
Krishnendu Barman


Designation: Research Scholar
Degree: Ph. D.
Fellowship: Rajiv Gandhi national Fellow
Supervisor: Koustuv Debnath

Academic Qualification

BSc (Maths), MSc(Maths), PhD

Currently, Assistant Professor, Vidyasagar Univewrsity

Name   Dr. Krishnendu Barman
Designation Assistant Professor
Office Phone No +91 3222 298-392 / Centrex Extn. 392
Email ID
Fax -
Mobile No 8777809557
Personal Website  
Address Dept. of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming, Vidyasagar University

Research Area

Topic: Turbulence in rough boundary flows, wave turbulence, statistical fluid mechanics

Wave current Turbulence


Effect of clay fraction on turbulence characteristics of flow near an eroded bank Volume 571; Pages 87-102 2019 Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier (IF. 3.727)
Investigations on undercutting processes of cohesive river bank Vol. 252; Pages 110-124 2019 Engineering Geology,Elsevier (I.F.-3.1)
Thermoelastic interaction in the semi-infinite solid medium due to three-phase-lag effect involving memory-dependent derivative 42; 1-17 2019 Journal of Thermal Stresses,Taylor & Francis (I.F. 1.85)
Study of clay–sand network structures and its effect on river bank erosion: an experimental approach 78 (20), doi:10.1007/s12665-019-8613-5 2019 Environmental Earth Science(IF: 1.87)
Turbulence properties in and around the mixing region of the round jet against current 2019 Physica Scripta(IF: 2.15)
Statistical analysis of flow structures around a circular cylinder ISSN:2198-7491, org/10.1007/s40710-019-00376-9 2019 Environmental Processes, Springer
Quantification of turbulent eddies in time-space and frequency domain for wave-current combined flow over side-wall roughness ISSN: 0029-8018, (2019), 186, 106080,org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.05.062 2019 Ocean Engineering, Elsevier (IF: 2.21)
Turbulence Over Chains of Hemispherical Ribs Under Waves in a Current 54, 1-21, doi:10.1029/2017WR020379 2018 Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union(AGU) (I.F.: 4.39)
Modulation of the recirculation region due to magneto hydrodynamic flow Page 1-12, 2018 Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,Elsevier
Effect of relative spacing on wake turbulence under wave-current flow 45 (6), 489-503 2018 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering


Wave-current generated turbulence over hemisphere bottom roughness 202,1-17 2018 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Elsevier
Turbulence over a pair of submerged hemispheres in presence of surface waves and following current 140(3), 031104(10 pages) 2017 Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME
Turbulence study over submerged obstacles on waves and currents combined flow 23(3), 246-257 2017 ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor and Francis
Turbulent wakes behind bed-mounted hemispheres in co-existing surface wave 44(2), 169–183 2017 International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research
Higher-order turbulence statistics of wave-current flow over a submerged hemisphere 49, 025504 (27pp) 2017 Fluid Dynamics Research, IOP Publishing, The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics
Turbulence between two inline hemispherical obstacles under wave-current interactions 88, 32-52 2016 Advances in Water Resources, Elsevier