synthesis of Na-Li-Ti-O based anode materials for secondary batteries, International Conference on Ceramic and Advanced Materials for Energy and Environment (CAMEE-2015), Bangalore, India, 2015
2120 J. Wadhwa, T. Ahemad, R. Naskar and R. Dixit, On Parameterization of Block based Copy-Move Forgery Detection Techniques, ACM Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS) 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. pp. 125-130, 2015, 2015
2121 Dutt, M., A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Enumeration of Shortest Isothetic Paths inside a Digital Object, 9124, 105 -115, In: 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’15),Warsaw, Poland: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015
2122 S. Ghosh, Y. Kee, S. Okada, P. Barpanda, Energy-savvy Synthesis of Ti-based Anodes for Li-ion Batteries, 26th Annual General meeting of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI 2015), Jaipur, India, 2015
2123 Dutt, M., A. Biswas, and B. Nagy, Number of Shortest Paths in Triangular Grid for 1- and 2-Neighborhoods, 9448, 115-124, In: 17th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA’15, Kolkata, India: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015
2124 Ankita Pramanik and Santi P. Maity, CS Reconstruction Images using LDPC code over Radio Mobile channel, 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems, 2015
2125 Karmakar, N. and A. Biswas, Construction of 3D orthogonal Convex Hull of a Digital Object, 9448, 125-142, In: 17th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA’15, Kolkata, India: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015
2126 Phani, S., S. Lahiri, and A. Biswas, Authorship Attribution in Bengali Language, In: Twelfth International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2015). Trivandrum, India., 2015
2127 Sarkar, A., A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Detection of Bifurcation Angle in a Retinal Fundus Image, 8959, 1-6., In: Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), 2015 Kolkata, ISI, India: IEEE Explore,, 2015
2128 Abhishek Dhar, Anindita Sengupta, Sliding Mode Control Algorithm and its Implementation with Coupled Tank System, International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment(ICEPE), 2015., 2015
2129 Sarkar, A., A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Generation of Random Digital Curves Using Combinatorial Techniques, 8959, 286 -297, In: Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics CALDAM’15 Kanpur, India: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015
2130 Shouvik Chakraborty, Sachidananda Sen, Ashoke Sutradhar, Anindita Sengupta, Estimation of tire-road friction coefficient and frictional force for Active Vehicle safety system, 674-679, International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC), 2015
2131 Sarkar, A., A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Generation of Random Triangular DigitalCurves using Combinatorial Techniques, 9124, 136 -145, In: 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’15) Warsaw, Poland: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015
2132 Abhishek Dhar, Anindita Sengupta, Sliding Mode Control Algorithm with Adaptive Gain and Implementation on Inverted Pendulum System, 8-13, IET International Summit: MFIIS-2015, 2015
2133 Ankita Pramanik and Santi P. Maity, CS Reconstruction in MIMO Channel using Square Complex Orthogonal STB Codes, 4TH International Conf. on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network, 2015
2134 Ujjwal Mondal, Abhirup Basu, Sangeeta Bose, Anindita Sengupta, Upananda Saha, Finite dimensional robust repetitive controller for tracking periodic reference input, 1-4, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), 2015
2135 Guha A, Mandal D K, Manna N K and Chakrabarti S, Study on Flow Characteristics of Fluid Passing through a Configuration of Plain Sudden Expansion Followed by Diverging Section-Viewed as a Diffuser, 232-237, Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, West Bengal, India, January, 201, 2015
2136 Naha S K, Guha A and Chakrabarti S, Study on Flow Characteristics of Fluid Flowing through a Sudden Contraction Nozzle and a Modified Contraction Nozzle, 77-81, Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, West Bengal, India, January, 201, 2015
2137 Ghosh S, Guha A and Chakrabarti S, Numerical Study on Flow Characteristics of Fluid Passing through a Modified Dump Combustor, 71-76, Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, West Bengal, India, January, 201, 2015
2138 Prerana Jana, Anubhab Majumdar, Ashish Kumar Layek, Sekhar Mandal, Amit Kumar Das, Automated segmentation and classification of chemical and other equations from document images, Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), 2015
2139 Md. Meraj (Presenter), Snehanshu Pal (Corresponding Author), Deformation of Ni20W20Cu20Fe20Mo20 high entropy alloy for tensile followed by compressive and compressive followed by tensile loading: A molecular dynamics simulation based study, 115, 1-7, 5th National Conference on Processing Characterization of materials, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (India), 2015
2140 N.S. Dlamini, M.K. Rowshon, Ujjwal Saha, S.H. Lai, A. Fikri and J. Zubaidi, Simulation of Future Daily Rainfall Scenario using Stochastic Rainfall Generator for a Rice-Growing Irrigation Scheme in Malaysia, 3, 492-501, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2015
2141 Snehanshu Pal (Presenter and Corresponding Author) , V. Kumari, R. Kumar, N. Yedla, Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling study of slopping behavior during basic oxygen steel making (BOS) process, XXII. Conference on Computer Methods in Materials Technology (KOMPLASTECH 2015), Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, 2015
2142 Ujjwal Saha, Diurnal Rainfall Variation of Bangalore HAL Airport, 4, 63-68, International Journal of Innovative Reseach in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2015
2143 N. Yedla (Presenter) , R. Nalla, Snehanshu Pal, P. Gupta, M. Meraj, Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Prediction of Interface Strength of Cu (metal)-CuZr (metallic glass) Metal Matrix Composites, 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies of the Materials Research Society of Singapore & IUMRS – International Conference in Asia, Suntec (Singapore), 2015
2144 Souvanic Roy, Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Experience of Megacities in Asia, 37-48, Proceedings of the “Asian University Network Forum on Advances in Research” published by Aichi Gakuin University, Japan, 2015
2145 Ramen Kanti De, A.Ganguly, Thermal model development and performance analysis of solar greenhouse drying of cabbage, Paper Code TF 12, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas, 2015
2146 Tamal Pal; Sipra DasBit, A new CFA based image compression technique for energy-starved wireless multimedia sensor network, pp. 1-6, IEEE INDICON, 2015
2147 Niladri Das, Brijesh Kumar Rai, On the number of sources and terminals of sum-networks with capacity p/q, 2015 Twenty First National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2015
2148 Benazir Salma, Mainak Chatterjee and Tuhina Samanta,, Extensive Game model for Concurrent Routing in Wireless Sensor Network, 1151 - 1155, in proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things, Greater Noida, October 2015, 2015
2149 Benazir Salma, Mainak Chatterjee and Tuhina Samanta, A Game Theoretic Routing Framework Based on Energy-Delay Conservation in WSNs, 1-5, accepted for publication at 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Singapore, April 2015, 2015
2150 Tamal Pal;Shaon Bandyopadhyay; Sipra DasBit, Energy-saving image transmission over WMSN using block size reduction technique, pp. 41-46, IEEE International Symposium on Nanoelectronic and Information Systems, 2015
2151 S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity, T. Acharya, On optimal sensing time and power allocation for energy efficient cooperative cognitive radio networks, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems (ANTS), 2015
2152 Tapan Chowdhury, Sanjit Kumar Setua and Susanta Chakraborty, A Novel Rules Optimizer with Feature Selection using Rough-Entropy-Coverage Partitioning based Reduct, 3rd International Conference onComputer, Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT), India, February, 2015
2153 S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity, T. Acharya, On Optimal Power Allocation for Joint Spectral Sensing and Data Transmission in CR Networks, 37th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Berlin, Germany, 2015
2154 HrishikeshBhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, and Susanta Chakraborty, Enhancement of Perceptual Quality in Static Video Summarization Using Minimal Spanning Tree Approach, 226-232, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES 2014), 2015
2155 A. Roy, T. Acharya, S. D. Bit, Energy-Aware Social-Based Multicast in Delay-Tolerant Networks, IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2015
2156 Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Mausumi Das Nath and Susanta Chakraborty, Real-Time Storyboard Generation in Videos Using a Probability Distribution based Threshold, 425-431, In Proc. of Fifth IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2015
2157 S. Ghosh, T. Acharya, S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity, On optimal power sharing for joint sensing and data transmission in cooperative cognitive radio networks, 21st National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2015
2158 A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Generation of Random Digital Curves using Combinatorial Techniques, 286–297, In: Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics (CALDAM)Springer, 2015
2159 Biswanath Chakraborty, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya and Susanta Chakraborty, An Unsupervised Approach to Video Shot Boundary Detection Using Fuzzy Membership Correlation Measure, 1136-1141, 2015 Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, 2015
2160 S. Biswas, J.K Das, K. Das (Bhattacharya), Enhanced Role of Phasor Measurement Unit in Power System Adaptive Protection, ISGF, India Smart Grid Week, 2015
2161 A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Generation of Random Triangular Digital Curves Using Combinatorial Techniques, 136–145, In: 6th International Conference on Pettern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI). Springer, 2015
2162 Sarit Chakraborty, Chandan Das, Susanta Chakraborty and Partha P Dasgupta, A Novel Two Phase Heuristic Routing Technique in Digital Microfluidic Biochip, Proceedings of the 19th International symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT),pp., Ahmedabad, June, 2015
2163 Rimi Paul, Anindita Sengupta, Selection of best wavelet for Discrete Wavelet Transform based PID controller connected with liquid level System and its performances analysis, 55-59, Interternational Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control(ICIC), 2015
2164 T. Sarkar, K. Das(Bhattacharya), H. Saha, Development of Ramp-Rate Controller to Assure Voltage Stability for Weak Distribution Grid with High Penetration of Solar PV, 25th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, 2015
2166 A. Sarkar, and M. Dutt, Construction of Sandwich Cover of Digital Objects, 172–184, In: Seventeenth International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA. Springer, 2015
2167 Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Manideepa Chakraborty and Susanta Chakraborty, Dissolve Detection in Videos Using an Ensemble Approach, 1461-1467, In Proceedings of Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2015), 2015
2168 T. Sarkar, K. Das(Bhattacharya), H. Saha, Study of DC Microgrid Accompanying with Renewable Energy Sources for Rural Application, ISGF, India Smart Grid Week,2-5th March, Bangalore, 2015
2169 Bikromadittya Mondal, Pradyut Sarkar, and Susanta Chakraborty, A Improved synthesis of reversible Circuit, 57-62, Proceedings of the 24th Asian Test symposium and 16th IEEE workshop on RTL and High level Testing November,IEEE CS Press, IIT, Bombay, 2015
2170 Chakraborty, Kabir; Chakrabarti, Abhijit;, Soft computing techniques in voltage security analysis, , 2015
2171 Anirudh Nath, Jagannath Samantaray, Saurabh Chaudhury, Binoy Krishna Roy, Magnetic ball levitation system control using sliding mode control and fuzzy PD+I control: A comparative study, 1--5, International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Sustainable Growth (ICEPE), Shillong, 2015
2172 Debajyoti Bera, Subhamoy Maitra, Sparsa Roychowdhury, Susanta Chakraborty, Diagnosis of single faults in quantum circuits, arXiv:1512.05051 [quant-ph], 16 Dec, 2015
2173 Ananya Roy, Gopal Chandra Banik, Shibesh Pandit, Subrata Kumar Paul, Sudip Kumar Roy, Forecasting of Travel Demand Characteristics in Aizwal City, Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering, SVNIT, Surat, July, 3-4, 2015., 2015
2174 Pranab Roy, Khokan Mondal,Mayuri Kundu,Hafizur Rahaman, A New Sample Preparation Technique for Linear Dilution Gradient with Minimal Sample Utilization and Waste Generation in DMFBs, 205-210, Proc, of 2nd IEEE conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology ,Khulna, Bangladesh, 2015
2175 S. K. Saha, P. Dutta and N. Nandi, Study on flow separation for single phase flow through 900 pipe bend, 234-243, proceedings of International Conference on Current Innovation in Engineering & Technology (ICETER 2015) sponsored by international association of engineering & technology for skill development ,Octobe, 2015
2176 S. Mondal, P. Chattapadhyay, Fuzzy Vs. Neuro-fuzzy: Implementation on the Reconfigurable FPGA System, International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE 2015), 12-13th June 2015, 2015
2177 P. Dutta, S. K. Saha and N. Nandi, Computational study of turbulent flow in pipe bends, International conference emerging trends in manufacturing, engines and modeling (ICEMEM-2015), NMIMS university, Maharastra, February, 2015
2178 31. Pranab Roy, Mriganka Chakrabarty, Aatreyi Bal, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Decision-based Biochips: A Novel Design for Concurrent Executionof Networked Bioassays integrated in Scalable DMFBs, 138 - 143, Proc, of 6th IEEE ASQED ,Kualalampur, Malaysia, 2015
2179 P. Dutta, S. K. Saha and N. Nandi, Study on Turbulent Flow Characteristics in Pipe Bends, 58-64, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI), College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, WB, 2-4 January, 2015, Exce, 2015
2180 Pandit, D. and Srinivasan, S. M, Simplified Contact Analysis for Slender Beams Undergoing Large Deflection, 2, 16-21, Proc. of INCAM, 2015
2181 Roy, G. C. & Dey, N. C, Optimization of Time Duration to Install Face Equipment at Longwall Face in India Coal Mines, 598-606, 37th International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research on Mineral Industries (APCOM 2015) organized by University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States in cooperation with The S, 2015
2182 KoustavRudra, Subham Ghosh, Niloy Ganguly, P. Goyal, Saptarshi Ghosh, Extracting Situational Information from Microblogs during Disaster Events, A Classification-Summarization Approach. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Melbourne, Australia, 2015., 2015
2183 JuhiKulshrestha, Md. Bilal Zafar, LisetteEspinNoboa, Krishna P. Gummadi, Saptarshi Ghosh, Characterizing Information Diets of Social Media Users, AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), Oxford, UK, 2015., 2015
2184 Kunal Sinha, Hafizur Rahaman, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Investigation of the impact of embedded SiGe source/drain induced uniaxial stress on the performance of Si p-channel 3D FinFETs, 6th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC-2015), Kolkata, India, 2015
2185 Eleonora Schönborn, Kamalika Datta, Robert Wille, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Rolf Drechsler, BDD-based synthesis for all-optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer circuits, 435-440, 2015 28th International Conference on VLSI Design, 2015
2186 Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, All optical implementation of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer based reversible sequential counters, 232-237, 2015 28th International Conference on VLSI Design, 2015
2187 Sudip Ghosh, Subhojit Chatterjee, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, A new algorithm on wavelet based robust invisible digital image watermarking for multimedia security, 72-77, 2015 International Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks & Automated Verification (EDCAV), 2015
2188 SudipGhosh, SambaranHazra, Santi P Maity and HafizurRahaman, A New Algorithm for Grayscale Image Histogram Computation, 1-6, 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON) 2015 from 17-20 December 2015 at JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi, India, 2015
2189 Surajit Kumar Roy, Kaustav Roy, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Recovery of faulty TSVs in 3D ICs, 533-536, Sixteenth International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2015
2190 SudipGhosh, Sayandip De, Santi Prasad Maity and HafizurRahaman, A Novel Dual Purpose Spatial Domain Algorithm for Digital Image Watermarking and Cryptography Using Extended Hamming Code, 167-172, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT-2015) from 10-12 December 2015 at Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangl, 2015
2191 Pranab Roy, Pampa Howladar, Raja Dastidar, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, 3D integration in biochips: New proposed architectures for 3D applications in ATDA based digital microfluidic biochips, 1-6, 2015 10th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2015
2192 SudipGhosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das, Santi P Maity and HafizurRahaman, An Adaptive Feedback based Reversible Watermarking Algorithm using Difference Expansion, 207-212, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems (RETIS 2015) from 9-11 July 2015 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2015
2193 Joyati Mondal, Bappaditya Mondal, Dipak Kole, Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh K Das, Boolean difference technique for detecting all missing gate faults in reversible circuits, 95-98, 2015 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems, 2015
2194 SudipGhosh,SubhojitChatterjee, Santi P Maity and HafizurRahaman, A New Algorithm On Wavelet Based Robust Invisible Digital Image Watermarking for Multimedia Security, 72-77, International Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks & Automated Verification (EDCAV 2015) from 29-30th January 2015 at Shillong,NIT Meghalaya, India, 2015
2195 Arnab Mukhopadhyay, Lopamudra Banerjee, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Strain modulated variations in monolayer phosphorene n-MOSFET, 261-264, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC), 2015
2196 Suraj Gupta, Sabir Ali Mondal, Hafizur Rahaman, Improved supply regulation and temperature compensated current reference circuit with low process variations, 1-6, 2015 19th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 2015
2197 Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das, Santi Prasad Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, An adaptive feedback based reversible watermarking algorithm using difference expansion, 207-212, 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS), 2015
2198 Tanusree Kaibartta, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh K Das, Optimizing test time for core-based 3-D integrated circuits by genetic algorithm, 62-67, 2015 6th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED), 2015
2199 Surajit Bose, Rik Chattopadhyay, Shyamal K Bhadra, Samudra Roy, Supercontinuum generation in silver doped photonic crystal fiber, 2015 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), 2015
2200 Pranab Roy, Mriganka Chakraborty, Aatreyi Bal, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Decision-based Biochips: A novel design for concurrent execution of networked bioassays integrated in scalable DMFBs, 138-143, 2015 6th Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED), 2015
2201 Soumyajit Poddar, Prasun Ghosal, Hafizur Rahaman, Adaptive CDMA based multicast method for photonic networks on chip, 298-303, 2015 28th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2015
2202 Suraj Gupta, Sabir Ali Mondal, Hafizur Rahaman, Charge pump circuit with improved absolute current deviation and increased dynamic output voltage range across PVT variations, 32-35, 2015 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PrimeAsia), 2015
2203 Rajdeep Kumar Nath, Bibhash Sen, Rachit Daga, Nilesh Chakraborty, Harsh Tibrewal, Biplab K Sikdar, Fault masking in Quantum-dot cellular automata using prohibitive logic circuit, 1-5, 19th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2015
2204 Sudip Ghosh, Sayandip De, Santi Prasad Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, A novel dual purpose spatial domain algorithm for digital image watermarking and cryptography using Extended Hamming Code, 167-172, 2015 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT), 2015
2205 Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, Sensor localization using received signal strength measurements for obstructed wireless sensor networks with noisy channels, 47-51, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW), 2015, 2015
2206 Mausumi Saha and Biplab K Sikdar, A Cellular Automata Based Fault Tolerant Approach in Designing Test Hardware for L1 Cache Module, 497-502, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), 2015
2207 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Modeling of crosstalk induced overshoot/undershoot effects in Multilayer Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects, 416-421, 2015 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT), 2015
2208 Rupam Some, Indrajit Banerjee, A Novel Routing Protocol using Heterogeneous Zigbee Modules for Mobile Sensor Network, 2096 – 2102, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2209 Mausumi Saha, Navneet Kumar Gautam and Biplab K Sikdar, A fault tolerant test hardware for L1 cache module in tile CMPs architecture, 26-29, 19th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2015
2210 Pranab Roy, Khokan Mondal, Mayuri Kundu, Hafizur Rahaman, A new sample preparation technique for linear dilution gradient with minimal sample utilization and waste generation in DMFBs, 205-210, 2015 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT), 2015
2211 Riddhiman Sett, Indrajit Banerjee, An overhearing based routing scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2076 – 2082, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015, 2015
2212 Mausumi Saha, Shubhra and Biplab K Sikdar, An efficient method for testing of L1 cache module in tiled CMPs architecture at low cos, VLSI Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications (VLSI-SATA), 2015
2213 Sudipta Bardhan, Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Analytical drain current model for graphene metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor, 422-427, 2015 2nd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technologies (EICT), 2015
2214 Anibroto Sarkar, Indrajit Banerjee, A Grouping based Prioritized Sensor data fusion Algorithm for deciding the State of a Coal Mine, 2083 – 2088, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), 2015
2215 Bidesh Chakraborty,  Bhanu Pratap Singh, M. Chinnapureddy, Mamata Dalui,  Biplab K Sikdar, Design of Coherence Verification Unit for Heterogeneous CMPs, 19th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2015
2216 Subhojit Chatterjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Development of AGC and channel equalization algorithm for multi-channel RF system in FPGA, 1-4, 2015 6th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC), 2015
2217 Mukherjee, A.;Ghosh, M.;Mondal, K.;Venkitanarayanan, P.;Moon, A. P.;Varshney, A, Study of mechanical properties, microstructures and corrosion behavior of al 7075 t651 alloy with varying strain rate, 75, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
2218 Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee, Fractal based technique for identifying multiple layers in sodar echograms depicting foggy condition, 3, Science for the environment Aarhus, 2015
2219 Manas Kumar Parai, Kasturi Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Fault detection of continuous time filter using nonlinear feedback based OBIST, 1-4, 2015 6th International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC), 2015
2220 Dey, P. P. and Ghosh, M. and Roy, N. G. and Pramanik, A, Statistical analysis of the effects of Wire EDM machining parameters on Material Removal Rate and Kerf Width of commercially available Tool steel, 11th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2015
2221 Rajrup Ghosh, Dipanjan Ghosh, Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee, Exploring the Self Similar Properties for Monitoring of Air Quality Information, ICAPR, 2015
2222 Sayan Kanungo, Hafizur Rahaman, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Investigating the performance of short gate insulator less dielectrically modulated tunnel field effect transistor based bio-sensors, 1-4, 2015 6th international conference on computers and devices for communication (CODEC), 2015
2223 N. Banerjee, K. Dutta, H. Mishra, P. Bhattacharyya, Capacitive Mode Methanol Sensing by ZnO Nanorods Based Devices, International Conference on Nanotechnology and Biosensors-2015 (ICNB2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands, December 15-16, 2015
2224 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, and R. S. Sherratt,, Simultaneous Mobile Sink Allocation in Home Environments with Applications in Mobile Consumer Robotics, 61(2), 181-188, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2015
2225 Sudip Ghosh, Sambaran Hazra, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, A new algorithm for grayscale image histogram computation, 1-6, 2015 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2015
2226 Koushik Dutta, Partha Protim Chattopadhyay, and Partha Bhattacharyya, Titania nanotube based benzene, toluene and xylene sensors: Effect of nanotube wall thickness variation, Young Scientist Colloquium-2015, Organized by Materials Research Society of India (Kolkata chapter), CSIR-CGCRI Kolkata,11th Sept, 2015
2227 Shuvajyoti Pal, Indrajit Banerjee, DAPR: Delay-Aware Priority Based Routing Scheme to Alleviate Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks, 31-36, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2015, 2015
2228 M Kule, H Rahaman, B B Bhattacharya, On finding a defect-free component in nanoscale crossbar circuits, 70, 421-427, Procedia Computer Science, 2015
2229 Debanjan Acharyya and Partha Bhattacharyya, ZnO nanoflowers and Ni/Pd nanoparticles hybrid junctions as a highly selective methanol sensor, Young Scientist Colloquium-2015, Organized by Materials Research Society of India (Kolkata chapter), CSIR-CGCRI Kolkata,11th Sept, 2015
2230 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, An Energy-Efficient Path Determination Strategy for Mobile Data Collectors in Wireless Sensor Network, Computer and Electrical Engineering (CAEE), 2015
2231 Ramen Kanti De and A. Ganguly, Thermal model development and performance analysis of solar greenhouse drying of cabbage, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas January 2015 Paper Code TF 12., 2015
2232 Basanta Bhowmik, and Partha Bhattacharyya, Development of Efficient Acetone Sensor based on 0-D, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D Nanostructures of TiO2, Young Scientist Colloquium-2015, Organized by Materials Research Society of India (Kolkata chapter), CSIR-CGCRI Kolkata,11th Sept, 2015
2233 Baidyanath Murmu, A. Ganguly and S. Chakrabarti, Effect of exhaust gas re-circulation on the performance and emission characteristics of a spark ignition engine-A review, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas January 2015 Paper Code TF 13., 2015
2234 B. Bhowmik, P.P. Chattopadhyay, H. Jörg Fecht and P. Bhattacharyya, 1D and 3D nanostructures of TiO2 as gas sensing element: A comparative study, 4th Nano Today Conference-2015, Dubai, December 06-10, 2015
2235 S. Ghosal, B. Bhowmik and P. Bhattacharyya, Low temperature ethanol sensing performance of hydrothermally grown TiO2 nanoflowers in resistive mode, 4th Nano Today Conference-2015, Dubai, December 06-10, 2015
2236 B. Bhowmik, K. Dutta and P. Bhattacharyya, n-TiO2/p-Si Heterojunction Devices as a Potential Ethanol Sensor, Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC), Kolkata, India, December 16-18th, 2015
2237 K. Dutta, B. Bhowmik, P. P. Chattopadhyay and P. Bhattacharyya, Titania Nanotube based Xylene Sensor; Influence of Anodization Voltage, Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC), Kolkata, India, December 16-18th, 2015
2238 Bidisha Bhabani, Atanu Mondal and Sulata Mitra, A Demand Based Unicast Data Dissemination Scheme in VANET, IEEE INDICON, 2015
2239 Atanu Mondal and Sulata Mitra, Secure Data Dissemination in VANET - A Pull Based Approach, 66-73, IEEE Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT), 2015
2240 Bidisha Bhabani and Sulata Mitra, Efficient Bandwidth Utilization during Message Dissemination among Authentic Vehicles in VANET, 935-941, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2015
2241 Sulata Mitra, Cooperative Revocation of Misbehaving Vehicles from VANET, Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications, proceedings published by Springer Series of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), 2015
2242 S. Chatterjee, Santi P. Maity and Tamaghna Acharya, On Optimal Sensing Time and Power Allocation for Energy Efficient Co-operative Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 15-18 December, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 2015
2243 Atanu Mondal and Sulata Mitra, Detection and Revocation of Misbehaving Vehicles from VANET, 315, Chapter 72, 767-778, International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering (ICOCOE 2014), Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, 2015
2244 Sanchayita.Nag, Anirban Roy-Chowdhury, Dipankar Das, Sampad Mukherjee, Effect of Er ion on the structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of as synthesized Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 system, CMDAYS-15., 2015
2245 Sheikh Rafiul Islam, Santi P. Maity, Ajay Kumar Ray, On Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction using Multichannel Fusion and Adaptive Filtering, 5th Int. Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, November 10-13, Orleans, France, 2015
2246 S. A. Qasim, N. Gupta, Use of Particle Swarm Optimization in the computation of an optimal permittivity distribution in Functionally Graded Material insulators, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON), Bangalore, India, 2015
2247 Anirban Bose, Santi Prasad Maity and Seba Maity, Image Watermarking on Degraded Compressed Sensing Measurements, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), SCMS, Kochi, India, 10-13 August, 2015
2248 S. A. Qasim, N. Gupta, Functionally Graded Material Composites for Effective Stress Control in Insulators, IEEE 11th International Conference on the Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM), Sydney, Australia, 2015
2249 Hirak Maity and Santi Prasad Maity, Multiple Predictors based RW Scheme with Adaptive Image Partitioning, 184-189, ICACCI Special Session on Recent Advances in Adaptive Systems and Signal Processing, SCMS, Kochi, India, 10-13 August, 2015
2250 S. Ghosh, T. Acharya, S. Chatterjee and S. P. Maity, 'On Optimal Power Sharing for Joint Sensing and Data Transmission in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks, Twenty First National Conference on Communication (NCC 2015), 28th Feb. to 1st March, 2015
2251 Jeet Ghosh, Debasis Mitra and S. R. Bhadra Chaudhuri, Circularly Polarized hexagonal slot antenna for broadband application, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2015
2252 Sudip Ghosh,Subhojit Chatterjee, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, A New Algorithm On Wavelet Based Robust Invisible Digital Image Watermarking for Multimedia Security, International Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks & Automated Verification (EDCAV 2015) from 29-30th January 2015 at Shillong, NIT Meghalaya, India, 2015
2253 Sudeshna Sil Kar and S. P. Maity, Blood Vessel Extraction with Optic Disc Removal in Retinal Images, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition,” January 4-7, 2015, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 2015
2254 Apurba Ray and Santi P. Maity, Segmentation of CS Reconstructed MR Images, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition,” January 4-7, 2015, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 2015
2255 Deepanjan Bhattacharjee, Tarakeswar Shaw, Tamal Das, and Debasis Mitra, Gain enhancement of a slot antenna with a metamaterial superstrate structure, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2015
2256 Paitandi S. and Sengupta M, Design, Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and its Comparative study with 3-phase Induction Machine of Same Nominal Rating, 7th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2015), IIT Bombay, 2015
2257 Roy M. and Sengupta M, Analysis, Converter Design and Testing of High Frequency Induction Heating Coil for Special Application, 7th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2015), IIT Bombay, 2015
2258 Tarakeswar Shaw, Deepanjan Bhattacharjee and Debasis Mitra, Miniaturization of slot antenna using split ring resonators, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC),, 2015
2259 Nanda S.K., Sengupta M. and Sengupta A.,“, Modelling , Real time simulation, Fabrication of and Experiments on a Boost-Buck (Cuk) Converter, 7th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2015), IIT Bombay, 2015
2260 Gopinath Samanta, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya, Debasis Mitra, and S. R. Bhadra Chaudhuri, Miniaturized CPW-fed slot antenna using reactive impedance substrate, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC), 2015
2261 Mukherjee P. and Sengupta M.,, Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of a Current Controller for a Isolated Full Bridge DC-DC Converter, 7th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2015), IIT Bombay, 2015
2262 Kundu J., Sengupta M. & Sengupta A.,, Design, modelling, fabrication and testing of an electromagnetic coil system for a levitation, 7th National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC- 2015), IIT Bombay, 2015
2263 Subir Kumar Sarkar, Enabling Ubiquitous Sensing With RFID, ICMAP, 2015
2264 Santanu Maity et al., Overlapping gate structure of GaN based HEMT for higher frequency response, 18th International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2015), IISC B, 2015
2265 Arpita Ghosh, Amit Jain, N. Basanta Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Stability aspects of single electron threshold logic based 4 bit carry look ahead adder”,, IEEE, 2015
2266 Abhishek Basu, Susmita Talukdar, Nabanita Sengupta, Avradeeta Kar, Satrajit Lal Chakraborty and Subir Kumar Sarkar, On the Implementation of a Saliency Based Digital Watermarking, International Conference on Information systems Design and Intelligent Applications, 2015
2267 Bhattacherjee, Dipankana and Viswanadham, BVS, Effect of geosynthetic layers on slopes subjected to rainfall, Young Geotechnical Engineers' Symposium on Finite Element Method( YGESFEM 2015); In association with ISSMGE, DST and IGS Mumbai, Mumbai, India, May 17-18, 2015, 2015
2268 Rituraj Roy; Sayantani Bandyopadhyay; Shyamalendu Kandar; Bibhas Chandra Dhara, A novel 3–4 image secret sharing scheme, 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) IEEE, 2015
2269 Joyashree Bag and Subir Kumar Sarkar, VLSI Implementation of a Key Distribution Server based Data Security Scheme for RFID system, ACCT- 2015, 2015
2270 . Navjeet Bagga, Saheli Sarkhel and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Recent Research Trends in Gate Engineered Tunnel FET for Improved Current Behavior by subduing the Ambipolar Effects: A Review, ICCCA2015, 2015
2271 S. Tamang, and N.K. Singh, Optimization of output parameter of Submerged Arc Welding by Response Surface Methodology, 17th ISME Conference, 2015
2272 Pranab Kishore Dutta, Navjeet Bagga, Kousik Naskar and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A comparative analysis of Nano SON DMDG MOSFET using Hafnium oxide as dielectric for better performance, International Conference on Computing and Communication systems(I3CS’15, 2015
2273 Mohanta, A. & Das, S., ICT based facilities management tools for buildings, ICT4SD – 2015: Int. Conf. on Infor. & Comm. Tech. for Sust. Dev., Ahmedabad, India, 2015
2274 Pranab Kishore Dutta, Amit Jain, N. Basanta Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design and Implementation of An Asynchronous Arbiter Circuit using SET CMOS Hybrid Architecture Approach, ICCCA 2015, 2015
2275 Agamani Chakraborty ,Koushik Neogi , Atanu Banerjee & Pradip K. Sadhu, Switching frequency optimization in Hyperthermia treatment using BSD 2000, 1-8, International Conference on Energy , Power and Environment (Towards Sustainable Growth) [ICEPE-2015], June 12-13,2015,NIT, Meghalaya, Shillong, 2015
2276 Anup Dey, Bijoy Kantha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Fabrication and characterization of WO3 thin film sensor with different annealing temperatures for the detection of methanol vapour, Micro 2015, 2015
2277 Chiranjit Sain ,Pabitra Kr. Biswas, Atanu Banerjee, Design and analysis of open loop model of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Drives, 1-6, International Conference on Energy , Power and Environment (Towards Sustainable Growth) [ICEPE-2015], June 12-13,2015, NIT, Meghalaya, Shillong, 2015
2278 Sudipta Ghosh, Subhrapratim Nath and Subir Kumar Sarkar, PSO Algorithm With Self Tuned Parameter For Efficient Routing in VLSI Design, ICFTICC 2015, 2015
2279 P K Biswas, Atanu Banerjee, Chiranjit Sain, Design and Development of a Closed Loop Model of an Adjustable Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Drive using PI Controller, International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA-2015), Sponsored by IEEE, IET, Hongkong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, 15-17 December, 2015
2280 Moutushi Singh , Rupayan Das, Mrinal Kanti Sarkar, Koushik Majumder and Subir Kumar Sarkar, KT3F: A Key- Based Two-Tier Trust Management Filtering Scheme for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Network, 379, Proceedings of the Second International Conference, 2015
2281 Atanu Banerjee, P K Biswas, Chiranjit Sain, The Comparative Study between Different Performance Indices of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Drive on Variable Sensor Angle, 1-6, International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA-2015), Sponsored by IEEE, IET, Hongkong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, 15-17 December, 2015
2282 Joyashree Bag and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Highly Secured and authenticated Power efficient anti-collision algorithm for RFID technology and its Real time Implementation, PCITC 2015, 2015
2283 Mondal, S. C. and Mandal, P., An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Optimization of Surface Roughness in Centerless Grinding Operation, International Conference on Research into Design, 2015
2284 Tapas Chakrabarti, Suvrajit Manna, Udit Sharma, Tyajodeep Chakrabarti and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design of Intelligent Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique based on Swarm Intelligence based Algorithms, ICPACE, 2015
2285 Mondal, S. C. and Salim, M., Multivariate Process Control Charts: An Overview and Application, 57th National convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering and 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE-2015), 2015
2286 Rudrarup Sengupta, Vurikiti Prashant, Tapas Chakrabarti and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Modeling, Simulation and Comparative Study of New Compound Alloy Based P-I-N Solar Cells an Efficient Way of Energy Management, ICPACE, 2015
2287 Mondal, S. C., A Study of Multivariate Process Capability Indices in Manufacturing Processes, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering management, 2015
2288 Suvrajit Manna, Udit Sharma, Tyajodeep Chakrabarti and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Efficient VLSI routing Optimization employing Discrete Differential Evolution Technique, ReTIS, 2015
2289 Roy G. C., Dey N.C., Optimization of time duration to install face equipment at longwall face in Indian coal mines, 598-606, Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry - Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium, APCOM 2015, 2015
2290 Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C., Optimization of Multi-performance Characteristics (weld bead width and bead hardness) in Submerged Arc Welding, International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN-9), 2015
2291 Saheli Sarkhel, Navjeet Bagga and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Analytical Modeling and Simulation of Workfunction Engineered Gate Junctionless high-k dielectric Double Gate MOSFET: A Comparative Study”, IET MFIIS, 2015
2292 Santanu Maity et al., A compact series resistance model of solar cell for parametric study, ICRCWIP2015, Springer, 2015
2293 Dey N. C., Somesh Vikrant, Online work capacity monitoring and work-rest scheduling for different job nature of underground miners, 1080-1087, Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry - Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium, APCOM 2015, 2015
2294 Mondal, S. C. and Mandal, P., Optimization of Surface Roughness in CNC Turing operation using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique, International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN- 9), 2015
2295 Pranab Kishore Dutta, Navjeet Bagga, Kousik Naskar and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Analysisand Simulation of Dual Metal Double Gate SON MOSFET Using Hafnium Dioxide For Better Performance, IET MFIIS, 2015
2296 Santanu Maity et al., A compact series resistance model of solar cell for parametric study, ICRCWIP2015, Springer, 2015
2297 . Khomdram Jolson Singh, Terirama Thingujam and Subir Kumar Sarkar, The Efficient FPGA-based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Controller for Photovoltaic (PV) System, ETSER, 2015
2298 Santanu Maity et al., Miniaturization of mems based smart patch antennas for bio-medical applications, ICRCWIP2015, Springer, 2015
2299 Manas Ranjan Nayak, Baidyanath Tudu, Abhishek Basu and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Digital Watermarking Framework Based On Saliency Map, CODEC-2015, 2015
2300 Santanu Maity et al., Design and optimization of band stop filter using metamaterial structures for k-band applications, ICRCWIP2015, Springer, 2015
2301 Abhishek Basu, Subhrajit Sinha Roy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, FPGA Implementation of Saliency Based Watermarking Framework, CODEC- 2015, 2015
2302 Santanu Maity et al., CNT based biomedical sensor for cancer detection, ICRCWIP2015, Springer, 2015
2303 Abhishek Basu, Sulagna Laha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Feature Detection in Medical Image using Phase Congruency and Genetic Algorithm based Clustering, FRCCD-2015, 2015
2304 Santanu Maity et al., A Novel MEMS based frequency tunable rectangular patch antenna, ICRCWIP2015, Springer, 2015
2305 Subhrapratim Nath, Sudipta Ghosh and Subir Kumar Sarkar,, A Novel Approach to Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Efficient Routing in VLSI Design”, ICRITO-2015, 2015
2306 A. Upadhyaya; D. Sarkar; A. B. Choudhury; D. Roy, Performance Analysis of a 380V Three-Phase Saturated Iron-Core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter using Jiles-Atherton Hysteresis Model, International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), June 12-13, 2015, 2015
2307 Santanu Maity et al., Design of O-shape Metamaterial Structure on Rectangular Patch Antenna for RFID Application, EEESCO2015, IEEE Conference, 2015
2308 Bijoy Kantha, Anup Dey and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Implementation of a porous silicon substrate based Micro-heater using optimized parameters for Gas sensing application, Micro-2015, 2015
2309 D. Sarkar; A. Upadhyaya; A. B. Choudhury; D. Roy, Synthesis of Parameter Dependency Performance of Saturated Iron-Core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter, Michael Faraday IET International Summit: MFIIS-2015, Kolkata, India, September 12 – 13, 2015, 2015
2310 Santanu Maity et al., Enhancement of Gain, Bandwidth and Directivity of a Patch Antenna by Increasing Dielectric Layers of the Substrate through Micromachining Technique for RFID Application, ICACEA-2015,IEEE, 2015
2311 Saptadwipa Barman and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Comparative analysis of Saliency based image watermarking with SVD, DWT, LWT techniques for better performance, Micro-2015, 2015
2312 D. Sarkar; A. Upadhyaya; A. B. Choudhury; D. Roy, Investigation of the Performance of SISFCL with the Variation of Hysteretic Characteristics, 12th IEEE India International Conference: INDICON 2015, December 17-20, 2015, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India., 2015
2313 Santanu Maity et al., RF MEMS based Band-pass Filter for K-Band Applications, International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies [2015 ICACCT TM ], Springer, 2015
2314 P. Mallick, S. K. Ghosh and P. P. Chattopadhyay, Enhancement of mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steel subjected to cryogenic rolling and annealing processes, International Conference on Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel (RAFTS 2015), September 8-10, Ranchi, India, 2015
2315 Dasgupta, Koustav; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, An analysis of economic load dispatch with prohibited zone constraint using different algorithms, , 2015
2316 D. Sarkar, A. Upadhyaya, A. B. Choudhury and D. Roy, Investigation of the Performance of SISFCL with the Variation of Hysteretic Characteristics, 12th IEEE India International Conference: INDICON 2015 Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 2015
2317 R. Niranjan, S., Bhattacharjya , and NS Ajeesh Kumar, Robust Design Optimization of Bridge Pier including Parameter Uncertainty in Monte Carlo Simulation Framework, National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences (NCETAS 2015), February, 2015 MIET, West Bengal, India, 2015
2318 D. Sarkar, A. Upadhyaya, A. B. Choudhury and D. Roy, Synthesis of Parameter Dependency Performance of Saturated Iron-Core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter, Michael Faraday IET International Summit: MFIIS-2015, Kolkata, 2015
2319 NS Ajeesh Kumar, S. Bhattacharjya, Robust Design Optimization of a Multi-storied concrete building in efficient Metamodelling and Simulation Framework Incorporating Parameter Uncertainty, 6th All India Inter Engineering College Meet 2015, April, 2015, FOSET, MCKV Institute of Engineering, West Bengal, India, 2015
2320 Samanta, Shouvik Kumar; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Wireless power network design through smart grid transmission system model, 5-Jan, 2015 International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Sustainable Growth (ICEPE), 2015
2321 A. Chakraborty, T. Santra, D. Roy and S. Yamada, Modelling and Stability Analysis of a Repulsive type Magnetic Bearing, 4, 15, IEEE International Conference on Energy Power and Environment (Towards Sustainable Growth), Meghalaya, India, 2015
2322 A. Upadhyaya, D. Sarkar, A. B. Choudhury and D. Roy, Performance Analysis of a 380V Three-Phase Saturated Iron-Core Superconducting Fault Current Limiter using Jiles-Atherton Hysteresis Model, International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE), 2015
2323 S. Chaudhuri, K. Debnath, M. K. Manik, Flume study on bridge pier scour embedded within long contraction for clay-sand mixed cohesive sediment bed, 89, Proceedings of 20th International conference on Hydraulics, water Resources and River engineering (HYDRO), IIT Roorkee, India., 2015
2324 S. K. Singh, K. Debnath, Turbulence over rough-bed using double averaged Navier-Stokes equations, 61, Proceedings of 20th International conference on Hydraulics, water Resources and River engineering (HYDRO), IIT Roorkee, India., 2015
2325 D. Ganguly, S. Sen, P. Syam, Real time Prony Analysis for Fast Detection of Harmonics and Interharmonics in a Power Electronic Converter, Michael Faraday IET International Summit 2015 (MFIIS 2015), 12-13 September, 2015., 2015
2326 Dasgupta, Koustav; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, An analysis of economic load dispatch with ramp-rate limit constraints using different algorithms, 232-236, 2015 International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC), 2015
2327 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Turbulence flow characteristics over hemispherical obstacles in the presence of surface wave, 76, Proceedings of 20th International conference on Hydraulics, water Resources and River engineering (HYDRO), IIT Roorkee, India., 2015
2328 Dalui, S. K, Kar, R. and Hajra, S, Interference Effects on Octagonal Plan Shaped Tall Building under Wind- A Case Study, 74-81, International Workshop on Civil Engineering and Architecture, IWCEA-2015, Istanbul, Turkey, 12th -13th September, 2015, ISBN: 978-605-86637-7-0, 2015
2329 Dasgupta, Koustav; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Short-term hydrothermal scheduling using time varying acceleration coefficient based particle swarm optimization with constriction factor and inertia weight approach, 6-Jan, 2015 International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Sustainable Growth (ICEPE), 2015
2330 Arijit Dutta and Ankita Pramanik, Modified Approximate Lower Triangular Encoding of LDPC Codes, 364 - 369, International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015
2331 A. Roy Chowdhury and S. DasBit, LMAC: A Lightweight Message Authentication Code for Wireless Sensor Network, 1-6, IEEE GLOBECOM, 2015
2332 Rajat Kanti Sarkar and Ankita Pramanik,, Segmentation Of Plant Disease Spots Using Digital Image Processing, 01 -- 05, International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015
2333 Ankita Samaddar, Trishita Goswami, Shreya Ghosh, Somnath Pal, An Algorithm to Input and Store Wider Classes of Chemical Reactions for Mining Chemical Graphs, pp. 1082-1086 (IEEE Xplore), IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), Bengaluru (India), 2015
2334 Soham Bhattacharjee, Saikat Kundu Chowdhury, Shrayan Das and Ankita Pramanik, DPCM Block-based Compresssed Sensing With Frequency Domain Filtering and Lempel-Ziv-Welch Compression, 1244 - 1249, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, 2015
2335 Abhishek Kashyap, Ankita Pramanik, Santi P. Maity, On Block Compressed Sensing far end reconstruction using OFDM, 162 - 167, International Conference on Image Information Processing, 2015
2336 Ankita Pramanik, Abhishek Kashyap, Santi P. Maity,, Study on Sampling Matrices for far-end image reconstruction by Block Compressed Sensing, 346 - 349, International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015
2337 Shreya Banerjee, Ankit Chowdhri, Somnath Pal, Empirical Evaluation of K-Means, Bisecting K- Means, Fuzzy C-Means and Genetic K-Means Clustering Algorithms, pp. 168-172 (IEEE Xplore), IEEE WIE International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (WIECON 2015), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015
2338 Ankita Pramanik, Santi P. Maity, DPCM-Quantized Block- Based Compressed Sensing of images using Robbins Monro approach, 18-21., International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2015
2339 Ankita Pramanik, Santi P. Maity, CS Reconstruction in MIMO Channel using Square Complex Orthogonal STB Codes, 01 -- 06, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network, 2015
2340 Ankita Pramanik, Santi P. Maity, On CS Reconstruction Images using LDPC Code over Radio Mobile channel,, Global Wireless Summit – Wireless Vitae, 2015
2341 Abdur Rahaman Sardar, Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Moutushi Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Intelligent Intrusion system in wireless sensor Network, FICTA, 2014
2342 Vinay Kumar, Md. Azharuddin Laskar, Yumnam Shantikumar Singh, Swanirbhar Majumdar and Subir Kumar Sarkar, ANN Based Adaptive Detection of ECG Features from Respiratory, Pleythsmographic and ABP Signals, FICTA, 2014
2343 Ghosh, Saurav Kumar and Bhowmik, Joydeep and Das, Debopam, Maneuverability of an Ornithopter and the Effect of Gust: An Experimental Investigation, 10, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems, 2014
2344 Biswarup Rana, and Susanta Kumar Parui, Design of a Compact Slot Antenna Array using Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Technology, National Conference on communication, device, information and intelligence systems Vidyasagar University, Midnapur, March 2014, 2014
2345 Ayan Chatterjee, Bappaditya Mandal, Susanta Kumar Parui, Bandwidth Enhancement and Multiband Operation of a Printed Antenna using Frequency Selective Surface for WLAN Applications, Regional Conference in Radio Science, Pune, India, January 2-5, 2014, 2014
2346 Bappaditya Mandal, Ayan Chatterjee, Susanta Kr. Parui, Wide Band Log Periodic Textile Antenna, Regional Conference in Radio Science (URSI), Pune, India, January 2-5, 2014, 2014
2347 Raj, LP and Myong, RS, A FINITE VOLUME METHOD FOR SIMULATION OF SUPERCOOLED LARGE DROPLETS IN ATMOSPHERIC ICING, 171--172, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2014
2348 Raj, L Prince and Jung, SK and Myong, RS, A FINITE VOLUME METHOD FOR 3-D DROPLET IMPINGEMENT IN SUPERCOOLED LARGE DROPLET ICING CONDITIONS, 267--268, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2014
2349 Chattopadhyay, Tapan Kumar; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Impact of distributed generator on voltage stability analysis of distribution networks under critical loading conditions, 288-291, 2014 1st International Conference on Non Conventional Energy (ICONCE 2014), 2014
2350 Ghosh, T.; Krishna, V.S.R.; Singh, S.G, Low temperature Cu-Cu thermocompression bonding assisted by electrochemical desorption of a self-assembled monolayer, 2014 IEEE 2nd International Conference onEmerging Electronics (ICEE), 2014
2351 Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Test for causality and long-run relationship between transport infrastructure and economic development in India, International Conference on Development Prospects of Indian Economy (ICDPIE-14) (Jaipur, India), 2014
2352 Samit Biswas; Sekhar Mandal; Amit Kumar Das and Bhabatosh Chanda, Land map images binarization based on distance transform and adaptive threshold, 334-338, Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 2014 11th IAPR International Workshop on ,7-10 April 2014, 2014
2353 Sayan Mandal, Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, and Bhabatosh Chanda,, Binarisation of colour map images through extraction of regions, 418-427, In Computer Vision and Graphics - International Conference, ICCVG 2014, Warsaw, Poland, September 15-17, 2014. Proceedings, 2014
2354 A. Roy, R. Roy, Seismic behaviour of R/C elevated water tanks with shaft stagings: Effect of biaxial interaction and ground motion characteristics, 1205-1215, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2014
2355 Singh R. B., Khutia N., Dey P.P., Sivaprasad S., Evaluation of uniaxial and multiaxial fatigue of carbon steel through experiment and simulation using advanced kinematic hardening models, Pages 279-282, Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014), Nara, Japan,10th to 13th October, 2014
2356 Khutia N., Dey P.P., Sivaprasad S., Modification of Ohno Wang cyclic plasticity model through simulation and experimentation of 304LN stainless steel specimen, Pages 243-246, Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014), Nara, Japan,10th to 13th October, 2014
2357 Roy S., Khutia N., Das D., Roy Chowdhury A, FE analysis and deformation behavior of laser based porous Ti6Al4V using static loading condition, Pages 305-307, Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014), Nara, Japan,10th to 13th October, 2014
2358 D. Banerjee and S. DasBit, Reviving Communication in Post Disaster Scenario Using ZIGBEE/GSM Heterogeneous Network, 2067-2073, ICACCI, 2014
2359 R.Banerjee, M.Mobashir, S. DasBit, Partial DCT-based Energy Efficient Compression Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, 1-6, IEEE CONECCT, 2014
2360 Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN, 235, 303-310, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2361 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Energy efficient coverage of static sensor nodes deciding on mobile sink movements using game theory, 118-125, Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC), 2014, 2014
2362 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Discovery for Sinks Mobility in Obstacle Resisting WSNs, 28, 39-50, Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics- Volume 2 Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, 2014
2363 Datta,S., Bera, A.K., and Chattopadhyay, K.K, Effect of size of reinforcement on bearing capacity of footing on reinforced sand using ABAQUES, IGC Kakinada, IGC 2014, 2014
2364 Moumita Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Optimal load distribution of cluster head in fault-tolerant wireless sensor network, 1-7, IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2014, 2014
2365 Bera, A.K. and Hazra, S, Effect of RHA content on engineering properties of clayey soil RHA mixture,, 82-84, IGC Calcutta ( Kolkata Chapter ), 2014
2366 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Load reduction with multiple mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks, 121-125, IEEE Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), IIT-Kharagpur, 2014, 2014
2367 Nirnay Ghosh, Debangshu Chatterjee, and Soumya K Ghosh, An Efficient Heuristic-based Role Mapping Framework for Secure and Fair Collaboration in SaaS Cloud, 227-236, IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), 2014
2368 Chakraborty, S., and Bera, A.K.(, Strength Characteristics of Geotextile reinforced sand fly-ash composite material, IGC Kakinada, IGC 2014, 2014
2369 Santanu Datta, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Mobile Sink Management for Nonuniformly Distributed Sensor Node Coverage Using a Game Theoretic Approach, 235, 311-319, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2370 Nirnay Ghosh, Triparna Mondal, Debangshu Chatterjee, and Soumya K Ghosh, Verifying Conformance of Security Implementation with Organizational Access Policies in Community Cloud - A Formal Approach, 329-336, IEEE International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), 2014
2371 Indrajit Banerjee, Suriti Chakrabarti, Arunava Bhattacharyya, Utsav Ganguly, An Energy Aware Routing Design to Maximize Lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network with a Mobile Base Station, 2135-2141, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014, 2014
2372 Indrajit Banerjee, Bishakha Datta, Anamika Kumari, Shrabani Mandal, Compact Clustering Based Geometric Tour Planning for Mobile Data Gathering Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Network, 2098-2104, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014
2373 Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Hafijur Rahaman, EFDR: Effective Fault Detection and Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 40(2), 291-306, Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014
2374 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, J. Wang, and R. S. Sherratt, Obstacle Avoidance Routing Scheme through Optimal Sink Movement for Home Monitoring and Mobile Robotic Consumer Devices, 60 (4), 596-606, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2014, 2014
2375 Paramita De, Sekhar Mandal, Partha Bhowmick and Amit K Das, A New Approach to Detect and Classify Graphic Primitives in Engineering Drawings, 243–248, In Proc. of Fourth International Conference of Emerging Applications in Information Technology, ISI Kolkata, India, Dec. 19–21, 2014, 2014
2376 Nimisha Ghosh, Sanku Kumar Roy, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Determination Algorithm of Mobile Sinks for Energy Efficient Data Collection and Optimal Coverage in Wireless Sensor Network, 76-81, International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2014
2377 Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal, Amit K Das, and Bhabatosh Chanda, Land Map Binarization Based on Distance Transfrom and Adaptive Threshold, 334 – 338, In Proc. of 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS -2014), Tours, Loire Valley, France, April 7-9, 2014, 2014
2378 Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN, 235, 303-310, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2379 Paramita De, Sekhar Mandal and Partha Bhowmick, Identification of Annotations for Circuit Symbols in Electrical Diagrams of Document Images, 297–300, In Proc. of Fifth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Bangalore, India, January 8–10, 2014, 2014
2380 Nimisha Ghosh, Sanku Kumar Roy, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Determination Algorithm of Mobile Sinks for Energy Efficient Data Collection and Optimal Coverage in Wireless Sensor Network, 76-81, International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2014
2381 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Energy efficient coverage of static sensor nodes deciding on mobile sink movements using game theory, 118-125, Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC), 2014, 2014
2382 Mrinmoy Ghorai, Sekhar Mandal, and Bhabatosh Chanda, A Two-Step Image Inpainting Algorithm Using Tensor SVD, 63 - 77, In Proc. of Computer Vision - ACCV 2014 Workshops, Singapore, November 1-2, 2014, 2014
2383 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Discovery for Sinks Mobility in Obstacle Resisting WSNs, 28, 39-50, Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics- Volume 2 Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, 2014
2384 Mrinmoy Ghorai, Sekhar Mandal, and Bhabatosh Chanda, Image Completion Assisted By Transformation Domain Patch Approximation, 66:1 - 66:8., In Proc. of Indian conference of Computer Vision, Graphic and Image Processing, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, December 14 - 17, 2014, 2014
2385 Blaney, L., Mangalgiri, K., & Adak, A., Treatment of agricultural wastewater containing organoarsenicals using UV-based processes., 2014 Tri-Association Conference (Ocean City, MD)., 2014
2386 Saha, SK; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Status of all branches of distribution networks in chronological order using distributed generation at optimal position, 14-18, 2014 1st International Conference on Non Conventional Energy (ICONCE 2014), 2014
2387 Moumita Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Optimal load distribution of cluster head in fault-tolerant wireless sensor network, 1-7, IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2014, 2014
2388 Mangalgiri, K., Adak, A., He, K., & Blaney, L., Photochemical UV-H2O2 system for oxidation of organoarsenicals in agricultural wastewater., 248th American Chemical Society Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA)., 2014
2389 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Load reduction with multiple mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks, 121-125, IEEE Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), IIT-Kharagpur, 2014, 2014
2390 Adak, A., & Koner, S., Methyl orange dye removal using surfactant modified silica gel waste – a fixed bed column study., International Conference on Recent Trends and Challenges in Civil Engineering, MNNIT Allahabad., 2014
2391 Santanu Datta, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Mobile Sink Management for Nonuniformly Distributed Sensor Node Coverage Using a Game Theoretic Approach, 235, 311-319, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2392 Indrajit Banerjee, Suriti Chakrabarti, Arunava Bhattacharyya, Utsav Ganguly, An Energy Aware Routing Design to Maximize Lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network with a Mobile Base Station, 2135-2141, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014, 2014
2393 Indrajit Banerjee, Bishakha Datta, Anamika Kumari, Shrabani Mandal, Compact Clustering Based Geometric Tour Planning for Mobile Data Gathering Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Network, 2098-2104, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014
2394 S. Chatterjee, T. Acharya, and S.P. Maity, On Joint Spectrum Sensing And Data Transmission In Relay Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks, 9th IET International Conference on Communication Networks and Digital Signal Processing, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, PP. 546-551., 2014
2395 Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Hafijur Rahaman, EFDR: Effective Fault Detection and Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 40(2), 291-306, Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014
2396 S. Chatterjee, S.P. Maity and T. Acharya, On Optimal Relay Power Allocation in Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio Networks, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication , IISC Bangalore, India, 2014
2397 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, J. Wang, and R. S. Sherratt, Obstacle Avoidance Routing Scheme through Optimal Sink Movement for Home Monitoring and Mobile Robotic Consumer Devices, 60 (4), 596-606, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2014, 2014
2398 P. Mukherjee, S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity and T. Acharya, On Optimal Power Allocation and Relay Assignment in Multiuser Cognitive Radio Networks, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication , IISC Bangalore, India, 2014
2399 Nimisha Ghosh, Sanku Kumar Roy, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Determination Algorithm of Mobile Sinks for Energy Efficient Data Collection and Optimal Coverage in Wireless Sensor Network, 76-81, International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2014
2400 S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity and T. Acharya, On Optimal Power Allocation for Joint Spectral Sensing and Data Transmission in CR Networks, 37th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP),2014, Berlin, Germany, July 1-3, 2014
2401 S.P. Maity and S. Hati, On CI/MC-CDMA System Design with Improved Receiver Performance, 37th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP),2014, Berlin, Germany, July 1-3, 2014
2402 S. Sil kar and S. P. Maity, Extraction of Retinal Blood Vessel using Curvelet and Fuzzy C-Means, 22ND International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-28th August, 2014
2403 Apurba Ray, Santi P. Maity and Sarat Yadav, 'On Segmentation of MR Images Using Curvelet and Fuzzy C-Means Under Compressed Sensing, Twentieth National Conference on Communication (NCC 2014, 28th Feb. to 1st March, IIT Kanpur, India, 2014
2404 Dhiman Ghosh, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju Mohanty, A Highly Parameterizable Simulator for Performance Analysis of NoC Architectures, 13th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT) [blind review], Bhubaneswar, India, December 22-24, 2014., 2014
2405 Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, Hadamard Walsh and Paley Ordered DFWHT: A Study and Implementation on FPGA, IEEE CALCON 2014 National Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering , November 7-8, Kolkata,India, 2014
2406 Kayal, Partha; Ashish, Tanmay; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Simultaneous placement and sizing of renewable DGs and capacitor banks in distribution network, 607-611, 2014 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT-2014], 2014
2407 Avik Bose, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, A Low Latency Scalable 3D NoC Using BFT Topology with Table Based Uniform Routing, 136-141, 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) [blind review], Tampa, Florida, USA, July 9-11, 2014, 2014
2408 Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das,Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, FPGA and SoC Based VLSI Architecture of Reversible Watermarking Using Rhombus Interpolation By Difference Expansion, 11th IEEE India Conference INDICON 2014 from 11th to 13th December,Pune,India, 2014
2409 Somrita Ghosh, Prasun Ghosal, Nabanita Das, Saraju P. Mohanty, Oghenekarho Okobiah, Data Correlation Aware Serial Encoding for Low Switching Power On-Chip Communication, 124-129, 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) [blind review], Tampa, Florida, USA, July 9-11, 2014, 2014
2410 Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas,Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, Design of A Low Complexity and Fast Hardware Architecture for Digital Image Watermarking in FWHT Domain on FPGA, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014) December 15 - 17, NIT Surathkal, Mangalore,India, 2014
2411 Debashri Roy, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, FuzzRoute: A Method For Thermally Ef?cient Congestion Free Global Routing in 3D ICs, 71-76, 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) [blind review], Tampa, Florida, USA, July 9-11, 2014,, 2014
2412 Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, Design of an Improved Algorithm for Blind Digital Image Watermarking Using Both Grayscale and Binary Watermark in DFWHT Domain, 8th IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2014) from 20-22 December,Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2014
2413 Tuhin Subhra Das, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, and Elias Kougianos, A Performance Enhancing Hybrid Locally Mesh Globally Star NoC Topology, Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI Design (GLSVLSI 2014) [blind review], Houston, Texas, USA, May 21-23, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2816-6, 2014
2414 Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das,Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, Digital Design and Pipelined Architecture for Reversible Watermarking Based on Difference Expansion using FPGA, 13th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2014) 22nd -24th December, Bhubaneswar,Orrisa, India., 2014
2415 Debashri Roy, Prasun Ghosal, and Nabanita Das, A Thermal and Congestion Driven Global Router For 3D Integrated Circuits, 2014 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium (IEEE TechSym 2014) [blind review], IIT Kharagpur, India, February 28-March 2, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2607-7, 2014
2416 I. Nath, M. Chatterjee and U. Bhattacharya, A Survey on Regenerator Placement Problem in Translucent Optical Network, IEEE Proc. of 1st International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communication and Information Technology Applications 2014(CSCITA 2014), 2014
2417 De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Urban Physics for Tomorrow’s Urban Design, 1028–1037, 30th Annual PLEA Conference. Ahmedabad, India: CEPT University Press, NaN-978-93-83184-03–3, 2014
2418 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee and TuhinaSamanta, Performance analysis of TDMA Based Data Transmission in WSN, 107 - 112, IEEE 2014 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 14), Japan, November 2014, 2014
2419 Meher, KC and Swain, RK and Chanda, CK, Modified GSO for combined economic emission load dispatch with valve-point effects, 1--6, 2014 International Conference on Advances in Electronics Computers and Communications, 2014
2420 Das, D., Dutta, A.K., Ray, K.K., Structure and property of sub-zero processed cold work die steel, 2A, V02AT02A038 (10 pages), Proceedings ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, ASME, Volume 2A: Advanced Manufacturing, San Diego, California, USA, November 15-21, 2013; ISBN: 978-0-7918-5618-5; , 2014
2421 Joti, S. & Mitra, K., PERFORMANCE OF MASONRY MONASTERY STRUCTURES IN THE M 6.9 SIKKIM (INDIA-NEPAL BORDER) EARTHQUAKE OF 18 SEPTEMBER, 2011:: A LESSON, 2nd European Conference in Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey. August 24-29, 2014., 2014
2422 Joti, S. & Mitra, K., Sustainable Technologies Used In Vernacular Earthquake Resistant Structures, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Sustainability and the Built Environment: Searching for Synergies, Kolkata. February, 2014., 2014
2423 Chattopadhyay, Tapan Kumar and Banerjee, Sumit and Chanda, Chandan Kumar, Voltage stability analysis of distribution networks under critical loading conditions, 1--5, 2014 POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 2014
2424 A. Bandyopadhyay, A. Sarkar, U. Bhattacharya and M. Chatterjee, Improved Algorithms for Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM All-Optical Mesh Networks, IEEE Proc. of 11th International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks 2014 (WOCN 2014), 2014
2425 A. Bandyopadhyay, M. Raghib, U. Bhattacharya and M. Chatterjee, Dynamic Survivable Traffic Grooming with Effective Load Balancing in WDM All-Optical Mesh Networks, IEEE Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics 2014 (ICACCI 2014), 2014
2426 Jnui Deb Mallick Datta; Manas Kumar Sanyal, “Developing Entrepreneurship Model in the area of Traditional Knowledge-based Healthcare: An Emerging Market in India”, Conference Edited Volume, Springer, ICBPEM, NIT, Rourkela, December 12 - 13, 2014, 2014
2427 Basantia1, S.K., Bakkar, A.K., Khutia, N., Das, D., Simulation of Low Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of Under Aged AA6063 Al-alloy, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET) 2014, December 17-19, 2014, IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, India., 2014
2428 Kar, T., Nandy, S., Bakkar, M.A., Das, D., Influence of State of Aging on Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of AA6063 Alloy, Metallum, IIEST Shibpur, 2014
2429 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, J. Wang, and R. S. Sherratt, Obstacle Avoidance Routing Scheme through Optimal Sink Movement for Home Monitoring and Mobile Robotic Consumer Devices, 60 (4), 596-606, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2014, 2014
2430 Jnui Deb Mallick Datta; Manas Kumar Sanyal, “Traditional Knowledge-based Healthcare System: Study of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Indian Context”., Global Conference of Service Management’ 2014. AURO University, Surat, India and Manning School of Business University of Massachusetts, USA. January 4 & 5, 2014., 2014
2431 Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Hafijur Rahaman, EFDR: Effective Fault Detection and Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 40(2), 291-306, Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014
2432 Indrajit Banerjee, Bishakha Datta, Anamika Kumari, Shrabani Mandal, Compact Clustering Based Geometric Tour Planning for Mobile Data Gathering Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Network, 2098-2104, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014
2433 Nandy, S., Das, D., Modeling of Yield Strength for the 6063 Al-Mg-Si Alloy, March 8-9, 2014, Composite, IIT-Kharagpur, 2014
2434 Indrajit Banerjee, Suriti Chakrabarti, Arunava Bhattacharyya, Utsav Ganguly, An Energy Aware Routing Design to Maximize Lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network with a Mobile Base Station, 2135-2141, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014, 2014
2435 Nandy, S., Das, D., Usefulness of Hardness to Predict Microstructure and Strength in Al Alloys, December 17, 2014, ICAMET 2014 , IIEST Shibpur, 2014
2436 Santanu Datta, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Mobile Sink Management for Nonuniformly Distributed Sensor Node Coverage Using a Game Theoretic Approach, 235, 311-319, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2437 Nandy, S., Das, D., Yield Strength Modeling of Al-Mg-Si (AA6063) Alloy, March 12-14, 2014, Metallum, IIEST Shibpur, 2014
2438 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Load reduction with multiple mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks, 121-125, IEEE Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), IIT-Kharagpur, 2014, 2014
2439 S. S. Ray, S. Ghosh, R. Prasad, Low-cost hierarchical memory-based pipelined architecture for DNA sequence matching, 1-6, India Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual IEEE, 2014
2440 Moumita Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Optimal load distribution of cluster head in fault-tolerant wireless sensor network, 1-7, IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2014, 2014
2441 S. S. Ray, A. Bhattacharya, S. Ghosh, A fast range matching architecture with unit storage expansion ratio and high memory utilization using SBiCAM for packet classification, 1-6, India Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual IEEE, 2014
2442 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Discovery for Sinks Mobility in Obstacle Resisting WSNs, 28, 39-50, Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics- Volume 2 Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, 2014
2443 Rana M, Biswas JK, Majumder S, Karmakar SK, Roychowdhury A, Effect of ligaments on range of motion at lumber spine for natural and implanted condition : A finite element study, 80, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, 17-19 December 2014, IIEST, Shibpur, 2014
2444 S. S. Ray, A. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh, A novel approach for prefix minimization using Ternary Trie (PMTT) for packet classification, 1-6, TENCON 2014 - 2014 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2014
2445 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Energy efficient coverage of static sensor nodes deciding on mobile sink movements using game theory, 118-125, Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC), 2014, 2014
2446 Pradhan R, Roy S, Majumder S, Roychowdhury A, Finite element analysis of hard coated surface on UHMWPE based cervical spine implant, 79, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, 17-19 December 2014, IIEST, Shibpur, 2014
2447 Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN, 235, 303-310, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2448 Chatterjee S, Majumder S, Roychowdhury A, Homogenization of interfacial strain profile hip –implanted femur by lowering effective stiffness of the implant material, 72, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, 17-19 December 2014, IIEST, Shibpur, 2014
2449 Chatterjee S, Banerjee S, Majumder S, Saha S, Roychowdhury A, Customization of hip implants based on geometry and pre-operative physiological condition of bone, T247, 7th World Congress on Biomechanics, 6-11 July 2014, Boston, USA, 2014
2450 Pradhan R, Roychowdhury A, Majumder S, Finite element analysis of segmental cervical spine facet strain and disc stress after total disc replacement, 22, National Conference of Biomechanical Sciences, 7-8 March, 2014, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, 2014
2451 Chatterjee S, Banerjee S, Majumder S, Roychowdhury A, Hip implantation: Modelling and analysis, 12, National Conference of Biomechanical Sciences, 7-8 March, 2014, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, 2014
2452 Roychowdhury A, Majumder S, Chatterjee S, Biswas JK, Roy S, Pradhan R, Customization of implant design, International Workshop on Advances in Healthcare Engineering, 2-4 January 2014, College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, West Bengal, 2014
2453 Ridzwan MIZ, Pal B, Hansen U, A Finite Element Modelling Approach to Predict Clinically Relevant Hip Fractures, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 6-11, 2014
2454 P. Malviya and R. Naskar, Digital Forensic Technique for Double Compression based JPEG Image Forgery Detection, International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS), 2014, Hyderabad, India. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8880, pp. 437-447, 2014, 2014
2455 R. Naskar and R. S. Chakraborty, On Complexities of Spatial-domain Reversible Watermarking Algorithms, 8th INDIACom: International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development 2014, New Delhi, India, 2014
2456 S. Ghosh, P. Barpanda, Microscale and thin film architecture Ti-based anodes for secondary sodium-ion batteries, UK Energy Storage Conference -2014 (UKES2014), University of Warwick, UK, 2014
2457 S. K. Ghosh, S. K. Mukherjea, and B. N. Dutta, “Study of the Effect of Tangential Point Blowing on the Incompressible Boundary Layer Flow around a Circular Cylinder”, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada, 2014
2458 Bandyopadhyay, O., A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Long Bone Fracture Detection inDigital X-ray Images based on Concavity Index, 8466, 212-223, In: 16th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis IWCIA’14 Brno, Czech Republic: LNCS, 2014
2459 Brijesh Kumar Pandey and Sujay Kumar Mukherjea, 2. “Aerodynamic Simulation of Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT) Trains with Suction at Tail”, Proceedings of the ASME 2014International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2014, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada, 2014
2460 Bera, S., A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, A Fast Digital-Geometric Approach for Granulometric Image Analysis, In: 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology: RAIT’14. acccepted. Dhanbad, India: LNCS., 2014
2461 Das, B., M. Dutt, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, A Combinatorial Technique for Construction of Triangular Covers of Digital Objects, 8466, 76-90, In: 16th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA’14.Brno, Czech Republic: LNCS, 2014
2462 Karmakar, N., P. Bhowmick, and A. Biswas, Segmentation of 3D Articulated Components by Slice-based Vertex-weighted Reeb Graph, 8668, 370-383, In: 18th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: DGCI’14 Sienna, Italy: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2014
2463 Roy, T.K., Study on the performance of bitumen with addition of plastic waste and crumb rubber, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG) & 33. Baugrundtagung, Berlin, Germany, 2014
2464 Phani, S., S. Lahiri, and A. Biswas, Inter-rater Agreement Study on Readability Assessment in Bengali, In: International Conference On Natural Language Processing And Cognitive Computing. Imphal, India., 2014
2465 Roy, N. D., M. Someswar, H. Dalmia, and A. Biswas, Identification of Distinct Blood Vessels in Retinal Fundus Images, 8641, 106 -114, In: Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications: CompIMAGE’14 Pittsburgh, PA, USA: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2014
2466 Sanjoy Gorain , Suranjan Sinha, Environmental Quality Assessment of Sonepur bazari opencast mine, Mining , Recent advances , challenges and scenario beyond 2015, 2014
2467 Subhasish Roy, Anindita Sengupta, Surajit Sengupta, Yarn hairiness evaluation using image processing, 588-592, International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication (CIEC), 2014
2468 Anindita Sengupta, Arunima Mukherjee, Rimi Paul, Ananya Roy, Application of MRPID controller on Liquid level system: A performance study, IEEE international conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication(CIEC-14), 2014
2469 Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Robust servo performance of repetitive controller for periodic reference signals, 1-4, 6th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON), 2014
2470 Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Rajeev R Pathak, DWT based repetitive controller for tracking of periodic reference signal, 17-20, International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication (CIEC), 2014
2471 A Sengupta, S Sengupta, Subhasish Roy, Determination of the yarn parameters using image processing, International Conference on Natural Fibres, 2014
2472 Ujjwal Saha, Climate Change Impact on Urban Environment, Proc of the National Conference on Geo Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development (GEN-2014), MNNIT, Allahabad, Oct. 11-12, 2014., 2014
2473 S Sengupta, S Debnath, A Sengupta, T K Kundu, Flexural Behaviour testing for technical textiles, 26, International Conference on Technical Textiles and Nonwoven, 2014
2474 Somak Das, Susanta Chakraborty, Structural Testing of Partitioned Digital Microfluidic Biochips, IEEE International Conference on VLSI & Signal Processing, IIT Kharagpur; January, 2014
2475 Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Synthesis of ESOP-based reversible logic using positive polarity reed-muller form, 363-376, Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication: ETCC 2014, March 22-23, 2014, 2014
2476 Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, andSusanta Chakraborty, Video Shot Segmentation Using Spatio-Temporal Fuzzy Hostility Index and Automatic Threshold, 501-506, IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT ), April, 2014
2477 Ramen Kanti De, A.Ganguly, Thermal model development for forced convection drying of peas, Paper Code E 221, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, 2014
2478 Pranab Roy, Samadrita Bhattacharya, Rupam Bhattacharyay, Firdousi Jamil Imam, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A novel wire planning technique for optimum pin utilization in digital microfluidic biochips, 510-515, 2014 27th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2014 13th International Conference on Embedded Systems, 2014
2479 Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, and Susanta Chakraborty, An unsupervised method for real time video shot segmentation, 307-318, Fourth International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (DPPR), ACM May, 2014
2480 Pallab Banik, A.Ganguly, Thermal Modeling and Economical Analysis of a Solar Desiccant assisted distributed fan-pad ventilated greenhouse, Paper Code ICME_64, Proceedings of ICME, World Congress on Engineering London (Scopus indexed), 2014
2481 Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal, Hafizur Rahaman, An ABCD parameter based modeling and analysis of crosstalk induced effects in multiwalled carbon nanotube bundle interconnects, 433-438, 2014 27th International Conference on VLSI Design and 2014 13th International Conference on Embedded Systems, 2014
2482 Bikromadittya Mondal and Susanta Chakraborty, A Noval Fault Diagnosis Technique in Reversible Logic Circuit, 11th IEEE International Conferenceon Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS) Paris, August, 2014
2483 Soumya Jyoti Roy, Kamalika Datta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, A transformation based heuristic synthesis approach for reversible circuits, 1-5, 2014 International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2014
2484 S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Application of Pixel Intensity Based Medical Image Segmentation Using NSGA II Based OptiMUSIG Activation Function, 262-267, The International Conference on Computational Intelligenceand Communication Networks (ICCICN 2014), 2014
2485 Sudipta Bardhan, Hafizur Rahaman, Analysis of design-oriented compact model for zigzag semiconducting CNTFETs, 1-4, International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Instrumentation (ICECI), 2014
2486 S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, Automatic Data Clustering by Genetic Algorithm Validated by Fuzzy Intercluster Hostility Index, 58-63, FourthInternational Conference of Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2014), 2014
2487 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Modeling of crosstalk induced effects in nanoscale copper interconnects, 1-6, 2013 International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2014
2488 Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, andSusanta Chakraborty, Towards Redundancy Reduction in Storyboard Representation for Static Video Summarization, 344-350, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI, 2014), 2014
2489 Sudip Ghosh, Bijoy Kundu, Debopam Datta, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Design and implementation of fast FPGA based architecture for reversible watermarking, 1-6, 2013 International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2014
2490 Pradyut Sarkar, Bikromadittya Mondal, Amit Pramanik and Susanta Chakraborty, Symmetric Function Realization using Reversible Circuit Synthesis, 34th IEEE TENCON-2014, Bangkok, Thailand. October, 2014
2491 Surajit Roy, Payel Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Giri, Session based core test scheduling for minimizing the testing time of 3D SoC, 1-5, 2014 International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS), 2014
2492 Pradyut Sarkar, Bikromadittya Mondal, Susanta Chakraborty and Virendra Singh, Power optimization Technique of Logic Circuit Based on Distribution of Energy, IEEE INDICON, Pune, India, December, 2014
2493 Roy, A., Datta, T. and Roy, T.K., Stress-strain analysis in flexible pavement in rural roads, Proceeding on the Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC), Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India., 2014
2494 Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Soumya Jyoti Roy, Laxmidhar Biswal, Hafizur Rahaman, Synthesis of ESOP-based reversible logic using negative polarity reed-muller form, 286-291, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium, 2014
2495 Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, RF performance analysis of graphene nanoribbon interconnect, 105-110, Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium, 2014
2496 P. Biswas, R. Maiti, A. Kolay, K. Das Sharma, G. Sarkar, PSO Based PID Controller Design for Twin Rotor MIMO System, 56-60, 1st International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC14), 2014
2497 Sabir Ali Mondal, Sourav Pal, Manodipan Sahoo, Pradip Mondal, Hafizur Rahaman, A new feedback circuit based charge-pump for wide-range and low-jitter DLL suitable for PET imaging applications, 1-5, 2014 2nd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 2014
2498 Nazma Banu, Prasun Ghosal, and Prasanta K. Panigrahi, Quantum Information Splitting of An Unknown Two Qubit State by Using Two Three Qubit GHZ Like States, IEEE International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS 2014) [blind review], Tamil Nadu, India, February 13-14, 2014., 2014
2499 Sandip Bhattacharya, Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Electrical transport in graphene nanoribbon interconnect, 1-4, 2014 2nd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 2014
2500 Md Zeeshan Ashraf, Dheeraj Kumar Chouwdhary, Rohan Lal Das, and Prasun Ghosal, An Efficient and Optimized Recommendation System Using Social Network Knowledge Base, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE '14) [blind review], Vellore, India, January 9-11, 2014. [Best Paper Award with a cash prize from IEEE Computer Society, Best, 2014
2501 S. Basak, T. Acharya, On lifetime centric routing and power allocation in BER constrained cognitive radio ad hoc networks, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 2014
2502 Eleonora Schönborn, Kamalika Datta, Robert Wille, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Rolf Drechsler, Optimizing DD-based synthesis of reversible circuits using negative control lines, 129-134, 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems, 2014
2503 Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal, and Hafizur Rahaman, An ABCD parameter based Modeling and Analysis of Crosstalk Induced Effects in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects, 433-438, 27th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2014) [double blind review], Mumbai, India, January 5-9, 2014, 2014
2504 Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A layout based customized testing technique for total microfluidic operations in digital microfluidic biochips, 122-128, 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems, 2014
2505 P. Mukherjee, S. Mukherjee, S.P. Maity, T. Acharya, On Optimal Power Allocation and Relay Assignment in Multiuser Cognitive Radio Networks, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2014
2506 Sarita Ojha, P. D. Srivastava, Some new sets of sequences of fuzzy numbers by using generalized weighted mean, International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS 2014), 2014
2507 Santanu Sardar, Santanu Kumar Karmakar, and Debdulal Das, Ultrasonic Cavitation Based Processing of Metal Matrix Nanocomposites: An Overview, 1042, 58-64 (7 Pages), Advanced Materials Research (Trans Tech Publications, SCOPUS), 2014
2508 Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, Rolf Drechsler, A cube pairing approach for synthesis of ESOP-based reversible circuit, 109-114, 2014 IEEE 44th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 2014
2509 S. Chatterjee, S.P. Maity, T. Acharya, On optimal relay power allocation in energy efficient cognitive radio networks, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), 2014
2510 K. Bhattacharya et al, A simple cost-effective method of characterizing PV Cells/Modules using Supercapacitor, The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, (WCPEC-6), Kyoto, Japan, 2014
2511 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, An ABCD parameter based modeling and analysis of crosstalk induced effects in Multilayer Graphene Nano Ribbon interconnects, 1138-1142, 2014 IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS), 2014
2512 S. Chatterjee, A. Banerjee, T. Acharya, S. P. Maity, Fuzzy c-means clustering in energy detection for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio system, International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications (Springer), 2014
2513 K. Bhattacharya et al, Application of Phasor Measurement Unit in Adaptive Protection for Loss of Excitation in a Generator, 6th IEEE POWER INDIA International Conference, PIICON 2014, 2014
2514 Pranab Roy, Aatreyi Bal, Mahua Raha Patra, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Automated two stage detection and analyzer system in multipartitioned Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 1836-1840, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2014
2515 S. Chatterjee, T. Acharya, S P. Maity, On joint spectrum sensing and data transmission in relay assisted cognitive radio networks, 9th IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), organized by Manchester Metropolitan University, UK., 2014
2516 K. Bhattacharya et al, Design& Implementation of MPPT Algorithm for Battery Charging with Photovoltaic Panel Using FPGA, 6th IEEE POWER INDIA International Conference, PIICON 2014, 2014
2517 Piyush Mohapatra, Saurabh Gupta, Jyoti Prakash Panda and Debashis Pal, Computational Analysis Of Liquid-liquid Mixing in a T-shaped Serially Connected Converging-diverging Microchannel, Proceedings of 59th Congress of ISTAM (an International Conference), Dec 17-20, 2014, Alliance University, Bangalore, 2014
2518 Pranab Roy, Aatreyi Bal, Tamosa Chakraborty, Mriganka Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Optical detection in Biochips: A fuzzy based detection analyzer for homogeneous samples in DMFBs, 551-556, The 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent, 2014
2519 Piyush Mohapatra, Jyoti Prakash Panda and Debashis Pal, Electro-osmotic Flow and Mixing in a Micro-channel: A Numerical Study, Proceedings of 59th Congress of ISTAM (an International Conference), Dec 17-20, 2014, Alliance University, Bangalore, 2014
2520 Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Mach-Zehnder interferometer based all optical reversible carry-lookahead adder, 412-417, 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2014
2521 Surajit Kumar Roy, Payel Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Giri, Session based core test scheduling for 3D SOCs, 196-201, 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2014
2522 Indrajit Das, Manodipan Sahoo, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, A 45 uW 13 pJ/conv-step 7.4-ENOB 40 kS/s SAR ADC for digital microfluidic biochip applications, 1-6, 18th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 2014
2523 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Centrifuge model tests on the performance of soil- nailed shoring system, Volume 2, 1119-1124, 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (8ICPMG 2014), Perth, Australia, Gaudin & White (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group (Pubs.), 2014
2524 Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman, All optical implementation of Mach-Zehnder interferometer based reversible sequential circuit, 1-2, 18th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 2014
2525 Gopal Chandra Banik, Subrata Kr. Paul, Sudip Kumar Roy, A Network-Efficiency Based Approach for Benchmarking of Transportation Connectivity Indices: Few Case Studies from Indian Scenario, roceedings of the 36th Indian Geography Congress (ISBN 978-93-85215-03-2), 2014, organized by National Association of Geographer, India(NAGI), Jaipur, November 17-20, 2014, 2014
2526 Viswanadham BVS, Guha A, Sudarshan BV, Kundu Saptarshi and Bhattacherjee D, Centrifuge model tests on the measurement of impact energy on bridge pier foundations embedded in sand, Volume 2, 1061-1066, 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (8ICPMG 2014), Perth, Australia, Gaudin & White (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group (Pubs.), 2014
2527 Manjari Pradhan, Debesh K Das, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Optimizing test time for core-based 3-d integrated circuits by a technique of bi-partitioning, 1-4, Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS 2014), 2014
2528 Ananya Roy, Subrata Kr. Paul, Sudip Kumar Roy, A Study of Settlement Hierarchy & Road Connectivity Parity: Case studies from Cities in Seven Sister States of India, proceedings of the 36th Indian Geography Congress (ISBN 978-93-85215-03-2), 2014, organized by National Association of Geographer, India(NAGI), Jaipur, November 17- 20, 2014, 2014
2529 Pranab Roy, Samadrita Bhattacharya, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A new technique for layout based functional testing of modules in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 1-6, Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS 2014), 2014
2530 Bappaditya Mondal, Dipak Kumar Kole, Debesh Kumar Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Generator for test set construction of smgf in reversible circuit by boolean difference method, 68-73, 2014 IEEE 23rd Asian test symposium, 2014
2531 P. S. Panigrahy, P. Konar, P. Chattopadhyay, Broken Bar Fault Detection using Fused DWT-FFT in FPGA Platform, International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES-2014), December 28-29, 2014., 2014
2532 Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, FPGA and SoC based VLSI architecture of reversible watermarking using rhombus interpolation by difference expansion, 1-6, 2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2014
2533 P. Dutta, S. K. Saha and N. Nandi, Numerical Study of curvature effect on turbulent flow in 900 pipe bend, Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2014), December 29-31, 2014, IIT Kharagpur (ISBN: 978-93-80813-30-1)., 2014
2534 Pranab Roy, Tamosa chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman,Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Multilevel homogeneous detection analyzer for medical diagnostic application in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 73 - 78, Proc. of IEEE International symposium of electronic system design,Suratkal, 2014
2535 Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of a low complexity and fast hardware architecture for digital image watermarking in FWHT domain on FPGA, 68-72, 2014 Fifth International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2014
2536 A. Santra and N. Nandi, Computational investigation on cavitation phenomenon in nozzle flow, Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2014), December 29-31, 2014, IIT Kharagpur, India (ISBN: 978-93-80813-30-1)., 2014
2537 Pranab Roy, Tamosa Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Multilevel homogeneous detection analyzer for medical diagnostic application in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 73-78, 2014 Fifth International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2014
2538 Dutta P, Banerjee S, Santra A and Nandi N, Numerical study on pressure drop characteristics of turbulent flow in pipe bend, 1, 381-386, Aspects of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh, December 2014, Excel India Publication (ISBN: 978-93-83842-95-7)., 2014
2539 Pranab Roy, Aatreyi Bal, Tamosa Chakraborty, Mriganka Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta,, Optical detection in Biochips: A fuzzy based detection analyzer for homogeneous samples in DMFBs, 551 - 556, Proc. of IEEE CYBER,Hongkong,China, 2014
2540 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Impact of line resistance variations on crosstalk delay and noise in multilayer graphene nano ribbon interconnects, 94-98, 2014 Fifth International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2014
2541 A. Dasgupta, S. Dalapati and P. Syam, Stepless Current Commutation in a Three Phase to Three Phase Matrix Converter, Conf. Rec. IEEE International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication, 2014 (CIEC), January 31 – February 02, 2014, Kolkata, India., 2014
2542 A. Santra, P. Dutta and N. Nandi, Numerical Modelling & Simulation of Cavitation in a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle, 144-150, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas, College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, WB, December 2014, Excel India Publi, 2014
2543 Sourav Mondal, Chaitali Ray, Experimental validation of finite element modal analysis of steel plates, 59th ISTAM Congress, Bangalore, 2014
2544 Bappaditya Mondal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Dipak Kumar Kole, Jimson Mathew, Hafizur Rahaman, Diagnosis of SMGF in ESOP based reversible logic circuit, 89-93, 2014 Fifth International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2014
2545 S. Banerjee, P. Dutta and N. Nandi, Numerical Study on Turbulent Swirling Flow Characteristics in a Cylinder, 160-166, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas, College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, WB, December 2014, Excel India Publi, 2014
2546 Dhiraj Biswas, Chaitali Ray, Free vibration analysis of GFRP laminates by experimental and numerical investigations, ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur, 2014
2547 35. Pranab Roy, Samadrita Bhattacharya, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A new technique for layout based customized functional testing of modules in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 1 - 6, Proc. of IEEE EWDTS,Kiev,Ukraine, 2014
2548 Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, A novel GNR interconnect model to reduce crosstalk delay, 5-9, 2014 Fifth International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2014
2549 R. Banerjee, M. Sengupta and S. Dalapati, Design and Implementation of Current mode control in a switched reluctance drive, Conf. Rec. IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems, 2014 (PEDES), December 16 – 19, 2014, Mumbai, India, 2014
2550 Moumita Sit, Chaitali Ray, Bending behaviour of FRP bridge deck under vehicle load using Higher order shear deformation theory, ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur, 2014
2551 Pranab Roy, Aatreyi Bal, Mahua Raha Patra, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Automated two stage detection and analyzer system in Multipartitioned Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 1836 -1840, Proc. of IEEE, ISCAS ,Melbourne, Australia, 2014
2552 Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of an improved algorithm for blind digital image watermarking using both grayscale and binary watermark in DFWHT domain, 112-115, 8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2014
2553 Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Digital design and pipelined architecture for reversible watermarking based on difference expansion using FPGA, 123-128, 2014 International Conference on Information Technology, 2014
2554 Indrajit Das, Manodipan Sahoo, Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, A 45 uW 13 pJ/conv-step 7.4-ENOB 40 kS/s SAR ADC for digital microfluidic biochip applications, 1 - 6, VDAT,2014, 2014
2555 Bhaskaran Barman, Mainak sengupta, Design, fabrication, simulation and testing of a repulsion type levitation prototype, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), 2014
2556 Pranab Roy,Hafizur Rahaman,Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A layout based customized testing technique for total microfluidic operations in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 122-128, Proc. of IEEE,DDECS,Warsaw,Poland, 2014
2557 Abhishek Kar, Mainak sengupta, Bhaskaran Barman, Design, Fabrication, Simulation and Testing of a Phase Modulated Resonant Transition Converter, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), 2014
2558 Talukdar, M., Sengupta, P., Sanyal, S. & Bhui, U. K, Chemical alteration of neoarchean chromitite in early Palaeoproterozoic subduction zone: a case study from Sittampundi layered magmatic complex, South India, 18, 38-39, Magmatism, Tectonism and Mineralization . Abstract volume: IAGR conference series, 2014
2559 Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya Chatterjee, Tuhina Samanta, A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN, 235, 303-310, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2560 Pranab Roy, Samadrita Bhattacharya,Rupam Bhattacharya,Firdousi Jamil Imam,Hafizur Rahaman,Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A novel wire planning technique for optimum pin utilization in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 510 -515, Proc. of 27th IEEE International conference of VLSI Design,Mumbai,India, 2014
2561 Nimisha Ghosh, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Energy efficient coverage of static sensor nodes deciding on mobile sink movements using game theory, 118-125, Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC), 2014, 2014
2562 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Discovery for Sinks Mobility in Obstacle Resisting WSNs, 28, 39-50, Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics- Volume 2 Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies, 2014
2563 Moumita Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Optimal load distribution of cluster head in fault-tolerant wireless sensor network, 1-7, IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2014, 2014
2564 SudipGhosh, Nachiketa Das, SubhajitDas,Santi P Maity and HafizurRahaman, Digital Design and Pipelined Architecture for Reversible Watermarking Based on Difference Expansion using FPGA, 123-128, 13th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2014) from 22nd -24th December, 2014 at Bhubaneswar,Orrisa, India, 2014
2565 Bhowmik, Joydeep and Raj, Nidhish and Das, Debopam and Abhishek, Abhishek, Measurement and analysis of aerodynamic forces of an Ornithopter in free flight, 10, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems, 2014
2566 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Load reduction with multiple mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks, 121-125, IEEE Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), IIT-Kharagpur, 2014, 2014
2567 SudipGhosh, ArijitBiswas, Santi P Maity and HafizurRahaman, Design of an Improved Algorithm for Blind Digital Image Watermarking Using Both Grayscale and Binary Watermark in DFWHT Domain, 112-115, 8th IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2014) from 20-22 December 2014 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2014
2568 Santanu Datta, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Mobile Sink Management for Nonuniformly Distributed Sensor Node Coverage Using a Game Theoretic Approach, 235, 311-319, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014
2569 SudipGhosh, ArijitBiswas,Santi P Maity and HafizurRahaman, Design of A Low Complexity and Fast Hardware Architecture for Digital Image Watermarking in FWHT Domain on FPGA, 68-72, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014) from December 15 - 17, 2014 at NIT Surathkal, Mangalore,India., 2014
2570 Indrajit Banerjee, Suriti Chakrabarti, Arunava Bhattacharyya, Utsav Ganguly, An Energy Aware Routing Design to Maximize Lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network with a Mobile Base Station, 2135-2141, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014, 2014
2571 SudipGhosh, Nachiketa Das, SubhajitDas,Santi P Maity and HafizurRahaman, FPGA and SoC Based VLSI Architecture of Reversible Watermarking Using Rhombus Interpolation By Difference Expansion, 1-6, 11th IEEE India Conference INDICON 2014 from 11th to 13th December 2014 at Yashada,Pune,India, 2014
2572 S. Roy, N. Banerjee, P. Bhattacharyya, C. K. Sarkar, Humidity Sensitive Characteristics of Pd Dispersed ZnO Nanorod based Methanol Sensor, , 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials (CN 2014), January 14-16, Shenzhen, China, 2014
2573 S. Chatterjee and S. K. Ghosh, High Strength Steel: Present Perspective and Future Application, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET 2014), 17th to 19th December, IIEST, Shibpur, 2014
2574 Indrajit Banerjee, Bishakha Datta, Anamika Kumari, Shrabani Mandal, Compact Clustering Based Geometric Tour Planning for Mobile Data Gathering Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Network, 2098-2104, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014
2575 Pranab Roy,Aatreyi Bal,Tamosa Chakraborty,Mriganka Chakraborty, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Optical detection in Biochips: A fuzzy based detection analyzer for homogeneous samples in DMFBs, IEEE CYBER,Hongkong,China,2014(accepted), 2014
2576 P. Bhattacharyya, A. Hazra, B. Bhowmik, K. Dutta, Effect of Stoichiometry Variation on Alcohol Sensing Properties of Electrochemically Grown TiO2 nanotubes, European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 30), 2014, Antalya, Turkey31August -5 September, 2014
2577 Rik Chattopadhyay, Arindam Haldar, Mukul C Paul, Shyamal Das, Shyamal K Bhadra, Fluorescence enhancement in Tm-Yb-Ag codoped fiber by super-radiance, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 2014
2578 Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Hafijur Rahaman, EFDR: Effective Fault Detection and Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 40(2), 291-306, Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014
2579 Pranab Roy, Aatreyi Bal, Mahua Raha Patra, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Automated two stage detection and analyzer system in Multipartitioned Digital Microfluidic Biochips, IEEE,ISCAS ,Melbourne,Australia, 2014 (accepted), 2014
2580 K. Dutta, S. Das, N. Banerjee, D. Acharyya, P.P. Chattopadhyay, P. Bhattacharyya, Methanol Sensing Performance of Two Different ZnO Nanoflowers Grown by CBD Method: A Comparative Study, European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 30), 2014, Antalya, Turkey, 31 August -5 September, 2014
2581 Surajit Bose, Rik Chattopadhyay, Tushar Biswas, Mrinmay Pal, Shyamal K Bhadra, Multimodal characteristics of supercontinuum light generated in nonlinear photonic crystal fiber, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 2014
2582 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, J. Wang, and R. S. Sherratt, Obstacle Avoidance Routing Scheme through Optimal Sink Movement for Home Monitoring and Mobile Robotic Consumer Devices, 60 (4), 596-606, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, 2014, 2014
2583 Rajrup Ghosh, Dipanjan Ghosh, Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee, Effect of data availability at different resolutions on air quality monitoring, 16-19, CALCON, 2014
2584 Pranab Roy,Hafizur Rahaman,Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A layout based customized testing technique for total microfluidic operations in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, IEEE,DDECS,Warsaw,Poland,2014(accepted), 2014
2585 Arnab Hazra, Partha Bhattacharyya, Modulation of Alcohol Sensing Performance of Anodically Grown TiO2 Nanotube Array by a Novel Stoichiometry Variation Technique, Young Scientist Colloquium-2014, Organized by Materials Research Society of India (Kolkata chapter), 12th September, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics , Kolkata, India, 2014
2586 Nimisha Ghosh, Sanku Kumar Roy, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Path Determination Algorithm of Mobile Sinks for Energy Efficient Data Collection and Optimal Coverage in Wireless Sensor Network, 76-81, International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2014
2587 Suvendu Chattaraj and Abhik Mukherjee, Efficient in-flight transfer alignment using evolutionary strategy based particle filter algorithm, ICINCO Vienna, 2014
2588 Pranab Roy,Samadrita Bhattacharya,Rupam Bhattacharya,Firdousi Jamil Imam,Hafizur Rahaman,Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A novel wire planning technique for optimum pin utilization in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, Proc. of 27th IEEE International conference of VLSI Design,2014,Mumbai,India., 2014
2589 Debanjan Acharyya, Partha Bhattacharyya, Development of efficient BTX sensor based on ZnO nanoflower like structures, Young Scientist Colloquium-2014, Organized by Materials Research Society of India (Kolkata chapter), 12th September, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics , Kolkata, 2014
2590 Suvendu Chattaraj and Abhik Mukherjee, Particle filter based attitude matching algorithm for in-flight transfer alignment, ICECE Dhaka, 2014
2591 Debanjan Acharyya, Nabaneeta Banerjee, Partha Bhattacharyya, A comparative study on methanol sensing performance of ZnO nanoflower and nanorod based resistive devices, IEEE SENSORS 2014, Valancia, Spain, 2nd -5th November, 2014
2592 Jagadish Kundu and Abhik Mukherjee, Implementation of Software Cybernetics for Efficient Resource Usage in Software Maintenance Project, 4, 331--334, EAIT, 2014
2593 B. Bhowmik, A. Hazra, K. Dutta, P. Bhattacharyya, Nanocrystalline p-TiO2 based MIS device for efficient acetone detection, IEEE SENSORS 2014, Valencia, Spain, 2nd -5th November, 2014
2594 Monosij Maitra and Abhik Mukherjee, Convergence of the min-sum decoding scheme for LDPC codes from a dynamical systems perspective, 4, EAIT, 2014
2595 Nabaneeta Banerjee, Debanjan Acharyya, Partha Bhattacharyya, Growth, Characterizations and Methanol Sensing Performance of ZnO Nanoflowers Grown By CBD Method, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET), IIEST, India, 17-19December, 2014
2596 Biswanath Sethi and Nazim Fatès and Sukanta Das, Reversibility of Elementary Cellular Automata under Fully Asynchronous Update, 8402, 39--49, Theory and Applications of Models of Computation - 11th Annual Conference, {TAMC} 2014, Chennai, India, April 11-13, 2014. Proceedings, 2014
2597 Koushik Dutta, Partha Pratim Chattopadhyay, Partha Bhattacharyya, Effect of Wall Thickness Variations of TiO2 Nanotubes on Benzene Sensing, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET), IIEST, India, 17-19 December, 2014
2598 Bibhash Sen, Manojit Dutta, Rijoy Mukherjee and Biplab K Sikdar, Design of Fault Tolerant Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Logic Primitives, 22-26, 40th Int'l Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, Lausanne, 2014
2599 Nazma Naskar and Sumit Adak and Pradipta Maji and Sukanta Das, Synthesis of Non-uniform Cellular Automata Having only Point Attractors, 8751, 105--114, Cellular Automata - 11th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, {ACRI} 2014, Krakow, Poland, September 22-25, 2014. Proceedings, 2014
2600 Nabaneeta Banerjee, Sunipa Roy, Chandan K. Sarkar, Partha Bhattacharyya, Effect of Relative Humidity on Pd Modified ZnO Nanorod based Methanol Sensor, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET), IIEST, India, 17-19 December, 2014
2601 Bibhash Sen, Rijoy Mukherjee, Rajdeep Kumar Nath and Biplab K Sikdar, Design of Fault Tolerant Universal Logic in QCA, 1-6, 5th International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED), 2014
2602 Kestens, Leo A. I. and Ghosh, Manojit and Miroux, Alexis, Effect of Temperature and Deformation Mode on Texture Evolution of AA6061, 8, Proceedings of the International Conference on International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering and Manufacturing, 2014
2603 Mamata Dalui and Biplab K Sikdar, CA Based Scalable Protocol Processor for Chip Multiprocessors, 161-165, 5th International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED), 2014
2604 Bibhash Sen, Aman Agarwal, Rajdeep K Nath, Rijoy Mukherjee and Biplab K Sikdar, Efficient design of fault tolerant tiles in QC, 1-6, Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON 2014), 2014
2605 Baisakhi Das, Mousimi Saha, Sukanta Das and Biplab K Sikdar, A CA Based Scheme Of Cache Zone Prediction for Data Migration In CMPs, Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON 2014), 2014
2606 Ghosh S, Guha A and Chakrabarti S, Numerical Study of a Modified Dump Combustor, 127-133, Proc. of International Symposium on Aspects of Mechanical Engineering and Technology for Industry, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli (Itanagar), Arunachal Pradesh, In, 2014
2607 R.N. De, Application of Quality Cost and Six Sigma in a small scale industry, Proceedings of International Conference on IEOM organized by Society of IEOM at Bali, Indonesia, January, 2014., 2014
2608 R.N.De, Application of ISO: 9001:2008 in Academic Institution, Proceedings of International Conference on IEOM organized by Society of IEOM at Bali, Indonesia, January, 2014., 2014
2609 Atanu Mondal and Sulata Mitra, Dynamic and Distributed Channel Congestion Control Strategy in VANET, 1697-1703, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2014
2610 Sanchayita Nag, Sampad Mukherjee, pH dependent study of structural and optical properties of Fe2O3 nanocrystal, CMDAYS-14., 2014
2611 Mohan, P. Mangalam, A. Chattopadhyay, S . J. H. Fan, Y. Liu, A. C. Gupta, & Z. Q. Shen., Parametric models of the periodogram, J. Astrophysics & Astronomy, Special Issue (Proceedings of a meeting entitled “Variability of Blazars: From Jansky to Fermi” held in Guangzhou, China, December 14–16, 2012), 2014
2612 Viswanadham, BVS and Guha, A and Sudarshan, BV and Kundu, S and Bhattacherjee, Dipankana, Centrifuge model tests on the measurement of impact energy on bridge pier foundations embedded in sand, 2, 1061--1066, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2014), Perth, Australia, 14-17 January 2014, Gaudin & White (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group (Pubs.), 2014
2613 Chaudhuri A. & Das, S., An agile city for fragile people, Int. Symp. on Megacities, Kolkata, India., 2014
2614 Roy M. and Sengupta M., Application of FPGA based PLL in a CSI fed induction heating prototype, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2615 Bhattacherjee, Dipankana and BVS, Viswanadham, Some studies on the performance of geocomposite reinforced slopes subjected to rainfall, 2, 1153--1159, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia, 14-17 January 2014, Gaudin & White (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group (Pubs.), 2014
2616 Santanu Maity et al., Improvement of solar cell efficiency and better contacts through singular texturization approach, CIEC14-CFP, IEEE, 2014
2617 Das, S., Role of phase change materials (PCM) in energy efficiency through thermal storage., IEI 29th Natl. Convention of Arch. Engineers: Innovative World of Construction Materials, Kolkata, India, 2014
2618 Barman B. and Sengupta M., Design, fabrication, simulation and testing of an repulsion type levitation prototype, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2619 Bhaumik ,S., Das, P.K, Response of R/C Asymmetric Community Structures Under Near-Fault Motion, Advances in Structural Engineering, Dynamics, Volume Two, 955-962, Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2014), An International Meet, 2014
2620 Santanu Maity et al., Improvement of front side contact of solar cell through Light Induced Plating without any external bias at different conditions, IEEE-kolkata, MICRO-2014, 2014
2621 Das, S., Effect of light on wellbeing of people from IT industry, Design for Sustainable Wellbeing: Indo-Dutch Int. Conf. on Design, Bangalore, India, 2014
2622 Nanda S.K. and Sengupta M.,, Design, Fabrication and Analytical Investigations on a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for different renewable energy applications, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2623 Paul, P., Das, P. K., Sarkar, P., Studies on Identifying Critical Joints in RC Framed Building Subjected to Seismic Loading, Advances in Structural Engineering, Dynamics, Volume Two, 977-988, Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2014), An International Meet, 2014
2624 Santanu Maity et al., Reduction of reflectance at c-silicon solar cell using nanotexturization, P-349-351, ICDCS-2014, IEEE, 2014
2625 Paitandi S. and Sengupta M.,, Design, Fabrication and Parameter Evaluation of a Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2626 Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C., Optimization of process parameters in submerged arc Welding using multi-objectives Taguchi method, Proceedings in the 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), 2014
2627 Santanu Maity et al., Modeling and Simulation of Solar cell Depending on temperature and light intensity, APCMET-2014, 2014
2628 Mukherjee P. and Sengupta M.,, Design, Fabrication and Parameter Calculation of a Brush-less DC Motor, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2629 Mondal, S. C. and Kundu, S., Application of Process Capability Indices to Measure Performance of a Multistage Manufacturing Process, Proceedings in the 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), 2014
2630 Kundu J., Sengupta M. and Sengupta A, Design, modelling, fabrication and control of an attraction type levitation prototype, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2631 Ghadai, R. K., Behera, R. R. and Mondal, S. C., Modeling Electrical Discharge Machining Process using Artificial Neural Network for the Machining of Special Steel WP7V, Proceedings in the 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), 2014
2632 Dey N. C., Nath S., Sharma G. D., Adaptive changes in cardiovascular homeostasis due to heat acclimatization in underground coal miners of eastern India, 491-502, International symposium on environmental management and current practices in Mining & Allied Industries, BHU-IIT, 2014
2633 Kar A., Sengupta M. and Barman B.,, Design, Fabrication, Simulation and Testing of A Phase Modulated Resonant Transition Converter, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2634 Mondal, S. C. and Mandal, P., Application of Artificial Neural Network for Modelling Surface Roughness in Centerless Grinding Operation, Proceedings in the 5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), 2014
2635 Banerjee R., Sengupta M. and Dalapati S.,, Design and implementation of Current Mode Control in a Switched Reluctance Drive, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES- 2014), IIT Bombay, 2014
2636 Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C., Application of Grey Relational Analysis for the Optimization of Multi-performance Characteristics in Submerged Arc Welding, Proceedings in the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET 2014), 2014
2637 Santanu Maity et al., Dual band operation Using Metamaterial Structure for Radio Frequency Identi?cation (RFID) system, ICSPCT 2014, IEEE Delhi, 2014
2638 Santanu Maity et al., Meta material based patch antenna with omega shaped slot for RFID system, IEEE, ICART2014 (IEEE UP section, 2014
2639 Santanu Maity et al., Metamaterial-based miniaturized CPW band stop filter design on silicon substrate for microwave applications, IEEE(IEEE EDS), ICCICCT2014, 2014
2640 Karan Jain, Tanmay Pal and Srinivasu Maka, Stability issues in a cardiovascular circulation, IEEE Students' Technology Symposium, 2014
2641 Amitava Kundu and Pritha Das, Control of Chaos in a New Family of Four-DCNNs, National Conf Nonlinear Dyn, Analysis & Optim. JU UGC- DSA, 2014., 2014
2642 Tanmay Pal, Karan Jain and Srinivasu Maka, Stability analysis of Human Respiratory System, IEEE Students' Technology Symposium, 2014
2643 S. Mohanty, S. Chatterjee, S. K. Dwivedy, Analysis of Hybrid Vibration Absorber with Piezoelectric Actuator, International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM 2014), IIT Kharagpur, India (2014) 2014. ISBN: 978-93-80813-30-1, 2014
2644 D. Sarkar, A. Upadhyaya, A.B. Choudhury and D. Roy, Performance analysis of a saturated iron core superconducting fault current limiter using different core materials, 387-391, Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication (CIEC), 2014 International Conference ,Jan. 31 2014-Feb. 2 2014, 2014
2645 A Kundu and Pritha Das, Role of delay in a chaotic cellular neural network model, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2014, 2014
2646 J. De, S. Bhattacharjee, S. Dhar, S. K. Acharyya, S. K. Gupta and S. Tarafdar, Finite Element Simulation of Multi-Axial Low Cycle Fatigue of Material SA333, 86, 158 – 165, International Conference on Structural Integrity, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, 2014 (Procedia Engineering), 2014
2647 Gargee Bhattacharyya, Sharmistha Shee, Pranab Kishore Dutta and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Influence of Mole Fraction Variation of Binary Metal Gate on SON MOSFET Device Performance, Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering ,” ICAEE, 2014
2648 Saheli Sarkhel, Bibhas Manna and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “ A compact capacitive Approach based threshold voltage Modelling and Performance Comparison of a novel UBR MOSFET with SOI MOSFET, ICDCS 2014, 2014
2649 Biswabandhu Jana, Anindya Jana,Subhramita Basak, J.K.Sing and Subir Kumar, Design And Performance analysis of reversible logic based ALU using hybrid Single Electron Transistor, RAECS- 2014, 2014
2650 Subhramita Basak, Priyanka Saha, Subir Kumar Sarkar, “A Semi 2D Analytical Vth Model Junctionless Double Gate Nanoscale Silicon on Nothing (JLDG- SON)MOSFET, JLDG- SON)MOSFET, 2014
2651 Priyanka Saha, Subhramita Basak, Subir Kumar Sarkar, Performance Analysis of a High Speed, Energy Efficient 4x4 Dynamic RAM Cell Array using 32 nm fully depleted SOI/ SON and CNFET, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences, March, 2014., 2014
2652 J. Bag, S. Roy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, FPGA Implementation of Advanced Health Care system using Zig-Bee enabled RFID Technology, IACC 2014, 2014
2653 Meher, KC; Swain, RK; Chanda, CK;, Modified GSO for combined economic emission load dispatch with valve-point effects, 6-Jan, 2014 International Conference on Advances in Electronics Computers and Communications, 2014
2654 J. Bag, S. Roy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Realization of a Low power Sensor node processor for wireless sensor network and its VLSI Implementation, IACC 2014, 2014
2655 Sharmistha Shee, Gargee Bhattacharyya, Pranab Kishore Dutta and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “Quantum Confinement Effects in the Subthreshold Characteristics of Short-Channel DMDG MOSFET, CIEC14, 2014
2656 Mukherjee, S., Ghosh, R., 2014, ‘Nyalam detachment’, ‘Nyalam shear zone’ and ‘Nyalam Thrust’ within the Greater Himalayan Crystallines, South central Tibet, pp.78, TSG-Annual Meeting, Cardiff University, 2014
2657 A. Banerjee and S. P. Maity, Energy Detection Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing using Fuzzy Conditional Entropy Maximization, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS 2014), New Delhi, India, 2014
2658 Chattopadhyay, Tapan Kumar; Banerjee, Sumit; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Voltage stability analysis of distribution networks under critical loading conditions, 5-Jan, 2014 POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 2014
2659 Sharmistha Shee, Gargee Bhattacharyya, Pranab Kishore Dutta and Subir Kumar Sarkar, “Threshold voltage roll-off and DIBL Model for DMDG SON MOSFET: A Quantum Study, IEEE TechSym 2014, 2014
2660 Pallabi Bhattacharya ,Abhinandan Khan, Souvik Sarkar and Subir Kumar Sarkar, An Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Based Global Routing Technique, (CIEC 14, 2014
2661 H. K. Maity, S. P. Maity and T. Bhattacharya, Prediction based Reversible Watermarking with Contrast Modification, IEEE international Image Processing Applications and Systems conference (IPAS'14), November, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2014
2662 Abhinandan Khan, Pallabi Bhattacharya and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Swarm Based Global Routing Optimization Scheme, ICAEE’2014, 2014
2663 Bijoy Kantha, Anup Dey and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Comparative Study on the influence of Pd-Ag and Au contacts on WO3 thin film sensor for the Application of Hydrogen Sensing, ICRTET’14, 2014
2664 Souvik Sen , Subhashis Roy and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Proposal for Enhancing Museum Visiting Experience Implementing Active RFID Technology, IEEE conference, 2014
2665 A. Ray, S. P. Maity and H. K. Maity, On Maximization of Fuzzy Entropy for MR Image Segmentation at Compressed Sensing,, IEEE international Image Processing Applications and Systems conference (IPAS'14), November, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2014
2666 A.Panda, S.Roy, S.Sen, J.Bag, B. Kantha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design and Hardware Implementation of Passive RFID Based System to enhance Museum visiting experience, ICACC-2014, 2014
2667 Budhkar, A. K. and Maurya, A.K., Modeling of Bidirectional Mixed Traffic Stream with Weak Lane Discipline, In: Proceedings of 93rd Annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting during Jan 12-14, 2014, Washington D.C., 2014
2668 Subhashis Roy, Joyashree Bag and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design and VLSI Implementation of a Robot Navigation Processor deploying CORDIC based Anti-collission Algorithm with RFID Technology, IEEE INDICON, 2014
2669 T. Bhattacharya, S. P. Maity and H. K. Maity, Progressive Quality Access through Secret Sharing and Data Hiding Scheme, IEEE international Image Processing Applications and Systems conference (IPAS'14), November, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2014
2670 Bijoy Kantha, Anup Dey and Subir Kumar Sarkar, n-WO3 thin film sensor with Pd-Ag contact for hydrogen sensing application, IEEE INDICON, 2014
2671 S. Chakraborti, NS Ajeesh Kumar and S. Bhattacharjya, Robust Design Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures Including Parameter Uncertainty, In Proc. of SEC 2014, V. Matsagar (ed.), Modeling, Simulation and Analysis, IIT Delhi, India, Dec, 2014
2672 Bijoy Kantha, Anup Dey and Subir Kumar Sarkar, n-WO3 thin film sensor with Pd-Ag contact for hydrogen sensing application, NSTF & MT-14, 2014
2673 S. Bhattacharjya, and S. Chakraborti, Probabilistic Robust Design Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures incorporating Parameter Uncertainty”, National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences (NCETAS 2014), February 15-16, 2014 Modern Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Hooghly, India (Obtained session's best paper award), 2014
2674 A. Bose, S. P. Maity and C. Delpha, On Improved Spread Spectrum Watermark Detection under Compressive Sampling, 5th European Conference European workshop on Visual Information Processing, Paris, France, 2014
2675 D. Sarkar, A. Upadhyaya, A.B. Choudhury and D. Roy, Performance analysis of a saturated iron core superconducting fault current limiter using different core materials, 387-391, International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication (CIEC), 2014, 2014
2676 . Mandira Chowdhury, Abhishek Basu and Subir Kumar Sarkar,, System Design Using Visual Information Hiding, IEEE CALCON 2014, 2014
2677 A. Biswas, B.P. Mukhopadhyay, T. Banerjee, P. Mazumdar, A. Thorie, Sedimentation Modelling as a proxy tool for reconstruction of a Falling Stage System Tract on a Proterozoic Carbonate Ramp: Evidence from Simla Group, Western Lesser Himalaya, India, 19th International Sedimentological Congress (ISC 2014), Geneva, Switzerland,, 2014
2678 A. Ray and S. P. Maity, CS Reconstructed MR image Segmentation using Morpholigical Enhancement and FCM, 4th International Conference of Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2014), December 19-21, Kolkata, India, 2014
2679 Abhishek Basu, Arindam Saha, Jeet Das, Sandipta Roy,Sushavan Mitra, Indranil Mal and Subir Kumar Sarkar, On the Implementation of a Digital Watermarking based on Phase Congruency, FICTA-2014, 2014
2680 Amit Jain, Arpita Ghosh, N. Basanta Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Single Electron Threshold Logic Based Neuron Cell for Image Processing Application Based on CNN Architecture, NANOCON 2014, 2014
2681 S. Chatterjee, A. Banerjee, S. P. Maity and T. Acharya, Fuzzy C-Means Clustering in Energy Detection for Cooperative Spectral Sensing in Cognitive Radio System, 7th International Workshop on Multiple Access Communications, 27-28th August, Halmstad, Sweden, 2014
2682 S. K. Singh, K. Debnath, Structure of turbulence flow dynamics over a submerged cube, 29-31, International Conference of Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), IIT Kharagpur., 2014
2683 Arpita Ghosh, Amit Jain and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Low power binary multiplier using SET-CMOS hybrid, NANOCON 2014, 2014
2684 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Turbulence characteristics in the wake region of single and double in-line hemispherical obstacles in the presence of surface waves, International Conference of Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), IIT Kharagpur., 2014
2685 Arpita Ghosh, Amit Jain, N. Basanta Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design and implementation of SET-CMOS hybrid half subtractor, 2014, 2014
2686 Bhattacharyya, B. and Dalui, S. K, Along and Across Wind Effects on Irregular Plan Shaped Tall Building, 1445-1460, International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, December, 20-21, 2014. IIT Delhi, India., 2014
2687 S. Sil Kar, S. P. Maity and Claude Delpha, Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Using Curvelet Transform and Conditional Fuzzy Entropy, 22nd IEEE European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1-5, 2014
2688 S. K. Singh, K. Debnath, Laboratory investigation of turbulent flow structure over a submerged cubic obstacle, 14-B-681/23, International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), IIT Kanpur, 2014
2689 Arpita Ghosh, Amit Jain , N. Basanta Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Comparative Study of Single electron threshold logic based and SET-MOS hybrid based half subtractor, ICCACCS 2014, 2014
2690 Kheyari, P. and Dalui, S. K, Interference effects on tall building under wind excitation for various wind incidence angle using CFD code, 817-823, Proc. of 3rd World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology, 27-29 September, 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-0-7, 2014
2691 K. Barman, K. Debnath, Effect of Submergence around hemispherical obstacle, International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), IIT Kanpur, 2014
2692 Bijoy Kantha, Subhashis Roy, Anup Dey and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Influence of Pd surface sensitization on Ethanol vapour sensing performance of WO3–Si based thin film sensor, ICAMET, 2014
2693 Bairagi, A.K. and Dalui, S. K, Evaluation of interference effects on parallel high-rise buildings for different orientation using CFD, 764-774, Proc. of 3rd World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology, 27-29 September, 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, ISBN 13: 978-81-930222-0-7, 2014
2694 Bijoy Kantha, Anup Dey, Subhashis Roy, and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Influence of Pd-Ag contact and Al contact on Pd- modified WO3 thin film sensor for detection of hydrogen gas, ICMEMSS-2014, 2014
2695 Bhattacharyya, B. and Dalui, S. K, Comparative study between regular and irregular plan shaped tall building under wind excitation by numerical technique, 10-15, National Conference on Innovations in Design &Construction of Industrial Structures (IDCIS, 2014), April 3-5, 2014. NIT Durgapur. W.B. India, 2014
2696 Sudipta Mukherjee, Biswabandhu Jana, Anindya Jana, Jamuna Kanta Sing and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Hybrid Single Electron Transistor based Octal to Binary Encoder in 22 nanometer technology, ICCICCT-2014, 2014
2697 Sudipta Mukherjee , Anindya Jana and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Hybrid Single Electron Transistor based Low Power Consuming BCD Adder Circuit in 65 Nanometer Technology”, Published by Springer in “Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ICCACCS 2014, 2014
2698 Sudipta Mukherjee , Anindya Jana and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Hybrid Single Electron Transistor based Low Power Consuming Odd Parity Generator & Parity Checker circuit in 22 nanometer technology, ICCIDM-2014, 2014
2699 . Sudipta Mukherjee, Tahesin Samira Delwar, Anindya Jana and Subir Kumar Sarkar, ,” Hybrid Single Electron Transistor based Low Power Consuming 4-bit Parallel Adder/Subtractor circuit in 65 nanometer technology, ICCIT-2014, 2014
2700 Prodip Kumar Sarkar, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, An Efficient responses surface method for seismic fragility analysis of existing building frame, 15th SEE, 2014
2701 S. Sil Kar, S. P. Maity and Claude Delpha, 'On Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Using Curvelet Transform and Differential Evolution Based Maximum Fuzzy Entropy', 21 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2014, Paris, France, October 27-30,, 2014
2702 Dipan Bandyopadhyay and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Graphene Nano-ribbon based Schottky Barrier Diode as an Electric Field Sensor, ICCIDM-2014, 2014
2703 Swarup Ghosh, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Non-linear seismic response of structures under recorded, simulated and synthetic accelerograms for North Eastern region of India, 15th SEE, 2014
2704 Tapas Chakrabarti, Rudrarup Sengupta, Vurikiti Prashant, Subhrajeet Dutta and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Modelling of High Efficiency AlGaInP Based Pin Solar Cells with Comparative Analysis, ICAMET) 2014, 2014
2705 Abdur Rahaman Sardar, Moutushi Singh, Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Koushik Majumder, Jamuna Kanta Sing and Subir Kumar Sarkar, An Efficient Ant Colony Based Routing algorithm for Better Quality of Services in MANET, Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of CSI, 2014
2706 Roy, T.K., Study on the performance of bitumen with addition of plastic waste and crumb rubber, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG) & 33. Baugrundtagung, Berlin, Germany, 2014
2707 Rama Debbarma; Subrata Chakraborty, stochastic earthquake vibration control of structures using tuned liquid column damper under random uncertain parameters: a reliability based approach, SEC, 2014
2708 Tiya Dey Malakar, Suman Basu, Partha Bhattacharyya and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Computationally Comprehensive and Efficient Generalized Poisson’s Solution for Better Nanoscale SOI MOSFET, Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, Bhopal, 14-16 Nov., 2014., 2014
2709 . Moutushi Singh, Abdur Rahaman Sardar, Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Koushik Majumder, Sudhabindu Ray and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Lightweight Trust Model for Clustered WSN, (FICTA) 2014, 2014
2710 Ankita Pramanik,Arnab Chakraborty and Rekha A. B, Accuracy of GNSS receivers under various Satellite tracking and frequency of operations in India, ISRO - A National Conference on Applications and Challenges in Space Based Navigation, 2013
2711 Ankita Pramanik, Gangamma Patil and Lotiswar Borman, New 0.86 rate Quasi-Cyclic LDPC code for radio application, 01 -- 05, International Conference on Information Technology, Electronics and Communications, 2013
2712 Ankita Pramanik, Gangamma Patil and Lotiswar Borman, Small length Quasi-Cyclic LDPC code for wireless applications, 01 -- 05, Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas, 2013
2713 Anil K Shaw, Swanirbhar Majumder,Subir Kumar Sarkar, Hardware implementation of SVD, IET India Summit, 2013
2714 Arnab Chakraborty, Ankita Pramanik and Rekha A. Baradol, Study of RTK performance of GNSS receivers under various Satellite tracking and frequency of operations, 01 -- 05, Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas, 2013
2715 Deepon Saha, Kousik Naskar, Saheli Sarkhel, Bibhas Manna and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Device Circuit Co-Design of FD-SON MOSFET using BSIMSOI MOSFET Model, CONECCT 2013, 2013
2716 Swati Rathore, Ankita Pramanik and K. J. Prasad, Binary offset carrier modulation for wireless radio communication, 154 - 157, International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2013
2717 Deepon Saha, P.Saha, K.Naskar, A.Jain and Subir Kumar Sarkarv, Comparative study and analysis of 32-nm SOI/SON and CNFET based 4 x 4 SRAM cell array, IEEE conference, 2013
2718 Ankita Pramanik, Gangamma Patil and Lotiswar Borman, New High Rate LDPC codes for radio applications, 01 -- 05, International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies, 2013
2719 Saheli Sarkhel, Bibhas Manna and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Analytical Potential Distribution Model of Symmetric Double Gate Underlap MOSFET with Binary Metal Alloy as Gate Electrode for Subdued SCEs, AICERA, 2013
2720 Ankita Pramanik, Gangamma Patil and Lotiswar Borman, Small length DVB-S2 type LDPC Codes, International Conference on Technical and Managerial Innovation in Computing and Communications in Industry and Academia, 2013
2721 Anindya Jana, J.K. Singh and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Realization of Gate performance of OR gate using hybrid Pass transistor based logic circuit, AICERA, 2013
2722 Ayan Chatterjee, Susanta Kumar Parui, A Multi-Layered Band-Pass Frequency Selective Surface Designed for Ku Band Applications, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference, Bhubaneswar, India, December 18-20, 2013., 2013
2723 Pragadeeswaran, Ankita Pramanik and Lotiswar Borman, Binary Offset Carrier Modulation for a 38.4 kbps Radio, 01 -- 05, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control, Signal Processing and Computing Applications, 2013
2724 Kousik Naskar and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Study of power dissipation and delay of two dimensional SOI-SON based MOSFET inverter, AICERA, 2013
2725 Bappaditya Mandal, Bhupesh Mukherjee, Ayan Chatterjee, Susanta Kr. Parui, Design of Printed Body Wearable Textile Antenna for Broadband Application, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference, Bhubaneswar, India, December 18-20, 2013, 2013
2726 Biswabandhu Jana, Anindya Jana, Jamuna Kanta Sing and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Realization of Static Write Margin of Hybrid SET-CMOS based 6-T SRAM cell, Michael Faraday IET India Summit, 2013
2727 Bhupesh Mukherjee, Bappaditya Mandal, Susanta Kr. Parui, Santanu Das, Coplanar Waveguide Fed Wide Band Modified Rectangular Slot Antenna for UWB Application, IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference, Bhubaneswar, India, December 18-20, 2013, 2013
2728 Joyashree Bag and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design and VLSI Implementation of an Automatic home surveillance system using Zigbee technology, International Conference on Computation and Communication Advancement, 2013
2729 Biswarup Rana, and Susanta Kumar Parui, Design Of SIW Series fed Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Linear Array Antenna, IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA October, 2013, 2013
2730 Abhinandan Khan, Sulagna Laha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Novel Particle Swarm Optimization approach for VLSI Routing, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, 2013
2731 Patel, S.B.; Ghosh, T.; Dutta, A.; Singh, S, Stress analysis in 3D IC having Thermal Throug Silicon Vias (TTSV), Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2013
2732 Ayan Chatterjee, Susanta Kumar Parui, A Multi-layered Broadband Frequency Selective Surface for X and Ku band Applications, 284-287, International Conference on Technical and Managerial Innovation in Computing and Communications in Industry and Academia (IEMCON), Kolkata, India August 23-24, 2013, 2013
2733 Sulagna Laha, Jaideep Chowdhury, Abhinandan Khan and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A watermarking Scheme based on singular value decomposition and particle swarm optimization, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, 2013
2734 Biswarup Rana, Chandan Kumar Ghosh and Susanta Kumar Parui, Design of Dielectric Resonator Loaded Slot Antenna, 218-22, IEEE Indian Antenna Week: A workshop on Advanced Antenna Technology, Aurangabad, IAW 2013 June, 2013, 2013
2735 Amit Jain, Arpita Ghosh, P.Saha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, On Reliability and Stability Analysis of Single Electronics Circuits, ETMN 2013, 2013
2736 Joyashree Bag, Rajanna K.M. and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Data security for EPC Gen-2: VLSI Design and its FPGA Implementation, ACCT2013, 2013
2737 Amit Jain, Arpita Ghosh, Priyanka Saha and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design and Simulation of Hybrid SET-MOS pass Transistor Based Universal Logic Gates, ICECCN 2013, 2013
2738 Arpita Ghosh, Amit Jain and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Implementation of Programmable Logic Array using SET-CMOS Hybrid Approach, ICECCN, 2013
2739 AS Chakraborty, M Chanda, CK Sarkar, Analysis of noise margin of CMOS inverter in sub-threshold regime, IEEE, Students Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES), 2013
2740 Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Moutushi Singh, Abdur Rahaman Sardar, Sharmila Mohaptra and Subir Kumar Sarkar, TREE- CR: Trust Based secure and energy efficient clustering in WSN, ICECCN, 2013
2741 Samit Biswas and AmitKumar Das, Text segmentation from land map images, 8251, 521-529, In Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence of Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, 2013
2742 Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Moutushi Singh, Biswa Mohan Sahoo, Koushik Majumder, Sudhabindu Ray and Subir Kumar Sarkar,, A Light Weight Trust based Secure and Energy Efficient Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network: Honey Bee Mating Intelligence Approach, ISSN 2212, 2013
2743 Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Abdur Rahaman Sardar ,Moutushi Singh,, Sudhabindu Ray and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Trust Based Secure and Energy Efficient Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network: A Bee Mating Approach, PreMI,, 2013
2744 Joyashree Bag and Subir Kumar Sarkar, VLSI Implementation of a fully automated car parking management system using RFID technology, MICS 2013, 2013
2745 Arpita Ghosh, Amit Jain and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Design and simulation of Single electron threshold logic gate based PLA, CIMTA, 2013
2746 Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Moutushi Singh,Biswa Mohan Sahoo,Koushik Majumder,Sudhabindu Ray and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Light Weight Trust Based Secure and Energy Efficient Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network: Honey Bee Mating Intelligence Approac, CIMTA, 2013
2747 De, Arunava; Bhattacharjee, Anup Kumar; Chanda, Chandan Kumar; Maji, Bansibadan;, Registration of progressively transmitted MR with lesions in brain, 1201-1205, 2013 International Conference on Circuits, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), 2013
2748 Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo and Subir Kumar Sarkar,, A light weight Trust Based secure and Energy Efficient Clustering in wireless sensor Networks: Honey Bee Mating Intelligent Approach, PreMI, 2013
2749 Roy S., Biswas J., Panda D., Deb A., Bhowmik S., Khutia N., Roy Chowdhury A., Finite element study on crack development of titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) specimen, Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics, Indian Conference on Applied Mechanics, INCAM-2013, 4th to 6th July, IIT Madras, 2013
2750 Biswabandhu Jana, Anindya Jana , J.K.Sing and Subir Kumar Sarkar, Realization of static write margin of hybrid SET-CMOS based 6-T SRAM cell, IET Michael Faraday India Summit, 2013
2751 Das P., Khutia N., Dey P.P., Sensitivity analysis of Chaboche parameter for characterization of cyclic plasticity behavior, International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE-2013), IIT Chennai, Pages 465-470, 2013
2752 Gargee Bhattacharyya, Sharmistha Shee, Pranab Kishore Dutta and Subir Kumar Sarkar, A Quantum Analytical Model for Inversion Current in Short Channel DMDG SON MOSFET, IWPSD, 2013
2753 Khutia N., Dey P. P., Optimization of input material parameters for Ohno-Wang hardening model using Genetic Algorithm, Pages 574-579, International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering (CAE-2013), IIT Chennai, 19th to 21st December, 2013
2754 I. Dutta, R. Banerjee, S. DasBit, Energy Efficient Audio Compression Scheme Based on Red Black Wavelet Lifting for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, 1070-1075, ICACCI, 2013
2755 Roy, S.K., Ghosh, A, Bera, A.K., and Chakraborty, S., Load settlement behaviour of Jute geotextile reinforced subgrade of rural road using ABAQUES, 61-72, National Seminar on Jute Geotextiles, Calcutta, 2013, 2013
2756 S. Mondal, S, Patra, Bera, A.K.,, Effect of u / B ratio on bearing capacity of footing on reinforced sand: a FEM based analysis, IGC Roorkee, IGC 2013, 2013
2757 Xiaomin Lu, K.L.V. Iyer; K. Mukherjee, N. C. Kar, Study of permanent magnet machine based flywheel energy storage system for peaking power series hybrid vehicle control strategy, 1-7, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2013, 2013
2758 K. L. V. Iyer, X. Lu, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, Design of a Novel Copper-rotor Line Start Permanent Magnet Machine Tailoring Skin and Proximity Effects for Improved Starting Performance, Proc. of the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag-IEEE Conference, Chicago, USA, 2013., 2013
2759 X. Lu, K. L. V. Iyer, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, Development of a Novel Magnetic Circuit Model for Design of Premium Efficiency Three-Phase Line Start Permanent Magnet Machines with Improved Starting Performance, Proc. of the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag-IEEE Conference, Chicago, USA, 2013., 2013
2760 X. Lu, K. L. V. Iyer, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, A Novel Two-axis Theory based Approach towards Determination of Magnetizing Characteristics of Line Start Permanent Magnet Machine and its Effects on Stability and Starting Performance, Proc. of the 10th Latin American IEEE Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, and Their Applications, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013., 2013
2761 Subimal Bikash Chaudhury, M. Sengupta and K. Mukherjee, Air-gap flux analysis of misaligned induction motor under different load conditions, Paper ID 39 (Technical Session II: Motor Drives I), National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 2013., 2013
2762 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Distributed Multipath Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 241-247, IEEE Third International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, 2013
2763 Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Cluster Head Load Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 1727-1730, IEEE SENSOR 2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 Nov. 2013, 2013
2764 Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Quad Tree Approach for Obstacle Discovery and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks, 1362-1365, IEEE SENSOR 2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 Nov. 2013, 2013
2765 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, and Tuhina Samanta, Sensor Localization and Obstacle Boundary Detection Algorithm in WSN, Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC-2013), 29-31 August 2013, 2013
2766 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Fuzzy Based Dynamic Load Management Policy for Wireless Sensor Networks, 1665-1670, IEEE 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications & 2013 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (HPCC), China, 2013, 2013
2767 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Energy Efficient Fault Tolerance Multi path Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 20(2), 42-48, The Journal Posts and Telecommunications, (Elsevier), 2013
2768 Prasenjit Chanak, Hafijur Rahaman, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, FTMRS: Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 5(2), 33-45, Journal of wireless & Mobil Networks (JWMN), 2013
2769 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Distributed Multipath Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 241-247, IEEE Third International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, 2013
2770 Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Cluster Head Load Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 1727-1730, IEEE SENSOR 2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 Nov. 2013, 2013
2771 Kayal, Partha and Seena, Md Abu and Chanda, Chandan Kumar, Optimal location, type and size selection technique of distributed generation based on economic index, 989--994, 2013 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, 2013
2772 Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Quad Tree Approach for Obstacle Discovery and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks, 1362-1365, IEEE SENSOR 2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 Nov. 2013, 2013
2773 Das, D., Ray, K.K., Cryogenic processing to improve wear resistance of die steels, Paper ID: 384, 8 pages, Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies (AMPT2013) on CD-ROM; Sept. 22-26, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Session: 4 (Surface-1), 2013
2774 Tamaghna Acharya, Swagata Mandal and Santi P. Maity, Joint power and channel allocation for outage probability minimization in cognitive radio ad hoc networks, Fifth Int. Conf. on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS-2013) , Bangalore,India, 2013
2775 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, and Tuhina Samanta, Sensor Localization and Obstacle Boundary Detection Algorithm in WSN, Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC-2013), 29-31 August 2013, 2013
2776 Santi P. Maity, Seba Maity, Jaya Sil and Claude Delpha, Dynamic Allocation for Watermark Payload in MC-CDMA system under Fading Attack, Nineteenth National Conference On Communications, 15-17th February, IIT Delhi, India, 2013
2777 Kayal, Partha; Seena, Md Abu; Chanda, Chandan Kumar;, Optimal location, type and size selection technique of Distributed Generation based on economic index, 989-994, 2013 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, 2013
2778 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Fuzzy Based Dynamic Load Management Policy for Wireless Sensor Networks, 1665-1670, IEEE 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications & 2013 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (HPCC), China, 2013, 2013
2779 Shoubhik Chakraborty, Parveen Dhanuka, Anand Kumar and Santi P. Maity, Subcarrier and Power Allocation Scheme for Multiuser OFDM-based Cognitive Radio Systems, Nineteenth National Conference On Communications, 15-17th February, IIT Delhi, India, 2013
2780 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Energy Efficient Fault Tolerance Multi path Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 20(2), 42-48, The Journal Posts and Telecommunications, (Elsevier), 2013
2781 Hirak Maity, Santi P. Maity and Claude Delpha, A modified RCM for reversible watermarking with FPGA implementation, 4th European workshop on Visual Information Processing, June 10-12, Paris, France, 2013
2782 Prasenjit Chanak, Hafijur Rahaman, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, FTMRS: Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 5(2), 33-45, Journal of wireless & Mobil Networks (JWMN), 2013
2783 Santi P. Maity and Hirak Maity, M-ary Reversible Contrast Mapping in Reversible Watermarking with Optimal Distortion Control,, Fourth National Conf. on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics, IIT Jodhpur, India, 2013
2784 Sharma G.D., Dey N.C., Nath S., A glimpse on job heaviness of roof bolt drillers in eastern coalfields of India: A comparative approach, 312-322, International conference on Coal and Energy-Technological Advances and Future Challenges (CETAFC 2013),organized by Department of Mining Engineering, BESU Shibpur, 2013
2785 Sudip Ghosh, Somsubhra Talapatra, Navonil Chatterjee,Nagakumar Reddy, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, Multiplier-less VLSI Architecture of 1-D HilbertTransform pair using Biorthogonal Wavelets, 2nd IEEE International Conference of Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2013) ,University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2013
2786 Sudip Ghosh, Santi P. Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, Multiplier-less VLSI Architecture of 1-D Hilbert Transform pair using Biorthogonal Wavelets for QCM-SS image Watermarking, 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT- 2013 ) 20th -22nd September, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology(MNNIT), Allahabad, India, 2013
2787 Sudip Ghosh, Bijoy Kundu,Debopam Datta, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, Design and Implementation of Fast FPGA based Architecture for Reversible Watermarking, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT-2013) Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh, 2013
2788 Mitra, K., Invited Lecture at Inception Workshop for the studies towards Preparation of Compendiums for “greening” of rural housing, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, UNDP, and HUDCO. New Delhi, December 19, 2013., 2013
2789 S. S. Ray, A. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh, A Hierarchical High-throughput and Low Power Architecture for Longest Prefix Matching for Packet Forwarding, 628-631, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, (Available in IEEE Xplore Digital Library), Madurai 26th-28th Dec. 2013. Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-1594-1, 2013
2790 S. Ghosh, S. S. Ray, S. Mandal, High Through-put Scalable Query Processing Architecture using STCAM, 650-653, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, (Available in IEEE Xplore Digital Library), Madurai 26th-28th Dec. 2013, Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-1594-1, 2013
2791 Prasenjit Chanak, Hafijur Rahaman, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, FTMRS: Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 5(2), 33-45, Journal of wireless & Mobil Networks (JWMN), 2013
2792 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Energy Efficient Fault Tolerance Multi path Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network, 20(2), 42-48, The Journal Posts and Telecommunications, (Elsevier), 2013
2793 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Fuzzy Based Dynamic Load Management Policy for Wireless Sensor Networks, 1665-1670, IEEE 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications & 2013 IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (HPCC), China, 2013, 2013
2794 Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, and Tuhina Samanta, Sensor Localization and Obstacle Boundary Detection Algorithm in WSN, Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC-2013), 29-31 August 2013, 2013
2795 Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Quad Tree Approach for Obstacle Discovery and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks, 1362-1365, IEEE SENSOR 2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 Nov. 2013, 2013
2796 Sahoo A, Majumder S, Roychowdhury A, Dynamic response of knee-thigh-hip complex in seated posture during frontal impact, 11, 58th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (an International Conference)(ISTAM), 18-21 December 2013, BESU, Shibpur, 2013
2797 Arighna Deb, Debesh K Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Bhargab B Bhattacharya, Robert Wille, Rolf Drechsler, Reversible circuit synthesis of symmetric functions using a simple regular structure, 182-195, Reversible Computation: 5th International Conference, RC 2013, Victoria, BC, Canada, July 4-5, 2013. Proceedings 5, 2013
2798 Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, Cluster Head Load Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 1727-1730, IEEE SENSOR 2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 Nov. 2013, 2013
2799 Chatterjee S, Majumder S, Mondal P, Patwari M, Saha B, Bhattacharyya B, Roychoudhury A, Effective stiffness of customized hip implants: Incorporation of cavity, 9, 58th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (an International Conference)(ISTAM), 18-21 December 2013, BESU, Shibpur, 2013
2800 Kamalika Datta, Gaurav Rathi, Robert Wille, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Rolf Drechsler, Exploiting negative control lines in the optimization of reversible circuits, 209-220, Reversible Computation: 5th International Conference, RC 2013, Victoria, BC, Canada, July 4-5, 2013. Proceedings 5, 2013
2801 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Distributed Multipath Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks, 241-247, IEEE Third International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, 2013
2802 Roychowdhury A, Biswas JK, Karmakar SK, Majumder S, Banerjee PS, Saha S, Finite element analysis of spinal implant for different bone conditions, screw dimensions and materials, 61, 29th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 3-5 May 2013, Miami, Florida, USA, 2013
2803 Joyati Mondal, Debesh Kumar Das, Dipak Kole, Hafizur Rahaman, Bhargab B Bhattacharya, On designing testable reversible circuits using gate duplication, 322-329, VLSI Design and Test: 17th International Symposium, VDAT 2013, Jaipur, India, July 27-30, 2013, 2013
2804 Pranab Roy, Samadrita Bhattacharya, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A New Method for Route Based Synthesis and Placement in Digital Microfluidic Biochips, 361-375, VLSI Design and Test: 17th International Symposium, VDAT 2013, Jaipur, India, July 27-30, 2013, 2013
2805 Soumyajit Chatterjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Tuhina Samanta, Multi-objective optimization algorithm for efficient pin-constrained droplet routing technique in digital microfluidic biochip, 252-256, International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2013
2806 Kamalika Datta, Vishal Shrivastav, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, Reversible logic implementation of AES algorithm, 140-144, 2013 8th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2013
2807 Mukherjee K, Pal B, Gupta S, Analysis of Failure Mechanisms in Cemented Short-Stem Femoral Resurfacing Implant, 25th Annual Congress of International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty, Sydney, Australia, October 3-6, 2013
2808 Soumen Kumar Pati, Asit Kumar Das, Arka Ghosh, Gene selection using multi-objective genetic algorithm integrating cellular automata and rough set theory, International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 2013
2809 Pranab Roy, Pampa Howladar, Rupam Bhattacharjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A new cross contamination aware routing method with intelligent path exploration in digital microfluidic biochips, 50-55, 2013 8th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2013
2810 Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Distributed multipath fault tolerance routing scheme for wireless sensor networks, 241-247, 2013 Third International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (ACCT), 2013
2811 Pranab Roy, Mahua Raha Patra, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Automated parallel detection based analyzer for integrated bioassays in digital microfluidic biochip, 310-315, 2013 IEEE XXXIII International Scientific Conference Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 2013
2812 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Performance analysis of multiwalled carbon nanotube bundles, 200-204, 2013 IEEE XXXIII International Scientific Conference Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 2013
2813 R. Naskar, A. Raju and R. S. Chakraborty, High Throughput Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Audio based on Redundant Embedding, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC) 2013, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2013
2814 S. Ghosh, S. Roy, Electrodeposition of Cu-Sn alloy from eco-friendly ethaline electrolyte, NIReS Research Postgraduate Sustainability Poster Competition - 2013, Newcastle University, UK, 2013
2815 P. Nagaraju, R. Naskar and R. S. Chakraborty, Improved Histogram Bin Shifting based Reversible Watermarking, International Conference on Intelligent System and Signal Processing (ISSP) 2013, Gujarat, India, 2013
2816 Sudip Ghosh, Somsubhra Talapatra, Navonil Chatterjee, Nagakumar Reddy, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Multiplier-less VLSI architecture of 1-D Hilbert transform pair using Biorthogonal Wavelets, 1-6, 2013 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV), 2013
2817 Pranab Roy, Mahua Raha Patra, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, Digital microfluidic system: A new design for heterogeneous sample based integration of multiple DMFBs, 1905-1909, 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2013
2818 Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Gupta, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, A new customized testing technique using a novel design of droplet motion detector for digital microfluidic biochip systems, 897-902, 2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2013
2819 Sourav Chakraborty, Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, A 1.8 V 64.9 uW 54.1 dB SNDR 1storder sigma-delta modulator design using clocked comparator Based Switched Capacitor technique, 220-226, Fifth Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED 2013), 2013
2820 Sreeja Bibin, S. K. Mukherjea, 3. “Numerical Investigation of Aerodynamic Drag on Vacuum Tube High Speed Train”, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2013, November 13-21, 2013, San Diego, California, USA, 2013
2821 Debasish Das, Debasish Nandi, Indrajit Basak, Initiation time for electrical discharge through liquid medium., 143-157, In National conference on recent trends in manufacturing science and technology, RTMST-2013, NITTTR, Kolkata, 2013
2822 Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal, Hafizur Rahaman, An ABCD parameter-based modeling and analysis of crosstalk induced effects in single-walled carbon nanotube bundle interconnects, 264-273, Fifth Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED 2013), 2013
2823 Surajit Kumar Roy, Sobitri Chatterjee, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Repairing of faulty TSVs using available number of multiplexers in 3D ICs, 155-160, Fifth Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ASQED 2013), 2013
2824 Bhattacharya, D.B. & Mitra, S., Making Siliguri a walkable city, 2737-2744, Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences 96, 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals 2013, 2013
2825 Kamalika Datta, Bhadreswar Ghuku, Devi Sandeep, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, A cycle based reversible logic synthesis approach, 316-319, 2013 Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, 2013
2826 Sudip Ghosh, Santi P Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, Multiplier-less VLSI architecture of 1-D Hilbert transform pair using Biorthogonal Wavelets for QCM-SS image watermarking, 5-10, 2013 4th International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT), 2013
2827 Roy, T.K, Evaluation of Strength of Clayey Soil by UCS Test with Addition of Rice husk ash and Lime, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Chicago, USA, 2013
2828 Joyati Mondal, Debesh K Das, Dipak K Kole, Hafizur Rahaman, A design for testability technique for quantum reversible circuits, 1-4, East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS 2013), 2013
2829 Roy, T.K, Effect of sand on strength characteristics of expansive soil for using as Subgrade of pavement, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Osaka, Japan., 2013
2830 Bandyopadhyay, O., A. Biswas, B. Chanda, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Bone Contour Tracing in Digital X-ray Images based on Adaptive Thresholding, 8251, 465-473, In: 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, PReMI’13 . ISI, Kolkata, India: LNCS, 2013
2831 Surajit Kumar Roy, Sobitri Chatterjee, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Faulty tsvs identification and recovery in 3d stacked ics during pre-bond testing, 1-6, 2013 IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), 2013
2832 Mukherjee, A., U. Garain, and A. Biswas, Evaluation of the Graphical Representation for Textto- Graphic Conversion Systems, 8746, 252-256, In: 10th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, GREC 2013 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA: LNCS, 2013
2833 Manjari Pradhan, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh K Das, Optimal stacking of SOCs in a 3D-SIC for post-bond testing, 1-5, 2013 IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), 2013
2834 Pranab Roy, Mahua Raha Patra, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta, An intelligent Biochip System for Diagnostic Process Flow based Integration of Combined Detection Analyzer, 108-112, 2013 International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2013
2835 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Bhargab Bhattacharya, Impact of inductance on the performance of single walled carbon nanotube bundle interconnects, 16-20, 2013 International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2013
2836 Soumyajit Poddar, Prasun Ghosal, Priyajit Mukherjee, Suman Samui, Hafizur Rahaman, An area and power efficient dynamic TDMA based photonic network on chip, 113-117, 2013 International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2013
2837 Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Debashri Roy, Dipak K Kole, Kamalika Datta, Hafizur Rahaman, ESOP-based synthesis of reversible circuit using improved cube list, 26-30, 2013 International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 2013
2838 Manodipan Sahoo, Hafizur Rahaman, Modeling of crosstalk delay and noise in single-walled carbon nanotube bundle interconnects, 1-6, 2013 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 2013
2839 Kamalika Datta, In