

# List of Publication by Dr. Saptarshi Kundu
1 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Use of dynamic compaction for densifying MSW landfills, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 4, 159-169, In: Transportation, Water and Environmental Geotechnics, N.V. Satyanarayana Reddy Chirla, S. Saride and S. Haldar (Eds.), Springer Singapore (pubs.), 2021
2 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Influence of geofoam infilled trenches in attenuation of ground vibrations induced during dynamic compaction, Volume 118, 63-72, In: Ground Improvement Techniques (Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-15-9987-3). Lecture notes in Civil engineering, T.G. Sitharam, C.R. Parthasarathy and Sreevalsa Kolathayar (Eds.), Springer Singapore (pubs.), 2021
3 Viswanadham BVS and Kundu Saptarshi, Studies on modelling of Dynamic Compaction in a Geocentrifuge, 373-391, Latest Developments in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics-Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering, .TG. Sitharam et al. (Eds.),Springer Singapore (pubs), 2021
4 Kundu Saptarshi and Viswanadham BVS, Use of dynamic compaction in constructing subgrades over reclaimed fills, Volume 29, 595-607, Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure (Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-13-6712-0). Lecture notes in Civil engineering, R. Sundaram, J. Shahu, and V. Havanagi (Eds.), Springer, Singapore (pubs.), 2019

Created: 23 November 2019