# | List of Publication by Dr. Soumen Mitra |
1 | Nasibul Alam, Soumen Mitra, Swati Saha, Impact of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Pressure in Socio-Economic Transformation of Agro-based Riverine Communities of Lower Gangetic Floodplain, India, 163-193, Youth, Community, and Democracy in India, Myanmar, and Thailand, 2025 |
2 | Pranoy Kr. Mondal, Trisha Barui, Soumen Mitra, Souvanic Roy, Smart cycle stand and app based bicycle sharing system at New Town (Rajarhat), Kolkata, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India and National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2023 |
3 | Mitra, S. and Sadhukhan, M.C., Spatial Growth of Religious Architecture: Case of Indian Temples, 401-425, Perception, Design and Ecology of the Built Environment - A Focus on the Global South, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020 |
4 | Mitra, S., Roy, S., Roy, S.K., Sanyal, M.K., Land Use and Infrastructure Development Strategy for Planned Transformation of Bally-Howrah-Uluberia Planning Area, Urban Development in Howrah: Socio-Economic Perspectives, 304-312, Part IV, PRIMUS Books Publishers [ISBN: 978-93- 84082-39-0], 2015 |
Created: 23 November 2019