
Tapan Kumar Kar


Dr. Tapan Kumar Kar, Professor (Higher Administrative Grade (HAG)),  former Head of the Department, graduated from Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission Residential College, Kolkata, affiliated under the University of Calcutta, M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics) And M. Phil from the University of Calcutta, Ph.D. from Jadavpur University, India, and Post Doc from Yokohama National University, Japan. He was topper both in undergraduate and Post Graduate degrees. He also qualified both NET and GATE conducted by the Government of India. He is serving this institute for more than 27 years, beginning from his service career. Besides, he is also helping other Govt. institute/University/Organization in different academic activities. He has been awarded the JSPS Postdoctoral fellowship (2005) for postdoctoral research work at Yokohama National University, Japan, JSPS invitation fellowship (2014) for conducting collaborative research work at Kyushu University, Japan, Visiting Professor for collaborative research work at Kyoto University, Japan in 2013 and 2017. So far, 25 students have been completed their Ph.D. degrees, and 11 more are ongoing under his supervision. He has visited several countries for his research activities and collaboration. He has delivered several invited lecturers both at National and International levels. So far, 9  major socially relevant research projects are completed, and one is ongoing both at national and international levels.  He has published more than 200 research papers in refereed journals, mostly in Scopus/SCI-indexed journals.  He has also served as editorial board member of some reputed journals,  received a certificate of highly cited research and written some books and chapters. He is a regular reviewer of several leading international journals.

I encourage enthusiastic researchers interested for PhD position under my supervision to contact me about the opportunity on the following specializations:  

External funding agencies:  CSIR, UGC, NBHM and DST.  Internal funding: Institute Fellowship

Some of the mathematical topics applied in my research field are:

  • Differential Equations & Dynamical Systems

  • Discrete Dynamical Models

  • Stability, Bifurcations and Chaos

  • Impulsive Differential Equations

  • Delay Differential Equations

  • Partial Differential Equations and Computations

  • Fractional Differential Equations

   Announcement:       I'll be happy to host a Post-Doctoral researcher in our group. Interested candidate may contact me

@ WISE Post-Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF) : (  

@NBHM Post Doctoral Fellowship (

National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF):

Academic Qualifications

  • 1990: B.Sc. (Honours) (First Class first) (Calcutta University) Major: Mathematics, Minors: Physics and Chemistry.
  • 1993: M.Sc.(Calcutta University)(First class 2nd) Applied Mathematics, Specialization:  Mathematical Biology.
  • 1993: Qualified “National Eligibility Test (NET)” conducted by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and University Grants Commission (UGC)
  • 1993: Qualified “Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)”, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government  of India.
  • 1994: M.Phil (Calcutta University) Applied Mathematics, Specialization: Mathematical Ecology.
  • 2004: Ph.D. (Jadavpur University), Thesis title: Some Mathematical Models on Bioeconomic Harvesting Problems of Multispecies Fisheries. Supervisor: Professor Kripasindhu Chaudhuri, Jadavpur University.
  • 2005-07: Post Doctoral Fellow (JSPS) Yokohama National University, JAPAN
  • 2013: Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
  • 2014: JSPS Invitation fellow, Kyushu University, Japan.
  • 2017: Visiting Professor, Kyoto University

Teaching experience: 24 years

  • 1996-2001: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India.
  • 2001-2005: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India.
  • 2005-2008: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India.
  • 2008-2011: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India
  • 2011: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
  • 2021: Professor  (Higher Adminstrative Grade (HAG)), Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Engineering      Science and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, India


Research Statement

28 Years

       Some of the mathematical topics applied in my research field are:

  • Differential Equations & Dynamical Systems

  • Discrete Dynamical Models

  • Stability, Bifurcations and Chaos

  • Impulsive Differential Equations

  • Delay Differential Equations

  • Partial Differential Equations and Computations

  • Fractional Differential Equations

Latest Publications

  • 1 Bhutia, L. T., Biswas, S., Das, E., Kar, T. K. and Bhunia, B., Evolution of Turing patterns of a predator–prey system with variable carrying capacity and harvesting, 191, 115790, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2024
  • 2 Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S. and Kar, T. K., Theoretical analysis of a fractional-order nipah virus transmission system with sensitivity and cost-effectiveness analysis, Physica Scripta, 2024
  • 3 Biswas, S., Bhutia, L. T. and Kar, T. K., Impact of the herd harvesting on a temporal and spatiotemporal prey–predator model with certain prey herd behaviors and density-dependent cross-diffusion, 139(12), 1101, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2024
  • 4 Biswas, S., Bhutia, L. T., Kar, T. K., Bhunia, B. and Das, E., Spatiotemporal analysis of a modified Leslie–Gower model with cross-diffusion and harvesting, 470, 134381, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2024
  • 5 Das, R., Das, D. K. and Kar, T. K., Analysis of a chronological age-structured epidemic model with a pair of optimal treatment controls, 99(12), 125240, Physica Scripta, 2024
  • 6 Bera, S., Khajanchi, S. and Kar, T. K., Stochastic Persistence, Extinction and Stationary Distribution in HTLV-I Infection Model with CTL Immune Response, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2024
  • 7 Adak, S., Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S. and Kar, T. K., Modelling and analysis of a fractional-order epidemic model incorporating genetic algorithm-based optimization, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2024
  • 8 Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S., Khatua, A. and Kar, T. K., Complex dynamics of a fractional-order monkeypox transmission system with saturated recovery function, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2024
  • 9 Patra, S., Jana, S., Adak, S. and Kar, T. K., A deep learning architecture using hybrid and stacks to forecast weekly dengue cases in Laos, 97(8), 110, The European Physical Journal B, 2024
  • 10 Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S., Das, D. K. and Kar, T. K., Complex Dynamics of a Fractional-order Epidemic Model with Saturated Media Effect, 112(20), 18611-18637, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024
  • View More

    Research Areas

    • Impact of invasive species on the sustainable utilization of native species
    • Pest control
    • Mathematical modeling of eco-epidemiological problems.
    • Modeling and control of epidemiological problems.
    • sustainable use of ecosystem services.
    • conservation of aquatic ecosystems
    • food chain
    • population management
    • Theoretical studies on ecology
    • Population dynamics
    • Stability and bifurcation theory
    • Dynamical systems


  • 1 Bhutia, L. T., Biswas, S., Das, E., Kar, T. K. and Bhunia, B., Evolution of Turing patterns of a predator–prey system with variable carrying capacity and harvesting, 191, 115790, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2024
  • 2 Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S. and Kar, T. K., Theoretical analysis of a fractional-order nipah virus transmission system with sensitivity and cost-effectiveness analysis, Physica Scripta, 2024
  • 3 Biswas, S., Bhutia, L. T. and Kar, T. K., Impact of the herd harvesting on a temporal and spatiotemporal prey–predator model with certain prey herd behaviors and density-dependent cross-diffusion, 139(12), 1101, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2024
  • 4 Biswas, S., Bhutia, L. T., Kar, T. K., Bhunia, B. and Das, E., Spatiotemporal analysis of a modified Leslie–Gower model with cross-diffusion and harvesting, 470, 134381, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2024
  • 5 Das, R., Das, D. K. and Kar, T. K., Analysis of a chronological age-structured epidemic model with a pair of optimal treatment controls, 99(12), 125240, Physica Scripta, 2024
  • 6 Bera, S., Khajanchi, S. and Kar, T. K., Stochastic Persistence, Extinction and Stationary Distribution in HTLV-I Infection Model with CTL Immune Response, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2024
  • 7 Adak, S., Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S. and Kar, T. K., Modelling and analysis of a fractional-order epidemic model incorporating genetic algorithm-based optimization, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2024
  • 8 Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S., Khatua, A. and Kar, T. K., Complex dynamics of a fractional-order monkeypox transmission system with saturated recovery function, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2024
  • 9 Patra, S., Jana, S., Adak, S. and Kar, T. K., A deep learning architecture using hybrid and stacks to forecast weekly dengue cases in Laos, 97(8), 110, The European Physical Journal B, 2024
  • 10 Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S., Das, D. K. and Kar, T. K., Complex Dynamics of a Fractional-order Epidemic Model with Saturated Media Effect, 112(20), 18611-18637, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024
  • 11 Dey, S., Kar, T. K. and Kuniya, T., Global dynamics and threshold behavior of an SEIR epidemic model with nonlocal diffusion, 226, 91-117, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2024
  • 12 Majee, S., Jana, S., Kar, T. K. and Bhunia, B., Complex dynamics of a fractional-order delayed epidemic model incorporating waning immunity and optimal control, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2024
  • 13 Pujaru, K., Adak, S., Kar, T. K., Patra, S. and Jana, S., A Mamdani fuzzy inference system with trapezoidal membership functions for investigating fishery production, 11, 100481, Decision Analytics Journal, 2024
  • 14 Barman, S., Jana, S., Majee, S. and Kar, T. K., Optimal treatment and stochastic stability on a fractional-order epidemic model incorporating media awareness, 15, 100419, Results in Control and Optimization, 2024
  • 15 Adak, S., Kar, T. K., and Jana, S., A fuzzy inference system for predicting outbreaks in emerging infectious diseases, 10, 100436, Decision Analytics Journal, 2024
  • 16 Khatua, A., Kar, T. K., and Jana, S., Global dynamics and optimal control of a nonlinear fractional-order cholera model, 29(2), 265-285, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2024
  • 17 Bhutia, L. T., Biswas, S. and Kar, T. K., Dynamical analysis of delayed predator-prey models and explicit impacts of harvesting, 13(2), 373-403, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024
  • 18 Majee, S., Jana, S., Kar, T. K., Barman, S. and Das, D. K., Modeling and analysis of Caputo-type fractional-order SEIQR epidemic model, 12(1), 148-166, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2024
  • 19 Bhunia, B., Kar, T. K. and Debnath, P., Explicit impacts of harvesting on a delayed predator-prey system with Allee effect, 12(2), 571-585, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2024
  • 20 Das, R., Das, D. K., Kar, T. K., and Agarwal, R. P., Threshold dynamics of an age-structured vaccinated epidemic model with both direct and indirect routes of infections, 76, 103993, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2024
  • 21 Das, R., Das, D. K., and Kar, T. K., Qualitative analysis of TB transmission dynamics considering both the age since latency and relapse, 225, 939-967, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2023
  • 22 Majee, S., Kar, T. K., Jana, S., Das, D. K., and Nieto, J. J., Complex Dynamics and Fractional-Order Optimal Control of an Epidemic Model with Saturated Treatment and Incidence, 33(16), 2350192, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2023
  • 23 Bhunia, B., Ghorai, S., Kar, T. K., Biswas, S., Bhutia, L. T. and Debnath, P., A study of a spatiotemporal delayed predator–prey model with prey harvesting: Constant and periodic diffusion, 175, 113967, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023
  • 24 Majee, S., Barman, S., Khatua, A., Kar, T. K. and Jana, S., The Impact of Media Awareness on a Fractional- Order SEIR Epidemic Model with Optimal Treatment and Vaccination, 232(14), 2459-2483, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2023
  • 25 Bhunia, B., Bhutia, L. T., Kar, T. K. and Debnath, P., Explicit impacts of harvesting on a fractional-order delayed predator-prey model, 232(14), 2629-2644, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2023
  • 26 Das, D., Kar, T. K. and Pal, D., The impact of invasive species on some ecological services in a harvested predator–prey system, 212, 66-90, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2023
  • 27 Majee, S., Jana, S. and Kar, T. K., Dynamical analysis of monkeypox transmission incorporating optimal vaccination and treatment with cost-effectiveness, 33(4), 043103, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2023
  • 28 Biswas, S., Bhutia, L. T. and Kar, T. K., Transient and asymptotic dynamics of Bazykin’s prey-predator model on managing reactivity, resilience, and maximum sustainable yield, 138(3), 256, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2023
  • 29 Majee, S., Jana, S., Barman, S. and Kar, T. K., Transmission Dynamics of Monkeypox Virus with Treatment and Vaccination Controls: A Fractional Order Mathematical Approach, 98(2), 024002, Physica Scripta, 2023
  • 30 Pujaru, K., Jana, S., Khatua, A., Adak, S., and Kar, T. K., An economic approach to predict biomass level of Bangladesh Sundarbans region using fuzzy inference system, 19(03), 737-755, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 2023
  • 31 Das, E., Paul, P., and Kar, T. K., Transient indicator of exploited communities at equilibrium in generalist predator–prey models, 137(11), 1221, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2022
  • 32 Adak, S., Majumder, R., Majee, S., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., An ANFIS model-based approach to investigate the effect of lockdown due to COVID-19 on public health, 231(18), 3317-3327, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2022
  • 33 Majee, S., Jana, S., Das, D. K., and Kar, T. K., Global dynamics of a fractional-order HFMD model incorporating optimal treatment and stochastic stability, 161, 112291, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2022
  • 34 Majumder, R., Adak, S., Jana, S., Patra, S., and Kar, T. K., Change in Normal Health Condition Due to COVID-19 Infection: Analysis by ANFIS Technique, 46(5), 1327–1338, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2022
  • 35 Khatua, A., Pal, D., and Kar, T. K., Global dynamics of a diffusive two-strain epidemic model with non-monotone incidence rate, 46(3), 859–868, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2022
  • 36 Jana, S., Khatua, A., Mandal, M., and Kar, T. K., Dynamics of a prey-predator type ecological model in relevance to pest control, 42(6), 1049-1062, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2022
  • 37 Jana, S., Khatua, A., Kar, T. K., and Mandal, M., Time optimal control for an epidemic system with isolation and quadratic treatment, 12(4), 361-370, International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, 2022
  • 38 Mandal, M., Jana, S., Majee, S., Khatua, A., and Kar, T. K., Forecasting the Pandemic COVID-19 in India: A Mathematical Approach, In Press, 11(3), 549--571, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022
  • 39 Das, D., Pal, D., Kar, T. K., and Chaudhuri, K., Balanced harvesting in two predators one prey system, 68(2), 839-861, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2022
  • 40 Majee, S., Adak, S., JanA, S., Mandal, M., and Kar, T. K., Complex Dynamics of a Fractional-order SIR system in the context of COVID-19, 68, 4051-4074, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2021
  • 41 Paul., P., Das, E., and Kar, T. K., Reactivity and recovery in an exploited one prey two predators system at equilibrium, 136, 1148, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2021
  • 42 Khatua, A., Das, D. K., and Kar, T. K., Optimal control strategy for adherence to different treatment regimen in various stages of tuberculosis infection, 136(8), 801, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2021
  • 43 Paul, P., Kar, T. K., and Das, E., Reactivity in prey-predator models at equilibrium under selective harvesting effort, 136(5), 510, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2021
  • 44 Das, D. K., and Kar, T. K., Global dynamics of a tuberculosis model with sensitivity of the smear microscopy, 146, 110879, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021
  • 45 Pujaru, K., Kar, T. K., and Paul, P., Relationship between multiple ecosystem services and sustainability in three species food chain, 62, 101250, Ecological Informatics, 2021
  • 46 Das, D. K., Khatua, A., Kar, T. K., and Jana, S., The effectiveness of contact tracing in mitigating COVID-19 outbreak: A model-based analysis in the context of India, 404, 126207, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021
  • 47 Jana, S., Mandal, M., Nandi, S. K. and Kar, T. K., Analysis of a fractional-order SIS epidemic model with saturated treatment, 12(1), 2150004, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2021
  • 48 Mandal, M., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Modeling and Analysis of a Fractional-order Prey-Predator System Incorporating Harvesting, 7(2), 1159 -1176, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2021
  • 49 Das, D. K., Das, K., and Kar, T. K., Dynamical behaviour of infected predator-prey eco-epidemics with harvesting effort, 7(3), 1-27, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2021
  • 50 Mandal, M., Jana, S., Pahari, U. K. and Kar, T. K., Optimal Control and Stability Analysis of Malaria disease: A model Based Approach, 10(4), 775-790, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021
  • 51 Mandal, M., Jana, S., Nandi, S. K., and Kar, T. K., A Study on Effects of Biotic Resources on a Predator-Prey Population, 10(3), 499-522, Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 2021
  • 52 Mandal, M., Jana, S., Nandi, S. K., and Kar, T. K., Complex Dynamics of an Epidemic System With Optimal Vaccination and Treatment in the Presence of Population Dispersal, 10(3), 471-497, Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 2021
  • 53 Jana, S., Guria, S., Ghorai, A. and Kar, T. K., Complex Dynamics of a Prey-predator System Incorporating Functional Response Dependent Prey Refuge with Harvesting, 10(3), 493-512, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021
  • 54 Jana, S., Mandal, M., and Kar, T. K., Optimal control and stability analysis of an epidemic model with population dispersal (In press), International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2020
  • 55 Haldar, S., Das, K., and Kar, T. K., Dynamics of an Exploited Prey Predator Model Induced by Sigmoidal Functional Response in Strong Allee Effect, 35(1), 15-34, International Journal of Ecology & Development, 2020 56 Mandal, M., Jana, S., Nandi, S. K., and Kar, T. K., Modelling and Control of a Fractional-order Epidemic Model with Fear Effect, 5(6), 421-432, Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2020 57 Mandal, M., Jana, S., Khatua, A., and Kar, T. K., Modelling and control of COVID-19: A short term forecasting in the context of India, 30(11), 113119, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2020 58 Khatua, A., and Kar, T.K., Impacts of media awareness on a stage structured epidemic model, 6(5), 152(1-22), International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2020 59 Paul, P., Kar, T. K., and Pujaru, K., Impacts of zoning management of coastal ecosystem for three different activities: Reserve-fishing-ecotourism, 60, 101171, Ecological Informatics, 2020 60 Das, D., and Kar, T. K., Marine reserve and its consequences in a predator-prey system for ecotourism and fishing, 11(1), 20 - 36, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation, 2020
  • 61 Jana, S., Mandal, M., and Kar, T. K., Population dispersal and optimal control of an SEIR epidemic model, 34(4), 379-395, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2020
  • 62 Khatua, A., and Kar, T. K., Dynamical behavior and control strategy of a dengue epidemic model, 135(8), 643(1-22), The European Physical Journal Plus, 2020 63 Das, D. K., and Kar, T. K., Dynamical analysis of an age-structured tuberculosis mathematical model with LTBI detectivity, 492(1), 124407, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2020 64 Haldar, S., Khatua, A., Das, K., and Kar, T. K., Modeling and analysis of a predator–prey type eco-epidemic system with time delay, 1-16, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2020 65 Mandal, M., Jana, S., Nandi, S. K., Khatua, A., Adak, S., and Kar, T. K., A model based study on the dynamics of COVID-19: Prediction and control, 136, 109889, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020 66 Kar, T. K., Das, D., and Pujaru, K., Joint impact of fishing and ecotourism in the Sundarbans: a theoretical perspective, 8(3), 792-804, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2020 67 Khatua, A., Kar, T. K., Nandi, S. K., Jana, S., and Kang, Y., Impact of human mobility on the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases, 5(5), 389-406, Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2020 68 Khatua, A., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., A fuzzy rule-based model to assess the effects of global warming, pollution and harvesting on the production of Hilsa fishes, 57, 101070, Ecological Informatics, 2020 69 Pal, D., Kar, T. K., Yamauchi, A., and Ghosh, B., Balancing maximum sustainable yield and ecological resilience in an exploited two-predator one-prey system, 187, 104064, BioSystems, 2020 70 Pujaru, K., and Kar, T. K., Impacts of predator-prey interaction on managing maximum sustainable yield and resilience, 25(3), 400-416, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2020 71 Das, D. K., Khajanchi, S., and Kar, T. K., The impact of the media awareness and optimal strategy on the prevalence of tuberculosis, 366, 124732, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020 72 Das, D. K., Khajanchi, S., and Kar, T. K., Transmission dynamics of tuberculosis with multiple re-infections, 130, 109450, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020 73 Khatua, A., and Kar, T. K., Dynamical behavior of an SIR model with nonlinear incidence and saturated treatment rate, 40(3), 16-31, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2019 74 Das, D., and Kar, T. K., Feedback control and its impact on generalist predator-prey system with prey harvesting, 24(5), 718-732, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2019 75 Pal, D., Ghosh, B., and Kar, T. K., Hydra effects in stable food chain models, 185, 104018, BioSystems, 2019 76 Kar, T. K., Pal, D., and Ghosh, B., Managing yield and resilience in a harvested tri-trophic food chain model, 469, 35-46, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2019 77 Nandi, S. K., Jana, S., Mandal, M., and Kar, T. K., Complex dynamics and optimal treatment of an epidemic model with two infectious diseases, 5, 29, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2019 78 Kar, T. K., Nandi, S. K., Jana, S., and Mandal, M., Stability and bifurcation analysis of an epidemic model with the effect of media, 120, 188-199, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019 79 Ganguli, C., and Kar, T. K., Maintenance of yield maximization and species conservation perspective in a three species food chain model, 40, 95-117, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2019 80 Jana, S., Haldar, S., Das, D., Nandi, S. K., and Kar, T. K., Modeling and Analysis of an Ecological System Incorporating Infection and Prey Refuge, 13(4), 195-216, Biophysical Reviews and Letters, 2018 81 Ghosh, B., Pal, D., Legovic, T., and Kar, T. K., Harvesting induced stability and instability in a tri-trophic food chain, 304, 89-99, Mathematical Biosciences, 2018 82 Khajanchi, S., Das, D. K., and Kar, T. K., Dynamics of tuberculosis transmission with exogenous reinfections and endogenous reactivation, 497, 52-71, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018 83 Nandi, S. K., Jana, S., Mandal, M., and Kar, T. K., Mathematical Analysis of an Epidemic System in the Presence of Optimal Control and Population Dispersal, 13(1), 1-17, Biophysical Reviews and Letters, 2018 84 Nandi, S. K., Jana, S., Mandal, M., and Kar, T. K., Analysis of a fuzzy epidemic model with saturated treatment and disease transmission, 11(1), 1850002, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2018 85 Ganguli, C., and Kar, T. K., Species enrichment and its consequences on the sustainability of an exploited prey-predator system, 39(3), 39-66, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2018
  • 86 Ganguli, C., Kar, T. K., and Das, U., Consequences of Providing Alternative Food to Predator in an Exploited Prey Predator System Controlled by Optimal Taxation, 25(3), 131-150, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2018
  • 87 Paul, P., Kar, T. K., and Ghorai, A., Impact of marine reserve on maximum sustainable yield in a traditional prey-predator system, 54, 34-49, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018 88 Ganguli, C., Kar, T. K., and Mondal, P. K., Optimal harvesting of a prey-predator model with variable carrying capacity, 10(5), 1750069, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2017 89 Jana, S., Haldar, P., and Kar, T. K., Mathematical analysis of an epidemic model with isolation and optimal controls, 94(7), 1318-1336, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2017 90 Mondal, P. K., and Kar, T. K., Optimal treatment control and bifurcation analysis of a tuberculosis model with effect of multiple re-infections, 5(2), 367-380, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2017 91 Ghosh, B., Pal, D., Kar, T. K., and Valverde, J. C., Biological conservation through marine protected areas in the presence of alternative stable states, 286, 49-57, Mathematical biosciences, 2017 92 Jana, S., Haldar, P., Nandi, S. K., and Kar, T. K., Global Dynamics of a SEIRS Epidemic Model with Saturated Disease Transmission Rate and Vaccination Control, 3(1), 43-64, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2017 93 Pahari, U. K., Ganguli, C., Kar, T. K., and Das, U., Global Dynamics of a Tri-trophic Food Chain Model, 38(1), 72-95, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2017 94 Paul, P., and Kar, T. K., Impacts of invasive species on the sustainable use of native exploited species, 340, 106-115, Ecological Modelling, 2016 95 Jana, S., Halder, P., and Kar, T. K., Complex dynamics of an epidemic model with vaccination and treatment controls, 4(3), 318-329, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2016 96 Paul, P., Kar, T. K., and Ghorai, A., Ecotourism and fishing in a common ground of two interacting species, 328, 1-13, Ecological Modelling, 2016 97 Jana, S., Nandi, S. K., and Kar, T. K., Complex dynamics of an SIR epidemic model with saturated incidence rate and treatment, 64(1), 65-84, Acta Biotheoretica, 2016 98 Jana, S., Haldar, P., and Kar, T. K., Optimal control and stability analysis of an epidemic model with population dispersal, 83, 67-81, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2016 99 Das, U., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Dynamical behavior of a delayed stage-structured predator prey model with nonmonotonic functional response, 3(3), 225-238, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2015 100 Paul, P., Ghosh, B., and Kar, T. K., Impact of species enrichment and fishing mortality in three species food chain models, 29(1-3), 208-223, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015 101 Mondal, P. K., Jana, S., Haldar, P., and Kar, T. K., Dynamical behavior of an epidemic model in a fuzzy transmission, 23(5), 651-665, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015 102 Chakraborty, K., Halder, S., and Kar, T. K., Ecological sustainability of an optimal controlled system incorporating partial closure for the populations, 23(3), 355-384, Journal of Biological Systems, 2015 103 Chakraborty, K., Das, K., and Kar, T. K., Modeling and analysis of a marine plankton system with nutrient recycling and diffusion, 21(1), 229-241, Complexity, 2015 104 Jana, S., Guria, S., Das, U., Kar, T. K., and Ghorai, A., Effect of harvesting and infection on predator in a prey-predator system, 81(1-2), 917-930, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015
  • 105 Halder, S., Chakraborty, K., and Kar, T. K., Controllability of an eco-epidemiological system with disease transmission delay: A theoretical study., 10(1), 382-420, Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, 2015
  • 106 Haldar, S., Chakraborty, K., Das, K., and Kar, T. K., Bifurcation and control of an eco-epidemiological system with environmental fluctuations: a stochastic approach, 80(3), 1187-1207, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015 107 Chakraborty, K., Das, K., Haldar, S., and Kar, T. K., A mathematical study of an eco-epidemiological system on disease persistence and extinction perspective, 254, 99-112, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015 108 Nandi, S. K., Mondal, P. K., Jana, S., Haldar, P., and Kar, T. K., Prey-Predator Model with Two-Stage Infection in Prey: Concerning Pest Control, 2015, 1-13 [Article ID 948728], Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015 109 Jana, S., Ghorai, A., Guria, S., and Kar, T. K., Global dynamics of a predator, weaker prey and stronger prey system, 250, 235-248, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015 110 Das, U., Guria, S., Kar, T. K., and Pahari, U. K., A Dynamic Reaction Model of a Prey-Predator System Incorporating a Constant Prey Refuge, 36(3), 26-48, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2015
  • 111 Guria, S., Paul, P., and Kar, T. K., Sustainability of a stage-structured exploited prey-predator system, 1(1), 1-16, International Journal of Biomathematics and Systems Biology, 2014
  • 112 Ghosh, B., Kar, T. K., and Legovic, T., Sustainability of exploited ecologically interdependent species, 56(3), 527-537, Population Ecology, 2014 113 Mondal, P. K., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., A Theoretical Approach on Controlling Agricultural Pest by Biological Controls, 62(1), 47-67, Acta Biotheoretica, 2014 114 Ghosh, B., Kar, T. K., and Legovic, T., Relationship between exploitation, oscillation, MSY and extinction, 256, 1-9, Mathematical Biosciences, 2014 115 Das, K., Chakraborty, M., Chakraborty, K., and Kar, T. K., Modelling and analysis of a multiple delayed exploited ecosystem towards coexistence perspective, 78(1), 505-523, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014 116 Chakraborty, K., Chakraborty, M., and Kar, T. K., Sustainable development of European hake resource: Bioeconomic perspective, 22(3), 353-375, Journal of Biological Systems, 2014 117 Ghosh, B., Paul, P., and Kar, T. K., Extinction scenarios in exploited system: Combined and selective harvesting approaches, 19, 130-139, Ecological Complexity, 2014 118 Ghosh, B., and Kar, T. K., Sustainable use of prey species in a prey-predator system: Jointly determined ecological thresholds and economic trade-offs, 272, 49-58, Ecological modelling, 2014 119 Das, U., and Kar, T. K., Bifurcation analysis of a delayed predator-prey model with Holling type III functional response and predator harvesting, 2014, 1-10 [Article ID 543041], Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014 120 Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Modeling and analysis of a prey–predator system with disease in the prey, 47, 42-53, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2013 121 Ghorai, A., and Kar, T. K., Biological control of a predator-prey system through provision of a super predator, 74(4), 1029-1040, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013 122 Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., A mathematical study of a prey-predator model in relevance to pest control, 74(3), 667-683, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013 123 Kar, T. K., and Jana, S., Application of three controls optimally in a vector-borne disease - a mathematical study, 18(10), 2868-2884, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2013 124 Das, U., Kar, T. K., and Pahari, U. K., Global Dynamics of an exploited prey-predator model with constant prey refuge, 2013, 1-12 [Article ID 637640], International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013 125 Chakraborty, K., Das, S., and Kar, T. K., On non-selective harvesting of a multispecies fishery incorporating partial closure for the populations, 221, 581-597, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013 126 Chakraborty, K., Das, K., and Kar, T. K., An ecological perspective on marine reserves in prey-predator dynamics, 39(4), 749-776, Journal of Biological Physics, 2013 127 Chakraborty, K., Halder, S., and Kar, T. K., Global stability and bifurcation analysis of a delay induced prey-predator system with stage structure, 73(3), 1307-1325, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013 128 Ghosh, B., and Kar, T. K., Possible ecosystem impacts of applying maximum sustainable yield policy in food chain models, 329, 6-14, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2013 129 Kar, T. K., Ghorai, A., and Jana, S., Dynamic consequences of prey refugia in a two-predator-one-prey system, 21(2), 1350013, Journal of Biological Systems, 2013
  • 130 Mondal, P. K., and Kar, T. K., Global Dynamics of a Water-Borne Disease Model with Multiple Transmission Pathways., 8(1), 75-98, Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, 2013
  • 131 Ghosh, B., and Kar, T. K., Maximum sustainable yield and species extinction in a prey-predator system: some new results, 39(3), 453-467, Journal of Biological Physics, 2013 132 Pahari, U. K., and Kar, T. K., Conservation of a resource based fishery through optimal taxation, 72(3), 591-603, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013 133 Kar, T. K., and Ghosh, B., Impacts of maximum sustainable yield policy to prey-predator systems, 250, 134-142, Ecological Modelling, 2013 134 Kar, T. K. and Ghosh, B., Sustainability and economic consequences of creating marine protected areas in multispecies multiactivity context, 318, 81-90, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2013
  • 135 Kar, T. K., and Mondal, P. K., Dynamical behavior of a tuberculosis model with outcome of reinfection and optimal steering, 28(1), 49-79, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2013
  • 136 Kar, T. K., and Das, U., Regulation of an exploited prey-predator system: A dynamic reaction model, 31(4), 102-121, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2013 137 Kar, T. K., Jana, S., and Ghorai, A., Effect of isolation in an infectious disease, 29(2), 87-106, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2013 138 Chakraborty, K., Das, K., and Kar, T. K., Combined harvesting of a stage structured prey-predator model incorporating cannibalism in competitive environment, 336(1), 34-45, Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2013 139 Kar, T. K., and Jana, S., A theoretical study on mathematical modelling of an infectious disease with application of optimal control, 111 (1), 37-50, BioSystems, 2013
  • 140 Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., The optimal allocation of ocean space for the purposes of fishery and ecotourism management, 2(5), 85-93, Marine Science, 2012
  • 141 Kar, T. K., and Das, U., Singular induced bifurcation and control of a bioeconomic model of an exploited prey-predator system, 20(3), 355-373, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2012
  • 142 Kar, T. K., and Jana, S., Stability and bifurcation analysis of a stage structured predator prey model with time delay, 219(8), 3779-3792, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012 143 Kar, T. K., and Mondal, P. K., Global dynamics of a tuberculosis epidemic model and the influence of backward bifurcation, 11(4), 433-459, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2012 144 Chakraborty, K., and Kar, T. K., Economic perspective of marine reserves in fisheries: A bioeconomic model, 240(2), 212-222, Mathematical Biosciences, 2012 145 Chakraborty, K., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Effort dynamics of a delay-induced prey-predator system with reserve, 70(3), 1805-1829, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012 146 Jana, S., Chakraborty, M., Chakraborty, K., and Kar, T. K., Global stability and bifurcation of time delayed prey-predator system incorporating prey refuge, 85, 57-77, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2012 147 Kar, T. K., Ghorai, A., and Jana, S., Dynamics of pest and its predator model with disease in the pest and optimal use of pesticide, 310, 187-198, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2012 148 Kar, T. K., and Ghosh, B., Sustainability and optimal control of an exploited prey predator system through provision of alternative food to predator, 109(2), 220-232, BioSystems, 2012
  • 149 Kar, T. K., and Mondal, P. K., A Mathematical Study on the Dynamics of an Eco-Epidemiological Model in the Presence of Delay., 7(1), 300-333, Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, 2012
  • 150 Chakraborty, K., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Global dynamics and bifurcation in a stage structured prey-predator fishery model with harvesting, 218(18), 9271-9290, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012 151 Kar, T. K., and Ghosh, B.,, Dynamic analysis of a biological economic model of prey-predator system with alternative prey, 25(2), 12-32, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2012
  • 152 Kar, T. K., Ghorai, A., and Batabyal, A., Global dynamics and bifurcation of a tri-trophic food chain model, 8(1), 66-80, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2012
  • 153 Chakraborty, K., Das, S., and Kar, T. K., Optimal control of effort of a stage structured prey-predator fishery model with harvesting, 12(6), 3452-3467, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011 154 Chakraborty, K., Chakraborty, M., and Kar, T. K., Bifurcation and control of a bioeconomic model of a prey-predator system with a time delay, 5(4), 613-625, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2011 155 Chakraborty, K., Chakraborty, M., and Kar, T. K., Regulation of a prey-predator fishery incorporating prey refuge by taxation: A dynamic reaction model, 19(3), 417-445, Journal of Biological Systems, 2011
  • 156 Kar, T. K., and Pahari, U. K., Bifurcations and feedback control in an exploited prey-predator system with stage structure for prey, 29(5-6), 1193-1204, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 2011
  • 157 Kar, T. K., and Mondal, P. K., Global dynamics and bifurcation in delayed SIR epidemic model, 12(4), 2058-2068, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011 158 Kar, T. K., and Ghorai, A., Dynamic behaviour of a delayed predator-prey model with harvesting, 217(22), 9085-9104, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011 159 Chakraborty, K., Chakraborty, M., and Kar, T. K., Optimal control of harvest and bifurcation of a prey-predator model with stage structure, 217(21), 8778-8792, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011 160 Kar, T. K., and Batabyal, A., Stability analysis and optimal control of an SIR epidemic model with vaccination, 104(2-3), 127-135, BioSystems, 2011
  • 161 Kar, T. K., and Chakraborty, K., A bioeconomic assessment of the Bangladesh shrimp fishery, 7(1), 58-69, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2011
  • 162 Kar, T. K., and Chattopadhyay, S. K., A dynamic reaction model of a prey-predator system with stage-structure for predator, 4(5), 183-195, Modern Applied Sciences, 2010
  • 163 Kar, T. K., Batabyal, A. and Misra, S., An analysis for a two species predator-prey system with harvesting, 1(5), 76-90, Int. J. Advn Sci.T echin., 2010
  • 164 Kar, T. K., and Chattopadhyay, S. K., A focus on long-run sustainability of a harvested prey predator system in the presence of alternative prey, 333(11-12), 841-849, Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2010
  • 165 Kar, T. K., and Misra, S., A resource based stage-structured fishery model with selective harvesting of mature species, 5(1), 42-58, Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, 2010
  • 166 Kar, T. K., and Batabyal, A., Optimal Use of Fertilizer to Overcome the Effects of Toxicity in Plants, 2(2), 85-92, Journal of Mathematics Research, 2010
  • 167 Kar, T. K., and Batabyal, A., Modeling and analysis of an epidemic model with non-monotonic incidence rate under treatment, 2(1), 103-115, Journal of Mathematics Research, 2010
  • 168 Kar, T. K., Batabyal, A., and Agarwal, R. P., Modeling and analysis of an epidemic model with classical Kermack-Mckendrick incidence rate under treatment, 14(1), 1-16, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2010
  • 169 Kar, T. K., and Ghosh, B., Bifurcations and feedback control of a stage-structure exploited prey-predator system, 2(6), 131-141, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2010
  • 170 Kar, T. K., Chattopadhyay, S. K., and Agarwal, R. P., Dynamics of an exploited prey-predator system with non-monotonic functional response, 14(1), 21-38, Communications in Applied Analysis, 2010
  • 171 Kar, T. K., Chakraborty, K., and Pahari, U. K., A prey-predator model with alternative prey: Mathematical model and analysis, 18(2), 137-168, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2010
  • 172 Kar, T. K., and Chakraborty, K., Effort dynamics in a prey-predator model with harvesting, 6(3), 318-332, International Journal Information and Systems Sciences, 2010
  • 173 Kar, T. K., and Chakraborty, K., Bioeconomic modelling of a prey predator system using differential algebraic equations, 2(1), 13-34, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2010
  • 174 Kar, T. K., and Batabyal, A., Persistence and stability of a two prey one predator system, 2(2), 174-190, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2010
  • 175 Kar, T. K., and Chakraborty, K., Bioeconomic analysis of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay oyster fishery with reference to the optimal utilization and management of the resource, 1(1), 172-189, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2009
  • 176 Kar. T. K., and Chattopadhyay, S. K, Bioeconomic modeling: An application to the North-East Atlantic cod fishery, 1(2), 164-178, Journal of Mathematics Research (CCSE, Canada)., 2009
  • 177 Kar, T. K., and Chattopadhyay, S. K, A bioeconomic model of two-prey one predator system, 27(5-6), 1411-1427, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 2009
  • 178 Kar, T. K., and Chakraborty, K., Marine reserves and its consequences as a fisheries management tool, 5(2), 83-95, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation (World Academic Press, USA)., 2009
  • 179 Kar, T. K., and Batbyal A., Stability and bifurcation of a prey-predator model with time delay, 332(7), 642-651, Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2009
  • 180 Kar, T. K., and Matsuda, H., A bioeconomic model of a single species fishery with marine reserve, 86(1), 171-180, Journal of Environmental Management, 2008
  • 181 Kar T. K., and Matsuda, H., Sustainable management of a fishery with a strong Alee effect, 2(4), 271-283, Trends in Applied Science Research(USA)., 2007
  • 182 Kar, T. K., and Matsuda, H., Regulation of a multi-fleet fishery, 1(3), 93-101, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences(Academic Journal Inc, USA)., 2007
  • 183 Kar, T. K., and Misra, S., Modelling and analysis of a prey-predator system with stage-structure and harvesting, 12(3), 31-44, Advances in Modelling and Analysis Series D, 2007
  • 184 Kar T. K., and Matsuda, H., Permanence and optimization of harvesting return: A stage structured prey-predator fishery, 1(2), 35-46, Research Journal of Environmental Sciences(USA), 2007
  • 185 Kar, T. K., Dynamics of a ratio-dependent prey-predator system with selective harvesting of predator species, 23(1), 385-395, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2007
  • 186 Kar T. K., and Pahari U. K., A model for prey-predator fishery with marine reserve, 2(3), 195-205, Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Academic Journals Inc, USA), 2007
  • 187 Kar. T. K., and Matsuda, H., Global dynamics and controllability of a harvested prey-predator systems with Holling type III functional response, 1(1), 59-67, Nonlinear Analysis : Hybrid Systems, 2007 188 Kar T. K., and Pahari, U. K., Modelling and analysis of a prey-predator systems with stage-structure and harvesting, 8(2), 601-609, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2007
  • 189 Kar, T. K., A model for fishery resource with reserve area and facing prey-predator interaction, 14(4), 385-399, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly(Canada), 2006
  • 190 Kar, T. K., and Misra, S., Optimal control of a fishery under critical depensation, 1(3), 253-261, Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Academic Journals Inc, USA), 2006
  • 191 Kar, T. K., and Matsuda, H., An overview of bioeconomic analysis and management in fisheries, 1(3), 218-234, Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Academic Journals Inc, USA), 2006
  • 192 Kar, T. K., Misra. S., and Mukhopadhyay, B., A bioeconomic model of a ratio-dependent predator-prey system and optimal harvesting, 22(1), 387(1-15), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2006
  • 193 Kar, T. K., and Misra, S., Influence of prey reserve in a prey-predator fishery, 65(9), 1725-1735, Nonlinear Analysis, 2006
  • 194 Kar, T. K., Controllability and optimal harvesting of a prey-predator model incorporating a prey refuge, 37(5), 559-571, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2006
  • 195 Kar, T. K., and Matsuda, H., Controllability of a harvested prey-predator system with time delay, 14(2), 243-254, Journal of Biological Systems, 2006
  • 196 Kar, T.K., A mathematical model on bioeconomic harvesting of a nonlinear prey-predator fishery, 37(3), 309-319, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)., 2006
  • 197 Kar. T. K., and Matsuda, H., Modelling and Analysis of Marine Reserve Creation, 1(1), 17-31, Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Academic Journals Inc, USA)., 2006
  • 198 Kar. T. K., Modelling and analysis of a harvested prey-predator system incorporating a prey refuge, 185(1), 19-33, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2006
  • 199 Kar, T. K., and Pahari, U. K., Non-selective harvesting in prey-predator models with delay, 11(4), 499-509, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2006
  • 200 Kar, T. K., Optimal harvesting and stability for a prey-predator system with stage-structure for predator, 10(1), 53-62, Advances in Modelling and Analysis Series D (AMSE Periodicals, France)., 2005
  • 201 Kar, T. K., Stability and optimal harvesting of a prey-predator model with stage-structure for predator, 32(3), 279-291, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2005
  • 202 Kar, T. K., Pahari, U. K., and Chaudhuri, K. S., Conservation of a prey-predator fishery with predator self limitation based on continuous fishing effort, 19(1), 311(1-16), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2005 203 Kar, T. K., Stability analysis of a prey-predator model incorporating a prey refuge, 10(6), 681-691, Communications in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2005 204 Kar, T. K., Conservation of a fishery through optimal taxation: a dynamic reaction model, 10(2), 121-131, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2005
  • 205 Kar, T. K., Stability of a stage structured prey-predator model, 9(3), 15-26, Advances in Modelling and Analysis Series D, 2004
  • 206 Kar T. K., Optimal harvesting and stability in a three level food chain fishery, 25(1), 31-46, Advances in Modelling and Analysis Series D, 2004
  • 207 Kar, T. K., Pahari, U.K., and Chaudhuri, K. S., Management of a prey-predator fishery based on continuous fishing effort., 12(3), 301-313, Journal of Biological Systems ( World Scientific), 2004 208 Kar, T. K., Management of a fishery based on continuous fishing effort, 5(4), 629-644, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application, 2004
  • 209 Kar, T. K., Pahari, U.K., and Chaudhuri, K. S,, Management of a single species fishery with stage structure, 35(3), 403-414, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis )., 2004
  • 210 Kar, T.K., and Chaudhuri, K. S., On selective harvesting of two competing fish species in the presence of environmental fluctuation, 17(3), 251-272, Natural Resource Modeling ( USA)., 2004 211 Kar, T. K., Stability analysis of a prey-predator model with delay and harvesting, 12(1), 61-71, Journal of Biological Systems, 2004 212 Kar, T. K., Influence of environmental noises on the Gompertz model of two species fishery, 173(2-3), 283-293, Ecological Modelling, 2004
  • 213 Kar, T. K., A bioeconomic model of in a tritrophic food chain fishery, 2(1), 1-12, Int. J. Nonl. Model. Sci. Eng., 2004
  • 214 Kar, T.K., and Chaudhuri, K. S., Harvesting in a two prey one predator fishery: a bioeconomic model, 45(3), 443-456, The ANZIAM Journal (Australian Mathematical Society, AUSTRALIA)., 2004
  • 215 Kar, T.K., Optimal harvesting and stability for a prey-predator system with stage structure, 8(3), 61-71, Advances in Modelling and Analysis Series D, 2003
  • 216 Kar, T. K., Selective harvesting in a prey-predator fishery with time delay, 38(3-4), 449-458, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2003
  • 217 Kar, T. K., and Chaudhuri, K. S., Regulation of a prey-predator fishery by taxation, 34(3), 403-416, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2003
  • 218 Kar, T. K., and Chaudhuri, K. S,, Regulation of a prey-predator fishery by taxation a dynamic reaction model, 11(2), 173-187, Journal of Biological Systems, 2003 219 Kar, T.K., and Chaudhuri, K. S., On non-selective harvesting of two competing fish species in the presence of toxicity, 161(1-2), 125-137, Ecological Modelling, 2003
  • 220 Kar, T.K., and Chaudhuri, K. S., On non-selective harvesting of a multispecies fishery, 33(4), 543-556, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2002
  • 1 Majee, S., Jana, S., Khatua, A., and Kar, T. K., Growth of single species population: A novel approach, 907-915, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications, 2022
  • 2 Das, D. K., Khatua, A., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Modelling the risk of COVID-19 based on major clinical factors: A fuzzy rule approach, 663-667, International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA-21), 2022
  • 3 Das, Dhiraj Kumar and Khajanchi, Subhas and Kar, Tapan Kumar, Influence of multiple re-infections in tuberculosis transmission dynamics: A Mathematical Approach, 1-5, 2019 8th International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO), 2019
  • 4 Das, Dhiraj Kumar and Khajanchi, Subhas and Kar, Tapan Kumar, Dynamical behaviour of tuberculosis transmission, 5, Biomath Communications Supplement, 2018
  • 5 Jana, S. and Kar, T. K., Optimal control of an epidemic model with vaccination and treatment control, 143-149, Proceedings of the International conference on recent trends in Science & Technology, College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, West Bengal, India, 2013
  • 6 Mondal, P. K. and Kar, T. K., Optimal control and stability analysis of an SIR model with vaccination strategy, 136-142, Proceedings of the International conference on recent trends in Science & Technology, College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, West Bengal, India, 2013
  • 7 Chakraborty, K., Jana, S. and Kar, T. K., Influence of marine reserve in a bioeconomic system, 42-52, Proceedings National Seminar on Recent Advances in the Application of Mathematical Analysis and Computational Techniques in Applied Sciences, Siliguri College, 2011
  • 8 Chakraborty, Kunal and Kar, T. K., Bifurcation analysis and optimal control of harvest in a prey-predator model with stage structure for prey, 207-218, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena (NSMMNP-2010), 2010
  • 9 Kar T. K. and Chkraborty, K., A bioeconomic assessment of the Maryland’s Chespeake Bay oyster fishery with reference to the optimal utilization and management of the resource, 101-108, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Modern Trends in Biological Sciences, Raja N. L. Khan Women’s College, Midnapur, India., 2009
  • 10 Kar T. K. and Matsuda H., Stability, bifurcation and controllability of a harvested prey-predator system with time delay, International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications, Calcutta Mathematical Society, India, 2006
  • 11 Kar, T. K. and Matsuda H., Controllability of a harvested prey-predator system with time delay, 52, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology, Yokohama National University, Japan, 2005
  • 12 Kar T. K. and Chaudhuri K. S., Bioeconomic Modelling of a prey-predator fishery : A capital theoretic approach, 49-55, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Applications, Siksha Bhavana, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, India, 2002
  • 13 Kar, T. K., Sinha, D. K. and Bagchi, M. C., On viscoelastic behaviour of enzymes: a stochastic model, 15, 52, Journal of Biomedical Engineering Society of India, 1995
  • 1 Adak, S., Jana, S., and Kar, T. K., Investigation of COVID-19 Using an Artificial Intelligence Based Approach, Modeling, Control and Drug Development for COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention455-478, , 2022
  • 2 Mandal, K., Jana, S., Adak, S. , Khatua, A., and Kar, T. K., A Model-Based Analysis to Predict and Control the Dynamics of COVID-19, Modeling, Control and Drug Development for COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention87-118, , 2022
  • 3 T. K. Kar & S. Jana, Fundamental Engineering Mathematics (SEMESTER III, CSE and IT), Santra Publications, Kolkata, 2020
  • 4 Kar, T. K. and Jana, Soovoojeet, Fundamental Engineering Mathematics (SEMESTER II, All Streams except CSE and IT), Santra Publications, Kolkata, 2020
  • 5 T. K. Kar & S. Jana, Fundamental Engineering Mathematics-Probability & Statistics Sem-II (CSE & IT) & Sem-III ( ECE & BME), Santra Publication, Kolkata, 2020
  • 6 T.K.Kar and S.Jana, Fundamental Engineering Mathematics(Except CSE & IT), Santra Publication pvt.Ltd., Kolkata, 2019
  • 7 T.K.Kar and S.Jana, Fundamental Engineering Mathematics(CSE & IT), Santra Publication Pvt.Ltd., Kolkata, 2019
  • 8 P.K.Mondal and T.K.Kar, Biomathematical Modelling under uncertain environment, Chapter 10, Narosa, New Delhi, 2016
  • 9 S.K.Nandi, S.Jana and T.K.Kar, Biomathematical Modelling under uncertain environment, Chapter 4, Narosa, New Delhi, 2016
  • 10 T.K.Kar, Biomathematical Modelling under uncertain environment, Chapter 7, Narosa, New Delhi, 2016
  • 11 Soovooojeet Jana & T.K.Kar, Complex dynamics of ecological systems with special emphasis on epidemiology problems, Lambart, 2015
  • Patents

    # Patents Year


    Biomathematical Society of India Life Member
    Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata Life Member L9226
    Calcutta Mathematical Society - Life Member - LK/31
    Indian Science Congress Association - Life Member- L36621


    Editorial Board Member

    1. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science

    2. Journal of Applied Sciences

    3. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences

    4. Research Journal of Forestry

    5. Dynamical and Control Systems

    6. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

    7. Nonlinear Dynamics

    Head of the Department of Mathematics
    4th July 2019 ---- 5th July 2021


    • Development of mathematical modelling and computational techniques of some age structured epidemic problems: SERB MATRICS Project (2023-2026), Sponsored
    • Fisheries management: Bioeconomic modelling and development of solution techniques (2005 - 2007), Sponsored
    • Integrated modeling approach of fisheries management and policy (2008 --2011), Sponsored
    • Sustainable use of ecosystem services: Jointly determined ecological thresholds and economic trade offs -2013, Sponsored
    • Developing coupled social and ecological dynamics for global environmental change - 2014, Sponsored
    • Incorporating ecosystem objectives into management of sustainable marine fisheries: ecological economic modelling with some case studies along the coastal side of West Bengal ( 2011 - 2014), Sponsored
    • Modelling socio-economic aspects of ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation (2017), Sponsored
    • Transmission Dynamics and Spread of Infectious Diseases: Modelling, Prediction and Control (2015- 2017), Sponsored
    • Sustainable use of ecosystem services under global environmental change: Developing coupled social and ecological dynamics (2019- 2022), Sponsored


    • Included in the list of Top 2 % Scientists in the World in all disciplines from India, based on the Stanford University Study., Year: 2020
    • Certificate of merit for first class first in B.Sc (Hons), University of Calcutta, Year: 1990
    • Debaprasad Ghosal Memorial Gold Medal for first Class first in B.Sc. Ramkrishna Mission College, Narendrapur, India, Year: 1990
    • Junior Research Fellowship (NET), University Grants Commission, Year: 1993
    • Certificate of qualifying in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India., Year: 1993
    • Certificate of merit for first class 2nd in M.Sc. University of Calcutta, Year: 1993
    • Post Doctoral Fellowship Japan Society for the Promotion in Sciences (JSPS), Yokohama National University, Japan., Year: 2005
    • Visiting Professor Kyoto University, Japan., Year: 2013
    • JSPS invitation fellowship Kyushu University, Japan, Year: 2014
    • Highly cited research in Biosystems, Year: 2016
    • Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Japan, Year: 2017

    Research Groups

    Ujjwal Kumar Pahari
    Ph. D.

    The role of Mathematical Models on Bio-economic Harvesting Problems of Fisheries

    Saroj Kumar Chattopadhyay
    Ph. D.

    Management of Exploited Biological Resources: Some Mathematical Models

    Ashim Batabyal
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical Modelling on the Dynamics of Ecological Systems with Special Emphasis on Epidemiological Problems

    Swarnakamal Misra
    Ph. D.

    Modelling and Analysis of Some Bio-economic Harvesting Problems of Fisheries

    Kunal Chakraborty
    Ph. D.

    Bioeconomic Modelling and Development of Solution Techniques for the Management and Conservation of Fisheries

    Abhijit Ghorai
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of some Ecological Systems

    Prasanta Kumar Mondal
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical modelling and analysis of some epidemiological problems

    Bapan Ghosh
    Ph. D.

    Some Model Based Studies on the Dynamics of Exploited Biological Resources

    Soovoojeet Jana
    Ph. D.

    Model Based Studies on the Dynamics of some Complex Ecological Systems with Special Emphasis on Epidemiological Problems

    Milon Chakraborty
    Ph. D.

    Some mathematical models for the sustainable utilization of exploited biological resources

    Uttam Das
    Ph. D.


    Srabani Guria
    Ph. D.

    Dynamic properties of some exploited predator prey systems-model based studies

    Samadyuti Haldar
    Ph. D.

    Nonlinear Dynamics of some ecological systems with special emphasis on eco-epidemiology

    Prosenjit Paul
    Ph. D.

    Modelling Some Aspects of Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity Conservation

    Palash Haldar
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical approaches to analyze and control of infectious diseases

    Chaity Ganguly
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical modelling of biological resources: Jointly determined ecological thresholds and economic tarde-offs

    Kunal Das
    Ph. D.

    Modelling the dynamic properties of some complex ecological systems from management and conservation perspectives

    Swapan Kumar Nandi
    Ph. D.

    Modelling, analysis and control of some infectious diseases: A mathematical perspective

    Debprasad Pal
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical Models Applied to Predator-Prey Systems for Biological Conservation

    Dhiraj kumar Das
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical modelling of some aspects of tuberculosis transmission and its control strategies

    Anupam Khatua
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical modelling, analysis and control of some major infectious diseases

    Kanisha Pujaru
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical modelling and analysis of ecological systems for sustainable management of resources

    Debabrata Das
    Ph. D.

    Modelling some aspects of the population dynamics relevant to the management of marine fisheries

    Manotosh Mandal
    Ph. D.

    Model based studies on some epidemiological problems: Special emphasis on control strategies

    Suvankar Majee
    Ph. D.

    Formulate and analyze mathematical models in studying and controlling various emerging infectious diseases

    Esita Das
    Ph. D.

    Perspectives in mathematical modelling and its applications to biological resources

    Sayani Adak
    Ph. D.

    Riya Das
    Ph. D.

    Bidhan Bhunia
    Ph. D.

    Samir Biswas
    Ph. D.

    Lakpa Thendup Bhutia
    Ph. D.

    Snehasis Barman
    Ph. D.

    Sovan Bera
    Ph. D.

    Mathematical modeling of HTLV-I infection with CTL immune response

    Subir Dey
    Ph. D.

    Sathi Patra
    Ph. D.

    Barnali Pyne
    Ph. D.

    Shymashree Jana
    Ph. D.

    Sujan Das
    Ph. D.

    Suman Mondal
    Ph. D.

    Chiranjit Das
    Ph. D.

    Anup Kumar Barman
    Ph. D.

    Ujjwal Kumar Pahari
    Ph. D.

    The role of Mathematical Models on Bio-economic Harvesting Problems of Fisheries

    Swarnakamal Misra
    Ph. D.

    Modelling and Analysis of Some Bio-economic Harvesting Problems of Fisheries


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    Created: 23 November 2019