Total Quality Management (TQM)
Chapter/Article published in Books
1. (2013) “ Introducing TQM Organisational Culture in Microfinance Institution”,Inclusive Growth:Need to Rethink the Business Model,edited by Biswajeet Pattanayak,Kalyan Ray,Niranjana. Bloomsbury,New Delhi.Pp-192-198,ISBN:978-9382563-62-4
Article published in Peer-reviewed journals
1. August 2017:Dey. M, Sanyal .M, ‘Total Quality Management as a Tool for increasing Organizational Efficiency in Microfinance Institutions’ .Asian Journal of Management Research, Vol. 8 Issue 1:ISSN:2229-3795
2. June 2015:Dey.M, ‘A Study of TQM Organizational Culture in a Microfinance Institution of West Bengal’. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Research Perspectives, Vol.4, No.2,Pp-1707-1713:ISSN:2279-0918
3. June 2015: Dey.M, “A Study of Total Quality Management Organisational Culture in a Microfinance Institution of West Bengal” DYPIMS Manegement Research Journal Vol.2, No.4, pp-12-21 ISSN No.0224-1201
4. June 2014: :Dey.M “Microfinance Institution: An Avenue to Women Entrepreneurship” NSHM Journal of Management Research and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp- 20-31 ISSN No. 0975-2501