1 |
Shortlisted candidates for Online Interview to be held on 17.12.2021 for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): (Ref.: Advt. No. CE 1712 dated 09.11.2021) |
10/12/2021 |
2 |
Online interview on 08.12.2021 for the Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)(Ref.: Advt. No. EC 1721, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 26.11.2021) |
26/11/2021 |
3 |
A walk- in interview will be held on 08.12.2021 at 2.00 PM for the Post of JRF & Project Assistant( Ref.: Advt. No. CGE 1717, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 19.11.2021) |
22/11/2021 |
4 |
Shortlisted candidates for final Interview to be held on 18.11.2021 for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): (Ref.: Advt. No. SMS 1708, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 23.10.2021) |
15/11/2021 |
5 |
Rescheduling of online interview for Temporary Faculty positions for the School of Management Sciences (Dt.14.11.2021) |
15/11/2021 |
6 |
Online interview for recruitment of Temporary Faculty with reference to Advt. No. RO/AU/21/08, dated: 13/08/2021 is scheduled to start from 13.11.2021 at 12 noon. (Notice Dt. 12.11.2021) |
12/11/2021 |
7 |
A Walk- in interview will be held on 18.11.2021 at 2.00 PM for the selection of Project Associate-1 (Ref.: Advt. No. CGE 1710, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 03.11.2021) |
11/11/2021 |
8 |
CORRIGENDUM: Walk- in interview scheduled to be held on 10.11.2021 at 2.00 PM for the selection of Project Associate-1 (Ref.: Advt. No. CGE 1710, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 03.11.2021) |
10/11/2021 |
9 |
A walk-in interview will be held on 24.11.2021 for the post of Project Associate(Ref.: Advt. No. CGE 1711, published in the “Statesman (All Editions)” and “Dainik Statesman (Bengali)”, dated 10.11.2021) |
10/11/2021 |
10 |
CORRIGENDUM:Shortlisted candidates for final Interview to be held on 12.11.2021 for the post of Project Assistant/Field worker: (Ref.: Advt. No. AM 1629, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
09/11/2021 |
11 |
Applications invited for recruitment of Junior Research Fellow(JRF) in the Department of Civil Engineering (Ref.: Advt. No. CE 1712, dated 09.11.2021) |
09/11/2021 |
12 |
A walk- in interview will be held on 10.11.2021 at 2.00 PM for the selection of Project Associate-1 (Ref.: Advt. No. CGE 1710, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 03.11.2021) |
02/11/2021 |
13 |
Shortlisted candidates for final Interview to be held on 05.11.2021 for the post of Project Assistant/Field worker: (Ref.: Advt. No. AM 1629, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
29/10/2021 |
14 |
Online interview for Junior Research Fellow(JRF) in the School of Advanced Materials and Green Energy Sensor System(Ref.: Advt. No. SMS 1708, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 23.10.2021 ) |
23/10/2021 |
15 |
Applications invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow(SRF) in the Department of Civil Engineering(Ref.: Advt. No. CE 1703, dated 21.10.21) |
21/10/2021 |
16 |
Applications invited for faculty positions against the backlog reserved vacancies (Advertisement No. RO/SE/21/12 Date: 22.09.2021) |
23/09/2021 |
17 |
Shortlisted candidates for online Interview to be held on 24.09.2021 for the post of Junior Research Assistant ( JRA) (Ref.: Advt. No. ARC 1691, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 24.08.2021) |
17/09/2021 |
18 |
ADDENDUM to Advt. No.RO/AU/21/08, Dt. 13.08.2021 regarding recruitment of Temporary and Visiting Faculty (Notice Dt. 24.08.2021) |
24/08/2021 |
19 |
Applications invited for recruitment of Junior Research Assistant (JRA) in the School of Ecology, Infrastructure and Human Settlement Management(Ref.: Advt. No. ARC 1691, published in the Statesman (All Edition), dated 24.08.2021) |
24/08/2021 |
20 |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 24.08.2021at 11 A.M for 01(one) Psychiatric Counselor,purely on temporary basis(Advt.No. RO/AU/21/11 dt.16.08.2021) |
17/08/2021 |
21 |
Applications invited for recruitment of Temporary and Visiting Faculty positions with reference to Advt. No.RO/AU/21/08 Dt. 13.08.2021 (Notice Dt. 13.08.2021) |
16/08/2021 |
22 |
Applications invited for recruitment directly/on deputation for the post of Senior Medical Officer (Advt. No.RO/AU/21/07 dt.08.08.2021) |
08/08/2021 |
23 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 26.07.2021 for the post of Technical Assistant (Ref.: Advt. No. MT 1678, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.05.2021) |
22/07/2021 |
24 |
RECRUITMENT OF FACULTY: Processing of First Round of Selection with reference to rolling advertisement (No. JU/RO/19/57, dated: 11.06.2019 & DE/RO/19/104, dated: 05.12.2019) |
17/07/2021 |
25 |
Applications invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)in the Department of Electrical Engineering(Ref: Advt. No. EE 1682, published in the “Statesman (All Editions)” & “Dainik Statesman”, dated 25.06.2021) |
25/06/2021 |
26 |
Applications invited for the post of Project Associate & Senior Project Associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering(Ref: Advt. No. EE 1681, published in the “Statesman (All Editions)” & “Dainik Statesman”, dated 25.06.2021) |
25/06/2021 |
27 |
Applications invited for the post of Research Associate (RA)in the Department of Electrical Engineering(Ref: Advt. No. EE 1680, published in the “Statesman (All Editions)” & “Dainik Statesman”, dated 25.06.2021) |
25/06/2021 |
28 |
Applications invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Mining Engineering(Ref.: Advt. No. MN 1679, dated 31.05.2021) |
01/06/2021 |
29 |
Applications invited for the post of Technical Assistant in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering(Ref.Advt. No. MT 1678, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.05.2021) |
25/05/2021 |
30 |
Applications invited for the post of SRF in the Department of Chemistry(Ref.Advt. No.CH 1677 dt.24.05.2021) |
24/05/2021 |
31 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 03.04.2021 for the post of SRF ( Ref.: Advt. No. MT 1643, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 02.02.2021) |
30/03/2021 |
32 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 04.04.2021 for the post of JRF (Ref.: Advt. No. MT 1646, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 10.02.2021) |
30/03/2021 |
33 |
Applications invited for the post of Project Fellow in the Department of Mining Engineering ( Ref.: Advt. No. MN 1658 dated 04.03.2021) |
05/03/2021 |
34 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 27.02.2021 for the post of JRF (Ref.: Advt. No. IT 1640, dated 21.01.2021) |
23/02/2021 |
35 |
Walk-in-Interview for the Post of Technical Personnel for Digital Education Hub on 24.02.2021.(Ref. Advt. No.RO/FE/21/02 Dt.17.02.2021) |
18/02/2021 |
36 |
Applications invited for the post of JRF in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering ( Ref.: Advt. No. MT 1646, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 10.02.2021) |
11/02/2021 |
37 |
Applications invited for the post of Post-Doctoral Fellow/Senior Research Associate: in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering ( Ref.: Advt. No. MT 1643, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 02.02.2021) |
03/02/2021 |
38 |
Applications invited for the post of the selection of JRF in the Department of Information Technology ( Ref.: Advt. No. IT 1640, dated 21.01.2021) |
25/01/2021 |
39 |
Applications invited for the post of the selection of SRF (01) for WB DST&B sponsored Project in the Department of Information Technology ( Advt. No. IT 1639, dated 21.01.2021) |
21/01/2021 |
40 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 23.01.2021 & 24.01.2021 for the post of Project Associate & JRF respectively(Ref.: Advt. No. AM 1629, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
15/01/2021 |
41 |
Shortlisted candidates for Interview to be held on 23.01.2021 for the post of JRF position (Ref.: Advt. No. CS 1623, published in the “Statesman (All Edition)”, dated 25.11.2020) |
11/01/2021 |
42 |
Applications invited for recruitment of Officer Cadre 'Registrar' Post on deputation/Contract basis (Advt. No. RO/JA/21/01 Dt. 08.01.2021) |
10/01/2021 |