Designation: Research Scholar
Degree: Ph. D.
Fellowship: INSTITUTE
Enrollment No.: 20190045,
Date: 17 Jul 2019
Registration No.: 2020CEPR021,
Date: 10 Oct 2020
Supervisor: Sujata Biswas
Topic: Stochastic analysis of drought and climate change impacts
Stochastic Hydrology, Hydro Climatology, Climate Change
1. Suvro Aon, Sujata Biswas, Bivariate Assessment of Hydrological Drought of a Semi-Arid Basin and Investigation of Drought Propagation Using a Novel Cross Wavelet Transform Based Technique , Water Resources Management, 2024
2. Suvro Aon, Sujata Biswas, Spatially distributed bivariate Meteorological drought analysis using copula technique in a semi-arid river basin of West Bengal, India , 155, 2885-2901, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2023
3. Suvro Aon, Subimal Nandi, Shoubhik Sen, Sujata Biswas, GRACE based groundwater drought evaluation of Ganga Basin and analysis of drought propagation using wavelet based quantitative approach , Science of The Total Environment, 2024