
Aparajita Sengupta


Aparajita Sengupta was born in Kolkata in 1969. She stood first among girls and overall 3rd in West Bengal in the Madhyamik Pariksha in 1986. She received her Bachelor of Engineering (B. E.) degree from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 1988 and won a gold medal for best Sessional work in EE. She did her Master of Technology (M.Tech) from IIT, Kharagpur in 1994 winning a Silver medal for best performance among the postgraduate students in EE. She completed Ph.D in Engineering with Control Systems specialisation from IIT Kharagpur in 1997. In the same year she joined as a Lecturer in EE in the erstwhile Bengal Engineering College, (DU) and since then has been serving there. She is  working there as Professor in EE, since 2012.

Her own PhD work centred around Hinfinity Optimal Control. Though presently she is more interested in application of control theory on real physical systems

She has guided five PhD theses. The first candidate Arpita Mukherjee worked on Dynamic State Estimation which was supported by a DRDL sponsored project entitled "Kinematic State Estimation of Tactical Ballistic Missiles". This thesis produced three excellent publications in SCI journals. The second and third PhD candidates were jointly guided on control problems in the field of Power Systems and Power Electronics. Side by side Aparajita completed two sponsored research projects  funded by ISRO and AICTE respectively. 

Her last two PhD candidates worked on analysis and control of Nonlinear Time Delay Systems using Linear Matrix Inequalities. The candidates have produced four SCIE journal prublications. 

Presently two ongoing PhD candidates are working under her. One of them is 

Presently she is eager to nurture the immense  scope projected in Artificial Intelligence. She is trying to contribute in the filed of machine learming, particularly in neural networks and reinforcemnt learning in control.  Parallely she is attempting to apply control theory on real physical systems.

She is the mother of Arkadeb (27 years) and Shruti (19 years).

Ongoing Student Projects:

M.Tech Projects:

1. Reinforcement Leaning Control of Real Physical Systems.

2. Hinfinity Control of Real Physical Systems. (1. Microgrid system - simulation only. 2. Rotary Servo Flexible Link system - (hardware application through software) 

M.Tech Projects (2023):

1. Neural Network Modelling, Parameter Estimation and Control of Physical Systems (simulation), Smart Disease Identification using neural netoworks.

2. Application of Reinforcement Learning in Control Systems Problems (simulation)

B.Tech Project (Ongoing):

Wind Power prediction using Machine Learning.

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D (Control Systems/EE-1997, IIT Kharagpur, W.B. India).
  • M.Tech (Control Systems/EE-1994, IIT Kharagpur, W.B. India).
  • B.E. (EE-1992, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, W.B. India).

Research Statement

  • Load Frequency Control in Microrid systems 
  • State estimation using machine learning
  • Nonlinear Adaptive Estimators
  • Reinforcement Learning Control of Physical Systems
  • Modelling and Control of Physical Systems using Neural Networks
  • Modelling and analysis of human heart for stochastic pacing therapy
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  • Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control
  • Robust Control.
  • Time Delay Systems
  • Nonlinear Control.
  • Nonlinear Estimation.
  • Tracking of Tactual Ballistic Missiles.

Latest Publications

  • 1 Yadav, P., Dey, A., & Sengupta, A, Power system Harmonics estimation using Q adaptive Gaussian sum cubature Kalman filter, pp. 1311-1316, 2023 IEEE 20th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2023
  • 2 D. Chatterjee, R. Roy and A. Sengupta, Comparison of Reinforcement Learning controller with a classical controller for an UAV, pp. 01-05, 2023 Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), 2023
  • 3 Arunima Mukherjee and Aparajita Sengupta, LMI-based robust tracking of a class of MIMO nonlinear systems, 44, Sadhana, 2019
  • 4 Arunima Mukherjee and Aparajita Sengupta, Robust reference tracking and transient response shaping of a class of nonlinear systems, International Journal of Control, 2019
  • 5 Sudipta Chattopadhayay, Saptak Bhattacherjee, Soutrik Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita Sengupta,Subhasis Bhaumik, Control of Single-Segment Continuum Robots: Reinforcement Learning vs. Neural Network based PID, International Conference on Control, Power, Communication and Computing Technologies (ICCPCCT), 2018
  • 6 Chaity Sarkar and Aparajita Sengupta, LMI based LSVF Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Parametric Uncertainty: An Application to an Inverted Pendulum System, 89, 2520-2532, International Journal of Control, 2016
  • 7 D. Mondal, A. Chakrabarti and A. Sengupta, Optimal placement and parameter setting of SVC and TCSC using PSO to mitigate small signal stability problem, 42, 334-340, Journal of Electric Power and Energy System (Elsevier), 2012
  • 8 D. Mondal, A. Chakrabarti and A. Sengupta, Optimal placement and parameter setting of SVC and TCSC using PSO to mitigate small signal stability problem, 42, 334-340, Journal of Electric Power and Energy System (Elsevier), 2012
  • 9 Arpita Mukherjee, Aparajita Sengupta, A Recursive Maximum a Posteriori Estimator, 13, 465-469, Asian Journal of Control, 2011
  • 10 Datta Kanti B., and Aparajita Rai Chaudhuri, H2/Hinfinity Control of Singularly Perturbed Systems: the State Feedback Case, 16, 54-69, European Journal of Control (Elsevier), 2010
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    Research Areas

    • Reinforcement Learning Control of Physical Systems
    • Data Driven Control
    • Load Frequency Control of a Micro grid System
    • Design and Implementation of an Hinifnity Optimal Controller on Rotary Servo Flexible Link System
    • Applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning
    • Modelling and analysis of Human Heart for stochastic pacing applications
    • Tracking of Tactical Ballistic Missiles.
    • Nonlinear Estimation.
    • Nonlinear Control.
    • Robust Control.


    1 Arunima Mukherjee and Aparajita Sengupta, LMI-based robust tracking of a class of MIMO nonlinear systems, 44, Sadhana, 2019 2 Arunima Mukherjee and Aparajita Sengupta, Robust reference tracking and transient response shaping of a class of nonlinear systems, International Journal of Control, 2019 3 Chaity Sarkar and Aparajita Sengupta, LMI based LSVF Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Parametric Uncertainty: An Application to an Inverted Pendulum System, 89, 2520-2532, International Journal of Control, 2016 4 D. Mondal, A. Chakrabarti and A. Sengupta, Optimal placement and parameter setting of SVC and TCSC using PSO to mitigate small signal stability problem, 42, 334-340, Journal of Electric Power and Energy System (Elsevier), 2012 5 D. Mondal, A. Chakrabarti and A. Sengupta, Optimal placement and parameter setting of SVC and TCSC using PSO to mitigate small signal stability problem, 42, 334-340, Journal of Electric Power and Energy System (Elsevier), 2012 6 Arpita Mukherjee, Aparajita Sengupta, A Recursive Maximum a Posteriori Estimator, 13, 465-469, Asian Journal of Control, 2011 7 Datta Kanti B., and Aparajita Rai Chaudhuri, H2/Hinfinity Control of Singularly Perturbed Systems: the State Feedback Case, 16, 54-69, European Journal of Control (Elsevier), 2010 8 Arpita Mukherjee, Aparajita Sengupta, Likelihood function modeling of particle filter in presence of non-stationary non-Gaussian nois, 90, 1873-1885, Processing (Elsevier), 2010 9 Mukherjee, A., Sengupta, A, Estimating the Probability Density Function of a Nonstationary Non-Gaussian Noise, 57, 1429 - 1435, IEEE Transactions of Industrial Electronics, 2010
  • 10 Datta K. B. and RaiChaudhuri A, H2/Hµ Control of discrete singularly perturbed systems, 38, 1791-1797, the state feedback casem, Automatica, 2002
  • 11 Toivonen, H. T. , Rai Chaudhuri A and K. B. Datta, Mixed H2/Hµ control: synthesis equations for discrete-time case, Process control lab, ABO AKADEMI, Finland, 1996
  • 1 Yadav, P., Dey, A., & Sengupta, A, Power system Harmonics estimation using Q adaptive Gaussian sum cubature Kalman filter, pp. 1311-1316, 2023 IEEE 20th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2023
  • 2 D. Chatterjee, R. Roy and A. Sengupta, Comparison of Reinforcement Learning controller with a classical controller for an UAV, pp. 01-05, 2023 Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT), 2023
  • 3 Sudipta Chattopadhayay, Saptak Bhattacherjee, Soutrik Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita Sengupta,Subhasis Bhaumik, Control of Single-Segment Continuum Robots: Reinforcement Learning vs. Neural Network based PID, International Conference on Control, Power, Communication and Computing Technologies (ICCPCCT), 2018
  • 4 A. Mukherjee, A. Ghosh, Aparajita Sengupta, P. K. Nandi, A Comparison of Unscented Kalman Filter and Extended Kalman Filter for Estimating the Kinematics States of Ballistic Target, National Conference on Range Technology, NACORT 2006, 2006
  • 5 Bijoy Mukherjee, M. Sengupta and A. Sengupta, Design, Fabrication, DSP Implementation and Comparison of Simulated Performance of an LIM for PI and Hµ control systems, 911-918, 18th Intl. Conf. On Magnetically Levitated Sys and Linear Drives, MAGLEV 2004, China, 2004
  • 6 Bijoy Mukherjee, M. Sengupta and A. Sengupta, Design, Fabrication , Testing and Finite element analysis of a lab-scale LIM, 586-589, IEEE Indicon, IIT Kharagpur, 2004, 2004
  • 7 A.Sengupta, M. Sengupta and S. Patra, Design, Simulation and Comparison of a PI Controller and an H¥ Optimal Controller for a Switched Reluctance Motor based Variable Speed Drive, 278-281, Proc. of the National Systems Conference, IIT Kharagpur, 2003, 2003
  • 8 M. Sengupta, A. Sengupta, J. K. Moharana, Study on an Advanced Static VAR Compensator switched from a Space Vector PWM inverter- Analysis, simulation and comparison with conventional Sinusoidal, 72-78, Proc. of National power electronics conference, NPEC -2003, 2003
  • 9 Sengupta A., Saha A., Patra S. and Sengupta M, Design and performance of an Extended Luenberger Observer for indirect position estimation in a Switched Reluctance Motor, Conf, 270-273, Proc.of the 12th, NPSC- 2002, IIT Kharagpur, INDIA, 2002
  • 10 K.B. Datta and A. RaiChaudhuri, H2/Hµ control of discrete singularly perturbed systems: the state-feedback case, Conf Proc of the circuits, 619-624, systems and computers, Greece, 1996
  • 11 RaiChaudhuri Aparajita and Datta Kanti Bhusan, ampled-data control of singularly perturbed systems with an Hµ optimality criterion, 12-15, Conf. Proc of the 12th Int conf on systems science, Poland, 1995
  • 12 RaiChaudhuri A. and Datta K. B., LQG control of a singularly perturbed system with an Hµ performance bound: the continuous-time case., 170-174, Conf. Proc. Of the 19th NSC, Coimbatore, INDIA, 1995
  • 1 Ursa Maity, Anindita Ganguly, Aparajita Sengupta, Simulation of Cardiac Action Potential with Deterministic and Stochastic Pacing Protocols, Springer Nature, 2020
  • 2 Ursa Maity, Anindita Ganguly, Aparajita Sengupta, Simulation of Action Potential Duration and Its Dependence on [K]O and [Na]I in the Luo-Rudy Phase I Model, Springer Nature, 2020
  • Patents

    # Patents Year


    Member of Central Course Ordinance Committee

    Played an important role in drafting the present UG, PG and PhD regulations. 

    Head, School of Management Sciences (SOMS)
    Jan-July 2018

    Acted as the HOD of SOMS for the period.  


    • Stochastic Pacing Therapy for Cardiac Fibrillation Prevention, Sponsored
    • Embedded Systems in Instrumentation and Control, Sponsored
    • A Co-ordinated Multi-Institutional Research Project on Tracking of Ballistic Aerospace Targets, Sponsored
    • Six-deg-of freedom modeling and closed-loop robust cntrl of a reusable satellite launch vehicle, Sponsored
    • DSP based robust control of a lab scale system, Sponsored


    • Institute Silver Medal for ranking 1st among PG students in EE, Year: 1994
    • Governor's Gold Medal for ranking first among girls and overall 3rd in Madhyamik (School Final) Exam, Year: 1986

    Research Groups

    Arunima Mukherjee
    Ph. D

    Ph. D.

    Pravir Yadav
    Ph. D.

    Created: 23 November 2019