

List of Patents by Dr Ruchira Naskar
  • 1 R. Naskar, D. Das and R. Das, "A Forensic System for Feature based Image Splicing Detection and Evaluation", Indian Copyright Diary No.: 22698/2023-CO/SW, Registration No. SW-17587/2023, filed in August 2023, granted in December 2023.
    Year: 2023

  • 2 R. Naskar, V. U. Sameer, R. S. K. Reddy and S. G. Chandra, “A System for Execution and Evaluation of Forensic Source Identification of Digital Images", Indian copyright registered in April 2018 (Registration No.: SW-10532/2018 Dated: 25/04/
    Year: 2018

  • 3 R. S. Chakraborty, R. Naskar and B. Sarkar, “A Method and System for Evaluation of Reversible Watermarking of Digital Images and Audio”, Indian patent filed in May 2013 (Ref: 853/KOL/2013).
    Year: 2013