Paul, R. and Dalui, S. K. (2022), “Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a High-rise Rectangular Building with Wings”, Wind and Structures, An International Journal, Korea (Techno Press), [Accepted on January 09, 2022], Impact Factor: 2.470.
Paul, R. and Dalui, S. K., “Optimization of alongwind and crosswind force coefficients on a tall building with horizontal limbs using surrogate modelling”, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings (John Wiley & Sons), Vol. 30, No.4, pp-1-20,, 2021, Impact Factor: 2.048.
Paul, R. and Dalui, S. K., “Shape optimization to reduce wind pressure on the surfaces of a rectangular building with horizontal limbs”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Vol. 65, No.1, pp-134-149, , 2020, Impact Factor: 1.140.
Paul, R. and Dalui, S. K., “Prognosis of Wind-Tempted Mean Pressure Coefficients of Cross-Shaped Tall Buildings Using Artificial Neural Network”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering,, Vol. 64, No.4, pp-1124-1143, 2020, Impact Factor: 1.140.
Paul, R. and Dalui, S. K., “Wind Effects on ‘Z’ Plan Shaped Tall Building: A Case Study”, Int. J. Adv. Struct. Engg. (Springer), Vol. 8, No. 3, pp- 319-335, DOI 10.1007/s40091-016-0134-9, 2016, Impact Factor: 0.840.
International Conferences:
Paul, R., Dalui, S. K. (2020), “Assessment of Peak Pressures and Gust Factors on Surfaces of Z Shaped Tall Building under Wind.” 1st Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics 2020 (ICRACEM 2020), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, September 4-6, 2020.
Paul, R., and Dalui, S. K. (2019). Wind Effects on Cross Plan Shaped Tall Building. In Proceedings of the 64th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (pp. 52). Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Khordha, India, December 09 - 12.
Paul, R. and Dalui, S. K. (2019), “Wind Effects on ‘L’ Plan Shaped Tall Building: A Case Study”, Int. Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures (ACMS-2018), IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, March 7-8, 2018, pp. -14.
Dalui, S. K, and Paul, R.(2016), “The Effects of Position of Limbs on a Rectangular Plan Shaped Tall Building under Wind”, ACEM16, Jeju, Korea, 28th August-1st September, 2016, ISBN 978-89-89693-44-4.