Gupta Aman, De Bhaskar, A systematic review on urban blue-green infrastructure in the south Asian region: recent advancements, applications, and challenges, 89, 382-403, Water Science and Technology, 2024
Gupta Aman, De Bhaskar, Enhancing the city-level thermal environment through the strategic utilization of urban green spaces employing geospatial techniques, 1-19, International Journal of Biometeorology, 2024
A Gupta, B De, AK Shukla, G Pignatta, Vulnerability Assessment of a Highly Populated Megacity to Ambient Thermal Stress, 16(8), 1-21, Sustainability, 2024
Gupta Aman, Sadab Anisha, De Bhaskar, Assessment of critical thermal characteristics and land surface dynamics of an Indian metropolitan city, 15 (7), 3409–3430, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 2024
A Narendr, B H Aithal, S Das, A data-driven framework for enhancing coastal flood resilience in resource-crunched developing nations, 15(1), 2396892, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2024
Narendr, A, Khatua, A, Das, S, Aithal, BH, Developing assessment flow for damage estimation of mud housing typology through a case study against coastal floods, 13(6712), Scientific Reports, 2023
Suchismita Chatterjee, Souvanic Roy, Rent Generation, Social Networks and Urban Transformation in Minority-dominant Neighbourhoods of Kolkata, LVIII NNo 52, Page 45-52, Economic & Political Weekly, 2023
Narendr, A, Aithal, BH & Das, S, Cost–benefit analysis of NbS using flood resilient scenario modelling (FReSMo), 8(S2), 109-115, Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2023
Shashank Konda, Arup Sarkar, A Study on the Impact of Mass Rapid Transit on Land Use Changes - A Case Study of Hyderabad Metro Rail Corridor, 8 (12), Page (707-720), International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2023
Nayak, S., & Pandit, D, A joint and simultaneous prediction framework of weekday and weekend daily-activity travel pattern using conditional dependency networks, 32, Travel Behaviour and Society, Elsevier, 2023
A. Mohanta, S. Das, Decision support system for the early stage of green building envelope design considering energy and maintainability, 19(2), Page (163-182), Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 2023
Rituparna Pal, Souvanic Roy, Biswajit Thakur, Assessment of energy efficiency for traditional non-engineered and engineered residential buildings- A case for North-Eastern India, 61(2), 440-451, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022
T. Chatterji, G. Gotz, P. Harrison, R. Moore, Souvanic Roy, Capacity in motion: comparative Covid -19 governance in India and South Africa, https://doi.org/10.1080/21622671.2022.2154829, Territory, Politics, Governance, 2022
Mohanta, A, Das, S, Maintainability performance prediction of green building envelope in warm-humid climate, 36(3), Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), 2022
Sudeshna Haldar, Soumen Mitra, Insightful Evaluation of Non-graded Heritage Buildings using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Tools: Case of a Two Hundred Year Old Institutional Campus, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 2022
Nayak, S., & Pandit, D, A critical review of Activity Participation decision: A key component of activity-based travel demand models, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 2022
Rituparna Das, Arup Sarkar, Through the Looking Glass: Conceptualising the Theme of Gentrification in Contemporary India, December, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1177/08854122211052686, Journal of Planning Literature, 2021
Souvanic Roy, Tathagata Chatterji, The Pandemic and Reimagining of Urban through the Lens of Progressive State Responses, 49(3-4), 45-55, Social Scientist, 2021
M. Pramanik, S. Szabo, I. Pal, P. Udmale, J. O’Connor, M. Sanyal, Souvanic Roy, Z. Sebesvari, Twin Disasters: Tracking COVID-19 and Cyclone Amphan’s Impacts on SDGs in the Indian Sundarbans, 63:4, 20-30, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 2021
Tathagata Chatterji, Souvanic Roy, Atanu Chatterjee, Global contagion and local response: the influence of centre–state relations and political culture in pandemic governance, 43:3, 192-211, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 2021
A Mohanta, S Das, RN Mohanty, Building envelope trade-off method integrated with BIM-based framework for energy-efficient building envelope, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 2021
A. Mohanta & S. Das, Causal Analysis of Slow BIM Adoption in Eastern India with a Special Focus on Green Building Sector, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 2021
Nayak, S., & Pandit, D, Potential of telecommuting for different employees in the Indian context beyond COVID-19 lockdown, 111, 98-110, Transport Policy, Elsevier, 2021
Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Investigating causality between transport infrastructure and urbanization: A state-level study of India (1991–2011), 113, 46-55, Transport Policy (Elsevier), 2021
A Narendr, S Vinay, BH Aithal, S Das, Multi-dimensional parametric coastal flood risk assessment at a regional scale using GIS, 24, 9569–9597, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2021
Kaushik Ghosh, Arup Sarkar, Evaluating urban wastewater remediation efficiency of the Hydroponic Vetiver System through predictive modelling using Artificial Neural Network, 24, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2021.102007, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2021
Narendr, A.; Das, S.; Shivamurthy,V. & Aithal, B.H., Adaptive capacity assessment for a flood vulnerable region through land use modelling and socio economic and physical indicators, 3(2), 107-119, Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters, 2020
Sarmah,T.; Das, S.; Narendr, A. & Aithal, B.H., Assessing human vulnerability to urban flood hazard using the analytic hierarchy process and geographic information system, 50, 101659, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2020
Nayak, S., & Gupta, S., Travel Probability Fields – An approach to understand travel behaviour: Case study of slum dwellers in Kolkata, India, 48, 1546-1554, Transportation Research Procedia, Elsevier, 2020
Kaushik Ghosh, Arup Sarkar, Sustainability Study of In-situ Hydroponic Vetiver System for Urban Wastewater Management in Developing Countries: A Theoretical Review, 17 (4), 97-103, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 2020
SubhaChakraborty, SatiprasadSahoo, DebaleenaMajumdar, Swati Saha, SouvanicRoy, Future Mangrove Suitability Assessment of Andaman to strengthen sustainable development, Volume 234, 597-614, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019
Sumana Basack, Arup Sarkar, BIM Framework for Operational Energy Assessment in Composite Climate at Early Design Stage, March 2019, pp. 22-27, BUILDING ENGINEER, 2019
Sarmah. T. & Das, S., Earthquake vulnerability assessment for RCC buildings of Guwahati city using Rapid Visual Screening, 212, 214-221, Procedia Engineering, 2018
Das, S. & Mukhopashyay, P., Multi-hazard disaster resilient housing with bamboo-based system, 212, 937-945, Procedia Engineering, 2018
Sarmah, T. & Das, S., Urban flood mitigation planning for Guwahati: A case of Bharalu basin, 206, 1155-1165, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018
Tathagata Chatterji, Souvanic Roy, How Indian Cities are Squeezing the People out of Public Spaces:, The Wire.in, 2018
Tathagata Chatterji, Souvanic Roy, The National Urban Policy Is a Great Opportunity for Course-Correction, The Wire.in, 2018
Tathagata Chatterji, Souvanic Roy, Envisioning a Humane Urban Policy for India, The Wire.in, 2018
Nilanjan Sengupta, Souvanic Roy , Himadri Guha, Assessing embodied GHG emission reduction potential of cost-effective technologies for construction of residential buildings of Economically Weaker Section in India, volume 19, 139-156, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018
Sumana Basack, Arup Sarkar, Evaluation of Correction Factor in Quasi-Steady-State Method for Assessment of Operational Cooling – Impact of Orientation on Window, Wall and Floor Area, September 2018, pp. 26-30, BUILDING ENGINEER, 2018
Das, S., and Mukhopadhyay, P., Multi-hazard disaster resilient housing with bamboo-based system, 212, 937-945, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 2018
Arup Sarkar, La nouvelle donne de l’urbanisme, (Tran. Fr.: The new paradigm of urbanism in India), n° 68, Février, pp. 62-63, France Forum, 2018
Dipanjan Nag, Subrata Kr. Paul, Swati Saha, Arkopal K. Goswami, Sustainablity Assessment for the Transportation Environment of Darjeeling, India, 213, Page (489-502), Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier), 2018
Arup Sarkar, New Indian Urbanism: Emerging Issues on Sustainability and Urban Ecology, 7 (3), pp. 381-386, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2018
Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Transport infrastructure, economic development and urbanization in India (1990–2011): Is there any causal relationship?, 100, 319-336, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (Elsevier), 2017
De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Optimizing Street Canyon Orientation for Rajarhat Newtown, Kolkata, India, 21(1), 5-17, Environmental and Climate Technologies, ISSN-2255-8837, 2017
De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Optimisation of canyon orientation and aspect ratio in warm-humid climate: Case of Rajarhat Newtown, India, Urban Climate. Elsevier, (April), ISSN- 2212-0955, 2017
Mukhopadhyay, P. and Dutta, S. C., Rapid visual screening of earthquake-susceptible buildings, 170(2), 74-81, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Municipal Engineer, ICE, 2017
Das, S. & Bokshi, S., Sustainable waste water treatment in developing countries: a case study of IIT Kharagpur campus, 98(1-2), 127–134, Journal of the Institution of Engineers India: Series A., 2017
Souvanic Roy, Tathagata Chatterji, Post-industrial Urban Transformation in a Transitional Metropolis: Implications for Housing Rights and Environmental Justice in Industrial Slum Tenements in Urban Core, Research Monograph on "Cities, Rural Migrants and Urban Poor: Issues of Violence & Social Justice: The Ordinary City and Exploration of an Urban Future " by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, 2017
Sukanya Ghosh, Souvanic Roy, Manas Kr. Sanyal, Soft System Methodology as a Tool to Understand Issues of Governmental Affordable Housing Programme of India: A Case Study Approach, 97(3), 343-354, Journal of Institute of Engineers of India, 2016
Souvanic Roy, Tathagata Chatterjee, From Margin to Mainstream: Informal Street Vendors and Local Politics in Kolkata, India, L'Espace Politique (Online),29/2016-2, 2016
Souvanic Roy, The Smart City Paradigm in India: Issues and Challenges of Sustainability and Inclusiveness, 44(5-6), 29-48, Social Scientist, 2016
Sukanya Ghosh, Souvanic Roy, Manas Kr. Sanyal, Applicability of Soft System Methodology in Problem Analysing in the Field of Affordable Housing, 17(1), 51-62, Shelter, 2016
Subrata Kr. Paul, Souvanic Roy, Tourism based Heritage Conservation in Murshidabad: An Appraisal, Journal of Heritage Tourism, Taylor and Francis, 2016
Das, S., Gupta, M. & Bose, S., Assessing the need of adaptive changes for emerging NORCs in urban India, 4(1), 115-132, Creative Space, 2016
Subrata Kumar Paul, Souvanic Roy, Tourism based heritage conservation in Murshidabad: An appraisa, 1747-6631, Journal of Heritage Tourism [ISSN 1743-873X (Print), (Online)], Routledge, Taylor and Francis, 2016
Soumen Mitra, Souvanic Roy, B. P. Mukhopadhyay, Susanta Chaudhuri, D.B. Bhattacharya, A Multi-Criteria based Methodology for Mapping of Landslide Rick Zones for Urban Planning Guidelines: Case Study Darjeeling Town, Eastern Himalayas, India, 36 (2), 76-101, Urban India, 2016
Sumana Basack, Arup Sarkar, Early Decision Support for Operational Energy Assessment in Multifamily Residential Apartments - Impact of Change in Orientation, Volume 13, Issue 6 Ver. VII, pp. 15-24, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 2016
Sumana Basack, Arup Sarkar, Early Decision Support Simulations for Operational Energy Assessment: A Literature Study, 42(4), pp. 165-170, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 2016
Mukhopadhyay, P. and Dutta, S. C., Investigating Compressive and Cleavage Strengths of an Indian Bamboo Species, 27(9), 06014029-1-8, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE. ISSN: 0899-1561, 2015
Dutta, S. C., Mukhopadhyay, P. S., Saha, R. and Nayak, S., 2011 Sikkim Earthquake at Eastern Himalayas: Lessons learnt from performance of structures, 75, 121-129, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier. ISSN: 0267-7261, 2015
Mitra, S., Guha Niyogi, J., Guha Niyogi, A., Methodology for Deciding Route-Specific Appropriate Transit Modes based on Stakeholders’ Utility Values: Applicability in Indian Cities, 39(2), 60-75, Indian Journal of Transport Management, 2015
Sarkar, S, Das, S. and Bose, S. , Low-rise residences in Kolkata, 80(1), 23-25, Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects, 2015
Das, S., Reviewing adoptability potential of green building policies of India, 2(1), 1-10, International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning, 2015
Souvanic Roy, Manas Kr. Sanyal, Sustainable Slum Improvement Models: Ban Mankong in Thailand and PRODEL in Nicaragua, 7(12), 23-28, TerraGreen, 2015
Das, S., Lighting and health of building occupants: A case of Indian IT offices, 109 (9), 1573-1580, Current Science, 2015
Souvanic Roy, Smart City: Utopia and Reality, The Statesman 13th and 14th July,2015, 2015
Souvanic Roy, Smart Cities-India’s New Urban Agenda? Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Urban Quest South Asia”, 27-39, South Asia Urban Forum, Colombo,Sri Lanka, 2015
De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Strategies and Challenges for Energy Efficient Retrofitting: Study of the Empire State Building, 94(4), 251–256, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 2014
Chakraborty, B. & Das, S., MGNREGA and sustainability issue of rural built-up structures in India, 19(2), 33–50, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 2014
Choudhury, R.S. & Das, S., Identification of KPIs of security management for thermal power plants, 9(2), 150-171, Journal of Applied Security Research, 2014
Das, S., Scope for facility upgradation in out-patient department of public sector medical college hospitals, 29(1), 35-50, Nicmar Journal of Construction Management, 2014
Sanyal, A.P., Bhattacharya, S.P. and Das, S., Cost and schedule overrun in infrastructure projects: The Indian scenario, 9 (1), 32-38, Abacus, 2014
Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Test for causality and long-run relationship between transport infrastructure and economic development in India, 2(4), 66-77, Interdisciplinary Journal of Management and Behavioural Sciences, 2013
Mitra, K., Ailawadi, S., Rai, D.C., Initiatives in Educating Future Architects in Earthquake Resistant Design Practices., 84(5), 820-828, Seismological Research Letters,, 2013
Dutta, S. C., Mukhopadhyay, P., and Goswami, K., Augmenting Strength of Collapsed Unreinforced Masonry Junctions: Principal Damage Feature of Walls Damaged by Moderate Indian Earthquakes, 14(4), 281–285, Natural Hazards Review, ASCE. ISSN: 1527-6998, 2013
Mitra, S. and Guha Niyogi, J., Assessing Critical Trip Lengths of Commuters for Selecting Transit over Personal Modes - Case Application: Medium Sized Indian Cities, 37(3), 175-194, Indian Journal of Transport Management, 2013
Das, S., Construction site fire: Review of risk factors and recommendations for mitigation, 2(1), 13-19, The Asian Review of Civil Engineering, 2013
Das, S., Book Review: Construction science and materials, Surinder Virdi, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, 2012, 28(4), 502-503, Material & Manufacturing Processes, 2013
Maparu, T. S., & Pandit, D., Bus route merging and frequency setting methodology for bus rapid transit trunk corridor: A case study of Kolkata, 16(2), 16-37, SPACE: The SPA Journal of Planning and Architecture, 2012
D C Rai, G Mondal, V Singhal, N Parool, T Pradhan and K Mitra, Reconnaissance report of the M6.9 Sikkim (India–Nepal border) Earthquake of 18 September 2011., 3 (2), Page (99-111), Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2012
Mukherjee, M. and De, B, One More Chance, 12 (5), Architecture Time Space and People, 2012
Rai, D.C., Mondal, G., Singhal, V., Parool, N., Pradhan, T & Mitra, K, The M 6.9 Sikkim (India–Nepal Border) earthquake of 18 September 2011, 102, Current Science, ISSN 0011-3891, 2012
Mukhopadhyay, P., and Dutta, S. C., Strongest Cyclone of the New Millennium in the Bay of Bengal: Strategy of RVS for Nonengineered Structures, 13(2), 97-105, Natural Hazards Review, ASCE. ISSN: 1527-6998, 2012
Mamun A., Mitra S., A Methodology for Assessing Tourism Potential: Case Study Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India, 2(9), 1-8, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication, 2012
Mitra S., Guha Niyogi J., A Quick Assessment Technique to Determine Profitability in Private City-Bus-Services - Case Study Kolkata-Howrah Urban Area, India, 2(4), 383-389, International Journal of Research in Management and Technology, ISSN: 2249-9563, 2012
Mukhopadhyay B.P., Roy S., Chaudhuri S., Mitra S., Influence of Geological Parameters on Landslide Vulnerability Zonation of Darjeeling Town, in Eastern Himalayas, 4(2), 145-164, Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM), 2012
Das, S., Assessing human factor for intelligent buildings Using post occupancy evaluation, 2(4), 51-56, Bonfring International Journal of Industrial. Engineering. & Management Science, 2012
Bhabani P. Mukhopadhyay, Souvanic Roy, Susanta Chaudhuri, Soumen Mitra, Influence of Geological Parameters on Landslide Vulnerability Zonation in Darjeeling Town in Eastern Himalayas, Volume 4 Number 2, 27-46, Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM), 2012
Das, S., Evaluation of thermal performance of a typical office building using TBP approach, 6(2), 54-61, Abacus, 2011
Das S. & Chew M.Y.L., Generic method of grading building defects using FMECA to improve maintainability decisions, 25(6), 522-533, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2011
Mitra, S., Paul, S K., Roy, S., Fusion Elements in Provincial Style of Islamic Architecture in Medieval Bengal, 6(1), ABACUS, 2011
Roy, S., Mitra, S., Sanyal, M.K., ‘Aila’ – the cyclone disaster in Sunderban and the possibilities of rehabilitative planning for affected communities, Working Paper Series 31, Series IV – Securing Rights of Forced Displacees through Global Obligations, Universal Declarations and Local Means, Aichi Gakuin University, Japan, 2011
Soumen Mitra, Subrata Kr. Paul, Souvanic Roy, Fusion Elements in Provincial Style of Islamic Architecture in Medieval Bengal, 6(1), ABACUS (A Bi-Annual Internationally Refereed Journal on Architecture, Conservation and Urban Studies), ISSN: 0973-8339, 2011
Subrata Kumar Paul, A Network Utility Based Approach for Deciding Bridge Location in Urban Areas, 2(2), International Journal of Civil Engineering Applications Research(IJCEAR), ISSN:2249-653X, 2011
Maparu, T. S., & Pandit, D., A methodology for selection of bus rapid transit corridors: A case study of Kolkata, 7(4), 21-36, Institute of Town Planners India (ITPI) Journal, 2010
S K Jain, K Mitra, M Kumar and M Shah, A Proposed Rapid Visual Screening Procedure for Seismic Evaluation of RC Frame Buildings in India., 26 (3), Page (709-730), Earthquake Spectra, 2010
Mukhopadhyay, P., Goswami, K., Chatterjee, P., Mandal, U., Bala, S., and Dutta, S. C., An attempt towards modeling the behaviour of masonry element under lateral loading with limited experimental verification, 40(1), 1-23, The Bridge and Structural Engineer, ING-IABSE, 2010
Das S., Chew M.Y.L. & Poh K.L., Multi-criteria decision analysis in building maintainability using analytical hierarchy process, 28(10), 1466-1433, Construction Management and Economics, 2010
Das, S., Development of preservative treatments for Goan Laterite block masonry, 4(2), 61-70, Abacus, 2009
Das S., Poh K.L. & Chew M.Y.L., Standardizing FM knowledge acquisition when information is inadequate, 27(7/8), 315-330, Facilities, 2009
Mukhopadhyay, P., and Dutta, S. C., Performance of Sidr affected a Few Typical Non-engineered Buildings at the Ganges Delta, 96(1), 10-19, IABSE Symposium Report, IABSE, 2009
Das, S., Contemporary maritime forts of Asia and America: A comparison, Aug 2009, 42-46, Architecture- Time Space & People, 2009
Mukhopadhyay, P., Role of bamboo in seismic architecture, 22(2), 102-106, Indian Architect and Builder, Jasubhai Media. ISSN: 0971-5509, 2008
Mukhopadhyay, P., Planning for primary education in Bally Municipality, West Bengal: The KUSP experience, 5(3), 27-42, ITPI Journal, Institute of Town Planners, India. ISSN: 0537-9679, 2008
Mukhopadhyay, P., Mukhopadhyay, R., and Sarkar, B. L., Flood and storm resistant two-storied bamboo house on stilts: Reporting of first trial unit at the Building Centre of Birati, West Bengal, 12(3), 39-44, Thought - a socio-technical round-up, FOSET, 2008
Chew M.Y.L., DeSilva N., Tan P.P. & Das S., Grading of risk parameters for facade maintainability, 7(3), 77-87, Int. J. of Architectural Science, 2008
Chew M.Y.L. & Das S., Building. grading systems: Review of state of the art, 50(1), 2-12, Architectural Science Review, 2008
Arup Sarkar, Aditya Bandyopadhyay, Amitava Roy, Participatory Planning Process: The KUSP Model of West Bengal, Vol .4, No. 4, pp. 56-60, Journal of Institute of Town Planners’ India, 2007
Mukhopadhyay, P., Performance of buildings during earthquake - configurational aspects., 88(27), 13-17, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Architectural Engineering Division, IE(I). ISSN: 0257-344X, 2007
Das, S., Laterite monuments of India, 77, 15-18, Construction History Society UK Newsletter, 2007
Das S., Techniques and technologies for enhancing total building performance at the project development stage, 88 (3), 25-30, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, 2007
Arup Sarkar, An Alternative Approach Towards Making Cities Safer: An Agenda for Action, Vol. XXXIII, No 2, April-June, pp. 42-50, Nagarlok (Urban Affairs Quarterly), 2001
Arup Sarkar, Planning At Municipal Level: A GIS Approach, Vol. LXXI, No. 1-2, Jan-June, pp. 21-26, Quarterly Issue of All India Institute of Local Self Government, 2001
Mukhopadhyay, P., Engineering and technological education in West Bengal at the cross roads of a new millennium, 4(2), 15-23, Thought – a socio-technical round-up, FOSET, 2000
Arup Sarkar, Towards a Comprehensive Town & Regional Planning Legislation in the States, LXVI, No.1 Jan-Mar, pp. 10-15, Journal of the All India Institute of Local Self Government, 1995
Soumen Mitra, The Dynamics of Youth Activism in Contemporary India: Catalysts and Challenges, 13th EuroSEAS Conference at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2024
Pamela Barua, Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Soumen Mitra, Passengers perception on safety and comfort in paratransit: a case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area, West Bengal, India, 1st Vision Zero Summit : A National Conference on Road Safety organised by MANIT, Bhopal in association with Transport Department and PTRI, Government of Madhya Pradesh, 2023
Maria Rose Francis, Keya Mitra, Soumen Mitra, Integrating Community Participation in Flood Mitigation Planning: Case Study at Kochi, Kerala, India, 51st Urban Affairs Association Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, 2023
Das, S., Review of disaster resilience of housing in multi-hazard prone Sundarbans, 6th World Congress on Disaster Management, 2023
Majumdar, M, Das, S., Fire Safety Assessment of Public Heritage Building: A Case Study of the National Library Kolkata, 6th World Congress on Disaster Management, 2023
Biswas, A, Das, S, De, B, Status Review of Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in India, International Conference on Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development, 2023
Ayushi Biswas, Sutapa Das, Bhaskar De, Status Review of Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in India, International Conference on Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development (TISD-2023), 2023
Gupta Aman, De Bhaskar, A systematic Review on Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure in the Indian Subcontinent, Urban Planning and Architectural Design for Sustainable Development (UPADSD)- 8th Edition, 2023
Trisha Barui, Soumen Mitra, Are E-Rickshaws a boon for the operators? - An investigation in a neighbourhood of Howrah City, 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS): International Conference on Urban Green Transitions: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges to be hosted online by the School of Human Settlements at XIM U, 2022
Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Soumen Mitra, Do Abutting Land Uses Impact Street Pollution in Context of Green Urban Mobility? — A Case of Adjacent Municipal Area of Kolkata City, 6th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS): International Conference on Urban Green Transitions: Decoding Opportunities and Challenges to be hosted online by the School of Human Settlements at XIM U,, 2022
J. Sarkar , S. Das, Identifying Long-term Impact of Cyclone Aila on the Sundarbans, Int. Conf. on Climate and Weather-related Extremes (ICCWE 2022), Roorkee, 2022
S. Das, Evaluating the Potential of Smart Cities Mission to Promote Net-zero City: A Case of Rajarhat New Town, "LiFE" for Resilience - Case Studies & Best Practices Conference, Virtual by NIDM, India, 2022
S Das, BIM in achieving energy efficiency in small projects, V Int. Conf. BIM in Const. & Arch. (BIMAC 2022), St. Petersberg, 2022
A Narendr, S Anand, BH Aithal, S. Das, An experimental approach for developing a building damage matrix for the flood-affected vernacular housing typology, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 2022
Pal, S., Bhaduri, E., & Maparu, T. S., A framework for prioritizing key transport accessibility indicators on urban housing price, 12th Research Symposium on Urban Transport as part of the 14th Urban Mobility India Conference cum Exhibition 2021: UMI-RS 2021, 2021
Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Soumen Mitra, Planning for Green Urban Mobility : a case of North Dum Dum Municipality, West Bengal, India, International Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility: Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Countries organized by ITPI, West Bengal Regional Chapter, 2021
Narendr, A., Das, S. & Aithal, B.H., Damage-cost assessment of vernacular buildings against coastal flooding, 23rd European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly (Virtual conference), 2021
A Narendr, S Das, BH Aithal, Multivariate building damage model for scenario-based flood risk assessment, FOSS4G-Asia 2021, Dhulikhel, Nepal, 2021
M Majumdar, S. Das, Disaster risk reduction policies for public heritage building, 5th World Congress on Disaster Mgmt. (5WCDM), New Delhi, 2021
Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Investigating causality between transport infrastructure and urbanization: A state-level study of India (1991-2011), 15th World Conference on Transport Research: WCTR 2019 (Mumbai, India), 2019
Bakary F. Nije, Arup Sarkar, Sustainable transit options for small towns - A case of Purulia town in India, 12th All India People's Technology Congress (FOSET), 2019
Sarmah, T. & Das, S., Linking hazards of landslide and urban flood in North-East Himalayan region, 4thWCDM: 4th World congress on Disaster management, Bombay, India., 2019
Narendr, A., Das, S. & Aithal, B.H., Adaptive capacity assessment of a region against flood vulnerability using GIS and remote sensing, 4thWCDM: 4th World Congress on Disaster management, Bombay, India, 2019
Das, S., Infrastructural requirement of OPD areas in Indian govt. medical college hospitals: Medical professionals’ perspective, Int. Conf. on Public Health and Well-being 2019, Negombo, Sri Lanka, 2019
Das, S. & Sarmah, T., Determining building vulnerability against urban flood using rapid visual screening, 49th Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association (UAA), Los Angeles, USA., 2019
Sarmah, T. & Das, S., Determining urban flood vulnerability using an indicator based approach., 55th International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) World Planning Congress, Jakarta-Bogor, Indonesia, 2019
Sarmah, T. & Das, S., The state-of-the-art review of vulnerability indices: with a special focus on urban flood, 2nd World Bosai Forum (WBF)/ Int. Disaster & Risk Conf. (IDRC), Sendai, Japan, 2019
Mishra, P. S., Maparu, T. S., & Muhuri, S., Evaluation of ‘Architectural and Aesthetic Value’ of Built Heritage: A Comparison of Weightage Methods, International Conference on Future Cities: ICFC 2019 (Roorkee, India), 2019
Sutapa Joti and Keya Mitra, Seismic Retrofitting Strategy of the Historic Monasteries in Sikkim, India, after the 2011 M 6.9 Sikkim Earthquake, ISSN: 2386-8198 (printed), Rehabend 2018, Euro-American Congress on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, 2018
Saxena, P. & Das, S., Analysis of energy saving potential of a residential building complex using Energy Conservation Building Code 2017, 6th Arch. & Civil Engg (ACE) Conference, Singapore, 2018
Das, S., Do we practice what we preach? - Energy education vs. energy behavior in Indian higher educational institutes, 2nd Int. Conf. on Green Urbanism, Rome Italy, 2018
S Joti and K Mitra, Performance of Masonry Monastery Structures in the M 6.9 Sikkim Earthquake of 18 September 2011: A General Overview., Page (301-312), 9th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Improvements in Conservation and Rehabilitation-Integrated Methodologies., 2017
De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Determining Optimal Orientation for a Residential Neighbourhood in Warm Humid Climate, International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment- Feb 2-5, 2017 at IIT Roorkee, India., 2017
Sarmah, T & Das, S., Urban flood disaster assessment for Guwahati city, WIEZ 2017: Int. Symp. on Water Urbanism in Eco-sensitive Zones, Kolkata, India., 2017
Gupta, M., Das, S. & Bose, S., Analysis of mobility and shared infrastructure of urban NORCs - A case of Kolkata government housing, SBE2016: Sustainable Built Environment – II: Dialogues on Smart Built Environments, Roorkee, India, 2017
Das, S. & Baro, R., Evaluation of causes of construction waste in residential building projects: A case study of Kolkata, CITC-9: 9th Int Conf. on Constr. in the 21st Century, Dubai, 2017
Chowdhuri, S., Mitra, S., Roy, S., User’s Perception of Increasing Operations of Electric Rickshaw (Toto) Service Case of Uttarpara, India,, CODATU XVII, Hyderabad (Urban Mobility India Conference and Expo), 2017
Alam, N., Saha, S., Mitra, S., Changing courses of river Ganga and associated rural vulnerability in Murshidabad district, West Bengal, International Seminar and 48th Regional Science Conference, Tripura, 2017
Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Exploring the relationship between transport infrastructure and economic development in India (1991-2011): A panel cointegration and causality test approach, 14th World Conference on Transport Research: WCTR 2016 (Shanghai, China), 2016
S Joti and K Mitra, . Earthquake resistant traditional knowledge systems in the Sikkim monasteries, India, in the 2011 M 6.9 Sikkim earthquake: Lessons learnt., Page (156-164), International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and post disaster reconstruction planning, 2016
De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Impact of Canyon Design on Thermal Comfort in Warm Humid Cities: A Case of Rajarhat- Newtown, Kolkata, Fourth International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island- May 30- June 1, 2016 at National University of Singapore, Singapore., 2016
Mukherjee, M., Roy, U. K., Biswas, A., Arora, K., De, B. and Srivastava, A., Changing paradigms of Affordable Housing in Independent India, 12–28, 3rd Residential Building Design & Construction Conference - March 2-3, 2016 at Penn State, University Park PHRC, 2016
Jain, S.K., Brzev, S., Basu, D., Rai, D.C. and Mitra, K., Confined Masonry Construction for Improved Seismic Safety of Buildings in India, Page (225-235), International Conference on Emerging Building Materials and Construction Technologies, New Delhi, March 21-22, 2016. Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council, Ministry of Housing and Urban, 2016
Souvanic Roy, Climate Proofing of Indian Cities: Need for Paradigm Shift in Urban Development, 34-46, Proceedings of the International Symposium on “Livable Habitat and Sustainable Infrastructure: A Key to Smart Growth” published by IIT, Kharagpur, 2016
Mohanta, S. & Das, S., BIM as facilities management tool: A review, ICSBE2016: International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2016
Mitra, S., Roy, S., Paul, S.K., Rehabilitative Planning Strategy for Sustainable Development of Vulnerable Communities in Indian Sunderban, AUNFAIR 2016, conducted by Asian University Network Forum on Advance in Research, Japan, Program booklet 12-14, 2016
Dipanjan Nag, Swati Saha, Subrata Kr. Paul, Sustainable Transportation Options for a Tourist Hill Town, Case Study: Darjeeling, 9th Urban Mobility India Conference and Expo 2016 - Planning Mobility for City's Sustainabilty, 2016
Souvanic Roy, Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Experience of Megacities in Asia, 37-48, Proceedings of the “Asian University Network Forum on Advances in Research” published by Aichi Gakuin University, Japan, 2015
Ananya Roy, Gopal Chandra Banik, Shibesh Pandit, Subrata Kumar Paul, Sudip Kumar Roy, Forecasting of Travel Demand Characteristics in Aizwal City, Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering, SVNIT, Surat, July, 3-4, 2015., 2015
Mohanta, A. & Das, S., ICT based facilities management tools for buildings, ICT4SD – 2015: Int. Conf. on Infor. & Comm. Tech. for Sust. Dev., Ahmedabad, India, 2015
Maparu, T. S., & Mazumder, T. N., Test for causality and long-run relationship between transport infrastructure and economic development in India, International Conference on Development Prospects of Indian Economy (ICDPIE-14) (Jaipur, India), 2014
De, B. and Mukherjee, M., Urban Physics for Tomorrow’s Urban Design, 1028–1037, 30th Annual PLEA Conference. Ahmedabad, India: CEPT University Press, NaN-978-93-83184-03–3, 2014
Joti, S. & Mitra, K., PERFORMANCE OF MASONRY MONASTERY STRUCTURES IN THE M 6.9 SIKKIM (INDIA-NEPAL BORDER) EARTHQUAKE OF 18 SEPTEMBER, 2011:: A LESSON, 2nd European Conference in Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey. August 24-29, 2014., 2014
Joti, S. & Mitra, K., Sustainable Technologies Used In Vernacular Earthquake Resistant Structures, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Sustainability and the Built Environment: Searching for Synergies, Kolkata. February, 2014., 2014
Gopal Chandra Banik, Subrata Kr. Paul, Sudip Kumar Roy, A Network-Efficiency Based Approach for Benchmarking of Transportation Connectivity Indices: Few Case Studies from Indian Scenario, roceedings of the 36th Indian Geography Congress (ISBN 978-93-85215-03-2), 2014, organized by National Association of Geographer, India(NAGI), Jaipur, November 17-20, 2014, 2014
Ananya Roy, Subrata Kr. Paul, Sudip Kumar Roy, A Study of Settlement Hierarchy & Road Connectivity Parity: Case studies from Cities in Seven Sister States of India, proceedings of the 36th Indian Geography Congress (ISBN 978-93-85215-03-2), 2014, organized by National Association of Geographer, India(NAGI), Jaipur, November 17- 20, 2014, 2014
Chaudhuri A. & Das, S., An agile city for fragile people, Int. Symp. on Megacities, Kolkata, India., 2014
Das, S., Role of phase change materials (PCM) in energy efficiency through thermal storage., IEI 29th Natl. Convention of Arch. Engineers: Innovative World of Construction Materials, Kolkata, India, 2014
Das, S., Effect of light on wellbeing of people from IT industry, Design for Sustainable Wellbeing: Indo-Dutch Int. Conf. on Design, Bangalore, India, 2014
Mitra, K., Invited Lecture at Inception Workshop for the studies towards Preparation of Compendiums for “greening” of rural housing, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, UNDP, and HUDCO. New Delhi, December 19, 2013., 2013
Bhattacharya, D.B. & Mitra, S., Making Siliguri a walkable city, 2737-2744, Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences 96, 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals 2013, 2013
Das, S. & Choudhury, R., Safety and security concerns of thermal power plants in India: A case study of Korba, EFPM 2013: 4th Int. Conf. on Engg., Project, & Production Mgmt., Bangkok, Thailand., 2013
Murty, C.V.R., Rai, D.C., Kumar, H., Mitra, K., Bose, A.K., Kaushik, H.B., Kumar, R.P., Jaiswal, A., A Methodology for documenting Housing Typologies in the Moderate-Severe Seismic Zones, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Lisbon, Portugal, September 24-28, 2012, 2012
Mitra, K., Invited Lecture at the Workshop on Sikkim Earthquake 2011, National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), New Delhi on February 9, 2012., 2012
Das, S., What does India need to build green?, Cities Under Change – Int. Symp., Kolkata, India., 2012
Das, S., Proposed POE framework for intelligent building, AARCV 2012: Int. Conf. on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Bangalore, India, 2012
Das, S., Health and safety aspects of sanitary-plumbing system of buildings, IETSD 2012: Int. Conf. on Innovation in Engg & Tech. for Sust. Dev., Sathyamangalam, India, 2012
Das, S., Hidden cost in PPP project: A case study of East West metro of Kolkata, PPG 2012: Int. Conf Public Policy & Gov, Bangalore, India, 2012
Pandit, D., & Maparu, T. S., A methodology for bus transit system reform and redesign: Case study Kolkata, India, 12th International Conference on Computer in Urban Planning and Urban Management (Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada), 2011
Das S. & Chaudhuri A., Computer application in early phase of design of intelligent buildings, BITECH 2011: Int. Bldg. & Infrastructure Tech. Conf., Penang, Malaysia, 2011
Chew M.Y.L. & Das S., Defect diagnosis of fire protection system for better maintenance, ICCREM 2011-9th Int. Conf on Const. & Real Estate Mgmt., Guangzhou, China, 2011
Das S. & Shobana S., Development of affordable cluster houses of amphibian nature, ICCREM 2011-9th Int. Conf on Const. & Real Estate Mgmt., Guangzhou, China, 2011
Das, S., Development of affordable flood resistant housing using simple construction technology, INCON: Int. Conf on Competency Bldg. Strategies in Business & Tech. for Sust. Dev. Chennai, India, 2011
Das, S., Role of image-building in creating a healthy city – A case study of Singapore, Healthy Cities 2011 Int. Conf., Pune, India, 2011
S K Jain, K Mitra, M Kumar and M Shah, A Rapid Visual Seismic Assessment Procedure for RC Frame Buildings in India, Paper No 972, Ninth U.S. National and Tenth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2010
Mukhopadhyay, P., and Dutta, S. C, Indian bamboo as an alternative to timber: A critical evaluation from strength of material perspective., 1053-1061, Jt. Conf. Proc., 7th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng. and 5th Int. Conf. on Earthquake Eng. (7CUEE & 5ICEE), Mar 3-5, 2010, K. Kasai, Chair, eds., CUEE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2010
Dutta, S. C., Mukhopadhyay, P., and Goswami, K., Improving seismic performance of brick masonry junctions, 1745-1751, Jt. Conf. Proc., 7th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng. and 5th Int. Conf. on Earthquake Eng. (7CUEE & 5ICEE), Mar 3-5, 2010, K. Kasai, Chair, eds., CUEE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2010
Das, S., Analysis of construction related defects for mechanical-electrical building systems, Techsta 2010 8th Int. Conf., Prague, Czech Republic, 2010
Manas Kumar Sanyal, Anirban Gupta, Subhasis Mukherjee, Souvanic Roy, Subrata Kumar Paul, Carrying Capacity Based Development Plan-A Tool for Sustainable Urban Planning and Management: A Case Application for a Typical Municipal Town in India, 2ndXiemen Forum on Urban Environment, December 11-13, 2010, Xiemen(Amoy), China, 2010
Subrata Kumar Paul, Souvanic Roy, Dipankar Dutta, Urban Strategy for Conservation and Development of a Heritage Town in West Bengal: Case Study Murshidabad, Symposium on ‘Urban Strategy for West Bengal’, Institute of Town Planners, India (WBRC) in collaboration with Municipal Affairs Department, Government of West Bengal at Town Hall, Kolkata, 18th September, 2010, 2010
Mukhopadhyay, P., Dutta, S. C., and Bhattacharya, S., Lessons learnt from the impact of Sikkim 2006 earthquake on heritage structures, 615-628, Proc., 3rd Greece-Japan Workshop, Sep 22-23, 2009, G. Gazetas, Y. Goto, and T. Tazoh, eds, Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2009
Dutta, S. C., Mukhopadhyay, P., and Bhattacharya, S., Impact of moderate earthquakes in post-Bhuj era: Case study of Sikkim 2006 and Durgapur 2008 earthquakes, India, 154-170, Proceedings, 3rd Greece-Japan Workshop, Sep 22-23, 2009, G. Gazetas, Y. Goto, and T. Tazoh, eds, Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2009
Chew M.Y.L. & Das S., COMASS – Comprehensive Maintainability Scoring System for buildings, PATORREB Conf. on Building Pathology & Rehabilitation. Porto, Portugal, 2009
Mishra, S., Srivastava, N., & Maparu, T. S., Innovative Housing Finance Schemes: Microfinance - a tool for poverty alleviation, XXXVI IAHS 2008: World Congress on Housing Science, 2008
Mukhopadhyay, P., Goswami, K., Chatterjee, P., Mondal, U., Bala, S., and Dutta, S. C., Behaviour of brick masonry under reversible cyclic loading., 1-7, Proceedings, All India Seminar on Emerging Trends in Civil Eng. Materials, Dec 5-6, 2008, ASCE - India Section, and, ICE(UK) - India (Eastern Region), Kolkata, India, 2008
Roy, S., Paul, S.K. & Mitra, S., Tenure Security and Quality of Life in Urban Slums: Case Studies in Kolkata Metropolitan Area, 36th World Congress on Housing Science titled “ National Housing Programs: New Visions”, IAHS, Florida1 and IIT, Kharagpur (Abstracted published in printed volumes with full papers in CD bearing ISBN No.81-902768-7-5), 2008
Das, S., Chew, M.Y.L.; Chong, Y.H.A., Yeong, H.K., & Yang, Y.T., Maintainability aspects of M&E systems of commercial building of Singapore, 2nd Research Symposium in Built Environment, Singapore, 2008
Das, S., Chew M.Y.L. & Lam, T.S., Controlling factors of resource allocation in commercial building maintenance, 2nd Research Symposium in Built Environment, Singapore, 2008
Chew M.Y.L., Das S., DeSilva, N. & Foon F.Y., Grading maintainability parameters for sanitary-plumbing system for high-rise residential buildings, CIB BEAR 2008: Int. Conf. in Bldg. Education & Research, Sri Lanka, 2008
Chew M.Y.L., Das S. & Sulaiman N.H.B., Quantifying maintainability parameters for vertical transport system, 11DBMC: 11th Int. Conf. on Durability of Bldg. Materials & Comp, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Das, S., Decay diagnosis of Goan Laterite stone monuments, 11DBMC: 11th Int. Conf. on Durability of Bldg. Materials & Comp, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Souvanic Roy, Soumen Mitra, Subrata Kumar Paul, Tenure Security and Quality of Life in Urban Slums: Case Studies in Kolkata Metropolitan Area, 1-10, Proceedings of 36TH World Congress on Housing Science published by International Association for Housing Science, Florida and IIT Kharagpur, India, 2008, 2008
Toor, S., Ofori, G. & Das, S., Developing construction professionals of 21st century: A renewed vision for leadership, CENeM: Int. Conf. in Civil Engg in New Millennium, Shibpur, India, 2007
Das, S., Industry practices & techniques in 21st century construction - A case study of Singapore, CENeM: Int. Conf. in Civil Engg in New Millennium, Shibpur, India, 2007
Das, S., Guidelines for good industrial practices for concrete flat roof, 1st Research Symposium in Built Environment, Singapore, 2007
Chew M.Y.L. & Das S., Maintainability aspects of central chilled water HVAC system, CITC-IV: 4th Int. Conf. on Const. in the 21st Century, Gold Coast, Australia, 2007
Toor, S., Ogunlana S. & Das S., Perception of Thai professionals on key performance indicators (KPIs) for mega construction projects, CITC-IV: 4th Int. Conf. on Const. in the 21st Century, Gold Coast, Australia, 2007
Das S. & Chew M.Y.L., Maintainability scoring system for reinforced concrete flat roof, CIRAIC 2007: 1st Const. Industry Research Achievement Int. Conf. KualaLumpur, Malaysia, 2007
Pal, T., and Mukhopadhyay, P., Renewal of Raniganj bazar area, Bardhaman., 18-23, Proceedings, 5th All India People's Technology Congress, Shelter sub-congress, Feb 19-20, 2005, AIPSN, India, 2005
Mukhopadhyay, P., New development challenges towards a holistic technical education policy for West Bengal, PS-1 to PS-10, Proceedings, National Seminar on Architecture and Town Planning Education and Profession – Changing Dimensions and Future Direction in 21st Century, 6-7 Feb 2004, Dept. of AT&RP, BEC(DU), India, 2004
Halder, S., and Mukhopadhyay, P., The changing dimensions: Towards an appropriate curriculum for architecture, SH & PM-1 to SH & PM-10, Proceedings, National Seminar on Architecture and Town Planning Education and Profession – Changing Dimensions and Future Direction in 21st Century, 6-7 Feb 2004, Dept. of AT&RP, BEC(DU), India, 2004
Das, S., Rebuilding Dresden’s Frauenkirche, Shastra - Annual Tech Fest of IIT Madras, 2003
Arup Sarkar, Mapping and Monitoring of Wetlands of East Kolkata with Multi-Temporal RS Data and GIS Approach, ISPRS 2003, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Working Group 8/3 International Workshop, 2003
Mukhopadhyay, R., Roy, M. B., Sarkar, B.L., and Mukhopadhyay, P., Storm, flood and earthquake resistant value engineered bamboo housing for the EWS, 1-16, Proceedings, National Workshop on Alternative Building Methods (NWABM – 2002), Jan 16-18, 2002, K. S. Jagadish and K. S. Nagarjunda Rao, eds., Dept. of Civil Eng., IISc, Bangalore, 2002
Mukhopadhyay, R., Mukhopadhyay, P., and Saha, S., Preservation of bamboo: Outcome of field experience & experiments, 11-15, Proceedings, Third All India People's Technology Congress, Shelter sub-congress, Feb 9-11, 2001, AIPSN, India, 2001
Mukhopadhyay, R., Roy, M.B., Sarkar, B.L., and Mukhopadhyay, P., Value added design of group housing system for EWS living in flood-prone areas, 42-49, Proceedings, Third All India People's Technology Congress, Shelter sub-congress, Feb 9-11, 2001, AIPSN, India, 2001
Mukhopadhyay, R., and Mukhopadhyay, P., Door and window fabrication by bamboo, 419- 423, Proceedings, 2nd All India People's Technology Congress, Habitat sub-congress, Feb 12-14, 1999, AIPSN, India, 1999
Mukhopadhyay, P., Integrated rural development planning process: The experience of Rajnagar block, Birbhum, 443-451, Proceedings, 2nd All India People's Technology Congress, Habitat sub-congress, Feb 12-14, 1999, AIPSN, India, 1999
Nasibul Alam, Soumen Mitra, Swati Saha, Impact of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Pressure in Socio-Economic Transformation of Agro-based Riverine Communities of Lower Gangetic Floodplain, India, 163-193, Youth, Community, and Democracy in India, Myanmar, and Thailand, 2025
Biswas, A, Das, S. De, B, Sustainable policy framework for managing construction and demolition waste in India based on the status review. In Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development, A. Pandey, A. Pandey & R Kumar (Ed.)-accepted, CRS Press, 2024
Dey, M. Gupta, A., De, B. & Das, S., Improving accessibility to urban blue-green spaces: A case of Howrah, India, in Sustainable Development and Geospatial Technology, C. Sharma, A. K. Shukla, S. Pathak, & V.P. Singh (Ed.) (accepted), 1: Foundations and Innovations, Springer Nature, 2024
Ayushi Biswas, Sutapa Das, Bhaskar De, Sustainable policy framework for managing construction and demolition waste in India based on the status review, In (accepted)., Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development, A. Pandey, A. Pandey & R Kumar (Ed.), CRC Press, 2024
Dey Mallika, Gupta Aman, De Bhaskar, Das Sutapa, Improving accessibility to urban blue-green spaces: A case of Howrah, India, Sustainable Development and Geospatial Technology - Volume 1: Foundations and Innovations, C. Sharma, A. K. Shukla, S. Pathak, & V.P. Singh (Ed.), Springer Nature, 2024
Narendr, A, Aithal, BH, Das, S., Assessing coastal flood impact on buildings: A climate change perspective from the developing nation, Page (147-164), Geohazards and Disaster Risk Reduction: Multidisciplinary and Integrated Approaches, 2023
Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Trisha Barui, Soumen Mitra, Souvanic Roy, Smart cycle stand and app based bicycle sharing system at New Town (Rajarhat), Kolkata, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India and National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2023
Roy, S. Das, S, Mondal, PK, An Assessment of Canal Top to Set-Up Solar Power Plants in New Town (Rajarhat), Kolkata, 48-53, 75+ Case Studies of Innovative Projects of Smart Cities Mission - Part B: Climate Change & Resilient Cities, NIUA, New Delhi, 2023
Mishra, P. S., Maparu, T. S., & Muhuri, S., Sustainable Future Cities - Volume I, Part A- Chapter 6b, 154-158, Bluerose Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Roorkee, 2023
Tathagata Chatterji, Souvanic Roy & Atanu Chatterjee, Sub-national Political Culture and Covid-19 Pandemic: Governance Response Towards Life & Livelihood Vulnerabilities of Urban Poor in India, Chapter 28, 713-738, Local Government and the Covid-19 Pandemic A Global Perspective (ed) Carlos Nunes Silva, 2022
Nayak, S., & Pandit, D, Nayak, S., & Pandit, D, Activity-based model: requisite of a new travel demand forecasting approach for India, 2022
Nayak, S., & Gupta, S, Impact of accessibility on mobility and socio-economic levels of slum dwellers of Kolkata, Impact of accessibility on mobility and socio-economic levels of slum dwellers of Kolkata, 2022
Subrata Kr. Paul, Souvanic Roy, Soumen Mitra, Urban Dynamics, Socioeconomic Transformation and Built Heritage in a Historic Town of India: An Appraisal, Volume 1, 115-136, Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand (eds) Yamahata, C., Seekins, D.M., Takeda, M., 2021
Soumen Mitra, Souvanic Roy, Subrata Kr. Paul, Rehabilitative Planning Strategy for Transformative Changes of Vulnerable Communities in Indian Sundarban., Volume 1, 259-278, Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand (eds) Yamahata, C., Seekins, D.M., Takeda, M., 2021
Mitra, S. and Sadhukhan, M.C., Spatial Growth of Religious Architecture: Case of Indian Temples, 401-425, Perception, Design and Ecology of the Built Environment - A Focus on the Global South, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020
K Mitra, Design for Resilience: Traditional Knowledge in Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 1, Page (149-166), Springer Geography, 2020
R Das, S Nag and K Mitra, Urban Transformations of Residential Settlements in Colonial Towns: Case Study of Chandernagore and Serampore, 1, Page (23-50), Springer Geography, 2020
Souvanic Roy, Development Efforts towards Ecological Sustainability in Calcutta: Transformation of a Metropolis, Volume 1, 31-46, Rights and Security in India, Myanmar, and Thailand (eds) Yamahata, C., Sudo, S., Matsugi, T., 2020
Subrata Kr. Paul, Abhinanda Chatterjee, Souvanic Roy, Issues and Challenges for Transit-Oriented Development in the Scenario of a Developing Country: The Case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area, India, Chapter 4, 65-90, Perception, Design and Ecology of the Built Environment: A Focus on the Global South, 2020
Souvanic Roy, Tathagata Chatterji, The smart city policy of India and its governance implications, Chapter 7, 108-126, Smart Cities in Asia Governing Development in the Era of Hyper- Connectivity (eds) Yu-Min Joo, Teck-Boon Tan, 2020
Tathagata Chatterji, Souvanic Roy, Gentrification and Post-industrial Spatial Restructuring in Calcutta, India, Volume II, 269-288, Gentrification around the World Palgrave Studies in Urban Anthropology (eds) J.Krase, J. DeSena, 2020
Ray. Rajarshi and Mukhopadhyay, Parthasarathi., Study of Junctions with Bamboo: An Attempt Towards Their Classification, 4, 205-210, Oxford: Elsevier, In: Hashmi, Saleem and Choudhury, Imtiaz Ahmed (eds.). Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, 2020
Subrata Kr. Paul, Abhinanda Chatterjee, Souvanic Roy, Issues and Challenges for Transit-Oriented Development in the Scenario of a Developing Country: The Case of Kolkata Metropolitan Area, India, Page (65-106), Perception, Design and Ecology of the Built Environment: A Focus on the Global South (Mainak Ghosh Editor) Springer Geography, 2020
Das, S., Use of BIM and prefabrication to improve environmental sustainability of affordable housing in India, 121-128, In Annual Tech. Vol 2019 of Arch. Engg. Div. on ‘Sustainable Architectural Engineering: Materials and Technology’, Kolkata: Institute of Engineers India, 2019
Mohanta, A., Mohanty, R.N., & Das, S. (2019), Technical issues of using BIM: East Indian architects’ perspective. In Research into Design for a Connected World, Ed. A Chakraborti, (565-574), Singapore: Springer, 2019
Mukhopadhyay, R. and Mukhopadhyay, P., Innovations in Bamboo and Concrete Based Construction for Sustainable and Durable Housing, Chapter 21 in Sustainable Building Technologies, 274-293, K.S. Jagadish, ed. BMTPC, 2019
Subrata Kr. Paul, Deciding Bridge Location in Urban Areas: A Network Utility Perspective, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019
Mukhopadhyay, P., and Dutta, S.C., Indian Cyclones and Earthquakes: Their Impact on Structures, Chapter 4 in Exploring Natural Hazards: A Case Study Approach, Bartlett Darius J., and Ramesh P. Singh, eds., 87-110, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2018
Svetlana Brzev, Keya Mitra, Earthquake Resistant Confined Masonry Construction, National Information Centre for Earthquake Engineering, 2018
Mohanta, A. & Das, S. (2018), Trends and challenges of facilities management of green buildings of eastern India. In Annual Technical Volume 2018 of Architectural Engineering Division on ‘Technologies for Futuristic Architecture and Urbanism’, 67-77, Kolkata: Institute of Engineers India, 2018
Raj, H. & Das, S. (2017), Importance of valuation of environmental sustainability of affordable housing in India. In Construction Mgmt., Mechanization & Environmental Sustainability , Ed. K.Avishek, M. Mohan & G. Pathak, (213-219), New Delhi: White Falcon Publishing, 2017
S Deb and K Mitra, Economic Rationale for Visual Configuration of Space., ISBN-13: 9783330019997, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016
S Deb and K Mitra, Economic Rationale for Visual Configuration of Space for Rent and Tenanting Decision in Shopping Malls, ISBN-13: 9783668367333, Grin Publishing, 2016
S Deb and K Mitra, Spatial Economics of Shopping Malls. A Configurational Approach in Rent and Tenanting Decision, Grin Publishing, 2016
Mitra, K., The Calcutta Chronicles. From Calcutta to Kolkata. In Geropanta, V & E. Lucantoni (eds) Projects For: Kolkata The regeneration of the Hooghly riverfront., Aracne editrice int.le SRL, Rome. June 2015. ISBN: 978-88-548-8550-9., 2015
Mitra, S., Roy, S., Roy, S.K., Sanyal, M.K., Land Use and Infrastructure Development Strategy for Planned Transformation of Bally-Howrah-Uluberia Planning Area, Urban Development in Howrah: Socio-Economic Perspectives, 304-312, Part IV, PRIMUS Books Publishers [ISBN: 978-93- 84082-39-0], 2015
Souvanic Roy, Architectural Design, 49-56, The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury Publishing (ISBN 9781472521576), 2015
Souvanic Roy, Soumen Mitra, Sudip Kr. Roy, Manas Kr. Sanyal, Landuse and Infrastructure Development Strategy for Planned Transformation of Bally- Howrah-Uluberia Planning Area, 312-348, Urban Development in Howrah: Socio-Economic Perspectives”, Primus Books, New Delhi, 2015
Subrata Kr. Paul, Transit Oriented Development, The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury Publishing (ISBN 9781472521576, published 05-11-2015), 2015
Das, S. (2015), Effect of light on the wellbeing of people in the IT industry in Design for Sustainable Well-being and Empowerment, Ed. M. Mani & P. Kandachar, (463-474), IISc Press and TU Delft, 2015
Das. S. (2014), Hidden cost in PPP project: A case study of East West metro of Kolkata in Urbanisation in Asia: Urban governance, infrastructure and the environment, Ed. Kala. S. Seetharam & Guanghua Wan,, (149-164), Germany: Springer, 2014
Murty, C.V.R., Kumar, H., Mitra, K., Rai, D.C., Bose, A., A Methodology for documenting Housing Typologies in the Moderate-Severe Seismic Zones of India. Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation New Delhi., A Methodology for documenting Housing Typologies in the Moderate-Severe Seismic Zones of India, 2012
Dutta, S. C., and Mukhopadhyay, P., Improving earthquake and cyclone resistance of structures: Guidelines for the Indian subcontinent, TERI, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-7993-302-2, 2012
Souvanic Roy and Soumen Mitra, Eco-development and Biodiversity Conservation- A Study of Sunderban Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal, 221-242, “Insights from the Field: Studies in Participatory Forest Management in India”, published by Winrock International India , New Delhi, 2011
Mukhopadhyay, P., “Technology innovations” in Bamboo in construction, 35-37, Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO), New Delhi, 2005
Guha, S., Roy, G., Chattopadhyay, G., Sengupta, N., Mukhopadhyay, P., and Rakshit, D., Bigyan O Prajukti: Jyoti Basu’r Bhabna, FOSET, 2000
Souvanic Roy, Ecological Sustainability and Metropolitan Development: The Calcutta Experience, 293-302, “Waste Recycling and Resource Management in the Developing World” published by International Ecological Engineering Society, Switzerland, 2000
Souvanic Roy, Santhal Architecture, Published by Folk and Tribal Cultural Centre, Govt. of West Bengal, Calcutta, 1998
Souvanic Roy, Evaluation of Shelter Strategies for Urban Poor: Case Study Metropolitan Calcutta, 137-141, “Housing Development and Management” published by Centre for Built Environment, Calcutta, India, 1996
G.D Weisman, Uriel Cohen, Keya Mitra (Ray) and Kristen Day, Architectural Planning and Design for Dementia Care Units, Chapter V, Specialized Dementia Care Units. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991