Sourav Pramanik, and Chandan Maity, Collisional effects on the process of phase mixing of electron–positron oscillations in multispecies plasmas, 97:86, 1-5, Pramana–Journal of Physics, 2023
Arpita Shome, Sourav Pramanik, and Samiran Ghosh, Electron acoustic shock waves in nonisothermal dissipative plasmas, 76:217, 1-11, Europian Physical ournal –D, 2022
Sourav Pramanik and Chandan Maity, On Langmuir oscillations breaking driven by ion motion and relativistic effects, 96, 035603, Physica Scripta, 2021
Mohan Ghosh, Sourav Pramanik and Samiran Ghosh, Nonlinear Coherent Structures of Electron Acoustic Waves in Unmagnetized Plasmas, 396, 127242, Physics Letter A, 2021
Arpita Shome, and Sourav Pramanik, Nonlinear coherent structures in multispecies dusty plasma, 25, 1-18, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2021
Akash Biswas, Debkumar Chakraborty, Sourav Pramanik and Samiran Ghosh, Three dimensional wave group dynamics of ion acoustic waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas in presence of an external uniform magnetic field, 28, 062105, Physics of Plasmas, 2021
Chandan Maity and Sourav Pramanik, Effects of finite ion inertia on phase-mixing of Langmuir oscillations in cold electron-positron-ion plasmas, 384, 126856, Physics Letter A, 2020
Sourav Pramanik, Chandan Maity, and Mithun Karmakar, Phase mixing of lower hybrid modes in cold plasmas, 26, 082111, Physics of Plasmas, 2019
Sourav Pramanik, Victor I. Kuznetsov, and Nikhil Chakrabarti, Stable and unstable regimes of plasma diodes in presence of collisional drag, 64, 1452, Technical Physics, 2019
Sourav Pramanik and Samiran Ghosh, Nonlinear characteristics of relativistic Pierce diodes in stationary state, 26, 113503, Physics of Plasmas, 2019
Sourav Pramanik and Chandan Maity, Langmuir wave phase-mixing in a warm electron-positron-dusty plasma, 382, 1020, Physics Letter A, 2018
Sourav Pramanik, Victor I. Kuznetsov, and Nikhil Chakrabarti, Effects of collision on the time-independent states of a non-neutral plasma diode, 25, 083512, Physics of Plasmas, 2018
V. I. Kuznetsov, Sourav Pramanik, A. B. Gerasimenko and N. Chakrabarti, Stability properties of the steady state solutions of a non-neutral plasma diode when there is a uniform magnetic field along transverse direction, 24, 023107, Physics of Plasmas, 2017
Sourav Pramanik and Chandan Maity, Effects of magnetic field on phase-mixing of electrostatic oscillations in cold electron-positron-ion plasmas, 24, 084504, Physics of Plasmas, 2017
Sourav Pramanik, Victor I. Kuznetsov, A. B. Gerasimenko and Nikhil Chakrabarti, Non-neutral plasma diode in the presence of a transverse magnetic field, 23, 062118, Physics of Plasmas, 2016
Sourav Pramanik, Chandan Maity and Nikhil Chakrabarti, The phase mixing of an upper hybrid wave in a magnetized pair-ion plasma, 91, 065602, Physica Scripta, 2016
Sourav Pramanik, Victor I. Kuznetsov, L. A. Bakaleinikov and Nikhil Chakrabarti, A study on the steady-state solutions of a relativistic Bursian diode in the presence of a transverse magnetic field, 23, 082110, Physics of Plasmas, 2016
Sourav Pramanik, V. I. Kuznetsov, A. B. Gerasimenko and N. Chakrabarti, Time-independent states of a non-neutral plasma diode when emitted electrons are partially turned around by a transverse magnetic field, 23, 103105, Physics of Plasmas, 2016
Sourav Pramanik, A. Ya. Ender, Victor I. Kuznetsov and Nikhil Chakrabarti, The transverse magnetic field effect on steady-state solutions of the Bursian diode, 22, 042110, Physics of Plasmas, 2015
Sourav Pramanik, Chandan Maity and Nikhil Chakrabarti, Phase-mixing of ion plasma modes in pair-ion plasmas, 22, 052303, Physics of Plasmas, 2015
Sourav Pramanik, Victor I. Kuznetsov and Nikhil Chakrabarti, Stability analysis of steady state solutions of Bursian diode in presence of transverse magnetic field, 22, 082103, Physics of Plasmas, 2015
Sourav Pramanik, Victor I. Kuznetsov and Nikhil Chakrabarti, A study on the steady-state solutions of a Bursian diode in the presence of transverse magnetic field, when the electrons of the injected beam are turned back partially or totally, 22, 112108, Physics of Plasmas, 2015
Sourav Pramanik, Chandan Maity and Nikhil Chakrabarti, Wave breaking of nonlinear electron oscillations in a warm magnetized plasma, 21, 022308, Physics of Plasmas, 2014