1 |
Recruitment of Technical personnel on purely temporary basis for Digital Education Hub at IIEST. (Notice Dt. 28.12.2020-Advt. Ref. No.RO/DE/20/69) |
28/12/2020 |
2 |
Walk-in Interview will be held on 08.01.2021 at 11:00 a.m for Psychiatric Counselor on temporary basis.(Advt. No. RO/DE/20/68 Dt.23.12.2020) |
24/12/2020 |
3 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 18.12.2020 for the post of JRF position (Ref.: Advt. No. CE 1610, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 17.03.2020 and Institute Website Ad dated 04.11.2020) |
15/12/2020 |
4 |
CORRIGENDUM: Applications invited for the post of JRF,Project Associate & Project Assistant/ Field worker in the Department of Aerospace and Applied Mechanics(Ref.: Advt. No. AM 1629, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
07/12/2020 |
5 |
Re- Employment Notice : Applications invited for recruitment of Temporary Doctors (Advt. No. RO/DE/20/67 Dt. 02.12.2020 & Ref. Advt. No. RO/OC/20/63 dt.14.10.2020) |
02/12/2020 |
6 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 04.12.2020 for the post of SRF position (Ref. Advt. No.CE 1628, dated 06.11.2020) |
01/12/2020 |
7 |
CORRIGENDUM :Applications invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Aerospace and Applied Mechanics (Ref.: Advt. No. AM 1635, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
27/11/2020 |
8 |
Applications invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Aerospace and Applied Mechanics (Ref.: Advt. No. AM 1635, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
25/11/2020 |
9 |
Applications invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Computer Science and Technology(Ref.: Advt. No. CH 1623, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
25/11/2020 |
10 |
Applications invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Chemistry(Ref.: Advt. No. CH 1627, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
25/11/2020 |
11 |
Applications invited for the post of JRF,Project Associate & Project Assistant/ Field worker in the Department of Aerospace and Applied Mechanics(Ref.: Advt. No. AM 1629, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
25/11/2020 |
12 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 17.11.2020 (Ref: Advt. No. MN 1626, published in the “Statesman (All Editions)” dated 30.10.2020) and Institute Website Ad dated 02/11/2020) |
13/11/2020 |
13 |
Online Interview for JRF position related to Research project of Chemistry Dept. is scheduled on 11.11.2020 (Ref. Advt. No. CH 1601 Dt.05.03.2020)(Notice Dt.09.11.2020) |
09/11/2020 |
14 |
Applications invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) for DST-BT,GoWB sponsored project (Ref.: Advt. No. CE 1628, dated 06.11.2020) |
06/11/2020 |
15 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 07.11.2020 (Ref. Advt. No. EC 1609, dated 17.03.2020, & Advt. No. EC 1612, dated 19.03.2020 (published in the “Statesman -All Edition) and Institute Website Ad dated 28/10/2020) |
06/11/2020 |
16 |
Applications invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Civil Engineering within 14th Nov 2020(Ref.: Advt. No. CE 1610, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 17.03.2020) |
04/11/2020 |
17 |
Online interview on 17.11.2020 for the post of Research Associate in the Department of Mining Engineering (Ref: Advt. No. MN 1626, published in the “Statesman (All Editions)” dated 30.10.2020) |
02/11/2020 |
18 |
Online interview on 07.11.2020 for the post of JRF (Ref.: Advt. No. EC 1609, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)” dated 17.03.2020 and Advt. No. EC 1612, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)” dated 19.03.2020) |
28/10/2020 |
19 |
Addendum to the Employment Notifications vides Advt. No. RO/OC/20/62 dated 14.10.2020 for recruitment for the post of Senior Medical Officer (01) and Advt. No. RO/OC/20/63 dated 14.10.2020 for recruitment of Temporary Doctors (03) |
23/10/2020 |
20 |
Online Interview for Temporary Faculty positions for Mining Engineering and School of Management Sciences is scheduled on 21.10.2020 (Ref: Advt. No. RO/OC/20/61, Dated: 12.10.2020) Date: 20.10.2020 |
20/10/2020 |
21 |
Applications invited for Temporary Doctors position (Ref. Advt. No. RO/OC/20/63 Dt. 14.10.2020) (Notice Dt. 16.10.2020) |
16/10/2020 |
22 |
Applications invited for the post of Senior Medical Officer (Ref. Advt. No. RO/OC/20/62 Dt. 14.10.2020) (Notice Dt. 16.10.2020) |
16/10/2020 |
23 |
Applications invited for Walk-in interview (in online mode) for the temporary positions of Department of Mining Engineering & School of Management Sciences (Advt.No.RO/OC/20/61 dt.12.10.2020) |
13/10/2020 |
24 |
Online Interview for JRF position related to Research project of Chemistry Dept. is scheduled on 08.10.2020 (Ref. Advt. No. CH 1601 Dt.05.03.2020)(Notice Dt.03.10.2020) |
06/10/2020 |
25 |
Online Interview for Temporary Faculty positions for SOMS and CEGESS (Ref. Advt. No. RO/JL/20/54, Dated: 24.07.2020)is scheduled on 23.09.2020 (Notice Dated. 22.09.2020) |
22/09/2020 |
26 |
Online Interview for Temporary Faculty positions for SOMR, SOCSAT, CHST, HSS and Physics Dept.(Ref. Advt. No. RO/JL/20/54, Dated: 24.07.2020)is scheduled from 21.09.2020 to 22.09.2020 (Notice Dated. 20.09.2020) |
20/09/2020 |
27 |
Online Interview for Temporary Faculty positions for MND School(Material Science), Earth Science & Mining Dept's.(Ref. Advt. No. RO/JL/20/54, Dated: 24.07.2020)is scheduled from 19.09.2020 to 20.09.2020 (Notice Dated. 18.09.2020) |
18/09/2020 |
28 |
NOTE THE CHANGE IN THE SCHEDULED TIME: The online interview on 17.09.2020 for the Temporary Faculty positions of Electrical Engineering Department will start from 9.00 am in place of 10:00 am. |
15/09/2020 |
29 |
Online Interview for Temporary Faculty positions (Ref. Advt. No. RO/JL/20/54, Dated: 24.07.2020)is scheduled from 14.09.2020 to 18.09.2020 (Notice Dated. 13.09.2020) |
13/09/2020 |
30 |
ADDENDUM reference to Notice dated 08.09.2020: The Listed candidates for Temporary Faculty positions are requested to submit PhD Degree Certificate latest by 10.09.2020 (Addendum Date:09.09.2020) |
09/09/2020 |
31 |
The Listed candidates for Temporary Faculty positions are requested to submit PhD Degree Certificate latest by 10.09.2020 (Ref. Advt. No. Advt. No. RO/JL/20/54 Dated 24.07.2020) (Notice Date:08.09.2020) |
08/09/2020 |
32 |
Applications invited for Temporary and Visiting Faculty positions (Advt. No. RO/JL/20/54 Dt.24.07.2020) |
25/07/2020 |
33 |
CORRIGENDUM: Walk-in-interview postponed [Advt. No. CE 1610, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 17.03.2020 Ref.: Advt. No. EC 1612, dated 19.03.2020 |
23/03/2020 |
34 |
CORRIGENDUM: Walk-in-interview postponed Advt. No. EC 1609, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 17.03.2020 (Ref.: Advt. No. EC 1612, dated 19.03.2020 |
23/03/2020 |
35 |
Walk in-interview on 25.03.2020 for the post of JRF (Ref.: Advt. No. CE 1610, dated 13.03.2020) |
17/03/2020 |
36 |
Walk in-interview on 25.03.2020 for the post of JRF (Ref.: Advt. No. EC 1609, dated 13.03.2020) |
17/03/2020 |
37 |
Applications are invited to develop skilled manpower through vocational training for youth(Advt. No. SCT 1608 dt.12.03.2020) |
17/03/2020 |
38 |
Applications are invited for one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Chemistry (Advt. No. CH 1601 dt.05.03.220) |
05/03/2020 |
39 |
CORRIGENDUM:Applications inviting for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Mining Engineering,IIEST,Shibpur |
17/02/2020 |
40 |
Applications inviting for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Mining Engineering,IIEST,Shibpur |
05/02/2020 |
41 |
Walk in-interview on 06.02.2020 for the post of JRF (Ref.: Advt. No. IT 1576, dated 10.01.2020) |
10/01/2020 |
42 |
WALK-IN INTERVIEW for Recruitment of Temporary Faculty at IIEST, Shibpur (Advt. No. RO/JA/20/06 Date: 03-01-2020) |
03/01/2020 |
43 |
WALK IN INTERVIEW for the post of Temporary Staff (purely temporary basis) for TEQIP-III project (Advt. No.: RO/JA/20/04 (WEBSITE)Date: 03/01/2020) |
03/01/2020 |