
Murari Mitra

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D. (Indian Statistical Institute).
  • M. Stat. (Indian Statistical Institute): Awarded ISIAA medal for “outstanding performance” in Master of Statistics in the year 1990.
  • B. Stat. (Indian Statistical Institute).

Research Statement

  • Reliability Theory, Mathematical Statistics.
  • Operations Research, Nonparametric Inference.

Latest Publications

  • 1 Ruhul Ali Khan, Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and Murari Mitra, On classes of life distributions based on the mean time to failure function, 58(2), Accepted for publication, Journal of Applied probability, 2020
  • 2 Ruhul Ali Khan, Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and Murari Mitra, A change point estimation problem related to age replacement policies, 48(2), 105-108, Operations Research Letters, 2020
  • 3 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Shyamal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, On a non-monotonic ageing class based on the failure rate average, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2020
  • 4 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, A test of exponentiality against DMTTF alternatives via L-statistics. Statistics & Probability Letters, 165, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2020
  • 5 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, A nonparametric test for comparison of mean past lives, 161, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2020
  • 6 Shyamal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, On the exact distribution of generalized Hollander-Proschan type statistics, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2020
  • 7 Prajamitra Bhuyan, Shyamal Ghosh, Priyanka Majumder, Murari Mitra, A bivariate life distribution and notions of negative dependence, 9(1), Stat, 2020
  • 8 Priyanka Majumder, Shyamal Ghosh, Murari Mitra, Ordering results of extreme order statistics from heterogeneous Gompertz–Makeham random variables, 54(3), Statistics, 2020
  • 9 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, Stochastic comparisons of series, parallel and k-out-of-n systems with heterogeneous bathtub failure rate type components, 540, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Accepted, 2020
  • 10 Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, Estimation issues in the exponential–logarithmic model under hybrid censoring, Statistical Papers, Accepted, 2019
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    Research Areas

    • Nonparametric Inference.
    • Operations Research
    • Mathematical Statistics.
    • Reliability Theory


  • 1 Ruhul Ali Khan, Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and Murari Mitra, On classes of life distributions based on the mean time to failure function, 58(2), Accepted for publication, Journal of Applied probability, 2020
  • 2 Ruhul Ali Khan, Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya and Murari Mitra, A change point estimation problem related to age replacement policies, 48(2), 105-108, Operations Research Letters, 2020
  • 3 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Shyamal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, On a non-monotonic ageing class based on the failure rate average, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2020
  • 4 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, A test of exponentiality against DMTTF alternatives via L-statistics. Statistics & Probability Letters, 165, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2020
  • 5 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, A nonparametric test for comparison of mean past lives, 161, Statistics & Probability Letters, 2020
  • 6 Shyamal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, On the exact distribution of generalized Hollander-Proschan type statistics, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2020
  • 7 Prajamitra Bhuyan, Shyamal Ghosh, Priyanka Majumder, Murari Mitra, A bivariate life distribution and notions of negative dependence, 9(1), Stat, 2020
  • 8 Priyanka Majumder, Shyamal Ghosh, Murari Mitra, Ordering results of extreme order statistics from heterogeneous Gompertz–Makeham random variables, 54(3), Statistics, 2020
  • 9 Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya, Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, Stochastic comparisons of series, parallel and k-out-of-n systems with heterogeneous bathtub failure rate type components, 540, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Accepted, 2020
  • 10 Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, Estimation issues in the exponential–logarithmic model under hybrid censoring, Statistical Papers, Accepted, 2019
  • 11 Ruhul Ali Khan and Murari Mitra, Sharp bounds for survival probability when ageing is not monotone, 33, 205–219, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 2019
  • 12 Priyanka Majumder and Murari Mitra, A test of exponentiality against M-alternatives, 31(3), 794–812, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2019
  • 13 Priyanka Majumder and Murari Mitra, A test for detecting Laplace order dominance and related Bahadur efficiency issues, 60(6), 1921–1937, Statistical Papers, 2019
  • 14 Priyanka Majumder and Murari Mitra, On a class exhibiting trend change in average failure rate, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Accepted, 2019
  • 15 Priyanka Majumder and Murari Mitra, Detecting trend change in hazard functions—an L-statistic approach., Statistical Papers, 2019
  • 16 Shyamal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, On an ageing class based on the moment generating function order, 55, 402–415, Journal of Applied Probability, 2018
  • 17 Shyamal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, A new test for exponentiality against HNBUE alternatives, 49(1), 27–43, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2018
  • 18 Priyanka Majumder and Murari Mitra, On the non-monotonic analogue of a class based on the hazard rate order., 139, 135 – 140, Statistics Probability Letters, 2018
  • 19 Prajamitra Bhuyan, Murari Mitra and Anup Dewanji, Identifiability issues in dynamic stress--strength modeling, 70, 63--81, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2018
  • 20 Shyamal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, A weighted integral approach to testing against HNBUE alternatives., 129, 58 – 64, Statistics Probability Letters, 2017
  • 21 Shymal Ghosh and Murari Mitra, A Hollander–Proschan type test when ageing is not monotone, 121, 119 – 127, Statistics Probability Letters, 2017
  • 22 Aditi Pal, Murari Mitra and M. Z. Anis, On testing exponentiality against NBAFR alternatives, 43, 1834-1844, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 2014
  • 23 M. Z. Anis and Murari Mitra, A generalized Hollander-Proschan type test for NBUE alternatives, 81(1), 126-132, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2011
  • 24 Aniruddha Pandey and Murari Mitra, Poisson shock models leading to new classes of non-monotonic aging life distributions, 51, 2412-2415, Microelectronics Reliability, 2011
  • 25 G. S. Mahapatra, Murari Mitra and T. K Roy, Intuitionistic fuzzy multi-objective mathematical programming on reliability optimization model, 12(3), 259- 266, International journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2010
  • 26 M. Z. Anis and Murari Mitra, An L-statistic approach to a test of exponentiality against IFR alternatives, 138, 3144-3148, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2008
  • 27 M. Z. Anis and Murari Mitra, An alternative simple proof of a result useful in reliability shock models, 20(2), 287-290, Economic Quality Control, 2005
  • 28 M. Z. Anis and Murari Mitra, Change point detection of failure rate functions, 30(1), 17-32, IAPQR Transactions, 2005
  • 29 M. Z. Anis and Murari Mitra, A simple test of exponentiality against NWBUE family of life distributions, 21, 45-53, Appl. Stochastic Models Bus. Ind, 2005
  • 30 M. Z. Anis and Murari Mitra, Change point detection in mean residual life function, 8, 7-71, J.Ind. Soc. Prob. Statist., 2004
  • 31 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K, Testing exponentiality against Laplace order dominance, 36(3), 223-229, Statistics, 2002
  • 32 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K., An optimum ordering policy and its estimation in a two-supplier inventory model with uncertainties in supplies, 265-282, Calcutta Stat. Assn. Bulletin, Golden Jubilee Issue, 2000
  • 33 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K, A bound for the renewal function of a process driven by a non-monotonic life distribution function, 31, 339-345, Statistics, 1998
  • 34 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K, The class of life distributions that are Laplace order dominated by the exponential law and its ramifications, Frontiers in Reliability, World Scientific., 1998
  • 35 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K., On some propertise of the bathtub failure rate family of life distributions, 36(5), 679-684, Microelectron. Reliab, 1996
  • 36 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K., Shock models leading to nonomonotonic ageing classes of life distributions, 55, 131-138, J.Statist. Plann.Inference, 1996
  • 37 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K. and Bhattacharjee, M.C., Characterizing the exponential law under Laplace order domination, 45, 171-180, Calcutta Stat. Assn. Bulletin, 1995
  • 38 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K., Change point estimation in non-monotonic ageing models, 47, 483-491, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math, 1995
  • 39 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K., On a non-parametric family of life distributions and its dual, 39, 385-397, J.Statist. Plann.Inference, 1994
  • 40 Mitra, M. and Basu, S.K. Sujit K. Basu and Bimal. K. Sinha, Interrelationships between certain notions of non-monotonic ageing, Probability and Statistics, Eds.. Narosa Publishing House., 1993
  • Patents

    # Patents Year

    Research Groups

    Md. Zafar Anis
    Ph. D.

    Shyamal Ghosh
    Ph. D.

    Priyanka Majumder
    M. Sc.

    Ruhul Ali Khan
    M. Sc.

    Dhrubasish Bhattacharyya
    M. Sc.

    Smaranika Bera
    M. Sc.

    Created: 23 November 2019