
Publicity and Media Cell

"The Publicity and Media Cell of IIEST Shibpur has been created as per MHRD D.O. No. F. No. 33-3/2018- TS.III dated 21st June 2019 and further reconstituted through IIEST Office Order No.RDO/2913/20 dated 15th June 2020.

The Publicity and Media Cell will highlight the activities of IIEST, Shibpur nationwide and also to the global community, who wishes to know about the events and feel the Spirit of the Institute at a glance. They may be aspiring students, corporate members, academicians, and most important the present stakeholders; our students, faculty members, officers, staff, and the strong alumni network, in which the Institute reposes great faith and pride.

You can follow/like and share the following social networking pages associated with the Institute. They are official pages created and maintained by the Publicity and Advertising Cell, IIEST, Shibpur. It is a request to the present community to make the Digital Platforms of the Institute vibrant. A regular check of the digital pages will make apparent how the Institute is gearing up to reach higher on the academic hierarchy on the national level. This not only means Academics and Research, but also the co-curricular, extracurricular, competitive, and entrepreneurial spirits of the students that are being nurtured, together with other Outreach Programs. We welcome the inputs, ideas, resources which will be constructive and also convey that a polite dismissal for events may be done which will be not up to the benchmark. Let the digital platform be the base for initial connects among the IIEST fraternity within and outside the campus.

Dr. Nirmalya Bhattacharya, Joint Registrar (Academics) is appointed as ‘Public Relation Officer’ of the Institute through Institute Office Order No.RDO/2913/20 dated 15th June 2020.

The following members are constituted for looking after this task:

1. Prof. Santanu Das, Professor, Dept. of Electrronic & Telecommunication Engineering - Chairman

2. Dr. Nirmalya Kumar Bhattacharyya, Jt. Registrar (Academic) & PRO - Member

3. Dr. Bhaskar De, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Arch., T & RP - Member

4. Dr. Madhumita Roy, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Humanities and Social Science - Member

5. Dr. Santanu Maity, Assistant Professor, SAMGESS - Member

6. Sri Abani Oraon, Assistant Librarian - Member


Public Relation Officer: Dr. Nirmalya Kumar Bhattacharyya
Joint Registrar (Academic) & Public Relation Officer (PRO)
IIEST, Shibpur

Phone: 033-2668 8081(Direct)/ 2668 4561/62/63 Extn: 356
The Publicity and Media Cell: or

Created: 5 January 2019