
Sponsored Projects

Sl Title Funding Agent PIs
1 Synthesis and characterisation of macrocyclic UGC PI: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
2 Study of manganese complexes as model compounds for Water-oxidation catalysts in the photosynthetic water oxidation CSIR PI: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
Consultants: Prof. Shyamal Kumar Chattopadhyay
3 Study of metal complexes of manganese UGC PI: Prof. Shyamal Kumar Chattopadhyay
Consultants: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
4 Investigation of Fe–core structure in non–heme iron metalloenzym CSIR PI: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
5 Studies on metal thio– and selenocarboxylates: presursors for metal sulfide/ selenosulfide nanomaterials UGC PI: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
Consultants: Prof. Anup Mondal
6 Lanthanides–based Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Studies on structure, photoluminescence and gas storage behavior CSIR PI: Dr. Papu Biswas
Consultants: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
7 Morphologically tuned ternary and hetero polymetallic nanomaterials: synthesis DST PI: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
8 Studies on sulfur–bonded lanthanide complexes and nano–structured lanthanide sulfides derived from them: Structural, spectroscopic and magnetic properties CSIR PI: Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary

Created: 23 November 2019